Taurus (The Erotic Zodiac Book 5)

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Taurus (The Erotic Zodiac Book 5) Page 2

by Livia Lang

  "Mostly. Sometimes at work too, if you are especially demanding." She blushed crimson. “I like when you act like a hard-ass around me.”

  His mind flashed through images of her sitting at her desk, secretly rubbing herself to dirty thoughts. Then he thought of her hiding in the bathroom, fingering herself after he had bossed her around.

  "Good god, Ivy. Please suck me. I don't think I can get more turned on."

  She leaned forward, her mouth open wide. He cupped her face, then guided his dick into her waiting, hot hole. As she wrapped her lips tightly around him, he groaned loudly. It was even better than he had imagined.

  Threading his hands through her hair, he pulled gently. She moaned, taking him in deeper. As he felt himself bottoming out in her mouth, his mind went blank. There were no thoughts - no worries, no fears, no concerns. The only thing in his world was Ivy and her tongue.

  "Harder," he panted, increasing his grip on her hair.

  Obediently, she sucked harder, making his eyes roll back. The tension in his balls increased, and he knew he wouldn't last long at the current rate. He was going to pour his cum down her hungry little throat until she sucked him dry.

  She reached up and gently cupped his balls with one hand. The unexpected touch shocked him, sending him over the edge. He clenched his legs and thrust wildly into her mouth as he came with the power of a freight train. Thick ropes of cum covered her tongue as he emptied himself completely.

  It felt so good he thought he might be dying.

  When he at last pulled out, the room swam a little. "Holy shit, Ivy. That was fucking amazing."

  He sank down onto the sofa again, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Her face was red and sweaty, and she looked like she couldn't believe what had just happened. Ryder honestly couldn't believe it either - it had been too perfect.

  "Mr. Blake," she started to say, still sounding breathless.

  However, before she could say more the phone rang. Grumbling, he stormed over to hit the speaker button. Being interrupted when he finally had Ivy where he wanted infuriated him.

  "What do you want?"

  "There's an issue in one of the factories," came the voice of Ricky, his regional manager of China. “We’ve just realized they made some mistakes when packing the shipments. Instead of making next season’s laces red, they packed some of the shoes with these terrible puke green laces. The shoes are already in the US warehouses. What do we do?”

  Ryder rubbed his face in frustration. That was the problem with having his factories overseas - whenever they had a problem it was late at night in Chicago, and he'd have to rearrange his entire night to help fix the issue.

  He mouthed 'sorry' to Ivy. She stood up, smoothing her skirt.

  "I know you need to work with Ricky. I'll get going," she whispered softly.

  "Okay, but we'll talk tomorrow, alright?"

  She nodded, looking at him shyly. "Sure. I'll see you in the morning."

  As she walked out, Ryder sunk into his chair. Ricky continued talking to him, but he barely heard his employee. All Ryder could think about was the sensation of Ivy’s lips on his dick. If he died right that moment, he had no doubt he'd die the happiest man in the world.


  Ryder strode into his office with a cocky grin on his face. After setting his briefcase down, he grabbed the morning's newspaper off of his desk and eased into his large leather chair. Even the headlines seemed to be going his way - stocks were way up, the weather was supposed to be great all week, and the Cubs had won another game.

  He whistled happily to himself, throwing the paper aside. Everything in the world seemed perfect, and he knew exactly why. Ivy. Sinking into her hot little mouth, giving in to the passion and obsession that had ruled him for weeks, had changed everything. Just knowing she was probably arriving at work right that very moment, a new tight skirt on her curvy ass, was enough to make his whole day. He could find absolutely nothing wrong with a world where Ivy was going to be on her knees, licking his cum off her lips.

  In fact, he wanted to see her again, right away. He hit the buzzer on his intercom, waiting impatiently to hear her morning greeting. A silence followed. He hit the intercom again, grumbling.

  "She's probably stopped to grab a doughnut in the break room. I'm sure she'll be at her desk soon."

