Brave New Girl (Behind Closed Doors Book 1)

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Brave New Girl (Behind Closed Doors Book 1) Page 10

by Grace Herbst

  Ashley opened the door and peeked in the hall. Her father and Michelle had disappeared downstairs. She heard the desperate plea of Michelle’s voice. “Please don’t do anything rash,” she begged. “We don’t know who did it yet.”

  Kyle nearly exploded. “Of course we know who did it! My sister was assaulted by a young man with anger issues!”

  Ashley never heard her father so livid before. Not when he found out about her skipping school to hang out with Roxanne. Not when she was being rude to Michelle. Not when she cheated on a test. Nothing compared to how he was now. A teenager with anger issues? Was he talking about Simon? Was it true? Had her aunt been attacked by Simon?

  “So what are you going to do? Go over there and confront Mr. Green?” Michelle asked. She didn’t allow her husband to answer. “You wouldn’t get past the threshold. Let the police handle it. Why don’t you go to the hospital and sit with Richard?”

  Kyle’s tone didn’t change. “Let the police handle it? If the police were doing their job, they would have taken care of it when they found out he was stealing jewelry from our neighbors! Now my sister is in the hospital fighting for her life!”

  Ashley didn’t want to hear anymore. She had heard enough. It was Simon. He was the one who assaulted her aunt. Her father didn’t say how badly hurt she was, but it didn’t sound good. She hoped her aunt would be okay. She began to feel guilty about telling Lucas about Simon. If it wasn’t for her, her aunt wouldn’t be in the hospital.

  In fact, a lot of things wouldn’t have happened if she had just stayed in Sapphire City. Perhaps it would be better for everyone if she moved back to the city. Maybe she would be better off with her old friends and she could just let her dad and stepmom live in Emerald with their new baby. Ashley knew what she had to do and began to pack. It was time for her to return to her old life. That was best for everyone.

  As she packed her things into her backpack, she realized she would have to find a bus station. She knew there were buses that ran all night traveling between Emerald and Sapphire City. Her only worry was getting caught by the cops. She had snuck out before, but she hadn’t done it in months. She was a little rusty, but it was worth a shot. Ashley paused for a moment before she went to the closet and grabbed the box that she didn’t want Chloe to take. If she was going to the city, she had to take it along. She removed the items inside and carefully put them into her backpack.

  Ashley waited to make sure Michelle was back in her bedroom before she snuck out of the house, leaving a note behind. By now, she knew the neighborhood pretty well and she was able to find her way out. Every house was quiet and dark, signaling its occupants were fast asleep, unaware of the teenager making her way out of town.

  She jumped as she heard a dog barking in the distance. She forgot how much a noise could scare her when it’s quiet. She had been out at night before, but it was usually in a car and it was in the city where there was a lot of foot traffic. It was a little different walking around town in the middle of the night. There was nobody else around and there weren’t always lit areas. She was relieved when she finally spotted a bus station.

  Ashley noticed the curious look from the employee, but there were no questions as the employee gave her one-way bus ticket to Sapphire City. She then sat down on a bench and waited for the next bus.

  This gave her time to think about what she was doing. Was she really doing the right thing? She did like Emerald. That had not changed. She had to admit she felt bad for leaving her new friends, but she just couldn’t live with the fact that she was the one who caused everything. Besides, her dad and Michelle were starting over with a new baby and she didn’t feel like there was any room for her.

  Ashley snapped out of her reverie as she saw the bus pull up. She knew this was her last chance to change her mind. At the same time, she knew she couldn’t stay. She got up and walked over to the bus stop. The bus slowed to a stop and the door opened. Ashley let out a deep breath before she walked up on the steps and showed the bus driver her ticket. She found an empty seat and settled down for the half hour ride. There was no turning back now.

  Chapter 13

  Ashley stared out the window as the bus bumped along the road. It wasn’t a surprise when she found out she was the only passenger. That was just fine with her. For once, she was more comfortable because she didn’t have to worry about anybody asking questions. Even the bus driver left her alone. As if he was used to seeing teenagers leave in the middle of the night and head towards the city.

