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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 21

by Layla Colquhoun

  'You do the same,' Lynzee chirped before she cut the link.

  I shouldn't have been surprised by my mate's brazen act of heroism, yet I was. She really was something else. I don't know how I got so lucky to have her as my mate, but I was determined to never take her love for granted.

  Talking to Lynzee eased my worries a little bit, but they wouldn't be fully eased until I heard my mate's sweet voice. Nonetheless, I tried to get my focus put back on building our cabin, while I waited for Celeste to unblock her mind link.

  Celeste POV

  I ran as fast as I could with the badly beaten werewolf on my back. I had to be more careful than usual, so as to not drop him, and that slowed me down a little bit, but not too much. Luckily, I was light on my paws, and I was able to fairly easily get the wounded werewolf to the pack clinic on the Great Forest Pack's territory without anymore harm coming to him.

  As soon as I got there, I started whining at the door of the pack clinic, until one of the nurses stepped outside. The second she saw me, her eyes widened in fear, as she loudly gasped. A few seconds later, several more nurses came rushing outside to see why she gasped, then several other gasps sounded, before one of them rushed forward and gently scooped the injured werewolf into their arms.

  Once he was no longer on my back, I shifted back into my human form and earned another round of gasps when they realized it was me. Ignoring the stunned looks on their faces, I rushed past them and followed the nurse who carried the injured werewolf inside.

  She was quick to yell for the doctor, as she laid the guy on a cot, then she grabbed a spare set of light blue scrubs and tossed them to me, as she warily asked, "What happened to him?"

  Right away, I pulled the scrubs on, as I quickly explained, "He was being attacked by a group of rogues. I had to wait for some of them to leave before me and my friend could intervene to save him. Unfortunately, they did some serious damage before we could get to him. I brought him straight here, in hopes that you all could help him."

  "Dear, you brought him to the right place. Do you know what pack he belongs to?" she curiously asked.

  "He was already unconscious when we reached him, so I wasn't able to ask him any questions," I solemnly admitted with a frown. I hated to see the unlucky guy laying there so battered.

  It wasn't long before the pack doctor and a team of nurses surrounded him. There were hands moving nonstop to clean, stitch and dress his wounds, while they constantly discussed what was being done, and what tools they needed to complete what they were doing.

  I decided to step outside at that point and get some fresh air. There was too much going on, and I didn't want to be in the way.

  Once I got outside, I opened up my mind link with Lance and warily stated, 'Mate, I'm sorry for blocking our mind link, but I had to help an injured werewolf.'

  I knew he was worried, because I had been feeling his concern coursing through our mate bond for awhile. I also knew he had tried to mind link with me several times, because I kept feeling that annoying ache in my head every time he tried.

  Within a few seconds, he linked back, 'I know, sweetie. Lynzee filled me in on what was going on. Are you okay?'

  'I'm tired, but I'm okay. However, I can't say the same for this poor werewolf. He's not looking good, but there is a team of medical professionals helping him right now. I'm going to wait around a little longer and make sure he is okay, then I'll head home,' I sheepishly explained.

  'Okay, mate. Just mind link me if you need anything, and be careful on your way home,' he affectionately replied.

  'I will. You also be careful,' I assured him, before I cut the link.

  I sat outside for about ten minutes, then I went back into the pack clinic to check on the guy's status. He still looked rough, but better than when we first arrived. They had most of his wounds stitched up, and I could tell his wolf was also helping with the healing process, and that was a huge relief. After I checked on him, I made sure he was safe to stay there, then I headed back to the Midnight Pack's territory.

  Chapter 45

  Quality Time With Lance

  Celeste POV

  I felt good about helping the battered werewolf, but I wished I could have gotten to him sooner. I hated to see anybody in the condition he was in. However, it gave me more motivation to do whatever I could to help others that found themselves in bad situations like the one he was in.

