Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat Page 11

by Layla Colquhoun

  Julie's jaw about hit the ground, then she narrowed her eyes at me and retorted through gritted teeth, "I don't believe you. I will go speak with my fiance about this right now." She held up her hand to show off a diamond ring that was decorating her ring finger, but I barely even glanced at it.

  I scoffed before I waved my hand in the air like I was dismissing her, then I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "Do what you must, but I'll be taking that ring from you, when I return with my belongings."

  After that I flipped my hair in her face, as I calmly walked past her. I could hear her mumbling profanities under her breath, but I paid her no more attention. I quickly made my way to the forest, then I mind linked Lance and asked him to meet me at the border.

  I wasted no time shifting into my jaguar, then I sprinted in Lance's direction. I was already missing him like crazy, and I needed to see him. I knew he would give me the comfort I needed at that moment. He was the only one who could give that to me.

  As soon as I crossed the border into the Midnight Pack's territory, relief flooded my senses. I didn't stop running until I reached the cover of the trees, then I looked around for my mate. I caught sight of him a few seconds later, and we instantly locked eyes.

  I sprinted toward him and quickly closed the gap between us, then I rubbed the side of my jaguar against the side of his panther. We both started purring right away, as we showed each other affection, and I knew he was the one I needed in my life.

  I could never love Kyle, and I was going to have to find the courage to seduce him, in order to complete my mission. I loathed the idea of being anywhere near him, but I didn't have any other viable options.

  Now that he knew I was his mate, it would only be a matter of time before he crossed the border in search of me. If he came alone, he would be fine, but if he brought his warriors, our pack members would have to take action.

  After a few minutes of snuggling against Lance's panther, I shifted back to my human form. Lance was quick to do the same, then we engulfed each other in a loving embrace. I buried my face into the crook of his neck and took several deep inhales of his scent, while he did the same to me.

  The way those amazing sparks were flowing between me and Lance, along with the smell of his scent had me feeling significantly calmer within a few seconds. Even though I felt calmer, I kept my arms tightly wrapped around him and enjoyed the closeness we were sharing.

  We stood there for about five minutes with neither of us saying a word, then Lance reached down and lifted up on my thighs. After I wrapped my legs around his hips, he walked to my house with me clinging to him. I had no intention of letting go of Lance until I had to return to Kyle's pack house.

  When we reached my house, Lance grabbed a towel that was hanging over the porch railing right away. He draped the towel over my naked body, then he walked into the house and went straight to my bedroom. Once we were in there, he shut the door, then he carried me to the bed and sat down.

  I tilted my head back just enough to gaze into his beautiful ocean blue eyes, then I softly murmured, "I missed you so much while I was there."

  "I missed you, too. I can't hardly stand this. Not knowing what's happening is almost enough to drive me crazy," he sheepishly admitted, as he rubbed his palms up and down my back.

  "What's crazy is how I can love one of my mates with all my heart, while I hate my other mate with every ounce of my being. It took everything I had not to rip his throat out today," I mumbled with frustration evident in my voice.

  He nuzzled his nose against mine, as he affectionately cooed, "Sweetie, I love you, too. I know this is a frustrating situation, but you have to keep your eye on the prize. Once the mission is complete. we will hopefully be able to live the rest of our life in peace."

  "I know, mate. He's just so damn frustrating sometimes, and I can't stand it. Everything about that werewolf makes my skin crawl," I anxiously replied, then my body trembled, as a chill ran down my spine. I seriously couldn't stand that werewolf mate of mine. I wanted nothing more than to end his life, and never again have to see his stupid face or his cocky smirk.

  Lance hovered his lips over mine, then he softly murmured, "I have faith in you, Celeste. I know you can handle this."

  As soon as the last word left his mouth, his lips started massaging mine. Instantly, my lips molded to his, as my fingers found their way to his soft hair. It wasn't long before the passionate kiss led to us mating again, and I enjoyed being able to spend that time with the mate I loved more than anybody else in the world.

