Taurus (The Erotic Zodiac Book 5)

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Taurus (The Erotic Zodiac Book 5) Page 1

by Livia Lang


  Livia Lang




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5


  Also by Livia Lang

  About the Author

  © Copyright 2016 Livia Lang

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, or to any actual events is purely coincidental. Please respect the author’s work and do not make any unauthorized copies or distributions.

  Created with Vellum


  Taurus (April 20th-May 20th)

  This sign is ruled by Venus, making you value the sensual side of life. When you feel the pull of attraction you can’t help but give in. Just be sure that your conquest is worthy of your passionate, possessive love.


  Ryder Blake paced his top floor office like a caged lion. CEO of the world's largest athletic fashion company, FITnFAB, he had a lot on his plate. Tens of thousands of employees, fourteen factories, stores in eighty countries, and a board of directors that wouldn't get off his back - he had to juggle it all. Normally he managed the workload with a single-minded determination that was legendary amongst his competitors.

  And yet at the moment he wasn't thinking at all about his empire. Not a single second of his morning had been spent on profits, sales, or expense reports. The only thing he could focus on was sweet Ivy White – his curvy, serious assistant.

  He ran his hands over his face and sighed deeply. "I was a goner the moment she walked into this office. I should never have hired her."

  She was right outside his door at that moment, tempting him to do unspeakable things even while out of sight. Like a bloodhound driven mad by the hunt, just the scent of her perfume was enough to make him rock hard. He could almost imagine her cleavage as she leaned over her desk, making calls on his behalf. What had he been thinking, hiring that gorgeous creature to be his assistant?

  "Fuck, I need to see her." He looked at the buzzer on his desk, but held himself back from hitting it.

  It had been like that every day for weeks. He'd try to work, get distracted by thoughts of her, then make up a bullshit reason to call her into his office. It was clockwork - he could tell the time just by the way his dick ached after a few hours without her.

  He just didn't know how long he could keep it up before she got suspicious. How many times could he call her in, saying his printer had mysteriously stopped working, before she caught on? How long could his company continue to function with him being distracted all the time? He knew he was treading a precarious line, but in all honesty he didn't care. Part of him wanted her to realize he was lusting after her.

  "Oh, fuck it. I'm a lost cause. Might as well call her in."

  He checked his reflection in the window quickly. His short brown hair was perfectly in place, and his Armani suit clung to his muscled body. Straightening his tie, he nodded once. He knew he was a good-looking guy, and he certainly had the money to buy the best stylists in the city. Too bad Ivy never seemed to notice things like that.

  Slapping the buzzer on his desk, he held his breath. He never had to wait long - Ivy was punctual to a fault.

  "Yes, sir?" came her voice, coming through the speaker like a cool breeze.

  "Ivy, what are you working on?"

  "Oh, I am just helping Steve from accounting. He needs to see some personnel files for tax season."

  Ryder grumbled darkly. Steve was a known playboy and philandering asshole. The sleazy accountant was probably pressing as close to Ivy as possible right at that moment, drinking in her curves. No doubt the guy had gross plans to hump and dump sweet Ivy, breaking her heart. The thought made Ryder's head pound.

  "Well, I need you in here. Now." His words came out as a bark, and he shut off the intercom with a slam of his fist.

  Shortly, the door to his office opened and Ivy slunk in. "What did you need me for, sir?" she said softly, her hands folded in front of her.

  He took in the sight of her, trying not to pant. She was wearing a black dress that fit her voluptuous body like a glove. From her thick thighs to her plump cleavage, she was all woman. Even her blonde curls, which were currently pulled back in a messy bun, were soft and round.

  "Sir?" she pressed, shifting her weight.

  "Oh, yes. I need your help with something."

  He racked his brain, trying to think of something he actually needed her help with. He’d only called her in to get her away from Steve, and had neglected to plan past that point. It was showing, based on the way she was looking at him in confusion. Glancing quickly around the room, he said the first thing that came to mind.

  "I need your help organizing my books."

  "Sir?" She looked at the large bookshelves that lined his office. "They look perfectly organized to me."

  "Well, I can't find anything for my research. I want us at the cutting edge for hiking boots. So, I need to know what trails are popular right now, the average weather people will experience during their hikes, and stuff like that. Currently everything is all spread out, and I can't find what I need quickly."

  She exhaled slowly, stepping closer to the books. "Okay, well, I can maybe devote a whole shelf to your current project. I'll pick out the books that you'll probably need, then line them up by author?"

  He smiled at her. God, she was so fucking smart. In all honesty, he should have just assigned her to do the research and let her figure out some new feature that would revolutionize the industry. And perhaps in the future he would do that. But for now, he wanted to watch her bend over in front of him as she looked for books.

  "Your plan is exactly what I need." He wanted to add 'and your pussy is exactly what my dick needs', but he held back his inner caveman. Barely. "Why don't you get started while I do some work on the computer?"

