Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat Page 10

by Layla Colquhoun

  Not long after we laid down, Celeste fell asleep, but I laid there for about twenty minutes thinking about everything. I knew she was capable of completing her mission, but I couldn't help worrying about how the mission might change her in unforeseen ways. That was a big part of the reason why I wanted to stay close, and make sure nothing went wrong.

  When I finally fell asleep, my mind was filled with dreams about Celeste. Some of the dreams were good, whereas some of them left me feeling troubled. I worried for her safety, and I hated the thought of anything bad happening to her.

  After a few hours of sleeping, I woke up to find my beautiful mate gazing at me with a sweet smile playing on her lips. I returned the smile, as I groggily mumbled, "Good morning, sweetie."

  "Good morning, mate," she happily chirped.

  I gave my limbs a good stretch, then I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, before I rolled to my side and murmured, "We should go back to the river inlet and finish what we started."

  Celeste giggled for a second, then she happily replied, "That's a great idea."

  I didn't need to hear anything else, I sprang out of the bed with a smile plastered on my face, as I enthusiastically stated, "This is going to be fun."

  After Celeste climbed out of the bed, we quietly walked through Alpha Jared's large house, then we let ourselves out. Once we were standing on the porch, we stripped the borrowed clothes off and set them on a porch chair, then we shifted into our cat forms.

  We followed the sound of the waterfall, and before long it came into view. Right before we reached the water at the river inlet, Celeste shifted back to her human form, then she continued to run straight into the water. She didn't stop moving forward until the water reached her chest like the last time, then she spun around and immediately wrapped her arms around my neck.

  I circled my arms around her waist, then I pulled her against me, before I smashed my lips against hers. We passionately kissed each other for a few minutes, then I reached down and lifted up on her thighs.

  Right away, she wrapped her legs around my hips, as we continued to share an intimate kiss. When I pulled my lips away from hers, Celeste softly murmured, "Mate with me, Lance."

  There was no way I was about to turn down the chance to mate with her again. I gazed into her stunning sapphire eyes and huskily replied, "It would be my pleasure, sweetie."

  I mated with her in the water, and it was out of this world. I used my determination to make sure we both enjoyed every second we had together, and before we were done, I had her screaming my name in the throes of passion.

  After we finished mating, I continued to hold her in my arms, while we enjoyed the cool water that surrounded us. Even under the water, I could feel those amazing sparks flowing between us, and I didn't want to release her from my arms anytime soon.

  We spent a few minutes in a comfortable silence, then I affectionately murmured, "You know, I'm not letting you leave my side until it's time for you to officially begin your mission."

  Celeste gazed into my eyes with nothing but love swirling in hers, then she cheekily replied, "Good. I want to spend as much time with you as I can between now and then."

  I nuzzled my nose against hers, as I huskily mumbled, "Mate, when the mission is done, will you think about giving me a cub or two?"

  She caressed my cheek and smiled, as she thoughtfully replied, "It would be my honor to have a cub with you."

  Instantly, I tightened my arms around her and happily murmured, "You are the best."

  We swam for a little while after that, then we headed back to Celeste's house. When we got there, we put our clothes back on, then we headed inside.

  We were both hungry by that point, so Celeste made us both a ham and cheese sandwich, then she grabbed a bag of chips out of the cabinet. While we ate our food, she kept playing footsy with me under the table, and it was so cute.

  After we finished eating, we went to her room, then we laid together on the bed and strategized some more. By the time the sun rose the next morning, I had a better understanding of the Great Forest Pack's territory and their pack house.

  Not only that, I was more than confident that Celeste would be able to handle everything. Our mate bond was strong, and I knew we could endure whatever was thrown our way. Also, we devised a few different ways that Celeste could help me sneak into the pack house.

  We were both getting more excited about the mission, and I was glad to be a part of it. I wanted our packs to be able to live peacefully beside each other, and if this is what had to be done to make that happen, then so be it.

