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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 9

by Layla Colquhoun

  "It was better than amazing," I happily chirped, as I caressed her soft cheek.

  A second later, Celeste rolled to her side, so we were facing each other, then she grabbed my hand and placed a soft kiss on it, before she affectionately stated, "I have never felt as happy as I do right now, in either of my lives."

  My lips curved up to form an ear to ear smile, before I huskily responded, "Mate, I can bring you this kind of happiness anytime you want."

  "How about all the time?" she cheekily asked with a cute giggle.

  I chuckled with her, then I happily assured my mate, "All the time, if that's what you want, sweetie."

  We laid in Celeste's bed and snuggled for awhile, then we decided to go for a run together. We put on as little clothes as possible, since we would be taking them off right away, then we headed outside.

  Once we reached the cover of the forest, Celeste didn't even bother hiding behind a tree like she usually did. She was quick to strip her clothes off, then she shifted into her beautiful jaguar. I was quick to pull my shorts off, then I shifted into my panther.

  As soon as I did, Celeste rubbed her body against mine, and the sparks immediately flowed between our fur. I licked the top of her head, like I had done many times over the last four years, and those sparks made my tongue tingle in the most pleasant way.

  After a few minutes of our cats snuggling, we ran through the forest together, and we didn't stop running until we reached the southern border. That's when we slowed our pace down, then we crossed the border and walked to the waterfall.

  As soon as we reached the cascading water, Celeste shifted back to her human form, then she sprinted to the river inlet. I was quick to also shift back to my human form, then I chased her into the water. Once the water level reached the top of her chest, Celeste stopped moving farther into the water, then she turned around and beamed a smile at me, as she playfully stated, "It's about time you caught up."

  I grabbed her hips under the water, then I pulled her against me and wrapped my arms around her. We lovingly gazed into each other's eyes for a few seconds, then I huskily murmured, "I love you," before I smashed my lips against hers.

  I passionately kissed my mate standing there in the middle of the river inlet's water, and she was quick to passionately return the kiss. After a few minutes of kissing, she pulled her lips away from mine, then her eyes went wide in surprise.

  I turned my head and snapped my eyes in the direction she was looking, then I immediately started menacingly growling. There must have been thirty or forty werecats gathered along the bank of the river, and I felt an overwhelming need to protect my mate.

  Celeste giggled at my reaction, then she soothingly caressed my cheek, as she confidently stated, "Mate, it's okay. These are members from the Jungle Pack, and the big were-jaguar in the front is Alpha Jared. We should go talk to them. I want to introduce you to the Alpha."

  I was hesitant at first, but Celeste wasn't taking no for an answer. She grabbed my hand, then she led me out of the water. Once we were standing in front of them, I stepped in front of my mate right away, to shield her naked body from their view.

  The big were-jaguar shifted to his human form and immediately smiled, as he greeted us, "Celeste, I was hoping we would see you today. Is this your mate?"

  "Yes, Alpha Jared. This is my mate, Lance Chesterfield from the Midnight Pack. Lance, this is Alpha Jared, Alpha of the Jungle Pack," she stated with excitement.

  Alpha Jared was quick to extend his hand out to me, and I made sure to do the same and gave him a firm handshake. After he released my hand, he enthusiastically chirped, "Lance, it's a pleasure to meet you. I don't know how much Celeste has told you, but your mate is very special, and she has very important mission ahead of her."

  Instantly, Celeste warily asked, "What do you know about my mission?"

  He chuckled heartily, before he sheepishly admitted, "Alana, I have been well informed about who you are, and what you mission is."

  Celeste and I both gasped in surprise, before she nervously asked, "How do you know about any of this. My mate is the only one I had permission to tell."

  He chuckled again, then he informed us, "Our pack was visited by the Moon Goddess of the werewolves. Your Moon Goddess told us everything and asked us to provide you with anything you might need during your mission. She knows we are a trustworthy pack of werecats, and when she found out you belong with us, she thought it would be beneficial for you to have our support."