  The next hour was pure heaven for Ryder. Ivy rummaged around the bookshelves, searching for relevant titles. She'd bend down, giving him a great view of her plump, round ass. Then she get on her tip toes, flexing her cute little calves. He got absolutely nothing done, because he was mesmerized by watching her sultry body move around the room. Fully clothed and holding books, she somehow turned him on more than anyone he’d ever met. He was going mad, that he was certain of. And it was all because of her.

  To try and hide his leering, he made small talk with the pretty assistant. "So, Ivy, are you big into hiking? Will you be using these new boots when they come out?"

  She laughed softly and shook her head. "I'm not exactly an outside sort of girl. I'd much rather stay indoors and bake on the weekends. If I get really crazy, sometimes I quilt or do other crafts."

  "Quilting? I didn't know anyone still did that. Are you a pioneer reenactor or something?"

  "No! Lots of people are still interested in the art form. Just because the supermodels you date couldn't tell crochet from cross stitch doesn't mean the rest of us are like that."

  It was the first time he had ever seen Ivy feisty and indignant. She was normally so meek he had to beg her to speak up. But apparently he had crossed an invisible line with his teasing. The flash of passion in her eyes made him only fall harder for her.

  He put his hands up in surrender. "I promise I will never speak ill of the fabric arts again."

  She blushed and turned back to the bookcase. "I'm sorry, sir. That was out of line. I shouldn't speak to you like that. Sometimes I forget we aren’t just friends chatting together, which is unacceptable.

  “Don't worry about it. I rather like that you are a firecracker," he quipped. He also liked the fact she thought of him as a friend, but he didn’t want to push that point just yet.

  Even her ears were now turning red, and she kept her back to him as she quickly sped up her shelving. Which was just as well, because seeing her mouth off at him had made his dick stand at attention. All he could imagine was her stretched out before him, being punished for the unexpected temper.

  "You know, you were wrong about one thing," he said at last, breaking their tense silence.


  "I'm not dating any supermodels." He wanted her to have no illusions about what type of man he was. He wasn't jumping into any stuck up socialite's bed, especially now that he had Ivy in the office distracting him every hour of the day. "In fact, I'm happily single. Most of my weekends are spent hanging out with my dog, not doing much."

  She shot him a look over her shoulder. "Sounds like my life." She then turned her attention back to the shelf, giving it a critical nod. "Alright, I think I'm finished here. Unless you need me for anything else, I'll head back to my desk and finish up those emails for you."

  Ryder definitely needed something more from her. He needed her hot mouth wrapped around his dick and her nose pressed against his pelvis. He needed her to sit on his face until he couldn't breath. Yeah, he needed a lot of things from her.

  However, the rational part of his brain knew that he didn't have any reason to keep preventing her from doing her real job. The rational part of his brain knew that his obsession was getting out of hand.

  "You're free to go. Thanks so much for your help. I'm sure it'll help me a lot."

  "Anytime, sir." She smiled and walked toward the door, her wide hips rolling seductively as she left.

  As soon as the door closed, he ran his hand over his chin. Things couldn’t continue like this, he knew that. His infatuation was growing every time he learned something more about her. And now that he knew she was single, the drive to claim her was stronger than ever.

  There was only one thing left to do. He had to get shy Ivy White into his bed – for the sake of his sanity and the company’s future.


  His chance came two weeks later.

  The advertising campaign for FITnFAB's spring line was in its final stages, and he was spending many long hours in the office. Even when everyone else had long gone home, he still poured over the images picked out for the campaign. Everything had to be perfect, as a billion dollars of merchandise sat in warehouses, ready to be sold.

  A few days before the release, he was still hunched over his desk at midnight. A knock at his office door surprised him. Looking up, he found Ivy opening the door timidly.

  "Sir? Is there anything else I can help you with? I know you want to get out of here soon," she said, stifling a yawn.

  "Still here? Ivy, I thought you would have left with everyone else ages ago."

  "You know I don't leave until you tell me to," she said with a small smile.

  His heart lurched. The loyalty and patience she showed was unmatched. Who else could he trust except her? In the spur of the moment, he decided to take a wild, unprofessional, and very dirty chance.

  "Well, there is something you can help me with," he said smoothly, standing up and straightening his tie. "Why don't you sit on the couch and we can talk?"

  She sat down, putting her hands demurely in her lap. She was wearing another one of her A-line skirts that hugged every plush curve of her body. The thing looked painted on, and yet it hit below her knee and followed every one of the company's dress code policies. Ryder could never get over how she was so stunningly sexy and also infuriatingly by-the-book. While other women tried to break every rule possible to let their boobs hang out, or show off their long legs, Ivy never bothered. And yet Ivy was the only one able to catch his eye.

  "Do you want a drink? I'm going to make myself a scotch," he asked as he walked over to the bar behind his desk. He hoped the alcohol would give him the liquid courage he needed to claim his mark that night.

  "I'm not much of a big drinker, honestly." She shrugged apologetically. "Especially at work."