  Her phone remained silent. Ashley had a feeling her dad and stepmother wouldn’t find out that she had gone until morning. That would give her enough time to find a place to stay. She knew better than to reach out to her relatives or Roxanne. She didn’t want to contact anyone who would try and convince her to return to Emerald. Or convince her to give into temptation again.

  Ashley looked up ahead to see what was at the next stop. As many times as she had gone through between Emerald and Sapphire City, she still didn’t know everything that was on the route. She was relieved to see there was a gas station coming up. That was the perfect place to get food so she didn’t have to go hunting for some when morning came.

  When the bus made a full stop, Ashley grabbed her backpack and put it over her shoulder. She got up from her seat and headed up the aisle. The driver opened the doors. “Are you going to be alright, miss? It’s really dark out there.”

  Ashley smiled gratefully as she nodded her head. She stepped down onto the road and began to walk towards the gas station. It was easy enough to spot it since it was the only building still lit up. Everything else was still dark.

  As Ashley approached the gas station, she noticed there were a few late-night drivers pumping gas into their vehicles. One woman looked at her strangely. Ashley felt a little uncomfortable with the stranger watching her and she hurried into the gas station, hoping the woman wouldn’t follow her in and bother her.

  As she tried to shake off the creepy feeling the woman had given her, she began glancing through the aisles. A bottle of water was necessary. After she grabbed a bottle, she heard the front door open. Ashley didn’t want to look, afraid to see the woman. She pretended to be focused on looking for her groceries.

  “Excuse me, but aren’t you Ashley Meyer?” an unfamiliar voice asked. Ashley lost her concentration and turned to see who had recognized her. It was the woman who had noticed her in the parking lot. Now that they were face to face, Ashley began to believe this woman wasn’t going to harm her.

  The woman was older than Ashley, but it wasn’t by much. She looked like she was in her mid-twenties. She had thick luxurious strawberry blonde hair and a soft row of bangs across her forehead. Ashley had the strangest feeling she had seen her before, but she couldn’t place her.

  “Yes, that’s me,” Ashley replied warily. She knew she shouldn’t talk to strangers, but this woman seemed to know her. Ashley felt she knew her too. The mystery of where bothered her and it would continue to bother her until she knew where she had seen her. “How can I help you?”

  “I’m Ms. Bartlett, one of the guidance counselors at Emerald High,” Ms. Bartlett explained. Ashley now remembered she was the counselor Mrs. Campbell and Michelle recommended she see. She had seen her around the school, but she had never officially met her. “What are you doing all the way out here?” She didn’t wait for an answer as she grabbed Ashley’s arm. “Come on. I’m taking you home.”

  “No, I’m not going back there,” Ashley protested as she pulled back. “They don’t need me. They are going to have their own family. Besides, I’m almost seventeen. I can take care of myself.”

  Ms. Bartlett raised her eyebrows as she looked at the contents in Ashley’s hands. “Really? That’s why you’re in a gas station in the middle of the night buying a bottle of water and breakfast bars? How long do you think that will hold you?” she challenged. Ashley didn’t answer. “How far have you planned this out? Do you even know where you’re going to be staying? No,
you are coming with me. Get what you want and I’ll pay for it.”

  “Just because we know each other doesn’t mean I trust you,” Ashley snapped. “I don’t even know you. Why don’t you just leave me alone?” she demanded as she began to walk away from Ms. Bartlett.

  “Because I can’t let my coworker’s stepdaughter wander around this late at night by herself,” Ms. Bartlett replied, making Ashley stop in her tracks. “It’s not safe. If you aren’t going to let me take you home, then I’ll take you to my apartment.” Ashley looked at her surprised. Was she really not going to contact the police or even Michelle and her dad? “It can be just for tonight. If you don’t want to stay with me, you’re welcome to leave in the morning.”