  "I can't believe it. How long have you known?" she asked in bewilderment.

  "She visited me a week after your first shift. She asked me not to reveal my knowledge to you until your sixteenth birthday," he nonchalantly responded with a sheepish smile on his face.

  A second later, another smaller jaguar walked up beside the Alpha with a sundress hanging out of it's mouth. I was quick to grab the dress, then I handed it back to Celeste. After she pulled the dress on, she moved to stand beside me. Instantly, I draped my arm over her shoulders and protectively pulled her against my side. This was my first time meeting any of the werecats from this pack, and I wasn't taking any chances.

  After a few more minutes of small talk, we followed Alpha Jared to his house, so we could discuss how Celeste was going to complete her mission. I wasn't sure what to think about any of it, but I knew this mission was very important to Celeste, which made it just as important to me.

  Kyle POV

  After I enjoyed some quality time in bed with Julie, I was quick to fall asleep. However, it wasn't a peaceful sleep. I had the strangest dream, and it left me feeling very unsettled. In the dream, Alana was still alive, and she reached her sixteenth birthday, but that wasn't the unsettling part of the dream.

  What had me feeling out of sorts was the fact that Alana was my mate in the dream, but I chose to kill her, when I was supposed to be marking her. I chose to do that to my own mate, and I was filled with nothing but regret after I did it.

  I knew it was Alana in my dream, because the shewolf had the same white hair, gray eyes, and pale skin as Alana. Not to mention, they had the same intoxicatingly sweet scent.

  To make matters worse, I woke up from the horrible dream to a searing pain in my chest. The pain was so bad, it had me gasping for air. I didn't know what was going on, but I was at a complete loss for words. It reminded me a little of the pain I experienced in my dream, when I killed Alana and broke our mate bond, but none of it made any sense.

  I felt so confused by the dream and the pain I was experiencing. I wasn't sure if the dream was some kind of sick joke my head was playing on me, or what. All I knew was that the dream felt so real. All the emotions I felt during the dream made it seem so real, like it really happened.

  I could remember listening to Alana's gurgling, as she struggled to take her last breath, and the sound kept replaying in my mind over and over again. I stumbled out of the bed and to the bathroom, then I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked run down, with my blood shot eyes, and my stubbled face.

  Suddenly, the pain in my chest intensified to the point I couldn't stand it. I curled up in a ball on the cold marble floor, and groaned from the pain. I felt like my whole body was on fire, and the pain lasted for several hours. It got so bad, I thought I was going to die.

  Between the dream of Alana and the pain I was experiencing, I ended up breaking down in tears. I laid on the floor and cried like a pup for a few hours straight. When the pain finally subsided, I was left feeling utterly exhausted. I didn't even try to stand up. Instead, I crawled back to my bedroom, then I collapsed on the soft, carpeted floor and passed out.

  Chapter 16

  Making a Plan

  Celeste POV

  As soon as we walked into Alpha Jared's home, I looked around in awe. His house was huge. It wasn't as big as the pack house at the Great Forest Pack, but it was biggest house I had seen for one family. The floors were marble, and the walls were a solid white without a single mark or stain on them. The place looked im
maculate, and I was beyond impressed.

  Alpha Jared was quick to grab a pair of shorts and toss them to Lance, who was just as quick to pull them on. After that, he offered for us to have a seat on his dark blue microfiber couch. As soon as my butt hit the cushion, I sank down like it was a cloud or something. When Lance sat down beside me, that made my body sink down even more, then I started giggling.

  Lance draped his arm over my shoulder, then he pulled me against his side and curiously asked, "What's so funny?"

  "I feel like this couch is going to swallow me," I replied with another giggle.

  Lance chuckled with me, before he cheekily agreed, "It is really soft."

  Alpha Jared chuckled for just a second, then he got a serious look on his face before he asked, "Are you ready to make a plan for this mission?"

  I straightened myself as much as I could on the couch, then I nodded my head and replied, "Let's do this."

