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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 19

by Layla Colquhoun

  He looked up at her through lowered eyelashes, but I could still see the tears glistening in his eyes. In a barely audible voice, he softly murmured, "I'm okay. Thanks for helping me, Luna."

  Celeste gave his hair a little ruffle, then she held her hand out to him and asked, "Where do you live, buddy?"

  "I live with my parents, not far from here. I was walking home, when they started picking on me," he sheepishly admitted.

  "Honey, I don't think they will be bothering you again, and if they do, just make a trip to the border, and holler for somebody to get a message to me. My fellow pack members will do that. What is your name?" she assured him and asked.

  "My name is William," he chirped in a happier sounding voice.

  Celeste helped him to his feet, then she brushed the leaves and dirt off of him, before she used the pad of her thumb to wipe the blood off his chin. She was being so sweet and gentle with the pup, and I loved seeing that side of her. It made me excited to see how she would be with our cubs. I was sure she would be an amazing mum, and I couldn't wait for that day to come.

  When she was done cleaning him up a bit, she set him on my back, then we took him back to his house. As soon as he was inside safe, she shifted back into her jaguar, then we sprinted back in the direction of the Midnight Pack's territory.

  I was nothing short of proud to see my mate handle that situation the way she did. Celeste didn't necessarily hurt the pups that were being bullies, but she made sure they knew not to do it again, then she helped the other pup. She was perfect in every way, and I was glad she would be mine forever.

  Chapter 38

  Informing Lynzee

  Celeste POV

  It felt good to help that little redhead, and I knew I wanted to help more of the innocent individuals who were being bullied. It was just a case of being at the right place, when the bullying was taking place, so I could stop it from happening anymore.

  Before I started actively looking for the perpetrators, I needed to talk to Lance about whether he wanted to have a home of our own, or if he wanted to live the more nomadic lifestyle. Either was fine with me, but I was secretly hoping he would opt for the nomadic lifestyle. I loved being in my cat form, and I would have no objections to spending more of my time like that.

  As soon as we got back to my werecat parent's house, I pulled Lance with me straight to my bedroom. Once we got in there, I sat on the edge of the bed and patted the mattress beside me to encourage Lance to sit down.

  Within seconds, he was seated beside me, and he immediately draped his arm over my shoulder, then he pecked a kiss on my cheek. I flashed him a genuine smile, then I curiously asked, "Do you want us live in a house, or do you want to live in the forest?"

  Lance thought about my question for a few minutes, then he nonchalantly answered, "Having a house has it's perks. We would have a kitchen to cook in, with cabinets to store food. We would have a shower to use anytime we want, and we would have total privacy when we want to be intimate."

  Everything he said made perfect sense, and those were all things that I wouldn't want to live without. Plus, we could still spend as much time in the forest and jungle, as we wanted. We could have the best of both worlds, and we would have a safe place to raise our cubs when we started expanding our family.

  After taking in what he said, I nodded my head in agreement, as I happily stated, "I think we should build something in the jungle area of this pack for the time being."

  "Would you not rather live in the castle on the Jungle Pack?" he sheepishly asked.

  "I don't know if that's a possibility without joining the Jungle Pack," I nonchalantly replied with a shrug of my shoulders.

  "I think you should just join them now and start learning what you need to know," he timidly suggested.

  I leaned against his side and idly trailed my fingertips over his knee, as I warily stated, "I want to roam around for a little while and stop bullies in their tracks."

  "Is this because of the redhead you helped earlier?" he curiously asked.

  I flashed him a small smile, then I happily replied, "It felt so good to help that little guy. I want to help other's who find themselves in similar situations. Pups and cubs don't deserve to be treated like that."

  Lance tightened his arm around me, then he placed a soft kiss on my temple, before he affectionately murmured, "You're such a compassionate werecat, and I love that about you."

  His nice comment made my lips curve up to form an ear to ear smile, as I snuggled against him and mumbled, "I need to visit Lynzee and fill her in on everything that has happened."

  "She's going to be upset that you kept this from her this whole time," Lance solemnly replied.

  "I know, but I am confident that she will get over it quickly, once she learns why I couldn't tell her," I confidently stated.

  "You're probably right about that," he mumbled with a chuckle.

  We sat together in silence for a few minutes, then he started trailing soft kisses along the curve of my neck. It didn't take long for Lance to get my insides tightening with the need to mate with him. We spent the next hour or so under the blanket together, and I enjoyed every second with my gorgeous mate.

  When we were finished giving each other pleasure, we quickly drifted to sleep for a few hours, then we got up and ate some tuna sandwiches. After we were done eating, I mind linked Lynzee and asked her to meet us at the waterfall on the Jungle Pack's territory.

  Before Lance and I shifted into our cat forms, I tied my dark pink sundress around my ankle, and Lance did the same with his silver gym shorts. We made the journey to the waterfall in the same amount of time as usual, but neither of us shifted back into our human form right away. Instead, we walked closer to the waterfall, then we laid down and watched the water cascade down in front of us, while we waited for Lynzee to arrive.