  "Well, we are drinking to the launch of our new campaign. If all goes well, we'll clear a record number of sales in the next two months. I think that is worth celebrating, don't you?"

  After a pause, she nodded, giving in. "Well, I guess that is worth letting loose a little bit for. But just a small drink for me."

  "Don't forget, I'm the boss. You won't get in trouble with me," he chuckled, beginning to fix the drinks.

  He handed her a cranberry and vodka, then settled down next to her. They were so close he could subtly press his leg against hers, feeling the heat of her thigh radiating through his pants. It wasn't the only hot part of her body he wanted pressed up against him, that was for sure.

  "You’ve done a great job for the team since coming on board earlier this year. I've really appreciated all your hard work, you know."

  She blushed. "I'm just doing my job, sir. I’m nothing special."

  "No, I mean it. Staying late like this shows what a team player you are, and that's a rare thing these days. You’re a real asset to the company."

  "Thanks," she stuttered, looking down awkwardly. He caught a slight smile on her lips though, and knew she was pleased.

  "I've had my eye on you for awhile." He put his hand on her knee. "Although, I'll be the first to admit that it wasn't entirely in a professional capacity."

  She looked up at him in confusion, her eyes darting from his hand back to his face. "What do you mean, sir?"

  "I mean I've spent a lot of time sitting in this office, fantasizing about you."

  His hand began to trail up her thigh. The fabric separating his palm from her warm, soft flesh was maddening, and he had to fight back the urge to just rip off her skirt right then and there.

  "Me? Why me?" she asked so softly he almost didn't hear her.

  It was a good question. Even he didn't know the answer. All that he knew was that something about her screamed The One to him. Her sweet personality and curvy body were the combination he had been looking for all his life, and every part of his being craved her. He didn't want to say that all at once and freak her out, however. Hell, it sounded crazy even to him. But it was the truth.

  "Because you’re an incredibly sexy package, Ivy. The real deal. I bet you don't even realize the effect you have on a man with those big eyes and pouty lips," he answered at last, running his other hand along her lower lip. Her mouth opened slightly, allowing him to slip his digit inside. She was rigid for a second, and he briefly worried he had pushed her too far. But then her tongue ever so lightly flicked his thumb, sending a shiver throughout his body.

  "Yeah, suck on it baby," he said huskily, transfixed by the image before him.

  She closed her lips tightly, capturing his finger. It was tantalizingly hot and warm, and as he began to move his finger in and out of the tight hole, he imagined how good it'd feel to replace his hand with his rock hard dick. She had a mouth made for oral, that was for sure.

  "God damn, Ivy. You've got me so turned on," he whispered, before pulling out his thumb.

  “I’ve had a crush on you for so long,” she said throatily. “I never thought you’d like a girl like me, though.”

  That was all he needed to hear. He grabbed her face and pulled it to his, kissing her roughly. She allowed him to take control of the kiss, moving her tongue to the pace he set. She was timid at first, but quickly opened up to him; he could feel her loosening up under his touch, her legs spreading slightly.

  Breaking their kiss, he stood up and began to undo his belt. He'd waited so long, and had used remarkable control so far, but he feared it wouldn't last. He knew he had to get his dick inside of her soon, before he exploded in his pants.

  She stared up at him, panting. Her eyes were full of desire, but she seemed to be wrestling with her inner thoughts. As he threw his belt on
the floor and began to slide down his slacks, she looked around fitfully.

  "Mr. Blake! What if someone sees us? I don't know if we should keep going."

  "We're the only ones here, Ivy. It's just you and me, locked into this room together. There is no chance that someone will walk in. So, it's just a question of if you want this." He pulled out his cock, which stuck out directly into her face. "Do you want this? I want you so bad it hurts, but I need to hear you say that you feel the same."

  Her breathing was ragged as she stared at the pink, glistening tip of his cock. For a terrible second he thought she might say no. But then she looked him deep in the eyes and nodded once. She didn't know it yet, but that signed her fate for good. He never planned to let her go.

  With trembling hands she reached up and grasped his cock at the base. She ran her hand up and down the shaft slowly, getting accustomed to his girth. He stroked her hair, letting her set the pace.

  "You like how it feels in your little hand?"

  "Yes, sir," she whispered, her blue eyes boring into his.

  The way she said 'sir' almost made him explode right there in her face, and he had to grit his teeth to hold himself in check. She looked at him like he was the fucking king of her world.

  "Have you thought about this before?" he grunted.

  She began to pick up the pace with her hand. She bit her lip and dropped her eyes. The shyness told him all he wanted to know, but he wanted to hear the words.

  "Tell me, Ivy," he commanded firmly.

  "I've thought about it." She was trying different speeds and pressures as she worked his dick. It made him think she didn't have much experience, but she was going at it so enthusiastically he wasn't going to complain. It honestly made him happy to know she hadn't had many partners – he was the one she’d been waiting for, too.

  "When you were home alone?" he prompted, before moaning as she ran her thumb over his cockhead.


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