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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 26

by Layla Colquhoun

  When we were finished with our session of mating, we remained in our cat form, as we snuggled together on the floor of the cave, and it didn't take long at all for us to fall asleep. I slept for close to two and half hours, then I woke up and immediately started licking Lance's ears to wake him up.

  My tactic worked like a charm, but it also caused arousal to course through him and our mate bond, which in turn caused me to start feeling aroused again. However, I knew we needed to get back to our journey, so I sprinted out of the cave, before he could act on his feelings of arousal.

  After a few minutes, Lance joined me outside of the cave, then we headed back to the river inlet, where we were supposed to meet Lynzee and Beta Shawn. When we got there, they were still napping in their cat forms, so Lance and I decided to go for another swim, while we waited for them to awaken from their slumber.

  We only swam for about fifteen minutes, then I heard Lynzee groggily ask, "Are you guys ready to get back to it?"

  "I'm ready to go whenever, but I think we should continue in our cat form. We can make better time that way," I nonchalantly answered, as I walked toward the shore.

  "That works for me," she mumbled before she shifted back into her panther.

  As soon as Lance and I were out of the water, we both shifted into our cat form, then we led the way back to where we left off before we decided to detour toward the river. Once we got there, we continued in our original direction and spent the next three hours quietly walking along the edge of the forest, while listening and looking for any sign of somebody needing help.

  When I started getting hungry, I suggested we all look for something to eat, then Lance and I looked in one direction, while Lynzee and Shawn looked in a different direction. Once our bellies were full again, we spent a few more hours walking along the border, then we all laid down for another nap, but we remained in our cat forms just in case we were ambushed or something.

  Chapter 61

  Celeste Gets Injured

  Lance POV

  As soon as we woke up from our nap, we all went for a quick hunt for food and got our stomach's filled up. After that, we got straight to the point and continued on our journey around the border.

  We were back on the Midnight Pack's territory, and that helped to ease Beta Shawn's worries about having problems with the pack members from the Great Forest Pack. However, we were still traveling along the border of the newest section of land, and there was no telling what we might stumble upon.

  The first hour of the journey was relatively quiet, then out of nowhere we heard a blood curdling scream come from the other side of the border. Celeste immediately sprinted in the direction of the scream with absolutely no regard to the fact that we had no idea what or who might be over there.

  She had no fear when it came to these types of things, and I admired that about her. However, it also made me fear for her life, so I was quick to sprint after her, and I wasn't the only one. I could hear Beta Shawn and Lynzee's paws hitting the ground, as they followed behind me.

  We were halfway across the open area and only a few steps over the border, when another blood curdling scream echoed around us. It was one of those screams that pierced the heart, because you could hear the pain and fear that the person was feeling.

  Celeste increased her speed, and I could barely keep up with her. The gap between us was quickly widening, and I pushed myself as hard as I could to prevent it from widening any more.

  Suddenly, Celeste shot up the side of a tree, and I was momentarily filled with relief. Unfortunately, before I could catch up to her, she jumped down from the tree and took off like a bat out of hell.

  It wasn't long before I lost sight of her, then almost five minutes later, I started hearing the sounds of growling and ripping flesh. Instantly, every ounce of my being was filled with dread, and I just wanted to catch up to her. I didn't just want that, I needed it. I needed to know my mate was okay, and there was no stopping me from pushing myself harder.

  As the sounds of fighting got closer, I mentally prepared myself for a fight, but the sounds seized out of nowhere, and I feared my mate was in trouble, because I could feel sharp pains shooting up my leg and throughout my ear.

  I continued to run at full speed, while I followed the smell of blood that was permeating the air. When I leapt over a small row of bushes, I skidded on my paws to a stop and took in the scene before me.

  There were dead rogues scattered all around me, and I was a little shocked to see so many of them. My eyes frantically darted around in search of my mate, and my heart nearly broke when I spotted her.

  Celeste was laying on her side, and I could see blood seeping out of her left, hind leg. I ran straight to her, and immediately started licking the wound on her leg.

  A few seconds later, Beta Shawn and Lynzee appeared from the other side of the bushes, and they had the same reaction. They skidded to a stop and took a quick scan of the scene, then Lynzee sprinted to me and Celeste.

  My mysterious and fearless mate started whining, but I didn't stop licking wound on her leg until I was confident it was clean, then I continued to lick along the side of her body. In the process, I found a few more smaller wounds, so I spent a little more time licking those areas.

  As soon as I heard her start purring, relief flooded my senses. I knew she would be okay, and I knew she appreciated what I was doing for her.

  When I reached her head, I noticed her left ear was also badly injured. It looked like a canine had pierced and torn it.

  Right away, I started licking it, and Celeste immediately hissed from the pain. Of course, that didn't deter me from taking care of her wound. It was important that her injuries got cleaned right away to prevent any infection. Plus, that helped the wounds to heal faster.

  After I finished cleaning her left side, I used my head to make her body roll, then I spent the time to clean her right side. The second I was finished, I laid down beside her and snuggled my head against hers, while making sure not to brush against her injured ear.

  Suddenly, I heard Lynzee shout, "Shawn, come help me. Another one of our pack members is badly injured."