  Chapter 18

  Kyle Meets Celeste

  Kyle POV

  The last forty-eight hours were a nightmare. I couldn't explain why I was experiencing so much pain. It wasn't a constant, nonstop pain, but once it started, it seemed to last for at least an hour or more. I was very much on edge, and I couldn't hardly tolerate anything at the moment. I had barely slept, and when I did, it wasn't a peaceful sleep.

  On top of experiencing the pain on and off, I was trying to devise a plan to deal with the pack of werecats that kept crossing the border into my territory. However, my mind was straying every which way, and I couldn't focus on anything.

  Eventually, I hit my breaking point with everything and stormed out of the pack house. As soon as I reached the tree line, I shifted into my all black wolf, then I sprinted straight for the border we shared with that annoying pack of werecats.

  When I got there, I released a loud howl in hopes that one of them would come talk to me. I was tired of playing the stupid games with them, and I didn't need the aggravation. I stood there for about fifteen minutes and continued to how every few minutes. I figured maybe if I was annoying enough, they might actually make an appearance.

  I was getting ready to turn around and head back to the pack house, but my eyes caught movement behind their trees. I kept my eyes locked on the spot where I was sure I saw something, and a few seconds later, the most gorgeous creature walked out from behind one of the larger trees.

  I was quick to shift to my human form, then I stood there with my mouth open and my jaw dropped, as the mysterious woman confidently walked toward me. Suddenly, a breeze whipped around us, and my nostrils were filled with the most intoxicating scent ever.

  I took a deep inhale of that amazing jasmine and watermelon scent, then my wolf, Kane, started enthusiastically chanting, 'Mate, mate, mate."

  My eyes widened, but they never left the beauty that had burgundy hair with orange highlights. When she got closer, I got a better look at her eyes, and I was instantly mesmerized by them. She had the most beautiful sapphire eyes surrounded by the thickest eyelashes that I had ever seen, and I found myself quickly getting lost in them.

  She opened her mouth to say something, and my eyes immediately focused on her full, pink lips. They looked so kissable, and I couldn't stop licking my lips, as I thought about what it would be like to kiss her.

  I was brought out of my daze, when she curiously asked, "Why are you out here howling like you're in trouble or something?"

  Instantly, I wrapped my arms around her, then I buried my face in the crook of her neck. However, she did not like that one bit. She quickly wriggled out of my grasp, then she slapped me hard on the cheek.

  Being an Alpha, I didn't take kindly to my mate slapping me and instantly growled at her, before I snarled, "Mate, don't you ever strike me again."

  "Mate? I don't know what kind of game you're trying to play here, but I already have a mate," she nonchalantly replied, as she moved her hair to show me the mark on her neck.

  I almost couldn't believe my eyes. Here was this Goddess of a creature who was clearly my mate, but she already had a mate. I didn't understand how that could be possible. Our bond should have broke, as soon as she was marked by her other mate, but it didn't. None of it made any sense.

  Suddenly, it hit me that she must be the reason why I had been experiencing so much pain. I quickly closed the gap that she had put
between us, then I circled one arm around her waist. After that, I caressed her cheek and curiously asked, "Can't you feel the sparks?"

  She furrowed her eyebrows at me, as she warily replied, "Yes, but that doesn't mean I have to accept you. I couldn't do that to my mate."

  "I am also your mate, and I will not accept a rejection from you. If I have to share you with your other mate, than so be it," I dejectedly mumbled, as I gazed into her captivating sapphire eyes.

  She released a sigh of frustration, then she curiously asked, "What is your name?"

  "I am Alpha Kyle Maddox from the Great Forest Pack. What is your name, and why are living with a pack of werecats?" I immediately responded.

  "My name is Celeste, and I am living with my pack, because that is where I belong," she sassily retorted.

  "You belong here with me," I interjected.

  "No, I belong with my own species," she adamantly stated.

  That's when it dawned on me that my mate was a werecat. I was too shocked to form any coherent words, so I just stared at her in shock for a minute or two. As soon as I came back to my senses, I timidly asked, "Is your other mate a werecat?"