  On my way back to the Midnight Pack's territory, I found myself thinking about getting revenge on the rest of the rogues that harmed the poor guy. I just needed to sit down with Lance and Lynzee, so we could make a good game plan to make that happen.

  I was beyond fed up with innocent people getting hurt for no good reason. I didn't care if the innocent person was a werecat, werewolf, human, or other shapeshifter. Those rogues needed to learn not to hurt other's like they do, and if I had to be the one to teach them that lesson, then so be it.

  When I reached my house, I was a little sad to see that Lance hadn't returned yet, but I was too tired to put a lot of thought into it. Unfortunately, I could smell the stench from the rogues and their nasty blood, so I opted to take a quick shower before I laid down for a nap.

  The hot water cascading down on me felt absolutely amazing after what I had just dealt with. I was glad to be getting the dried blood and stench off of my body, and I was thankful for the relief I got from the hot water. I hadn't realized my muscles were as tensed up as they were until they started to loosen up.

  As soon as I got out of the shower, I pulled on a pair of light pink shorts and a white tank-top, then I climbed under the blanket on my bed. I laid there for a few minutes wishing Lance was there with me, then I felt my eyelids get heavier.

  I was in that weird stage between being asleep and half awake, when Lance's amazing scent invaded my nostrils. Right away, my eyelids fluttered open for me to see him pulling his shirt off.

  I could see the exhaustion all over his facial features, not to mention the way his hair was completely disheveled. It looked like he had run his fingers through his hair a thousand times since I seen him earlier in the day, and I couldn't help but wonder if I was part of the reason for him looking so disheveled.

  After he stripped down to his boxers, he climbed under the blanket with me and immediately closed his eyes. I didn't think he even noticed I was awake, so I stayed as still and quiet as I could. However, I about jumped out of my skin, when he suddenly asked, "How long have you been back?"

  "Long enough to take a shower and lay down," I nonchalantly replied.

  "I would have come back sooner if I had known," he stated with his eyes still closed.

  He wasn't really acting like himself, and that worried me a little, so I warily asked, "Are you okay, mate? You seem a little down or something."

  Lance opened his eyes, then he focused his gaze on me, before he sheepishly admitted, "I was so worried about you. Please don't ever scare me like that again."

  "I'm sorry, mate. That was not my intention. We stumbled upon a bad situation. I couldn't just walk away and let those rogues kill that poor werewolf," I apologetically explained.

  Lance rolled to his side, then he absentmindedly trailed his fingertips along my arm, as he affectionately remarked, "I would never expect you to walk away from something like that. However, I would appreciate it if you would mind link me, and let me know what's going on right away in the future."

  "That's a fair request to make. I will try my best to keep you better informed," I assured him.

  "Thank you," he softly murmured, then he placed a sweet kiss on my lips, before he pulled me into a loving embrace and whispered, "I love you, mate."

  "I love you, too," I whispered in return, as I snuggled against his body and enjoyed the warmth he was giving me. It wasn't long before we both fell asleep, and it was much needed nap.

  When I woke up a few hours later, I immediately gave my limbs a long, satisfying stretch, and there was no stopping the moan that escaped from between my lips. I l
oved giving my limbs a good stretch after a nap. It was something I had loved since the day I became a werecat.

  Lance chuckled beside me, before he huskily murmured, "I wouldn't mind hearing more of those melodious moans of yours."

  I glanced over at my cute mate and smiled, as I sweetly replied, "You are always welcome to make me moan, mate."

  He was quick to scoot closer to me, then he hovered his body over mine and gazed into my eyes, as he cheekily stated, "Sweetie, I will keep you moaning for hours."

  I ran my fingers through his already tousled hair and softly murmured, "Please, do."

  Instantly, his lips curved up to form an ear to ear smile, then he smashed his lips against mine and passionately kissed me. When he broke the kiss a minute or so later, he mumbled against my lips, "I love you, mate."

  "I love you, too," I immediately replied.