  He waited five minutes, then tried again. The silence that followed made him begin to sweat. It wasn't like her to ignore him, or to be late to work. He checked the clock - it was nine fifteen, well past her normal arrival time.

  Frustration finally overcame him, and he flung open his office door. Her desk sat completely empty, the computer still dark. His heart skipped a beat at the sight, and for the first time in his life he felt fear.

  "Ivy?" he bellowed, looking around the floor.

  Several employees tentatively poked their heads out of their office doors, before retreating again at the look on his face. He agreed that they should be afraid. A beast was unfurling in his chest at the terrible idea that something could have happened to sweet Ivy on her way to work.

  "Shit, or on the way home. She always insists she take a cab at night. I should have had my driver drop her off," he mumbled under his breath.

  He stormed towards the HR office, his hands clenched tightly at his sides. Shirley Chou, the stern woman who ran the office, looked up in surprise as he swept in like a hurricane. Putting down her cup of tea, she pursed her lips at him.

  "Is everything okay, sir?"

  "Do you know where the fuck Ivy White is? She should be here by now." He put his fists on the edge of Shirley's desk and glowered at her.

  Ryder's head was a mess. Images of Ivy flashed by and they made him sick. He imagined her hurt in a car accident, lying beside the road. He thought of her being attacked by a mugger on her way into her house the night before. His blood boiled. If anything had happened to her, he swore he'd tear apart the entire world with his bare hands in order to make things right.

  "She called in sick. I'll have one of the other girls take over her duties for the day," Shirley replied calmly.

  "Sick? She was fine yesterday."

  Shirley shrugged, picking her tea back up again and sniffing it daintily. "Maybe she got food poisoning or something. I don't know, Mr. Blake. All I know is that she had plenty of sick days left, and she called in exactly according to our protocol. Ivy didn't do anything wrong."

  "Of course she didn't," he snapped. "She's the best damn worker I have. I just don't understand how she could be sick. Last night she seemed perfectly okay."

  He cut himself off from continuing when he saw Shirley's mouth twist into a knowing smile. Internally cursing, he clamped his mouth shut. The last thing he needed was for the office busybody to go running through the halls letting everyone know he had a thing for his secretary.

  "Well, sir, maybe she needed time off for another reason," Shirley said slowly.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Sometimes people will call in sick if they have an interview at another company."

  "Like fucking hell she does." He pounded his fist against the desk. "Call my driver and have him waiting outside immediately. I'm going to find Ivy and bring her back here, kicking or screaming."

  Not caring to see Shirley's reaction to his outburst, Ryder flew from the room. He had every intention of staying true to his words. Ivy White wasn't going to disappear from his life in a haze of excuses. He wasn't going to allow it.

  * * *

  Ryder pounded on Ivy's door so hard the frame shook. Her apartment building, a small brick structure in the cheapest part of town, was absolutely quiet. Most of her neighbors were no doubt already at work, which was a bonus as far as Ryder was concerned. If he had to haul her out of there over his shoulder – which he wouldn't even hesitate to do – the fewer people who saw the better.

  "Ivy, you need to open up. Now." He pounded again, in time with his beating heart.

  He heard a muffled sound through the door, followed by a short
silence. Just when he was about to start pounding again, however, there was a click of the lock. The door was opened, and Ivy's face peeked out nervously.

  "What do you want, Mr. Blake?" she asked, looking around the hallway in confusion. "How do you know where I live?"

  "I just got it from the employee files," he answered shortly. Ryder put his hand on the door, pushing it open wider. Light poured in to the entryway, and he could see Ivy clearly for the first time. Her face looked abnormally pale, and her hazel eyes were rimmed in red. She had clearly been crying all morning, if not all night. "Jesus, Ivy. What happened to you?"

  "It's fine," she said, rubbing a hand along her face. "I just don't feel well. I'll be at the office tomorrow. Thanks for checking on me though." She made a move to close the door, but his hand stopped her.

  "No, you aren't getting off that easy. I don't want to hear any lies. Let me in and we'll talk about what is really going on."

