The Darkening_A Coming of Age Horror Novel
Page 20
“We need a plan,” Eric cried. “Downtown is a war zone. Can’t you sense it? Even the air feels wrong.” He walked onto the porch, shuddered, and wiped the rain from his face.
“Ben said I’ll know what to do when the time comes,” Danny explained.
“Can you figure it the fuck out, because it’s already here! It took my family,” Eric cried. “There’s nothing left.”
“What?” Sam asked, stepping closer.
“My house is gone. My mom and my sister are gone. How do I bring them back?”
“Gone?” Danny asked.
“Yes, gone,” Eric shouted. “I want them back, Danny. I hated them so much but I want them back.”
Sam wrapped her arms around him tightly. “I’m so sorry. We’ll figure this out, I swear we will.”
“I can’t lose everyone,” Eric whined. “I just can’t.”
The floodgates opened. Eric wailed as he buried his face in Sam’s neck and let the pain consume him. Danny embraced them, rubbing his hand over Eric’s sodden hair. He suddenly felt like he was capable of anything, drawing power from their friendship and love.
“Now,” Eric said, raising his head and wiping his cheeks, “we need to kill this thing.” His gaze was ice-cold, his resolve unbending. “Even if that means killing it myself.”
Brent was still locked in his bedroom when the Skryel returned to Elmview.
He writhed on the floor in ecstasy as the wasps swarmed over every inch of his skin. Their quiet buzz was soothing, comforting, erotic. They whispered their secrets to him as he rubbed his hands over his warm flesh and arched his back in the throes of passion.
At once, the wasps took flight and formed a solid wall above him. A cloudy image formed like unfocused pictures on a drive-in movie screen. As the image cleared, Brent realized what he was seeing.
A view from above.
He saw everything through the Skryel’s eyes, watching as Elmview was swallowed by the approaching storm.
The Darkening was so close he could taste it.
The Skryel’s rage flowed through him, strengthened him, gave him purpose. For once, he wouldn’t be the third wheel, the outcast, the fat kid with a target on his back. This time he was the bully… and it felt wonderful.
Through the dark, Brent heard his master’s voice.
The Skryel spoke and Brent listened.
Chapter 13
Sam napped on the sofa when she was awakened by the sound of scratching at the back door.
Danny and Eric had urged her to come with them to Ben’s house. They weren’t comfortable leaving her alone, but she’d persuaded them to go on without her. She hadn’t slept in days. She’d promised to meet up with them as soon as she awoke.
She walked down the short hallway to the back door and pushed the blinds aside, peering into the yard. Her mother’s garden was dying. She’d always tended to her flowers with great pride, but no amount of loving care would bring them back now. Like everything else in this new world, beauty was failing.
I hope she’s okay, Sam thought. After hearing what had happened to Eric’s family, she was even more on edge.
Sam opened the door and stepped outside, relishing the simple act of walking barefoot through the grass. A light breeze lifted her hair. It was remarkably quiet, almost peaceful. Leaves fluttered soothingly in the elm tree at the foot of the property.
The yard was empty. Whatever had made the noise was gone, or she’d imagined the entire thing. Who would blame her for being a little jumpy? She sighed and turned when Brent jumped out from behind the toolshed, placing himself between her and the back door. She covered her nose and coughed as the stench of spoiled meat drifted from his rotting flesh. His hair had fallen out in patches and his skin was the color of Swiss cheese.
“Hey there, Sammy,” Brent said. His voice rumbled through cracked, bleeding lips.
“Brent? My God, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“I’ve been a bit under the weather, but I feel fine now. Never better, in fact.” He scratched lightly at his cheek as a ribbon of flesh caught beneath his fingernail and tore away. He looked at the scrap and laughed. “I may need to see a dermatologist, however.”
Between the gagging smell and his physical appearance, Sam’s eyes began watering uncontrollably.
“We have to get you some help,” she said.