  Lance wasn't kidding when he said he would keep me moaning for hours. That's exactly what he did, and it was phenomenal. I loved how he could simply touch or kiss me, and I would instantly moan in pleasure. There was something about those tantalizing sparks that made my body ache for more of his touches.

  We used up so much of our energy making love to each other, that we ended up not even leaving the bed a single time before we decided to take another nap. It was great to have such awesome quality time with my mate, and I fell asleep with a satisfied smile plastered on my face.

  Chapter 46

  Cabin Progress

  Lance POV

  When we woke up from the second nap, I insisted we get up and go for a run together. I wanted to show Celeste the progress we had made on our cabin after just one day's worth of work. As soon as we left her house, I led her straight to the southern border.

  Once we got there, we shifted back into our human forms and untied our clothes from our ankles. We quickly got dressed, then I grabbed her hand and excitedly gushed, "I can't believe we got the whole cabin framed in one day. My dad was able to enlist some more helping hands, so we can get it built faster."

  "That's great news. I'm surprised you didn't tell me that sooner," she happily replied.

  I chuckled before I huskily murmured, "We were a little busy having fun. Remember?"

  My beautiful mate giggled at me, before she cheekily remarked, "Fun is an understatement," then she flashed me a smirk and winked.

  After that, I grabbed her hand, then we walked through the cabin. I showed her where the different rooms were located, then I curiously asked, "What do you think so far?"

  Celeste moved her body so she was facing me, then she cupped my cheek in the palm of her hand. She gazed straight into my eyes, and I could see so much love and pride swirling in her gorgeous sapphire eyes that I felt my breath hitch in my throat. She beamed an ear to ear smile at me, then she affectionately replied, "I think you are amazing, and I love what you guys are doing here."

  I was so happy to hear my mate praise me, there was no stopping my lips from also curving up to form an ear to ear smile before I happily chirped, "I'm so glad you like it."

  Celeste kept my cheek cupped in the palm of her hand, as she leaned up on her tiptoes and nuzzled her nose against mine. A second later, she placed the sweetest kiss on my lips, then she lovingly murmured, "You're too good to me."

  "Sweetie, I will do anything for you. My mate deserves nothing but the best," I adamantly stated.

  Celeste placed another sweet kiss on my lips, then she

  enthusiastically asked, "What do you want to do now?"

  "I wouldn't mind going for a swim by the waterfall," I cheerfully replied with a smile.

  Celeste returned the smile and her eyes lit up with excitement, as she cheekily chirped, "That sounds like fun. We should definitely do that."

  We went through our normal routine of tying our clothes around our ankles, then we shifted back into our cat forms and sprinted in the direction of the waterfall. Since we were already by the border, it didn't take us long at all to reach our destination, then we were quick to shift back and untie the clothes from our ankles.

  Right away, Celeste made a mad dash toward the river inlet with me following right behind her. We swam for awhile under the stars and moon, then we came together in a loving embrace, while still standing in the cool water.

  I gazed at my beautiful mate and admired how the light from the moon made her neon orange highlights shine. She looked breathtaking at that moment, and I couldn't stop myself from gawking at her beauty.

  She also appeared to be checking me out, and that filled me with joy. It was nice to know that my mate found me as attractive as I found her to be.

  After being in the water for an hour or so, we were both starting to get tired again, so we left the river inlet and shifted back into her werecat forms. I followed Celeste over to the area where we liked to sit and watch the waterfall, then we both laid down and snuggled against each other.

  Celeste started affectionately licking my ears, and I thought it was so sweet. It reminded me of the first time she licked my ears, and that brought a goofy cat smile to my panther's face.

  When she was done licking me, I returned the favor and gave her the same show of affection. Once I was done, we both drifted to sleep listening to the sound of the cascading waterfall.

  When we woke up a few hours later, the sun was starting to come up. Instead of shifting back into our human forms just to tie our clothes around our ankles, we picked them up between our teeth, then we headed back to the southern border.