  He pulled a shoebox out from under the coffee table that was in front of him, then he dumped the contents of the box on top of the coffee table. After that, he unfolded a map of the Great Forest Pack, and I could see that he had made several handwritten notes on the map.

  He pointed at the pack house on the map, as he stated, "This is ground zero," then he looked directly at Lance to make sure Lance was paying attention, before he pointed to each border while naming them by the direction they were located on the map. He took a deep breath, then he started pointing at the many small circles he had drawn on the map and stated, "These are the different areas where I will have a warrior or two stationed at all times."

  "How big is this pack?" Lance curiously asked.

  "We have 293 pack members. Most of my pack members live in the forest, and they spend the majority of their time in their cat forms. They are the best of the best in terms of being stealthy and able to stay hidden from others," he proudly informed us with a smile.

  "That is impressive. I never would have guessed this pack was that big," Lance remarked with admiration.

  "So, what did you have in mind for me?" I excitedly asked.

  Alpha Jared sat back and eyed me for almost a minute, then he warily stated, "You are going to approach Alpha Kyle, the next time we spot him running by himself. He won't be able to resist the pull of your mate bond. You have to find a way to get him to make you the official Luna of the pack."

  "I won't let him mark me. No sir, no way, not gonna happen," I adamantly retorted, while shaking my head and folding my arms in front of my chest.

  Alpha Jared chuckled, whereas Lance started soothingly rubbing my back. After a few seconds of chuckling, he assured me, "You don't have to let him mark you. All you have to do is release your pheromones and make him fall in love with you. Once that happens, you will be able to easily get him to do anything you want."

  I scrunched my nose up in confusion, then I warily asked, "How do I release said pheromones?"

  "There are two different ways you can release them. Either in your cheek gland secretions or in your urine. I recommend you get him to kiss you, while you release them from your cheek gland," he nervously informed me while keeping an eye on Lance.

  Of course, my mate instantly growled, then he hissed before he snarled in irritation, "I can't believe you would even suggest that. This is my mate, you are talking about."

  "I'm sorry, Lance, but Alpha Kyle is also her mate, and this is the fastest and easiest way to complete the mission. The sooner it's done, the sooner you two can move on with your lives and be happy," Alpha Jared calmly replied.

  "Is there not any other options?" Lance defiantly asked.

  "I'm sure there is, but none that would be as fast and effective. This would also give Celeste the opportunity to get revenge on the ones who did her wrong when she was Alana," Alpha Jared pointed out.

  Lance opened his mouth to say something else, but I cut him off by confidently stating, "I will do it, Alpha Jared. I want this done and over with as soon as possible." After that, I turned to Lance and affectionately murmured, "My love, you are the one I want to spend my life with. If I have to do this for us to have our happy ending, then so be it."

  "I can't believe you are going to kiss that worthless werewolf. What if the mate pull is too much for you? What if you can't control the urge?" he dejectedly asked with tears pooling in his eyes.

  I cupped both of his cheeks in the palms of my hands, then I rested my forehead against his and gazed straight into his gorgeous eyes, as I confidently stated, "That won't happen. I promise, Lance. I love you too much to let something like that happen."

  As soon as the last word left my mouth, I pressed my lips to his and gave him a sweet kiss. When I pulled my lips away from him, he lovingly remarked, "I won't be able to stay away from you. I will find a way into that pack house, and we will still see each other often."

  "Good, because I can't stand the thought of being away from you either," I cheekily replied with a small smile playing on my lips.

  Lance chuckled for a few seconds, then he pecked a kiss on my lips, before he glanced over at Alpha Jared and mumbled, "Let's finish making this plan, so we go enjoy some more time together."

  I flashed him a smirk, then I turned my attention back to Alpha Jared and asked, "What else do I need to know?"

  "First, let me ask you this... Will you remember your way around the Great Forest Pack's territory, or do you need to relearn it?" he curiously asked in return.