  A smile lit up her face, as she thought about her other mate, then she happily replied, "Yes, he is also a werecat, and I love him with all of my being."

  I didn't like hearing those words, but I brushed them off and curiously asked, "Will you return to my pack house with me, so we can talk and eat dinner together?"

  "I don't know if that's a good idea. Your pack of mutts are constantly trying to harm or capture us," she warily mumbled, as she nervously looked around at our surroundings.

  I puffed out my chest, then I confidently stated, "Nobody will bother you, and if they do, I will personally punish them."

  She looked toward the forest on her pack's side of the border, then her eyes glazed over. I knew she was mind linking with somebody, since my eyes did the same thing when I was mind linking, so I patiently waited for to finish the silent conversation.

  As soon as she did, she eyed me suspiciously, as she nervously stated, "I will have dinner with you, then I must return home."

  "Okay, mate. That's fair," I cheekily chirped, as I grabbed ahold of her hand, then I led her through the forest to my pack house. Once we got there, I took her straight to my office, then I mind linked for my cook to bring dinner for two to my office.

  Celeste POV

  Lance and I were enjoying some time together by the waterfall, when Alpha Jared appeared. He walked straight to us, then matter-of-factly stated, "Kyle is howling by the Midnight Pack's border, and he is alone. He has given us the perfect opportunity to begin phase one of the plan."

  I exchanged glances with Lance, then I nervously replied, "Well, I guess we shouldn't let this opportunity pass us by. Wish me luck."

  Before anybody had a chance to say anything else, I shifted into my jaguar, then I sprinted toward my house with Lance fast on my trail. As soon as I got there, I shifted back into my human form, then I tied my sundress around my leg.

  Lance had also shifted back into his human form, and he was quick to engulf me in a loving embrace, as he affectionately mumbled, "Celeste, please be careful. I won't be able to survive without you."

  "Lance, I promise you, I will be very careful. I'll mind link you in a little bit to let you know how things are going," I confidently assured him.

  He smashed his lips against mine and passionately kissed me, then he rested his forehead against mine and huskily mumbled, "I love you, Celeste."

  "I love you, too, Lance," I softly murmured, before I pressed my lips back to his for one more kiss.

  As soon as I pulled my lips away from his, I spun on my heel and shifted back into my jaguar, then I ran in the direction of the border that we shared with the Great Forest Pack. When I got there, it didn't take me long to spot Kyle. He looked exactly the same as he did when he killed Alana. I felt a chill run down my spine, as I took in the sight of my werewolf mate.

  I could feel the pull of the mate bond just a little bit, but I refused to give in to it. However, I had to make an appearance, and I knew that I probably wouldn't get a better chance to do so.

  I shifted to my human form, then I pulled the sundress over my head, before I stepped out from behind the cover of the large tree in front of me. I walked across the border, and Kyle looked like he was in a trance or something for a second there.

  When I reached him and asked what all the howling was about, he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in the crook of my neck. I was not thrilled about that, and there was no stopping me from slapping his cheek. Of course, he growled at me, but I wasn't about to let him intimidate me.

  I acted nonchalant with him about us being mates, and I made sure to inform him that I already had a mate, but that didn't stop him from still wanting me to be his mate. He even went so far as to suggest sharing me with my other mate. Little did he know, I had no intention of ever being his mate. However, I had every intention of killing him like he did Alana.

  Eventually, I agreed to have dinner with him and talk. He led me through the forest to the pack house, then he led me to his office. After about twenty minutes of him making small talk, while he tried to learn more about me, a random shewolf walked into his office carrying a tray of food.

  We ate in silence, then he curiously asked, "Celeste, I understand you are a werecat, and you already have a mate, but we need to reach some type of agreement. I need my mate and Luna to help me run this pack. I need you."