  Chapter 20

  Returning to Kyle

  Lance POV

  When I felt my mate's anger and frustration course through our mate bond, I was instantly put on edge. Not long after that, she mind linked and asked me to meet her at the border.

  Right away, I sprinted in that direction. I couldn't wait to set my eyes on my mate again. She hadn't been gone very long, but I already missed having her close to me. When I got close to the border, I spotted her with ease and kept running in her direction.

  After our eyes locked, she sprinted toward me, then our cats snuggled against each other for a few minutes. It wasn't long before she shifted into her human form, and I did the same, then we embraced each other for several minutes. There wasn't any need for either of us to say anything, since we were both content with simply being in each other's loving embrace.

  When Celeste made no attempt to drop her arms from around me, I eventually lifted up on her thighs, and she was quick to wrap her legs around my hips. I carried her home, then I draped a towel around her body, before I carried her through the house to her bedroom.

  After I gave her some reassurances, we spent the rest of the night mating and cuddling with each other. I knew we would be able to spend most nights together, even when she was at the Great Forest Pack, and I was happy about it. That was the one good thing about them being werewolves. They had to sleep for longer durations of time, which meant Celeste could sneak away to spend time with me.

  Little did I know, Celeste had other plans for us. When the sun rose the next morning, she started packing some of her clothing into a bag, as she nonchalantly stated, "I want you to join me when I return to the Great Forest Pack. I recommend you run home and pack a bag if there is anything you want to take with you."

  Instantly, I was filled with excitement. I had been dreading the moment when she would have to leave me to return to that dreadful pack, but now she was giving me the opportunity to join her. I was quick to peck a kiss on her lips, then I happily chirped, "I will be right back."

  I sprinted from her house to mine and quickly packed a bag with some clothes and a few daggers, in case I needed them for protection, then I sprinted back to her house. When I walked into her bedroom with a backpack hanging from my shoulder, she flashed me a smile and asked, "Are you ready?"

  "Yep," I quickly replied popping the 'p'.

  Celeste giggled at me, then she grabbed my hand and

  enthusiastically stated, "Let's get going, mate."

  We walked the distance from her house to the border at a leisurely pace, while she filled me in on her new plan. Apparently she had been thinking a lot about everything throughout the night, and she was more determined than ever to keep me close to her, while she completed the mission at hand.

  It was obvious that she planned on using me to make her werewolf mate jealous, but I didn't mind one bit. She could use me for whatever she wanted, and I would happily agree every time.

  When we reached the border, Celeste suddenly stopped walking, then she wrapped her arms around my neck and smashed her lips against mine. Instantly, I wrapped my arms around her waist and cupped her perfect heart-shaped butt in the palms of my hands, as I returned the passionate kiss.

  After only thirty seconds of kissing my gorgeous mate, we heard a growl from the other side of the border. When I started to pull away from the kiss, Celeste was quick to tangle her fingers in my hair and stop me from pulling away.

; Since she wasn't worried about whoever was growling, I assumed it was her other mate, so I went with it and continued to passionately kiss her. It must have been at least two more minutes before she finally pulled her lips away from mine, then she softly murmured, "I love you, Lance. Always."

  Right away, I affectionately nuzzled my nose against hers and huskily mumbled, "I love you, too, mate. Always."

  Celeste pressed her lips against mine for one more soft kiss, then she thoughtfully stated, "I plan on enjoying these lips of yours for a long time."

  I chuckled at my cute mate, then I grabbed her hand and said, "You won't hear any complaints from me, sweetie."

  She flashed me a warm smile, before she started walking toward her other mate. She kept a firm hold on my hand while we walked, and I could feel her anxiety start to flare up through our mate bond. I squeezed her hand for reassurance, and that made her lip twitch a few times, as she attempted to suppress a smile.

  When we reached her other mate, he eyed me suspiciously, as he cockily stated, "I see you changed your mind about joining me at my pack house."

