Hunting Beauty (Possessing Beauty Book 4)
Page 21
“You’re late.”
I gasped, whirling to come face to face with him.
He shook his head. “On your first day, nonetheless.”
“I’m so sorry, sir!” I said quickly, noting the way he smirked as I used the title.
“The trains were backed-up, and—”
“I need you here on time, Ms. Wilder.”
I stared at him. “I’m aware of that, sir,” I said pointedly, feeling the heat bloom in my face. “But as I said, the trains—”
“You’ll be paid to follow orders, Ms. Wilder,” he snapped. “Not debate them.”
I froze, swallowing the rest of my anger as I nodded. God, that look again. He looked angry, but there was something there beneath the surface — something dark and raging like a storm. Again, the same look he’d given me at the nightclub, when I’d let him steal me away.
His eyes dropped to my clothes, and his brow wrinkled. “What on earth are you wearing?”
I stared at him, stilling trying to push down my anger at the accusation of willfully being late. “Excuse me?”
His nostrils flared. “I asked you a question, Ms. Wilder. What are you wearing?”
“I’m sorry, sir, I was running to get here and I slipped on some ice.”
He nodded, his eyes still moving over my body in a way that had me tingling in ways it probably shouldn’t have.
Because whatever happened before — whatever insanity possessed me that night when I’d decided to be done with it and just lose my virginity to a stranger — we were past that now. Now, he was my employer, and it was time to put what had happened before behind us. He obviously had.
He shook his head, as if disapproving.
“I’m—” I stammered. “I’m sorry, sir.”
His eyes traveled over me once more, before slowly they moved to lock with my own. I shivered again at the flash of something dark in them.
“Take them off.”
I froze, my brows going up. “Excuse me?”
“I said take them off, Ms. Wilder,” he growled, his eyes flashing at me.
I swallowed, squirming under that gaze “Um, Mr.—” I quickly shook my head. “Sir, I don’t think that’s—”
I gasped as he strode towards me, his jaw tight and his eyes fixed on me in that way that had me melting under that gaze.
“Good girls, Ms. Wilder,” he murmured as his hand moved up to cup my chin. I gasped at the contact, his hand sending an electric tease through my skin as his eyes blazed into mine.
“Good girls do what they’re told,” he growled. “And bad girls get punished.”
Oh, shit.
And just like that, I was putty for him, just like before. Just like that, I felt the roaring desire course through me, my panties growing hot and soaking wet, my nipples stiffening to points under my wet blouse.
“Off, Ms. Wilder,” he said softly but firmly.
And slowly, against every rational thought, and against every bit of me that screamed that this was wrong, I nodded.
“Yes, sir,” I whispered.
And he grinned.
He nodded, his eyes flashing at me as he slowly stepped back and sank into a rich leather armchair in the corner of the room. “Right here, Ms. Wilder.”
I swallowed, feeling my heart thud in my chest. I knew I should have run out of that room. I knew I should have left, never looked back, and gone and found some crappy job for the winter break.
But I didn’t.
Instead, I slowly brought my hands to my blouse, and started to unbutton it.
Colin’s eyes flashed as he watched me, his jaw tight as he slowly nodded with each button. I made my way down the row until there were no more, and I shivered despite the warmth of the room.
“Off,” he said, commanding.
I nodded as I shrugged the wet shirt off my shoulders, letting it drop until I was standing there in my skirt, stockings, and bra.
“The skirt, if you would.”
I bit my lip and stared at him, feeling the heat creep through me as I reached behind myself and tugged at the zipper. Slowly, it complied, and slowly, I peeled the skirt down my hips until it dropped to my feet.
Colin growled as I stood there before him in only my bra, panties, and black thigh-high stockings.
“Come here,” he whispered darkly, crooking his finger at me to approach him,
And I did, feeling my pulse hammer with every step as I made my way forward until I stood before him. He looked up at me, those gray eyes blazing, and even though I knew this was wrong — even though he was my boss, and so much older than me — there was only one thing I wanted in that moment.
Only one thing I craved.
I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to take me, and make me beg like he did before. I wanted to feel dirty with him again. I needed to feel that sweet, delicious fullness of his cock filling and stretching me to the brim as he pulled on my hair and demanded that I come.
I looked down at him, squeezing my legs together, feeling the heat from his gaze burn into me.
“Here,” he growled, nodding down at his lap.
I gasped. “Sir?”
“Here,” he said, his eyes flashing as he spat the word out.
And God help me, I nodded. I nodded, knowing full well what he wanted, knowing full well how inappropriately wet it was getting me.
“Yes, sir,” I whispered. And slowly, I knelt and crawled across his lap.
I moaned at the feel of his body against mine, the feel of muscular thighs through his expensive suit, the sensation of that luxe fabric brushing my breasts. I whimpered as I felt his hands on my skin, moving and pulling me into the position he wanted, and I blushed furiously as I felt him pull at my hips, my panty-covered ass raised in the air.
I panted, feeling the blood rush through me, the desire throbbing between my legs at whatever the hell I was doing. This was insanity. This was nuts, and yet, I was powerless to say no to him.
