Her Cravings Mastered [Dark Desires 2] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

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Her Cravings Mastered [Dark Desires 2] (Siren Publishing Sensations) Page 3

by Suzy Shearer

  She instructed the realtor to go back and tell the owner she offered 1.7, but she wanted everything except his personal items. As the realtor went to walk away, she called him back.

  “And tell him I want to move in as soon as the papers are signed, preferably this week.”

  The realtor looked her up and down. She knew what he was thinking. How on earth could this woman afford this penthouse?

  He shrugged his shoulders and gone back outside. Ten minutes later, he was back.

  “Right. Well the answer is no but if you’re willing to go up to 1.725, he’d agree. He said if you want to take all the furniture it would actually make it easier for him.”

  “Then that’s perfect. Tell him I agree.”

  Back out the realtor went to the owner before returning to Jessica.

  “Please don’t take offence but he would like you to prove that you have enough cash to buy the property outright. He isn’t prepared to wait around while you arrange finance.” Jessica giggled to herself. She had been sure they both thought she would have to try and obtain finance.

  Pulling out the card she’d been given by the bank manager yesterday when she was arranging things, she gave it to the realtor.

  “This is my bank manager. If you ring him you can then ask him my worth.”

  He had led her outside while dialling the number. When he explained who he was and what he wanted, the bank manager naturally demanded to speak to her. She had taken the phone.

  “I’m putting my phone on speaker. Can you please give them an approximation of how much is in my account. I want to buy a property and want to move in as soon as the necessary paperwork and legalities are done.”

  She put the phone on speaker as the manager replied that there was well in excess of several million in her account. Jessica thanked him and hung up.

  The realtor had blanched.

  The owner had burst out laughing, getting up and telling her she had a deal and shaking her hand. They arranged to see his solicitor the following morning. The realtor took Jessica back to his office, then she asked him to drive her back to the hotel once she had signed the necessary papers for him. He seemed to be in shock.

  Once back at the hotel, Jessica rang Russ Lange and explained that she needed a solicitor to handle a house sale. He gave her the name of one and she rang to set up a meeting prior to the one with the owner. From that moment on, everything had fallen into place.

  She’d gone out and found somewhere to eat before going back upstairs to her room. She couldn’t stop grinning.

  But then her fear began when she saw the time. Dennis would have returned and would be expecting her back from work within the hour. Even though there was no way he could find her, she was frightened. For the remainder of the evening she stayed inside, lying on the bed. She fell asleep around nine, tossing and turning fitfully the rest of the night.

  When she woke the next morning, she’d showered and dressed in the remaining pantsuit, then gone to her appointment with the solicitor. He had been surprised at her requests, but had drawn up the necessary papers. They had both gone to the owner’s solicitor. The paperwork went through without a hitch. Her solicitor arranged for an inspection of the penthouse that afternoon and, provided it passed, the place would be hers by the weekend.

  Amazing what money can do, she thought. Wave a few million dollars around and you can have whatever you want, whenever you want it, and people will jump to comply.

  Jessica left the offices after shaking hands all round and having the solicitor tell her he would ring her as soon as he got the “all-clear.”

  She realised she was hungry. She’d only had lunch and an evening meal last night since she arrived on Monday evening. She felt slightly ill. Maybe it was because she hadn’t eaten or maybe it was worry about Dennis. Either way she found a small coffee shop, ordered a latte and a toasted cheese-and-tomato sandwich.

  Her new phone rang while she was eating. It was Walter Brownley.

  “Jessica, Dennis turned up here this morning. I told him you’d quit. Said you’d rang in and had actually quit over the phone and I had no idea where you were. He made quite a scene and I had to call the police. They escorted him out of the building.”

  “On no, Walter! Did he believe you?”

  “Yes, Jessica, there was no reason why he wouldn’t.”

  “Thank heavens.” Jessica could hear the relief in her voice. Walter continued.

  “I also spoke with the police quietly before they left. I’ve told them exactly what happened. They want you to go to the local station there. I’ll text you the address and the officer to ask for.

  “Dennis actually threatened to hurt you in front of them so they are going to put in a report and send it over to the local police.”

  When she heard that Jessica’s stomach reeled and she left the coffee shop immediately, her meal unfinished, after thanking Walter and hanging up.

  Hailing a cab, she went to the local police station that Walter’s text had said. It turned out to be three blocks from where her new home was. She told the desk sergeant why she was there, and he took her inside, then settled her in a chair at a desk. A few minutes later, a harried-looking plain clothes officer sat down opposite her.

  He had a fax in his hand and waved it about as he spoke.

  He asked her exactly what had happened. Jessica was so embarrassed by it all but she managed to give out most of the details, omitting some of the more detailed sexual information. She told him she still had a lot of cigarette burns, bruises, and cuts on her body from recent beatings. He immediately called a female officer over who took her into a room. Embarrassed, she had to strip off while the woman photographed all the recent wounds, as well as all the scars.