  She stared at him for several long seconds. Finally, she sighed and stepped back from the doorway. He noticed she was still wearing her pajamas. The silk nightie hit just above her knee, and clung to her every curve. "Fine," she said quietly.

  She ushered him into her tiny apartment, which was simply decorated in neutral colors, with small pops of flowers. Ryder settled down onto her beige sofa which was covered in rose-patterned pillows, and watched his secretary as she shuffled around the room. Ivy was doing an excellent job of avoiding his eyes as she straightened up the coffee table. Even when she at last sat down in a chair opposite of him, her gaze was still averted.

  "Ivy, why did you skip work today?" he said, breaking their tense silence.

  She shrugged, biting her thumb nervously. Seeing her so distressed broke his heart, and he wanted nothing more than to pull her into his lap and soothe her gently. However, he was fairly certain if he made any sudden movements she'd bolt out the door like a deer.

  "Was it because of what happened between us last night?" he tried again.

  "Yes," she whispered.

  His chest ached. "I’m sorry to hear, that Ivy. I had a great time last night. Didn't you?"

  "It was nice." She shot a furtive look in his direction, then went back to staring at the floor. “Really, really nice.”

  "Then why didn't you want to see me this morning? I promise I would have been professional in front of the others. It would be our little secret."

  She took a deep breath and gripped the armrests on her chair tightly. She was often quiet, but today it seemed like speaking was taking every ounce of strength she had. At last, she lifted her eyes and look at him shyly.

  "I've never... done anything like that," she said. "I mean, at all. I had never touched a man before you. I'd hardly even kissed."

  Ryder's cock surged at her words. He had been the first one to slip past her little lips, the first one to feel her hot tongue swirling around his dick. He loved that he had claimed her mouth first, and as far as he was concerned, there would be no one after him.

  "I didn't know, Ivy. You blew my mind last night like a pro. I've never had it feel so good before," he said, patting the sofa next to him.

  She looked at the space next to him much like someone would stare at a scorpion, but eventually she got to her feet and timidly moved next to him. He reached out and gently held her hand, which he could feel trembling in his palm.

  "I liked it too," she said at last. "It's just, I had a really rough childhood and it makes it hard for me to feel confident. After last night, I thought you'd hate me or make fun of me for being inexperienced and I just panicked."

  "Oh sweetie," he said softly, his heart breaking. "There is nothing further from the truth. Being with you was amazing and an honor, especially knowing I was your first. I would never break your trust or make you feel bad about sharing part of you with me." He cupped her face and brought her eyes up to his. "What happened when you were a kid? Did someone tell you that you were anything but wonderful?"

  She gulped, but held his gaze. "I was put into foster care when I was really little. I was taken care of by a woman who just wanted the check that came with hosting me. She wasn't a mother; in fact, I think she hated me. She used to tell me that I'd never have a family of my own, or that no one would ever love me." Her lip trembled but she soldiered on. "She said no man would ever want a shy, awkward loser like me. And I guess I believed her. I've just kept my head down and tried to work hard, but I never thought I'd catch a man's attention. Especially not someone like you. I’d watch you at work, fantasizing about being with you, but I never dreamed you’d feel the same."

  "Ivy, you are so beautiful and kind. There are men falling all over themselves at the office just to see you smile. But you don't notice because you have no idea how gorgeous you are. God, the first time I saw you it was like being struck by lightening."

  "Ryder," she protested softly.

  "No, really. That foster woman could not be more wrong about you. You deserve all the affection and attention in the world because you are sweet inside and out. And if you let me, I'll show you just how crazy you make me."

  She looked into his eyes, her barriers slowly coming down. He could see her heart opening up as she tried to believe him. He vowed right then and there that he would never break her trust. She didn't know it yet, because if he said just how much he loved her she might think he was insane, but she was going to be his for the rest of his life. And he'd make sure she loved every single day she was with him.