  "I remember it like I was there yesterday," I cheekily admitted, as I shrugged my shoulders.

  "If you get into a bind while you are there, I want you to retreat. Get to the nearest area, where we have our warriors stationed, and they will help you get off their territory, if you need the help," he stated with authority.

  "You guys need to stop worrying so much about me. I can handle this, and I can handle Kyle, but there is one thing I need from you," I stated with determination, as I focused my attention on Alpha Jared.

  "Whatever you need, I will make sure you have," he assured me.

  "I need you guys to capture a specific shewolf. Once you get her back here, put her in a dungeon, or somewhere secure that she can't escape from," I nonchalantly requested.

  "Who and why?" he asked with confusion.

  "Julie Snider. She has dyed blonde hair, brown eyes, and her scent smells like strawberries and chocolate. I owe her for all the times she hurt me, and I will make her pay with or without your help," I replied with an evil smirk on my face.

  "We will make that happen. Is there anybody else?" he curiously asked with a sly smirk on his face.

  "No, Alpha. Kyle and Julie are the two who caused me the most pain. The others I can deal with after I become the Luna. Speaking of, what exactly should I do about the war once I'm the Luna?" I warily asked with my eyebrows knitted together.

  "We will sit down with Alpha Windsor from your pack and sign a peace agreement forbidding each other from ensuing in acts of violence against one another. Once that is done, you can either maintain control over the Great Forest Pack with or without one of your mates, or you can give the Alpha title to somebody else in the pack, who is worthy of the title," he calmly explained.

  "If I maintain control of the pack, it definitely won't be with Kyle, since I plan on killing him the same way he killed Alana," I nonchalantly replied.

  "Whatever you decide, I will back your decision one hundred percent," Lance assured me.

  "You have my support, as well," Alpha Jared immediately responded after Lance.

  "Thanks, both of you. I can't wait to be done with all of this," I mumbled before I slumped back on the couch.

  I was starting to feel the need for a nap, and Lance could feel my sleepiness through our mate bond. He brushed his knuckles over my cheekbone, as he softly murmured, "Sweetie, you should lay down and get some rest."

  Alpha Jared flashed us a smile and cheerfully stated, "I have plenty of spare rooms. You are welcome to take a nap in one of them."

  I returned the smile, a
s I timidly replied, "That would be most appreciated."

  Right away, he stood up and motioned for us to follow him. When I stood up, I immediately swayed a little, so Lance quickly scooped me into his arms, then he carried me while he followed the Alpha. Halfway down the hall, Jared stopped walking and happily stated, "You are always welcome here. Mi casa su casa."

  "Thanks," I drowsily mumbled.

  Lance flashed him a smile, then he walked past the Alpha and into the bedroom. A second later, Alpha Jared pulled the door shut for us, while Lance walked over to the bed. After he laid me down, he walked over to the other side and joined me on the bed.

  Right away, he pulled me into his loving arms, and I was quick to snuggle against him. Lance immediately nuzzled his face in my hair, as he affectionately mumbled, "My mysterious mate, always remember that I am here for you, no matter what."

  "I know, mate. I love you," I whispered in return.

  "I love you, too," Lance whispered before he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

  Even though my head was reeling with everything that had happened over the past forty-eight hours, I had no problem falling asleep. Sleeping in Lance's arms provided me with a sense of safety and security, so it ended up being one of the most peaceful naps I'd ever had.

  Chapter 17

  Quality Time

  Lance POV

  I couldn't believe Celeste was so quick to agree with Alpha Jared's plan. I wanted to tell her no, but I knew it would be pointless. She was brought back to complete the mission, and there was nothing I could do about it.

  Instead of picking a pointless fight with her, I decided to stick to my plan and back her up. There was no guarantee I would have her in my life for a long time, and I didn't want to waste any of the time we had together.

  I knew I wouldn't be able to stay away from my mysterious mate, and that made finding a way to sneak into the pack house and stay hidden a top priority. It was a large pack house, so surely I would be able to find a few good places to hide.


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