  When she dressed and returned to the officer, he had her sign a lot of papers. She told him she didn’t want Dennis to know where she was or what name she was living under and he promised that it would never be revealed. Somehow, she managed to sign the paperwork with her hand shaking so badly she could barely hold the pen.

  The police issued an emergency order that Dennis was not to come anywhere near her or contact her. She would have to stand in front of a judge to have the “ex parte” restraining order finalised, but this temporary order was now in place.

  The officer made a phone call, then told her he’d arranged an emergency hearing for her on Friday. He asked her if she wanted Dennis charged. Jessie was terrified of him, but she also didn’t want to have to face him and the courts. If she had him charged, all the sordid details would come out. She was so ashamed of them that, shaking badly, she said no, then left the station after giving her phone number and the new address, remembering to thank the officer.

  Jessica wasn’t all that confident, but at least she now had official orders keeping Dennis away. She walked slowly back to the hotel. It took her almost an hour, but she needed to think.

  Out of the blue, she thought about her father.

  She missed him more than she cared to admit. Right now she wished she had someone to hold her and comfort her as she cried. She was tempted to ring him but realised too much time had passed and she had said things to him that were impossible to take back. She really had no idea just what had happened to her mother, as well. On top of that, he had several offices scattered around the world and she had no idea where he was or how to contact him. She could easily find out but she was far too scared to.

  She walked on.

  It was dusk by the time she reached the hotel. She extended her stay for one more night, hoping she would have the keys on Friday for the penthouse. Listlessly, she went up to her room and ran a bath. As she lay soaking in it, stinging from her back, the burns and the bruises covering her body were an ugly reminder of her life. Maybe it was just as well that she couldn’t speak to her father. If he knew what had been going on for the past six years, he would be so disappointed and probably turn his back on her just as she had done to him.

  Jessica loafed around in her hotel room
the next morning. She ordered room service for lunch and then looked at her meagre possessions. She had two more sets of clean underwear and one more pantsuit, and that was it. If she got her key tomorrow, she would be able to wash everything, but if not, she would have to buy more clothing or else find a Laundromat. Jess also decided she would ask for advice next time and buy the size the sales person suggested.

  She watched television, but had no idea what was on. Late in the afternoon, she got a call from her solicitor. The penthouse had passed all inspections and he would send a clerk round to her hotel with the keys on Friday.

  It was officially hers at nine o’clock the following morning.

  She attended the emergency hearing at eleven on Friday morning and was relieved when the Judge stamped the order. It would be in place for the next five years.

  “Mr. Finn will have fourteen days to put his side to a local judge Ms. Williams. In my opinion there is no doubt that you have been systemically abused over many years.

  “It is important that you understand that this order is in force for the next five years only. One month before the order expires you will need to either extend it for another if you are still concerned. You can also have it extended indefinitely if you have a fear for the safety of your life.”

  “I understand. Thank you, sir.”

  Feeling safer with the official orders now stamped and lodged, she left the building, returning to the hotel.

  Jessica packed up her few belongings, settled the hotel account and caught a cab to her new home after the clerk had dropped off the keys early on Friday afternoon.

  There was a shiny brass sign on the side, next to the wide glass self-opening doors. It read “Lemon Tree Tower.” She entered the apartment complex and was greeted by a security man who was seated behind a desk in the front foyer. He looked to be in his mid-fifties, tall with a friendly face.

  Realising that she needed to ensure her safety, she introduced herself.

  “Hello, my name is Jessica Williams and I’m the new owner of the penthouse.”

  The man shook hands with her.

  “Hello, Ms. Williams, I’m Lincoln.”

  “Lincoln, can you make sure that no one comes up to the penthouse? I mean is there some way that strangers see you first?”

  “Ms. Williams any visitors must be checked in by me unless you’ve given them the security code for the lift.”

  “Oh thank goodness. I…there’s a restraining order against a man. He has no idea where I am but I’m still concerned he may turn up.”

  “Don’t you worry, Ms. Williams. I always ring when guests arrive unannounced. Now I’m on duty from eight every weekday till seven at night. After that the elevators and stairs are locked and no one can use them unless they have the security code. It’s the same for anyone entering the parking area.”

  “I suggest you reprogram your floor with a new code.” He handed her a sheet of typewritten paper. “This sets out how the codes work and also how to reprogram them.”

  “Thank you, Lincoln. I’ll do that first thing.”

  “On the weekends there is another security officer on duty. His name is Stan. Don’t you worry. I’ll let him know immediately what you’ve told me.”

  “Thank you so much, Lincoln.”

  “You’re most welcome, Ms. Williams. I do hope you enjoy living here.”

  She rode the elevator up to the top floor and stepped out into the foyer. Walking to the huge front door, she took a deep breath. This was it, she decided, the start of the rest of her life and she was determined it would be the best.

  Then she turned the key.

  Chapter Three

  Jessica spent the first weekend in her new home hugging herself and trying to accept that it was all real. On Friday afternoon when she went inside for the first time, she had to pinch herself. She wandered around, threw herself on every bed, and ran around the house like a madwoman, laughing all the while.