  Ashley didn’t answer for a moment. As much as she didn’t want to trust her, staying with her for one night didn’t sound like a bad idea. What else could she do? Where else could she go for the night? The shelter? Out on the streets? Neither option really appealed to her. Even though she didn’t know Ms. Bartlett and she still didn’t trust her, Ms. Bartlett was the best choice. She finally agreed to the arrangement and she finished her shopping before she followed Ms. Bartlett to the store counter.

  After Ms. Bartlett paid for her items, she led her to her vehicle. Ashley placed her backpack in the backseat before she joined Ms. Bartlett in the front seat. She was quiet as she buckled her seatbelt. She really wasn’t planning on making conversation with Ms. Bartlett. She wanted to get this drive over as soon as possible.

  There was silence as Ms. Bartlett drove towards the city. Ashley smiled to herself as she saw the bright lights of the buildings. This was what she had missed. The small town went to sleep after a certain amount of time. Yet, the city was still wide awake. There was still activity and foot traffic. Even when it was after midnight.

  It was proven true as they continued to go deeper in the city. People were still walking around, especially college students. Ashley recognized the places as they drove past the buildings. It felt so good to be back. She didn’t realized how much she missed living in the city.

  However, she still had one question on her mind. “Are you going to call Michelle?” she asked. Ms. Bartlett didn’t answer. Ashley shook her head in disbelief. “I knew it. I should have stayed at the gas station.”

  “Hey, I said I was going to take you to my apartment. I never said I wasn’t going to call Michelle,” Ms. Bartlett pointed out. “I understand that you don’t want to return to Emerald. I’m not taking you back until you’re ready. However, I feel obligated to call Michelle and tell her that you are safe. I don’t want them to worry when they wake up tomorrow morning and find out you’re missing.”

  “They probably won’t even notice I’m gone. They have more problems to focus on than me right now,” Ashley said, not wanting to go into detail. Ms. Bartlett didn’t even ask. “If you didn’t think it was safe for me, why were you out in the middle of the night?”

  “I was visiting some friends and I had a late start back,” Ms. Bartlett replied. “But I don’t mind. I’m a night owl anyway.” There was a short pause. “You know, it really surprises me to find that you are running away. From what I’ve heard, you seemed to be settling in well. In fact, that’s why I thought you felt you didn’t need to talk to me.” Ashley was quiet, not wanting to admit she was right. “What changed?”

  Ashley didn’t want to give her an explanation. “Everything did.”

  Ms. Bartlett gave her a sympathetic look, but she didn’t respond. “I live a short distance from downtown,” she replied. “I know that area is always full of college students, but I love walking through the different shops and eating at the restaurants. Although, I have to admit that Ralph’s Diner has the best shakes. Don’t you agree?”

  Ashley looked at her. Was she trying to use reverse psychology on her so she would change her mind and decide to return to Emerald? Whatever she was planning on doing, it wasn’t going to work. She wanted to see if she was going to continue to push her on how great the diner was, but there was nothing. “They are pretty good.”

  “You may think I’m crazy for living in the city while I work in Emerald, but I have the best of both worlds.” Ms. Bartlett smiled. “I can enjoy the city life and take the drive to Emerald whenever I want. As much as I want to work there full-time, I can’t do it. I have too many other priorities. I love helping students. My coworkers treat me like family. How can I go to work at another school when I love my job?”

  “What about the students who you can’t help?” Ashley asked. “How do you feel about them?”

  “As much as I would love to rescue every single one of my students, I have learned I can’t save them all,” Ms. Bartlett replied. “So I’m going to focus on the ones I can save. Who want to be saved.” Ashley didn’t answer as she stared out the window. There was silence until they arrived at her apartment complex.

  Ms. Bartlett parked the car in an empty space. They both grabbed their belongings before Ms. Bartlett showed her the way to her second-floor apartment. As she unlocked the door, Ashley jumped as she heard a small but fierce bark. Ms. Bartlett just gave her a smile. “Don’t worry. That’s just my dog Daisy. She’s very friendly once she gets to know you.”

  Ms. Bartlett stepped into the foyer first and a small dog came running to greet her owner. However, Daisy was wary of the visitor until Ashley bent down to her level. Reaching out her hand, she let Daisy sniff her. Once the dog realized she was no threat, she asked for attention from the teenager who was more than happy to accept her request.