“Oh, Samantha, don’t you cry for me… I come to good old Elmview with a banjo on my knee.” She stared as Brent sang his ditty and watched her as if waiting for applause. Sam wanted nothing more than to run inside and lock the door behind her.
“You’re scaring me,” she said.
“Scared of me? You know I’d never hurt you. Don’t you know I love you?” Brent stepped closer, forcing her back. She bumped into the wire fence surrounding her mother’s garden. “This is only the beginning, Sam. The Shadowking showed me how things are going to be. You can come with me and live in the stars. Wouldn’t you like that?”
“Brent, don’t listen to that monster. It’s feeding you lies, don’t you see that? Stay here with me and Danny… we’ll help you get better.”
“Danny,” he grimaced. He rolled the name on his tongue and frowned at the bitter taste it left in his mouth. “Danny is a snake and a coward. He took you away from me.”
“Took me away? Brent, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t play games with me,” he hissed. “Everything has been written. There’s an order to the universe, and when that balance is challenged, something needs to be done.”
“Brent, I want you to leave. You’re not well…”
“I’m starting to lose my patience with you, Samantha. You have an opportunity to be part of something extraordinary, don’t you get that?”
“Please,” she begged. “Just go.”
“Please,” he mocked. “Please, please, please. You stupid bitch,” he screamed. Saliva sprayed from his mouth and spattered her cheeks. “Ungrateful little whore! Do you think Danny can offer you a tenth of what I can? Are you so fucking blind you don’t see what’s going on? Danny will be dead and rotting in the street and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.” He spit a tooth into his palm and tossed it aside.
Sam looked away, choking on the gassy stink of his breath.
“Look at me,” he demanded. “I’m not asking again.” He grabbed her by the chin and pulled her head toward him. His skin was hot and covered in slime from the suppurating wounds covering his arms. When he pulled his hand away from Sam’s chin, he left skin behind. It hung from her neck like a wattle.
“I’m looking,” she grunted through clenched teeth. “Say what you have to say and get the fuck out.”
“Oh, baby girl, now you’re just turning me on,” he laughed. He pushed his crotch against her leg, grinding his erection into her thigh.
“You’re disgusting.”
“I’ve been called much worse than that. Why don’t you give it a chance? Maybe you’ll enjoy it.”
“Never,” she screamed. She tried pushing Brent out of the way to create enough space to run inside, but Brent didn’t budge. He raised his arm and smacked her hard across the cheek. She rubbed the tender flesh in shock. It was the first time anyone had hit her.
“I tried talking sense into you, Sam, but you just don’t fucking listen.” When he struck her the second time, he did so with a closed fist. Sam crumpled to the ground at his feet.
He grabbed her legs and dragged her inside, slamming the door behind him.
“Oh, Samantha… don’t you die on me,” he sang. He pulled her up the stairs and dumped her body on the bedroom floor, watching the steady rise and fall of her chest. He sat in Sam’s desk chair and waited for her to regain consciousness.
It would be much more fun that way.
Sam opened her eyes and gasped.
The ceiling and floor had swapped places.
She hung from the wall like a cheap painting, upside-down,
her hands and feet bound by torn shreds of clothing. Wooden garden stakes had been pounded into the plaster to keep her in place. She looked up at her feet and saw she was completely naked.
The ceiling was a living sea of wasps.
“Glad to see you’re finally awake,” Brent said. “I thought I’d killed you for a second there.” He stepped from a shadow in the corner of the room, wearing nothing more than a filthy pair of socks. His body was covered in open sores. His penis jutted out in front of him, leaking blood from its engorged tip.
“Brent? What are you doing, you sick fuck?”
“Nothing yet,” he laughed. “Admiring the view. I see why Danny finds you so interesting. Those little tits though… what a letdown.”
Sam wriggled and twisted but the knots only grew tighter.
“If you try to escape, I’ll gut you like a fish. You’re not going anywhere, Sam. You’re mine now.”
She’d grown lightheaded from hanging upside-down. Her face burned from where Brent had struck her. He put a hand on her thigh and pushed her against the wall so she couldn’t struggle.