I didn’t want to say no to him.
“You were late, Ms. Wilder,” he growled. I gasped as I felt the palm of his hand brush over my ass.
“Yes, sir, I was.”
“You were a bad girl.”
I nodded and suddenly gasped out loud as his hand swatted at my ass.
“Say it,” he said darkly.
“I was a bad girl!” I gasped, biting my lip as I felt the unmistakable throb of his big cock beneath his suit pants against my stomach.
“And bad girls get punished,” he murmured.
Suddenly, the hand came down again, swatting my ass harder than the first time. I yelped, only to feel his hand come down again, spanking me as I lay over his lap. His hand came down a third time, and this time, my eyes closed and I moaned, shivering against him. Again and again, he spanked me through my panties, making me squirm against his rock-hard cock as I slowly drenched the thin fabric.
Finally, his hand came down once more before lingering and stroking the skin.
“You may stand, Ms. Wilder.”
Panting, a rush of heat flooding my face, I slowly pulled myself from the moment and fully realized what I’d just done. I stood.
Colin rose after me, towering over me, his chest rising and falling with his own breath.
“Ms. Wilder.”
I nodded.
“Look at me.”
I took one last shaky breath before I finally forced my eyes up to his, where he held them fast.
“Ms. Wilder, this job…” He broke, looking away and shaking his head. “Our previous encounter—”
“I’m sorry, sir,” I said quickly. “That really isn’t me—”
“Please do not interrupt me.”
My mouth snapped shut.
“I feel as though our previous encounter may, shall we say, color this working relationship. In fact, I believe it may color the job itself.”
I looked at the floor. Shit. This was it. This was where I was just go
ing to get fired, which honestly, was probably the best thing that could—
“It’s still available to you.”
I looked up quickly.
“However,” he growled, his hand coming up to cup my jaw possessively, eyes flaring. “I can promise you that what happened before will affect our relationship, and it will alter the nature of the position.” His jaw tightened. “Did you enjoy what just happened here?”
I nodded.
“Answer truthfully.”
I swallowed as I nodded even harder. “Yes,” I whispered, still feeling the delicious sting of his hand on my ass and the way that tingling spread through my body. “Yes, sir.”
His lips slowly curled. “Good. But I should warn you, this is your only out. “Walk away now if choose, because after this…” His eyes burned fiercely into mine. “After this, you’re mine.”
My body shivered, my pussy throbbed, and I could have come right there if he’d touched me.
“Have I made myself clear?”
And again, I knew what I should have done. I knew I should have grabbed my clothes and walked away then.
But something stopped me. Something primal, and something deep inside forbade me to leave.
Some dark, ready-to-be-unchained part of me wanted to see where this led.
“You have, sir,” I said softly.
“Last chance, Ms. Wilder,” he growled tightly. “After this, everything changes.”
I answered without hesitation. “I accept the position, sir.”
His eyes flashed, his hand tightened on my jaw, and for a second I thought — no, hoped — that he’d devour me right there.
But instead he took a breath. Slowly, his hand dropped from my chin, and he took a step back. “Very well. You’ll begin immediately. I’ll have Andrew settle you into your rooms.”
He started to turn when I frowned. “Should I— I mean, should I go back to my dorm to pack?”
Colin smiled as he turned. “No, Ms. Wilder. You are now my employee, and you will be staying here.”
“What about my clothes?”
“They will be provided.”
I swallowed. “What if I need to let anyone back there know that I won’t be coming back?”
It was a meaningless worry. My roommate was already gone for winter break, and it wasn’t like I’d kept many close friends with the workload I’d taken over the school year.
Colin frowned. “Is there anyone you need to speak with?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. What if I have a boyfriend or something?”
I gaped as he strode towards me, his hand moving over my throat to slide into my hair, gripping it forcefully as he loomed over me. “Do you have a boyfriend?” he growled, his face furious, eyes flashing.
I didn’t, obviously.
“No,” I shook my head quickly, shivering against him. “No, I don’t.”
His face softened. “Good.” His hands dropped from me and he seemed to take another breath before stepping away again. “Then that settles that.” He strode towards the door, pausing with his hand on the knob as he turned back to me. “Welcome to my home, Ms. Wilder. Andrew will show you to your rooms when you’re ready.”
And then he was gone, leaving me panting, still standing there barely dressed and barely understanding why on earth I’d agreed to this.
Chapter 5
My cock strained in my trousers as I stormed through the house to my private quarters, slamming the door to the suite behind me before slumping against it.
Jesus Christ, what the fuck was I getting myself into here?
It was all her. She did things to me, somehow. She made me harder than steel.
She made me want to possess her.
I craved her. I wanted to run my hands over every sweet inch of her until she was mewling for me.
I wanted to consume her.
I’d felt all of these things ever since that night in the club, and now here she was, under my roof.
And I’d almost slipped.
I’d put my hands on her. I’d spanked that sweet, cherry ass of hers until I could feel the wet heat of her pussy hot against my thigh. Something tells me I’d have felt her come on my damn leg if I’d kept going.