  “What kind of dog is she?” Ashley asked, not recognizing what breed this little dog was.

  “She’s a Papillion,” Ms. Bartlett replied as Ashley looked around the apartment. Even though the apartment was small, it felt warm and welcoming. “Now why don’t you make yourself at home while I get your room ready? Would you like a midnight snack?”

  Ashley shook her head. “No thanks. May I use your bathroom?”

  Ms. Bartlett nodded. “Of course. It’s down the hall on your left,” she replied. Ashley found the bathroom and closed the door. When she emerged, she could hear Ms. Bartlett talking on the phone.

  As she approached the living room, she could hear what the counselor was saying. She froze and leaned her ear closer to hear the conversation. “Michelle, you know as well as I do that I can’t force her to return home. Otherwise, she will just turn around and run away again. She needs some time away to sort things out. I promise I will bring her back when she’s ready.”

  Ashley couldn’t hear what Michelle’s answer was, but it surprised her to hear that she wasn’t going to be forced to return to Emerald. Ms. Bartlett stayed on the phone a few more minutes longer before she hung up. Ashley walked into the room and tried to act like she hadn’t overheard the conversation. “So, who was on the phone?” she asked, wondering if Ms. Bartlett was going to be honest with her.

  “I called Michelle. She and your dad were worried about you when you took off,” Ms. Bartlett replied. “They’re glad you’re safe and they do want you to come home. I told them I would take you home when you’re ready.”

  Ashley could just imagine how upset her dad was when he heard that news. Especially after hearing about his sister being assaulted. “How did they take that news?”

  Ms. Bartlett couldn’t help but smile. “They weren’t too happy about it, but Michelle is never happy with me.” Ashley remembered what Michelle had told her about Ms. Bartlett. “She doesn’t quite understand my methods of counseling her students, but there’s always a method to my madness. As I explained to her, you have some issues to work out and you won’t be able to return to Emerald until you deal with them.” Ashley was about to correct her when Ms. Bartlett held up her hand. “I know what you said, but I also know what you are going through. I have gone through it myself. Believe me. You’re not in this alone.” Ashley didn’t answer as Ms. Bartlett spoke again. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll have your room ready.”

  “You don�
��t have to go through all that trouble for me,” Ashley said as Ms. Bartlett disappeared in the guest room. “I’m only staying for one night.”

  “I know, but I want to make sure you’re comfortable,” Ms. Bartlett replied as Ashley followed her to the guest room. She watched her straighten up the room before she turned to her. “I’m going to set a couple of towels out in the bathroom for you, just in case you want to take a shower in the morning. Now I will let you settle in for the night. Please let me know if you need anything.”

  “Thank you,” Ashley said and meant it. “Good night.” Ms. Bartlett nodded and closed her door behind her. Ashley couldn’t help but think about their conversation. “A method to her madness?” she asked herself. She shook her head in amusement. “If that method to her madness includes me returning to Emerald, I think she needs a new method.”

  Chapter 14

  When she woke up the next morning, she became confused when she found herself in a different bedroom. After a few minutes, her memories of running away from Emerald and running into Ms. Bartlett at the gas station returned.

  Ashley climbed out of bed and she wandered into the kitchen. She saw Ms. Bartlett was already up and dressed. Baking items were spread out on the counter. A huge glass bowl. Measuring cups. Flour. Sugar. Eggs. It was too obvious of what Ms. Bartlett was planning to make.

  Ms. Bartlett appeared from behind the cupboard door with a bag of chocolate chips. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. I have a busy day and I wanted to get started as soon as possible.”

  “Isn’t it a little early to make cookies? Aren’t the kids in school? Aren’t you supposed to be at school?”

  “To be fair, you should be too,” Ms. Bartlett pointed out as she put the bag of chocolate chips on the counter next to the other baking items. Ashley didn’t want to admit it, but she was right. “Actually, I’m going to be volunteering at the community center this afternoon and I promised to bring some snacks for the children.”


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