“If you make this difficult, I’m going to find Danny and make him watch while I tear you apart. Do you understand?”
Sam didn’t reply.
Brent punched her in the thigh as her muscles cramped painfully. “Do you understand?” he repeated.
“Yes, yes,” she screamed. “Please, don’t hurt me anymore. Let me down and go. I swear I won’t tell anyone.”
“I’m not worried about that, dear. When we’re finished, there won’t be anyone left to tell.”
“No, please. Untie me. You don’t have to do this.”
She twitched as a wasp landed on her toe.
“You’re not getting it, are you? I do have to do this. Now, be still.” He reached out, grabbed her breast, and squeezed until she screamed. His ruined hand left behind a sticky patch of blood.
“Why, Brent?” she groaned. “I know this isn’t you. That fucking monster is making you do this. It’s controlling you.”
“It’s not making me do anything. You walk around in those tight shorts with your ass hanging out for everyone to see. I wanted more than that… I wanted to touch you. Taste you. That would’ve never happened with Danny in the way, but he’s not here, is he? Danny?” he called. “Daaaannnny? Nope, we have the house all to ourselves.” His right hand reached higher, brushing her pubic hair with the back of his fingers. “Is this what Danny does to you before you fuck him?”
“It’s none of YOUR BUSINESS,” she cried. Brent slapped her across the mouth, rocking her head to the side. She heard one of the garden stakes groan.
“Everything is my business,” he said, reaching between her legs. Sam tried squeezing her thighs together when Brent punched her again. The pain made her toes grow numb. “The more you fight, the more it hurts. We can take this nice and easy, honey. I’ll be gentle.”
“Please, Brent, you don’t have to hurt me anymore. We can work something out. Just untie me. I won’t run, I promise.”
“Your promises mean nothing. It must have been so easy for you being the pretty girl. When you talk, the boys listen, huh? They all want to fuck you and the other girls want to be just like you. Poor, poor Samantha. How does it feel not being in control for once?”
“What did I ever do to you, Brent? Was I mean? Did I call you names? I don’t deserve this.”
“I’ll decide what you deserve, but I don’t think you’re going to like it.”
He rubbed the smooth flesh between her breasts, but she could do nothing to stop it. Several more wasps glided from the ceiling and landed on her legs. The sensation would eventually drive her mad.
“I was nice to you. I only ever wanted to be your friend.”
“What do you know about friendship? You got to pick and choose every friend you’ve ever had. Which ones are the prettiest, which ones are the smartest, which ones will kiss your ass and tell you how perfect you are?”
“It’s not like that,” she yelled. “Let me go, goddamn you!”
“What did I ever have? Danny was always the popular one and Eric was the one they felt sorry for. I was the fat one. The one everyone smacked with wet towels in the locker room. No one wanted to get to know me… all they saw was some disgusting kid with cookie crumbs on his shirt.”
As Brent raged on, Sam felt the stake at her feet give a little more, sprinkling the carpet with plaster dust.
“You’re much more than that and you know it,” she said softly. “Danny and Eric love you. I…”
“You? You what? You love me?” he interrupted. “Is that what you’re going to say?”
“Yes, as my friend, as Danny’s best friend.”
She noticed a brief twinkle in his eye, a single moment of recognition.
“I see what you’re doing,” he shouted, shaking his head. “You can’t sweet talk me, bitch. I see through your bullshit.”
“It’s not bullshit, it’s the truth. You’re better than this. The Brent I know would never hurt his friends.”
“I’m not the Brent you know,” he screamed. “I’m the Brent who takes what he wants.”
“You don’t want this,” she said. Her vision blurred.
Are the wasps poisoning me? she thought. Please, no. I don’t want to end up like him.
Whether from the wasps or from hanging inverted so long, she couldn’t tell, but either way, if she didn’t escape soon, she might not have another chance.
She collected her thoughts and changed tactics. If Brent’s weak spot was his feelings of inadequacy, maybe there was a way to bring him back.