  "Give me one good reason why I should even consider you for my mate. Your pack keeps trying to hurt members from my pack, when they haven't done anything to hurt any of you," I sassily stated.

  Kyle released a sigh of frustration, before he sheepishly replied, "If they weren't crossing the border and making my pack members nervous, we wouldn't have any problems."

  "Would you be willing to sign a peace agreement with them?" I timidly asked. I was hoping he would agree to it right then, but of course, I couldn't get that lucky when it came to matters dealing with him.

  He scrunched his nose up, then he warily mumbled, "No, I won't do that. My pack doesn't need to sign a stupid peace agreement. We just need your pack to stay on their own territory."

  "Well, in that case, I guess we don't have anything else to discuss. See you around, mate," I nonchalantly stated, as I stood up and headed toward his office door.

  Chapter 19

  Words With Julie

  Kyle POV

  I couldn't believe Celeste stood up and left my office the way she did. I was quick to jump up from my seat, then I sprinted after her. For a second, I had that distinct feeling of deja vu, and it left me feeling a bit perplexed, as I closed the gap between us.

  Suddenly, it hit me why I had the feeling of deja vu. It was because of that day when Alana died. The last time I interacted with her involved me chasing her down a hall, like I was doing at that moment with my mate. The only difference was that Alana was running, but Celeste was walking at a fast pace.

  When I caught up to her, I grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall, then I pinned her by putting my hands against the wall on each side of her body. Instantly, Celeste narrowed her eyes at me and hissed, before she sassily asked, "What is the meaning of this?"

  "You can't leave, mate! I forbid it!" I snarled through gritted teeth.

  "Do you now?" she asked with humor, as she cocked an eyebrow at me.

  I growled in response, then I adamantly stated, "Yes, I do. Now get back to my office, so we can finish this discussion and hopefully come to some kind of agreement."

  "There are two ways you can keep me here. One, you can sign the peace agreement, or two, you can make me the Luna of this pack, right here and right now," she cockily retorted.

  She was really testing my nerves with her ridiculous demands, and I wasn't going to do either of them. Instead, I grabbed her upper arm, then I started walking back to my office, while I pulled her behind me.

  Suddenly, I felt a stinging pain on my bicep. I stopped walking and looked at my arm to see deep claw marks, then I immediately growled before I gave her a hard shove. That caused Celeste to hit her back on the wall behind her, which led to her growling and hissing at me.

  I growled in return, and I was about to close the gap between us and grab her arm again, when she suddenly sprinted down the hall. I tried to catch up to her, but she was insanely fast. I looked all over the pack house, and I asked any pack member I passed if they had seen her, but I had no luck finding my mysterious werecat mate.

  Celeste POV

  I had been bullied enough when I was Alana the werewolf. There was no way I was going to allow that worthless werewolf mate of mine to bully me again. I knew it was going to be a hard mission to complete, but I wasn't expecting to feel so emotional.

  When he shoved me against the wall, it took all the willpower I had to not rip his throat out right then. I knew if I didn't put some space between us, I might do something irrational, so I sprinted down the hall. I was quick to leap over the banister of the stairs and gracefully landed on my feet, then I made a mad dash for the front door.

  I knew I couldn't kill him until he either signed the peace agreement or made me the official Luna of the pack, which meant taking a breather and calming myself down. As soon as I got outside, I headed for the cover of the trees, but I got stopped halfway there, by none other than my old nemesis, Julie Snider.

  Instantly, I growled at her before I deadpanned, "Get out of my way, or I will hurt you."

  "I don't know who you think you are, but I'm the future Luna of this pack, so you better start showing me some respect," she sassily retorted with a smirk on her face. I wanted to smack that smirk right off her face, but I didn't have time to deal with her nonsense at that moment.

  However, I wasn't leaving without bursting her bubble. My lips curved up to form a pleased smile, then I nonchalantly responded, "That's funny, because I can clearly remember hearing Alpha Kyle, who is my mate, ask me to stay. In fact, he told me he needs me, his mate and Luna."


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