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by D Kershaw

  Yet he had been taught long ago, that simply killing a man is not in itself revenge. A transgressor must be made to suffer. You must take everything from them and drive them to the brink. Then you teach them of pain. So, when the schoolmaster came home to the disembowelled remains of his family, it was only the beginning.

  RADAR DEBOARD is a horror movie and novel enthusiast who resides in the small town of Goddard, Kansas. He occasionally dabbles in writing, and enjoys to make dark tales for people to enjoy. He has had drabbles and short stories published in various electronic magazines and anthologies.

  Facebook: WriterRadarDeBoard

  Mince and Repeat

  by Shawn M. Klimek

  Jacqueline had worn a wide-brimmed hat over a blonde wig to evade the security cameras in her ex’s apartment complex. Riding the elevator, contemplating the awful revenge in her purse, she had hesitated. Was it too late to back out? Hatred said, “Yes.” If someone confronted her, she decided, she could simply hand over the spare key, pretending this had been her purpose.

  The break-in went smoothly, and she was still holding the bedspread when a low growl alerted her to his girlfriend’s pit bull. In a panic, Jacqueline had jumped under the sheets, inconveniently forgetting about the powdered glass.

  SHAWN M. KLIMEK is the middle child of seven creative siblings, a globetrotting, U.S. military spouse, an internationally best-selling short-story writer, award-winning poet, and butler to a Maltese. More than one hundred and fifty of his stories and poems have been published in digital magazines or anthologies, including BHP’s Deep Space, Eerie Christmas and every book so far in the Dark Drabbles series.


  Facebook: shawnmklimekauthor


  by Maxine Churchman

  I loved him, and his betrayal cut me deeply. I drag the knife slowly across his flesh so he knows how it feels. His muffled screams soothe the hurt he caused me.

  Unable to move, he glances sideways at her body, broken and discarded on the floor.

  The two of them broke my heart. Does he know how that feels? Raising both fists high above my head, I bring the handle of the knife down into the centre of his chest. I understand a blow like that could kill someone, but to be sure, I smother him with a pillow.

  MAXINE CHURCHMAN lives in Essex UK and has recently started writing poetry and short stories to share. Her interests include learning to improve her writing, reading, knitting, walking and teaching yoga. She is also planning a novel.

  Self Loathing

  by N.M. Brown

  The choices I’ve made make me want to shed my skin in shame. Even worse is, I’d likely do them again.

  My mirror shows hollow pits hiding inside smiling eyes. Hairline cracks in the glass multiply the image of what I’ve become.

  I drown my self loathing with indulgence. Cigarette packs by the day, alcohol and drugs feel so nice. Bringing me aids for my own destruction feel so nice.

  People say to accept yourself. They don’t crave the things I do. Pierced hearts, final breaths, pleading eyes before light leaves them.

  The only hatred I know is towards myself.

  SINCE N.M. Brown made her first post to a popular Internet forum, she’s taken the horror community by storm. Her ability to create, terrify, and drive home her stories is insurmountable. N.M. Brown’s published works can be found in multiple anthologies for all to read, but be forewarned, if you do... you may want to call your therapist after, her stories are terrifying, disturbing and devilishly unsettling. She is not only a fright visually, but also has a creepy tentacle in horror podcasting as well. Sinister Sweetheart writes, voice acts and is the media director of the Scarecrow Tales podcast.


  Facebook: NMBrownStories

  I Hate My Boss

  by Gary Rubidge

  The gun pointed at me betrays the calmness on his face.

  I sneer at the fool. “What do you want from me? I don’t have time for this.”

  “Revenge,” he says, matter of factly. “You sacked me last year for no reason. Now I’m gonna sack you.”

  “What? You’re mental!” I croak, trying to place his face.

  “I’m gonna shoot you, cut you up and place you in this sack here,” he states triumphantly, lifting the sack in his other hand.

  My God, he’s serious!

  My brain screams out as he laughs maniacally, but the trigger has already been pulled.

  GARY RUBIDGE currently resides in Western Australia and is a newcomer to writing, having reached the age of 50 without consideration to authoring anything other than work reports. Encouraged by friends to put his ideas to paper he has finally taken the plunge and this is his first effort. There are many more ideas begging to be released and they are lining up to be put to paper.

  Loving Husband, Loving Son

  by Galina Trefil

  At his trial, the serial killer said that his wife had known; that the blood-soaked signs had been so obvious that it would have been impossible for her not to avoid the grizzly knowledge.

  Was his desire to have her unfairly condemned as an accessory because he refused to let her find happiness again once he was gone?

  No. He’d virtually married his mother. He could admit that now. And whose abuse had warped him into being a monster in the first place?

  He’d see to it that Mommy would be his final victim. Even if it wasn’t really her.