  It was sweet how Lance laid right beside me, then he curled his long, thin tail around as much of my body as he could. It was adorable how he would lick my ears or the side of my face, and when he wasn't doing that to me, I was doing that to him. I loved how we would both feel those amazing sparks whenever one of us licked the other one.

  As soon as I smelled Lynzee's scent in the air, I shifted back into my human form and pulled my sundress back on, then I walked toward her. Once she reached me, the shifted into her human form and pulled her black sundress on, then she engulfed me in a friendly hug.

  After we exchanged hugs and greetings, I sat down with her and explained everything about who I actually was. I made sure to explain the mission, and why I couldn't tell her sooner.

  At first, I thought she going to explode in anger, but the more I told her, the more her facial features softened. Once I finished telling her the truth, she flashed me a sly smile and curiously asked, "Now that the mission is over, what do you plan on doing?"

  That's when I told her about me having royal blood, and I informed her that I would become the Queen of werecats, as soon as I joined the Jungle Pack. She got extremely excited about that, and there was no stopping the endless questions that started leaving her mouth.

  We talked for a few hours about everything, and I told her about the redhead werewolf that I helped the night before. When she heard about me wanting to help more defenseless individuals, she was quick to jump on board with the idea. The three of us started making a plan for how we would find the individuals that needed our help, and we were all getting more and more excited, as our plan came together.

  Chapter 39


  Celeste POV

  After spending several hours with Lynzee, Lance and I were both ready for a nap. Instead of going back to one of our houses, we shifted into our cat forms, then we snuggled together by the waterfall and took a nap.

  When we woke up a few hours later, we decided to take a swim in the river inlet. Right away, Lance pulled me into a loving embrace, and I wasted no time wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips, then I smashed my lips against his f
or a very passionate kiss.

  We hung out together in the water for awhile, then we headed back to my werecat parent's house. As soon as we got there, we took a quick shower, then we got ready to head back to the Great Forest Pack's territory, so we could have dinner with my werewolf parents.

  I was very much looking forward to spending some more time with them, and there was no hiding the excitement I was feeling. As soon as we were both ready, I grabbed Lance's hand and practically dragged him out of the house.

  We stayed in our human forms while we made the journey, since we were already dressed for the occasion. I wore my light pink sundress, and Lance wore a pair of dark gray slacks with a dark blue button-up shirt.

  When we reached their house, my mum was sitting on the porch waiting for us. As soon as she spotted us, she immediately jumped to her feet, then she quickly closed the distance between us. The second she reached me, her arms engulfed me in a warm, motherly hug.

  Right away, I wrapped my arms around her and returned the hug, as I happily chirped, "I'm so glad I was able to tell you the truth. I've missed you so much over the years. You and dad."

  She kept her arms wrapped tightly around me, as she softly cooed, "My girl, I have missed you like crazy. I still can't believe everything that has happened, but I'm glad we get more time together."

  "Me too," I mumbled as a tear of joy escaped from the corner of my eye.

  When my mum pulled back from the hug, she saw the tear sliding down my cheek and immediately brushed it away, as she affectionately murmured, "That better be a tear of joy."

  I giggled at my mum, then I cheekily admitted, "It's definitely a tear of joy. I'm so happy to finally spend some quality time with you."

  She grabbed my hand, then she grabbed one of Lance's hands and pulled us toward the house, as she enthusiastically chirped, "I can't wait to hear all about your life and your mate. I know you told us a lot the other night, but I want to know everything about you."

  Neither of us made any objections to her pulling us toward the house. Personally, I was beyond thrilled to visit with them, and I knew Lance was excited about getting to know them.

  Once we got inside, my dad was quick to give me a hug, and it reminded me of the hugs he always gave me when I was a young pup. It felt good to be hugged by my real parents, and there was no getting rid of the smile that was plastered on my face.

  It was also great to eat my mum's cooking again. She had always been a fantastic cook, and she made my favorite puphood meal, which consisted of chicken and noodles with cornbread and grape jelly. When I was a pup, there were a lot of foods that would make my belly hurt, but chicken and noodles was one of the few that I could eat anytime.

  We all enjoyed the delicious food she prepared, while Lance and I filled them in on everything that had happened in my life, since I became Celeste. Mostly we told them about the things that had happened in my cubhood as a werecat, since I had already filled them in on the other details.

  After we finished eating dinner, I helped my mum clean up the kitchen, while Lance spent some time bonding with my dad. I was happy to see them getting along so well, and I could tell my dad had taken a liking to Lance. Not only did that make me feel happy, but it also filled me with immense relief. I had been secretly hoping that my real dad would like my mate. It had been something important to him when I was a pup.

  Lance and I hung out with my parents until they could barely keep their eyes open, then we headed back to the Midnight Pack's territory. It had been a great day, between filling Lynzee in on everything and spending time with my werewolf parents. I was delighted that things were going so good, and I couldn't wait for me, Lance and Lynzee to get our plan underway.