  As soon as we got there, I noticed my dad had already arrived. Celeste and I shifted back into our human forms and got dressed, then we walked over and exchanged greetings with my dad. My dad and I spent the morning hours laying the roof for our cabin, and I was very happy with the progress we made.

  By lunchtime, we had the entire roof laid, and we were ready to slap the shingles on. However, we were all ready to eat some lunch and take a nap, so we decided to meet back there in a few hours.

  Celeste had been helping fetch tools and whatnot, but she didn't seem to mind one bit, and I loved having her there with us. I didn't have to worry about what kind of trouble she might be stumbling upon, and that helped me to keep my focus on the task at hand.

  We headed back to her house, then she whipped up some tuna fish sandwiches for both of us, along with some french fries to go with it. She definitely knew how to satisfy my hunger, and I was pleased with the lunch she prepared for us.

  After we enjoyed the delicious food, we both climbed under the blanket on her bed, and she immediately snuggled against my side. I wrapped my arms around her curvy body, then I took a deep inhale of her heavenly scent. I fell asleep with my gorgeous mate wrapped in my arms, and I slept like a rock for a few hours straight.

  Chapter 47

  Working Together

  Celeste POV

  When I woke up, I was still wrapped in Lance's arms, and that was always the perfect way to wake up. I laid there and enjoyed being enveloped by his intoxicating orange and cocoa scent, while those amazing sparks made my skin tingle all over.

  I was still enjoying the moment a few minutes later, when I suddenly felt Lance's arms tighten around me, then he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. Right away, I tilted my head back and gazed into his captivating ocean blue eyes, as I softly murmured, "Good afternoon, mate."

  His lips curved up to form a wide smile, then he groggily mumbled, "Good afternoon, sweetie."

  I was quick to return the smile, before I pecked a kiss on his lips, then I curiously asked, "Do you want me to join you this afternoon?"

  "I would love that," he replied with a wider smile, then he hugged me even tighter.

  I snuggled my face against his chest and enjoyed being so close to him for a few more minutes, then I climbed out of bed and pulled on a red sundress. Lance followed suit and pulled on a pair of black gym shorts, then we headed back to the construction site.

  This time we walked in our human form, and Lance made it a point to keep ahold of my
hand the whole time. On the way there, we talked about what order they would be doing things during the cabin's construction, and I was pleasantly surprised and impressed by how much Lance knew about construction.

  When we reached the construction site, nobody else had returned yet, so Lance and I climbed up the ladder onto the roof, then he explained to me the process for laying the shingles. After that, we worked together and started on the right side of the roof, then we worked our way across.

  We were making good progress with just the two of us, and I was ecstatic about being able to assist Lance on such an important project. By the time his dad and the others came back, we were halfway done laying the shingles, and they were all shocked by our progress. Since we were doing so good, they opted to work on other things, while Lance and I finished laying the shingles.

  When we were done with that task, I felt so proud of myself for being such a big help, and I was excited to continue helping. After we climbed down from the roof, we saw that Lance's dad and the other's had been installing the doors and windows. I was thrilled to see a sliding glass door that led into what would become our bedroom. I liked the idea of being able to go outside and get fresh air first thing in the morning.

  While they finished with the windows, I assisted Lance with carrying the supplies that would be needed to run the electrical wiring throughout the cabin. I thought it was fun to roll the big spools of wire, and I could tell Lance was getting a kick out of my silly demeanor while I was doing that.

  By the time we finished getting everything together, the other's were finished installing the windows, and everybody was ready to call it a day. Lance and I made sure to thank everybody for their help, then we headed back my house.

  I wasn't used to working like that, so I was feeling a little more tired and a lot more sore than usual. As soon as we walked through the front door, I said a quick greeting to my werecat parents, then I headed straight to the bathroom with Lance fast on my heels.


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