  "Last night wasn't just a one-off, Ivy. I want to see where this goes," he said, wrapping an arm round her and pulling her close. "Trust me, I don't want that to be the last blow job I get from the most amazing tongue I've ever experienced."

  She giggled and leaned into him, her sadness melting away. He leaned in to kiss her, trying to make her feel just how beautiful she really was. He nibbled on her soft bottom lip, waiting until she opened herself up to him. Then he slowly took control of her mouth, his tongue sliding against hers as their breath became one.

  When she at last pulled back, her eyes were filled with the stars he loved so much. "Ryder, can I ask you something?"

  "Anything in the world."

  A blush spread across her cheeks and her voice shook as she spoke. "Would you... would you be my first? As in going all the way? When you kiss me like that, it's the only thing I can think about. You make me feel like I'm beautiful, and I want to share everything with you."

  There was nothing Ryder wanted more than to take his lovely Ivy to bed. And now that he knew he'd be her first, the man to take her from innocence to pleasure, he only wanted it that much more. She deserved to be treated like a goddamn goddess, and he was going to make sure she knew it.

  "Ivy, you are the only thing I want," he said, scooping her into his arms and standing up. “Where is the bedroom?”


  Ryder walked into the bedroom, holding her tightly in his arms. The room was exactly how he'd imagined it: neat, orderly, and very feminine. She had a queen-size bed covered in a rose patterned comforter. The rug by the bed was a pale pink, and the rest of the furniture was painted white. There was an innocence to the design, and he got even harder as he surveyed the scene. She had built up a quiet zone of untouched solitude, but he was about to change everything for her.

  He set her on the edge of the bed. Her nightie rode up slightly as she sat there, exposing a thick white thigh that made his mouth water. The skin was so soft looking, begging him to bite it, marking her as his.

  Sinking to his knees, he placed a light kiss on the inside of her ankle. Keeping his eyes on her face, he ran his mouth upward, teasing the delicate skin of her calf. Her skin had the lightest scent of vanilla from her lotion, and he let himself get lost in the smell and taste of her.

  "Ryder," she whispered. The word was both a question and a request.

  "Don't worry, baby. I'm going to take such good care of you," he rumbled, nipping at the skin just inside of her knee.

  She shuddered, her eyes closi
ng as she let herself drop backwards onto the bed. Her thighs shifted as she fell, and he saw a flash of the pretty white panties that blocked his view of her sweet center. The sight made him ache with need, his cock demanding that he rip off her clothes and fuck her right then. Ryder held himself back though; he wanted her first time to be perfect.

  He ran his palms up and down her thighs, massaging her legs. Slowly she began to relax under his hands, her muscles releasing. When he felt she was ready again, he leaned down and nipped her inner thigh. He then began to kiss his way up her leg, reveling in the tanginess of her skin.

  She mewed under him, her pitch getting higher as he softly bit on the top of her thigh. The noise was the most perfect thing he had ever heard. He was listening to her cross the threshold from innocent virgin to sensual woman, and it made him so tight he thought he'd burst.

  Kissing slowly, he made his way to her center. Just as he was about to kiss her panties, she pushed her legs together slightly, keeping him out. He looked up at her patiently.

  "Are you okay, Ivy?"

  She nodded, her cheeks colored a deep red. "I'm just nervous you won't like it. What if you don't like how I taste or feel?"

  Ryder moved up her body and planted a soft kiss on her lips. Then he looked deeply into her eyes and bared his soul. "Trust me, Ivy. Once I have a taste of you, I will never be able to stop craving your sweet little body. You drive me mad with a single smile. I guarantee you that I will love how you taste, how you feel, and the way you moan as I make you come. Just relax, and let me worship this body."

  She took a deep breath, and spread her legs back open. After giving her another soft kiss of encouragement, he lowered his head back down, coming face to face with her cute little panties. He kissed the fabric, taking in her fresh scent while a smile. God, how could she even think that she might not please him? She was already so fucking perfect he'd never be able to look at another woman. She was everything he'd ever wanted; he already knew that and he wasn't even inside her yet.


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