  GALINA TREFIL is a novelist specializing in women’s, minority, and disabled rights. Her favorite genres are horror, thriller, and historical fiction. Her short stories and articles have appeared in Neurology Now, UnBound Emagazine, The Guardian, Tikkun, Romea.CZ, Jewcy, Jewrotica, Telegram Magazine, Ink Drift Magazine, The Dissident Voice, Open Road Review, and the anthologies “Flock: The Journey,” “First Love,” “Sea of Secrets,” “Coffins and Dragons,” “Organic Ink volume One,” “Winds of Despair,” “Waters of Destruction,” “Curses & Cauldrons,” “Unravel,” “Hate,” “Love,” “Oceans,” “Forgotten Ones,” “Dark Valentine Holiday Horror Collection,” and “Suspense Unimagined.”


  Facebook: Rabbi-Galina-Trefil-535886443115467

  Lazy Daisy

  by Serena Jayne

  “I hate you.” I pull a petal from the daisy stem.

  “I hate you not.” Another petal flutters to the ground.

  Silly flower, so white and pure. It knows nothing of your lies, taunts, betrayals. The way pulling the plug on our brain-dead friendship allowed me to breathe.

  Our mutual acquaintances don’t understand. Don’t wish to choose sides. Don’t want to think that someday I could feel the same way about them.

  Maybe I hate how things ended. Maybe I hate myself for letting you tie us together with double knots turned noose. Maybe relationships are too complicated for daisies.

  SERENA JAYNE is a graduate of Seton Hill University’s Writing Popular Fiction MFA Program. Her short fiction and poetry can be found in Switchblade Magazine, the Drabble, Crack the Spine Literary Magazine, 101 Fiction, the Oddville Press, and other publications.


  Twitter: @SJ_Writer


  by Vonnie Winslow Crist

  “Why’d you buy that junky mirror?” growled Arthur.

  “It’s a portal,” replied Talia. She studied Arthur’s reflection. “Would you care if I vanished?”

  Ignoring her, he continued to read.

  Talia’s heart hardened. Tracing the frame’s carvings, she whispered, “Enter.” Next, she pressed palms against her reflection. When an opening appeared, she glanced at Arthur before stepping through. She noticed her husband never looked her way.

  You’ll pay attention when the police arrive, mused Talia, thinking of the blood she’d spread around the house and on his hammer. Then, she laughed—rewarding Arthur with prison time for their l
oveless marriage felt wonderful.

  VONNIE WINSLOW CRIST is author of The Enchanted Dagger, Owl Light, The Greener Forest, Murder on Marawa Prime, and other award-winning books. Her fiction is included in “Amazing Stories,” “Cast of Wonders,” “Outposts of Beyond,” Killing It Softly 2, Defending the Future - Dogs of War, Midnight Masquerade, Chaos of Hard Clay, and elsewhere. A cloverhand who has found so many four-leafed clovers she keeps them in jars, Vonnie strives to celebrate the power of myth in her writing.


  Loved to Bits

  by Andrew Anderson

  Detective Kane stood before the map, pins marking where he’d found various pieces of Angela—he couldn’t see a pattern and had no leads.

  Except that Kane strongly suspected the ex-wife Holly—especially since Angela’s affair had ended the marriage—however, Holly’s alibi was watertight.

  Kane headed home. After dinner, he found papers had been pulled out of his briefcase. Sprinting up to his daughter’s room, he was about to scold her when he noticed her drawing red crayon lines upon his copy of the map, joining the dots.

  They formed a heart, with a crack down the middle.


  ANDREW ANDERSON is a spare-time writer of microfiction, flash fiction and short stories, from Bathgate, Scotland. His work has been published on FlashFlood and Re:Written, and published in Black Hare Press anthologies.

  Twitter: soorploom

  Punching Bag Needed

  by Brian Rosenberger

  My boyfriend, my soulmate, my true love of eight meaningful months has been fucking someone else for seven of those months. The bastard moved to Anchorage with his new love.

  I am super pissed.

  I was there for him, supported him, even cut his fucking toenails for him; he said it hurt his back.

  I don’t need hugs or therapy. I need a punching bag. I’m not travelling to fucking Alaska for satisfaction. Alaska is his punishment. I hope he and his new love are gang raped by walruses.

  So, if you are horny for a clobbering, please contact me.

  BRIAN ROSENBERGER lives in a cellar in Marietta, GA (USA) and writes by the light of captured fireflies. He is the author of As the Worms Turns and three poetry collections. He is also a featured contributor to the Pro-Wrestling literary collection, Three-Way Dance, available from Gimmick Press.

  Facebook: HeWhoSuffers

  The Scent of Fierce

  by Shawn M. Klimek

  As new passengers boarded the subway car, a familiar scent made Ellen’s heart pound. Her hand crept towards the gun hidden in her purse. She would never be a victim again. She briefly lowered her newspaper just to be sure. Her rapist had changed his appearance, but there was no disguising that haunting cologne. She made up her mind that wherever he disembarked, she would follow at a safe distance, and then avenge herself at the first opportunity. She wasn’t afraid anymore. She already proved it on Monday and Tuesday, and she wasn’t yet out of bullets or rage.