But I hadn’t
I’d stopped, and I’d remembered myself.
I’d remembered the consequences.
I’d remembered that despite my wealth, my looks, and my ability to charm the panties off just about any women I came across, I couldn’t do that. Least of all with a girl who was now under my employ.
Helen, of course.
My ex-wife had nearly destroyed me when she’d almost stolen the two most important things from my life. The day of the crash, the day of shattered glass, and my heart almost breaking in my chest. The day I’d almost lost Beckham and Lillian to the selfish mania of a woman gone mad. Of course, that’d been the end of Helen and me. The crash and been the dramatic finish to a relationship long gone off the rails. And obviously, I’d kept the children after what she’d done.
Except she hadn’t let it go. And now she was determined to try and shred my life all over again, using my considerable alimony money to come after everything I had.
But most importantly, she was coming after my children. I say my children, not ours, because after she almost killed them, they stopped being her children at all, in my opinion.
Her taking them was not going to happen. Not while I still had a breath to breathe. But the short of it was, I was under a goddamn microscope, hence escaping into anonymity the other night at that club. Hence taking out my pent-up aggression on the sweet, innocent young thing who chatted me up there — the girl I took to the bathrooms and dominated until she begged for more.
It was supposed to be a one-time thing, obviously. It was just stress relief, and nothing more.
Except when I’d come home that night, no amount of scotch could drown her from my thoughts. No amount of work that I’d thrown myself into the next week — the acquisitions, the mergers, the planning the getaway for myself my children for Christmas and New Year’s Eve in Paris — none of it could erase her haunting eyes from my mind.
Or her lips. Or the way she’d gasped — the sweetness of her skin, and the silken heat between her legs.
I thought I’d seen the end of my stranger, until she’d walked into my office for a job interview, and after that?
Well, after that, I was lost, apparently.
Lost and gone mad, inviting her in here — dangling temptation in front of my own face.
I groaned again at the thought of putting my hands all over her, of spanking her. Hell, I’d wanted to tears those panties down to her knees, tie them tight there, bend her over my chair and fuck her hard and mercilessly, even though I knew I couldn’t.
My beautiful stranger. Somehow, here she was, living down the hall from me, under my room, and coming to Paris with us.
My cock throbbed at the thought of her, down the hallway getting settled in, perhaps taking a bath to soothe the skin I’d bruised.
I groaned as I reached down and stroked myself through my pants before I steadied my hand and drew back.
That could not happen again.
Whatever damning temptation I’d set up for myself, I’d deal with as I dealt with everything in my life. With precision. With sharpness. With perfectly practiced control.
Touching Isabella Wilder again could mean losing everything, which meant I had to shut that instinct down.
Now if only my brain and my cock would get on board with that decision.
Chapter 6
He was all over me as we neared the back of the club, his hands moving down over the front of my skirt as his lips and teeth nipped and sucked at the tender nape of my neck. I blushed furiously as I saw other people staring at us, but then those lips found my collarbone, and I stopped caring at all
This wa
s it — this was really happening.
There’d mercifully been no line for the single use bathroom, and we’d gone tumbling inside, lip-to-lip, hands sliding madly over each other. He’d been all over me, his hands up under my skirt, grabbing my ass, and moving up under my shirt to cup my breasts, kissing me as I fumbled to lock the door behind us.
His hand slid up under my skirt, and he brazenly slipped his fingers down into my panties. I gasped out loud as he pushed down into my dripping wet pussy, and I clutched at his leather jacket, biting my lip. I almost couldn’t believe I was actually doing this, but then, there was no going back.
No way.
My hands fumbled at his belt, ripping at the zipper before snaking inside to feel him. I gasped loudly, my eyes growing wide and my jaw dropping as my fingers closed around the huge shaft tucked in his jeans. Fuck he’d felt big. He growled into my ear, his cock throbbing in my small hand as his fingers curled deep inside my pussy, making me moan loudly in the small room.
With a clank, his belt buckle hit the floor along with his pants, followed quickly by his boxers. I looked down between us and gasped, seeing the enormous cock jutting thick and proud out from his toned abs.
“Are you going to be a good girl for me,” he’d purred into my ear, his fingers stroking in and out of my slit.
I’d nodded hungrily, swallowing and panting as my hand slowly stroked his enormous cock.
“Good girl,” he growled. “I want you on your knees, right now."
My whole body shuddered as the brash, harshness of his words hit me like a slap. Again, I knew part of me should be shocked at the way this man talked to me, but at the same time, his words touched something primal inside of me, and the reaction was immediate. I felt my tight pussy throb around his fingers as my pulse raced.
His eyes glinted sharply at me, as if sizing me up and waiting with what appeared to be amusement to see if I'd do as he said. Slowly, I bit my lip and nodded, feeling dizzy with lust as I sank to my knees on the bathroom floor to suck his cock. I didn’t think, I just did. I leaned forward, opened my mouth, and wrapped my lips around his thick, beautiful cock.