“You know what, Brent? Fuck you! I’m done pretending.”
“You… what?” The shocked look on his face filled her with hope.
“You heard me. Of course, I never liked you, no one did. What’s to like? You’re disgusting. Look at yourself.”
Brent’s brow wrinkled as he looked down at his flabby, drooping flesh.
“That’s right, take a good look. Did you think the girls would line up at your door when you look like that? If I was you, I never would have left my house.”
“Wait… why, why are you saying that? Stop.”
“Why am I saying that? Jesus Christ, you’re not very bright either.”
“Shut your mouth…”
“Why? You can’t handle the truth, you tub of shit? And look at you now… look what your master has done to you.”
“It’s made me stronger,” he raged. “Better!”
“Better? How? Look at you. You’re not only fat, you’re absolutely horrible!”
Sam wasn’t prepared when Brent punched her in the stomach. Air exploded from her mouth in a strangled wheeze. She pinched her eyes closed as stars exploded behind her eyelids.
“AAARRRGH!” Brent screamed, turning his anger on the furniture. He upended the desk and threw one of the drawers through the window. He broke a coat rack over his knee and used the pieces to break holes in the wall. He was too busy destroying the room to notice that the wooden stake holding Sam’s feet had broken free from the wall, tumbling her in a heap on the floor.
She wriggled her arms free and struggled to her feet, forgetting they were bound by a strip of her shirt. She went to work on the knot as Brent knocked her aquarium to the floor.
Sorry fishies, she thought. Your sacrifice won’t be forgotten.
Brent still hadn’t turned around.
Once her feet were free, she began working on the knot binding her hands. She grabbed it between her teeth and pulled, amazed by how easily it came apart.
“I’m NOT A MONSTER!” Brent bellowed, kicking the door and splintering the wooden frame.
The wasps grew uneasy.
Sam bent and grabbed the broken half of her coat rack, holding it in her hands and feeling her courage soar.
She hissed as one of the wasps planted its stinger in the back of her neck. She swatted it with her hand and held the chunk of wood out in
front of her as Brent stopped what he was doing and turned with a wicked grin.
“You double-crossing cunt,” he said. With clenched fists, he charged, prepared to break the ungrateful bitch’s neck with his bare hands. “You’re mine! The master promised that YOU’D BE MINE!”
When Brent tackled her to the floor, Sam felt like she’d been hit by a truck. All two hundred pounds of Brent’s leaking, pasty flesh pinned her to the floor.
But he was no longer fighting.
Sam used the last of her energy to roll Brent onto the carpet. It was then she noticed the splintered coat rack jutting from between his ribs. Brent lie on the floor, panting and choking as his punctured lung filled with blood.
“I’m sorry, Brent. You didn’t give me any choice.”
“Sam? What happened… where am I?”
She cried out as the wasps took flight, and when she looked down, she saw that Brent was already dead.
“Goddammit,” she cried.
Brent’s lifeless eyes stared at the ceiling.
The wasps were growing restless. She’d seen what they had done to him and she wasn’t about to let that happen to her. She jumped to her feet and crossed the room, pounding on the door that was now wedged tightly in its frame. She yanked on the doorknob and felt it give the slightest bit.
One more pull…
Sam felt a blinding pain in her lower back as Brent punched her in the kidney and sent her reeling to the floor. She couldn’t catch her breath. Brent stood over her and removed the broken sliver of wood from his chest. He showed it to her like a trophy and licked blood from its jagged tip.
“Did you really think it would be that easy?” he asked, kicking her in the ribs. “Did you think the Shadowking would allow this to happen?” He stomped on her arm and broke her ulna just beneath the elbow. “It didn’t have to be this way if you’d just fucking LISTENED!”
Sam felt her nose collapse as blood ran down the back of her throat in a hot, salty river. She felt every blow, but no longer registered pain. If she had to die, she only hoped Danny and Eric could stop Brent and the monster who controlled him.