  She had jumped on the couches, then almost bounced up the stairs to her new bedroom. She stood at the foot of her new bed. It was at least a king size. Jessica hoped it wasn’t bigger, otherwise she had no idea where to buy linen for it. It dominated the room without making it seem crowded. It was on its own wooden plinth. At the foot were two ornately carved posts. The bed’s head was also ornately carved with two more posts, taller than the ones at the foot. She wondered if the previous owner had ever tied his lover to the posts and then had his wicked way with them.

  Laughing out loud at the idea, she had opened the door to the walk-in wardrobe and gasped. It was bigger than her old bedroom! She’d only glanced in when she’d been here the other day.

  There was even a long couch to sit on while you dressed.

  Entering the bathroom, she looked around. A double basin on one wall was framed with a vast mirror. On the other wall was a shower that could easily take half a dozen people, and it too had a seat on one wall. She looked at the free-standing bath. Once she did, she looked around as if checking no one was watching, then jumped into the empty tub and lay back. It was huge!

  It would hold two people and almost have room for a third. The view was just as stunning as she thought it would be.

  Clambering out of the tub, she went back into the bedroom. Except for the solid wall leading to the wardrobe, bathroom, and toilet, the rest of the walls were glass. The views were amazing. She went to one wall and looked down into her garden and pool. The tops of the trees brushed against the window.

  She noticed as she turned and looked back that there was also a fireplace on the solid wall. It seemed to be one of those gas types that looked as if it held real wood.

  The entire complex was air conditioned but Jessica liked the idea of the fire.

  Completing the bedroom was two low double sofas arranged around a coffee table. It felt the height of luxury and indulgence and she loved it.

  Downstairs, unlocking the wide glass doors, she went outside to the huge open area. It was bigger than she realised, maybe twelve metres by about twenty. The lap pool ran the length of the longest side. Opposite the lap pool, someone, maybe the building owner, had built raised garden beds. They were filled with shrubs and flowers but dominating either end were two full-sized lemon trees.

  How on earth they were growing, she had no idea, although the beds were at least a metre high and wide, but where the trees were, they were at least two metres wide. The gardens even had their own sprinkler system. This must be the reason the complex was called Lemon Tree Tower. Whoever owned it or built it had put in the trees and named the building after them.

  She studied the pool, wondering how it was kept clean when she noticed a nondescript door. Opening it, she saw it held the filter and she looked around, noticing that it also lead to the maintenance area for the air conditioning units for the entire building, as well as the emergency exit stairs.

  She had a moment’s panic. Anyone could get in!

  Then thankfully she saw the door had another coded lock so no one could enter her domain without it.

  This must be what the second door just near the elevator led to.

  After about three hours, she came back down to earth and decided to write a list of what she would need to buy. First on the list was linens, towels and blankets. She looked in the cupboards in the kitchen and saw that there were only a couple of old pots and pans, but nothing electrical which was what she expected.

  Her solicitor had sent a clerk around yesterday when the previous owner had moved out to check that nothing was taken that should have been left.

  There was a house phone that connected with the front desk so she rang down to Lincoln to ask where the nearest shopping complex was. It turned out there was a large shopping complex just one block away, so she pulled on a fresh T-shirt and took off. She also needed to stock up on food staples, cleaning stuff, and the like.

  Waving good-bye to Lincoln, she headed off and spent the next few hours spending money. She arranged for most to be delivered the next m
orning, but carried one set of sheets, a blanket, two pillows and a towel for herself to use that night. She went into the electrical department and had fun buying a coffee machine, blenders, mixers, a kettle, and such. They too, would be delivered tomorrow.

  Next, she headed for the supermarket. Checking with the staff in the supermarket, she discovered they had a home delivery service so she filled the trolley with staples as well as fresh fruit and vegetables. She had discovered that all the walking she’d done the past few days was making her feel healthier, or perhaps it was the new environment. Regardless of the reason, she was looking forward to eating well. Dennis had lived on fast food and hamburgers and expected her to do the same. She doubted she would ever eat another hamburger in her entire life.

  She got cleaning products, washing products and things for the bathroom. She filled the trolley with everything she thought she’d need. It was almost overflowing as she went through the checkout. It would all arrive later that evening.

  As she was heading out, she passed a computer store. Before she met Dennis, she’d had a laptop, but he had taken it off her and used it himself. She went into the store and bought herself a new one, along with an iPod and a stereo system that it fitted into. They would also come tomorrow. Somehow, laden down with her purchases, she walked wearily back to her home.

  Lincoln laughed as he opened the door for her.

  Joining in she said, “There will be some deliveries tonight, Lincoln. The supermarket is bringing over my order. Then tomorrow morning there will be another lot of stuff coming.”

  “Thanks, Ms. Williams. I’ll leave a note for Stan so he knows to expect them tomorrow.”

  Thanking Lincoln she headed upstairs. After making the bed up in the master bedroom, she went downstairs and sat on the deck with a pencil and paper.

  She would need more clothes and some shoes. She only had one pair of heels and a pair of sandals. Whatever else she needed would be discovered as she went to use things.


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