  As soon as we got back to my werecat parent's house, we hung out with them for a little bit and told them how dinner went with my werewolf parents. They seemed happy about me spending time with my real parents, and I was relieved that they weren't upset or anything like that. I felt blessed to have two sets of awesome parents who loved me unconditionally, as well as an amazing mate to share these experiences with.

  When Lance started feeling my exhaustion through our mate bond, he affectionately insisted, "Mate, we should lay down and get some rest. I know how tired you are. I can feel it through our mate bond."

  Right away, I nuzzled my nose against his and responded, "Okay, mate. That is probably best." I really was feeling more tired than usual, so I had no objections to laying down.

  After I told my werecat parents goodnight, Lance and I headed to my bedroom. I changed into a light pink silk nightgown, then I climbed under the blanket and waited for Lance to join me. As soon as he did, I laid my head on his muscular chest and quickly fell asleep.

  Chapter 40

  Plans For a Home

  Lance POV

  Dinner with Celeste's werewolf parents went surprisingly smooth. Her mum was a really good cook, and I enjoyed the food she prepared, then I got to sit with her dad, while Celeste helped her mum clean up the mess from dinner. He seemed really nice, and I enjoyed talking with him.

  I wasn't the least bit surprised when he curiously asked, "How do you plan to support my daughter when she becomes the Queen of werecats?"

  I flashed him a genuine smile and confidently responded, "I will do whatever she needs me to do. I will protect her at all costs. I will always have her back no matter what. I will be there willing and ready to help her with anything she could ever possibly need help with."

  I watched his lips curve up to form a pleased smile, before he happily replied, "I was hoping to hear you say something along those lines. I'm glad my daughter has a mate that cares about her. I wish I had known Kyle's intentions before he took her away from us, but I can see how happy she is now, and I never saw this kind of happiness in her eyes when she was a pup. That being said, I'm kind of glad things happened the way they did."

  I thought about what he had just said before I cheekily stated, "I hate that Celeste went through that, but I'm glad she is in my life now. I wouldn't change anything about her."

  His lips widened even more, then he cheerfully replied, "I like you, Lance. I look forward to spending more time with both of you."

  "I like you, too, sir. I'm sure we will be spending plenty of time together. Also, when Celeste becomes the official Queen, we will be living in the castle, and there will be lots of extra rooms."

  "Has she decided when she is going to accept the title?" he asked with curiosity.

  "Not yet, but I'm sure she will make a decision concerning that here soon," I assured him.

  When Celeste and her mum finished cleaning the kitchen, they joined us in the living room, then we all hung out and talked until her parents could barely hold their eyes open. At that point, we exchanged goodbyes, then Celeste and I went back to her werecat parent's house.

  Once we got there, we hung out with her other parent's for awhile, then I insisted we lay down, because I could feel her exhaustion through our mate bond. Within minutes of us climbing under the blanket, I heard soft, little snores start escaping from between her perfect lips.

  I laid there thinking about everything that had already happened, then I thought about everything that I already knew would be happening in the future. I could tell we were destined to have an adventurous life together. A life full of surprises and obstacles. I was confident we could endure anything together, and I was excited to see what all would happen in the future.

  After at least an hour, I finally drifted to sleep. When I woke up a few hours later, Celeste had already gotten up and left her bedroom. I was quick to stumble out of the bed, then I went searching for her. When I found my mysterious mate, she was in the kitchen cooking chocolate chip pancakes with bacon, scrambled eggs, and fried potatoes.

  I walked straight to my mate, then I circled my arms around her slim waist from behind her. Right away, she leaned back against me and happily chirped, "Hello, mate."

  I nuzzled my face against her neck and groggily mumbled, "
Hello, beautiful."

  Celeste rested her free hand on my arm, while she used her other hand to flip a pancake, then she cheekily stated, "I was going to bring you this in bed, but this works, too."

  I chuckled at her cheekiness, then I placed a soft kiss on her cheek, before I enthusiastically replied, "It smells amazing. Thank you."

  "You're welcome," she cheerfully remarked.

  It didn't take much longer for her to finish cooking, then we sat down at the dining table together and enjoyed the tasty food. She was a good cook just like her werewolf mum, and I was happy about that. I knew she would cook good meals for our cubs when we started having them, and I loved that thought.

  After we finished eating, I helped her clean up the kitchen, while we talked about when she wanted to start building our house, which would actually be more like a small cabin. I didn't see any point in building anything big, since it was just a temporary home.

  She wanted to start building right away, and I had no objections. As soon as we finished cleaning up, I went back to my parent's house and talked to my dad about helping me build the cabin. He had always been good with stuff like that, and I knew it would give us some good quality time together, doing something we both liked to do.

  He was excited to help me with the project, and it didn't him long at all to draw up a blueprint, then he helped me line up the materials we would need to make it happen. It was nice to spend time with my dad, and I liked how he would give me random tidbits of advice on different things while we were talking.

  Once everything was lined up, I returned to Celeste's house, but she wasn't there. Right away, I opened our mind link and asked, 'Where are you?'

  She was quick to mind link back, 'I'm at Lynzee's house. Where are you?'

  'I'm at your house. Do you want me to wait for you here or meet you there?' I quickly replied.


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