  "Not really, but if you're willing to share me with my werecat mate, I'm willing to spend some time with you, then we can see where things go from there," she nonchalantly replied.

  He continued to eye me suspiciously, as he dejectedly mumbled, "Are you going to at least introduce us?"

  Celeste shrugged her shoulders, then she flashed her smile at me, as she sweetly stated, "Mate, this is Alpha Kyle of the Great Forest Pack of werewolves." After that she turned to face Kyle with a scowl on her face and nonchalantly stated, "Kyle, this is my werecat mate, Lance. He is my world, and if you or anybody from you pack causes him any problems, I won't hesitate to put you all in your place."

  Kyle POV

  I was still looking for Celeste when Julie came stalking towards me with a look of pure rage swirling in her eyes. The second she reached me, her hand flew through the air and made contact with my cheek. Instantly, I grabbed her hand, then I flung her against the wall and angrily snarled, "If you ever lay a hand on me again, I will put you out of your misery on the spot."

  She narrowed her eyes at me, then she clenched her jaw and snarled through gritted teeth, "I can't believe you asked somebody else to be your Luna. Why did you ask me to marry you if you didn't want me to be your Luna?"

  "She's is not just somebody else, Julie. She is my mate, and her name is Celeste. You will show her the respect she is entitled to, or you won't have a home with this pack," I retorted with frustration evident in my strained voice.

  Julie took the ring off her finger and threw it at my face. The small ring bounced off my forehead, then it rolled down the hallway. I was in no mood for her bullshit, so I gave her a quick backhand for hitting me in the face twice, then I stalked down the hall to retrieve the ring that had finally stopped rolling.

  I heard a loud sob escape from Julie's mouth, then she sprinted up the stairs. I didn't know where she going, and I honestly didn't care at that moment. I was not one to tolerate being disrespected by any of my pack members.

  Once I had the ring in my hand, I carried it to my suite, then I hid it in my drawer of socks. After that, I sat on my couch for a little while and thought about how I should handle the situation with my mate. I wasn't expecting to find my mate and her already be mated to somebody else. Not only that, I wasn't expecting my mate to be a werecat.

  I was at a complete loss on what I should do about the situation, and not knowing where my mate disappeared to wasn't helping matters in the least. After close to an hour of pondering my options, I laid down and tried to get some sleep, but that was pointless.

  I couldn't stop wondering about the mysterious beauty who was my mate, because she was causing me to have pain in my chest. I wanted to hold to be the one holding her in my arms and feeling those amazing sparks.

  After several hours of trying to sleep, I finally gave up and headed outside for a run. I was tired of feeling that damn pain in my chest. I knew that mysterious mate of mine was the cause of the pain, and I could feel myself getting angrier by the minute.

  As if on instinct, I ran straight to the border we shared with the Midnight Pack. I had a feeling she returned to her home after she left my pack house, and I was hoping to catch a glimpse of her.

  Not long after sunrise, my gorgeous mate appeared from the cover of the forest. Instantly, I was awed by her sheer beauty. When the sun's rays hit her hair, the orange highlights shined even brighter, and I found myself captivated by the sight of her.

  I was getting ready to shout out to her, when she suddenly wrapped her arms around the guy that was walking with her, then she passionately kissed him. I wanted more than anything to be the one kissing her, and I couldn't stop myself from growling.

  The guy she was kissing started to pull away, but she wouldn't let him. Of course, he didn't seem to mind one bit. He continued to kiss her just as passionately, and I wanted to sprint across the border and rip his throat out. Somehow I managed to keep my composure, but it took every last bit of willpower I had to not act on my emotions.

  When she finally pulled her lips away from his, they exchanged a few hushed words, then her other mate grabbed her hand, before they walked over to me with their fingers entwined. We exchanged an awkward greeting, then I got her to introduce me to her werecat mate. It was obvious that she preferred his company, but I was determined to change her mind about me.