  SHAWN M. KLIMEK is the middle child of seven creative siblings, a globetrotting, U.S. military spouse, an internationally best-selling short-story writer, award-winning poet, and butler to a Maltese. More than one hundred and fifty of his stories and poems have been published in digital magazines or anthologies, including BHP’s Deep Space, Eerie Christmas and every book so far in the Dark Drabbles series.


  Facebook: shawnmklimekauthor


  by Terri A. Arnold

  I don’t think the average person can comprehend the feelings that are boiling inside of me. Half the time I can’t, I rely on the voices in my head to fill in my heart.

  I can’t do this anymore; I simply cannot go on with all the moronic people that surround me day after day after day.

  I’m not sure I can put a word to my feelings. I can taste the venom that I feel for every person I meet in life. I’ve already taken care of the imbeciles who raised me. Time to take care of the rest.

  TERRI A. ARNOLD is an avid reader turned writer from a small town in Nova Scotia, who has spent her life reading and wishing she was writing. Although she has written a lot in those years, she has only recently begun to submit pieces for publication. With ongoing encouragement from family and writing challenges with friends, Arnold felt the urge to try her hand at publishing.

  Nosy Neighbours

  by Rowanne S. Carberry

  “I’m only looking out for you,” shouts Myra.

  She’s at the gate. Couldn’t just stay in her house and twitch the curtains like the others.

  “Thanks, Myra.”

  “I’m just saying that you should be careful. Pregnant, pushing a pram, all those bags!” She tuts. “You should learn to keep a man.”

  Rage fills me. I want to scream at her.

  Instead, I close the door.

  It’s not until the early hours of the morning that I respond.

  “You should learn to fix a smoke detector.”

  I smile as flames engulf her house, imagining her screams, I drift back to sleep.

  ROWANNE S. CARBERRY was born in England in 1990, where she stills lives now with her cat Wolverine. Rowanne has always loved writing, and her first poem was published at the age of 15, but her ambition has always been to help people. Rowanne studied at the University of Sunderland where she completed combined honours of Psychology with Drama. Rowanne writes to offer others an escape. Although Rowanne writes in varied genres each story or poem she writes will often have a darkness to it, which helped coin her brand, Poisoned Quill Writing – Wicked words from a poisoned quill.

  Facebook: PoisonedQuillWriting

  Instagram: @poisoned_quill_writing

  The River Legacy

  by Nicola Currie

  The flowers at my father’s grave are withered and neglected, and even though I had no affection for him, I am ashamed.

  Funny, how death can turn hate to pity, as though the thorns of anger wither too without the chaotic waters of the turbulent life that grew them.

  I stroke my belly and fear hate is my child’s inheritance, the rage I felt towards my father’s mental illness, that he felt for his alcoholic forebear, that grandad felt towards his abusive progenitor.

  Who knew hate was a river that flowed downhill?

  Already, my baby kicks me, through its waters.

  NICOLA CURRIE is from Cambridge, UK where she works in educational publishing. She has published poetry in literary magazines, including Mslexia and Sarasvati, and short stories in various anthologies. She has also completed her first novel, which was longlisted for the Bath Children’s Novel Award.



  by Lyndsey Ellis-Holloway

  There is nothing more frustrating,

  When trying to do your work,

  Than filling in a spreadsheet,

  When it decides to be a jerk.

  I’ve filled in the equations,

  Just as I’ve been told,

  But still it won’t co-operate,

  And now it’s getting old.

  I’ve got emails by the hundreds,

  And phone calls coming through,

  I’m being chased for this report,

  And no clue what to do.

  Work you flipping nightmare!

  I’m sick to death of asking!

  I’d throttle you if possible,

  You really are quite taxing.

  Well. Excel.

  You’ve beaten me.

  Congratulations to you.

  I need a cup of tea...

  Lyndsey Ellis-Holloway is a writer from Knaresborough, UK. She writes fantasy, sci-fi, horror and dystopian stories, focussing on compelling characters and layering in myth and legend at every opportunity. Her mind is somewhat dark and twisted, and she lives in perpetual hope of owning her own Dragon someday, but for now she writes about them to fill the void... and to stop her from murde
ring people who annoy her. When she’s not writing she spends time with her husband, her dogs and her friends enjoying activities such as walking, movies, conventions and of course writing for fun as well!



  by Sanziana Tamiian

  The blood caressed my sister’s face, just as my hand had the day she was born.

  “He’s drinking again,” she rasped “He’s not always like this.”

  My soul screamed in rage, I caught her as she slumped to the floor. Looking into her glazed eyes, I quivered. “Never again, I promise.”

  That ghoul of wrath came to arm me as I made my way to their home, and as my finger found the doorbell, I recognised the stumble of his footsteps inside, just as she had stumbled into my arms...

  I told the police that he stumbled into my knife.

  SANZIANA TAMIIAN is a Clinical Psychology student at Franciscan University of Steubenville. When she is not silently assessing the mental state of her peers, she enjoys drinking tea, kayaking with dolphins in Southern California and hanging out with her standard poodle, Duke. Sanziana’s work can be found in Unirea Magazine. She also loves pineapple on pizza.


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