  After she threatened to put us in our places if we caused any problems for her other mate, I was quick to assure her, "Neither of you will have any problems with my pack members. I will make sure of it."

  "You will also do something about the skank who thinks she is going to marry you and become the Luna," she sassily demanded.

  I chuckled at my feisty mate, then I confidently stated, "I already had that discussion with her. She is no longer my fiance, and she will never be my mate or Luna. That spot is reserved for you."

  Chapter 21

  Getting Settled

  Celeste POV

  After I mentioned his 'fiance,' Kyle chuckled before he confidently responded, "I already had that discussion with her. She is no longer my fiance, and she will never be my mate or Luna. That spot is reserved for you."

  I flashed him a small smile, then I curiously asked, "Does that mean you are ready to make me your Luna now?"

  "I will make you the official Luna after you let me mark you," he nonchalantly stated, then he turned on his heel and started walking in the direction of his pack house.

  I kept a firm hold on Lance's hand, as we followed Kyle, and I was glad to have him with me. I didn't expect Kyle to be so willing to share me with Lance, so that was a nice surprise for me.

  When we reached the pack house, Kyle led us up the stairs to the Alpha's suite, then he opened the door and motioned for us to enter. After we entered, Kyle gave us a quick tour of the main area, then he led us to the master bedroom. As soon as we stepped into his room, he nonchalantly stated, "This is our bedroom, mate. Lance can either sleep in here with us, or he can sleep in one of the guest bedrooms."

  "I will be staying in the guest bedroom with Lance," came flying out of my mouth in a jumbled mess.

  Lance chuckled beside me, then he huskily mumbled, "Sweetie, if your other mate wants to watch me give you pleasure, I'm okay with that."

  Instantly, my jaw about hit the floor in response to Lance's comment. After a few seconds of staring at him in shock, I smugly responded, "Right at this moment, I don't think either of you will be touching me anytime soon."

  Kyle immediately started chuckling, whereas Lance was quick to pull me into his strong arms, then he nuzzled his nose against mine, as he softly murmured, "Sweetie, I was just messing with your other mate. I wasn't being serious."

  "You're lucky I love you so much, mate," I mumbled against his lips, before I gave him a passionate kiss.

  As soon as I pulled my lips away from Lance's lips, Kyle pulled me out of Lance's arms, as he huskil
y stated, "It's my turn," then he smashed his lips against mine.

  I tried to pull away from him, but he cupped my head in the palm of his big hand and kept me from moving, while he feverishly kissed me. After about twenty to thirty seconds, I stopped trying to pull away and let him enjoy the moment.

  I thought about releasing my pheromones right then, but I wasn't quite ready to initiate that part of the mission, plus I was kind of enjoying the way his lips were massaging mine. I never thought I would enjoy being touched or kissed by Kyle again, but I found it to be surprisingly pleasant.

  After a few minutes of passionately kissing, Kyle slowly pulled his lips away, then he gazed into my eyes, as he huskily murmured, "I could kiss these lips of yours all day long."

  That snapped me out of the momentary daze I was in, and I immediately rushed back to where Lance was standing with an odd look on his face. Right away, I anxiously asked, "Are you okay, mate?"

  He was quick to wrap his arms around me, then he buried his face into the crook of my neck and took several deep inhales of my scent to calm down. Not long after I felt his body relax, he lifted his head from the crook of my neck and whispered by my ear, "Mate, I don't know why, but seeing you kiss your other mate had quite the arousing effect on me."

  I playfully smacked his chest, as I cockily responded, "I seem to have that affect on a lot of you guys."

  After that, I turned on my heel and walked out of Kyle's bedroom. When I reached the living room, I plopped down on the black leather recliner and fully took in my surroundings.

  Kyle's suite was surprisingly nice, and I could see myself getting very comfortable there if Kyle wasn't around. However, I didn't want to live out the rest of my life with the same pack of werewolves that bullied me when I was still Alana.


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