  I lifted my head up and looked in her direction, to see her hovering over a body that was laying on the ground. It wasn't until Beta Shawn lifted the body up in his arms that I realized it was Susie. We had grown up with her, and everybody liked her a lot. She was super sweet, and she always found a way to make others smile when they were feeling down.

  I could tell by the worried look on Shawn's face that he was worried about Susie, then I heard him anxiously state, "Mate, we need to get her to the doctor, but we can get there faster in our cat form. Will you lay her across my back after I shift?"

  "Of course," Lynzee quickly responded, as she held her arms out.

  Beta Shawn laid Susie on her arms, then he shifted into his large panther. Lynzee immediately laid Susie over his back, then she also shifted. Right away, they both sprinted through the forest with Beta Shawn leading the way.

  I stayed with Celeste, who had fallen asleep, to make sure no more rogues came and caused her more harm. I knew she was going to be fine, because her wounds were healing fast like they should, but she needed to rest.

  After a few minutes, I shifted into my human form, then I lifted her up and carried her back to the Midnight Pack's territory. I knew she would be safer resting there, and that was my top priority. It wasn't easy to carry her large jaguar, but I had my mind set, and I wasn't going to let anything stop me.

  Once I got back to the forest on our side of the border, I carried her to a shady area where we would be out of sight, then I laid her down on the forest floor. Right away, I shifted back into my panther, then I laid down and snuggled my body against hers, so she would know I was right there with her.

  Chapter 62

  Celeste Regains Consciousness

  Celeste POV

  The second I heard a blood curdling scream sound from the other side of the border, I sprinted and ran as fast as
I could in the direction that it came from. At that moment, I didn't care if anybody saw me. I had one thing I was focused on, and that was getting to whoever was in trouble, before it was too late.

  After I climbed up a tree, I spotted one of our pack members being attacked by a large group of rogues. They were throwing her around like she was nothing but a rag doll, and I was instantly enraged. What they were doing to Susie, reminded me so much of Julie and her minions bullying me when I was a werewolf pup, and that had me feeling all the anger I felt back then.

  Right away, I jumped down from the tree and sprinted in their direction. I felt like my blood was boiling, and that helped me to keep the fast pace of my running.

  I should have waited for Lance, Lynzee and Beta Shawn to catch up, but I couldn't take the chance of losing one of our pack members, so I didn't even slow down for them. Instead, I ran full force, then I leaped over a row of bushes to come face to face with the group of rogues.

  Instantly, all of their eyes snapped to me, then they started growling and snarling in a menacing way. Without a second of that, I lunged at the rogue who had our friend Susie pinned down on the ground. I sank my teeth into the side of his throat and ripped his jugular out in a matter of seconds, then the other rogues all sprinted toward me.

  There was no time for me to think of a battle strategy. I had to take them all on by myself with the hope of my mate catching up to me soon. I clawed and snapped my teeth at them every chance I got, while jumping from one to another and ripping their throats out.

  I had my teeth sank deep in the throat of a burnt sienna rogue, when a dark gray one pierced my ear with his canine. Instantly, I jerked my head to rip out the jugular of the burnt sienna rogue's throat, but in the process, I cause the other rogue's canine to practically rip my ear in half.

  There was no stopping the growl that escaped from me, before I lunged at the dark gray rogue. As I ripped his throat out, I felt a set of canines sink into my left hind leg. Instantly, a sharp searing pain ran up my leg, then the rogue dragged me a few feet with his canines still piercing my leg. Unfortunately for me, the action caused his teeth to leave a large gash in my leg.

  For a second, I feared for my life, but I wasn't going to give up that easily. I had already survived being killed by my werewolf mate. There was no way in hell, I was going to let a group of disgusting rogues take me out.

  I used that thought to help motivate myself, then I focused on my werecat instincts and strengths to continue fighting off the remaining rogues. I clawed and snapped at their throats, while they did the same thing, but I ended up getting the upper hand, and eventually I ripped the throats out of every single one of those bully rogues.

  Unfortunately, I didn't have an ounce of energy left and immediately dropped, as soon as I killed the last one. I tried to muster up enough energy to check on Susie, but I couldn't do it. Instead, I passed out from the excruciating pain I was feeling all over my body.

  When I started to regain consciousness, I immediately whined, because of the pain in my leg. Something or somebody was licking the wound, and that was making it sting like crazy. I was too weak to open my eyes, but when I took a sniff of the air, I smelled Lance's wonderful orange and cocoa scent.

  I knew at that moment, my amazing mate was the one cleaning my wound, and that calmed my nerves a great deal. After cleaning my leg, he started licking his way up my side, and the affectionate gesture had me purring after a few minutes.

  However, when he reached my ear, the pain was just too much to bear. I slipped back into complete unconsciousness, and that was the last thing I could remember.

  The next time I regained consciousness, I felt those amazing sparks and smelled Lance's intoxicating scent right away. My ear and leg still hurt a little bit, but I could tell the other smaller wounds I had acquired were already completely healed.

  When I opened my eyes and looked around, I saw my beautiful panther mate was snuggling against me while peacefully sleeping. I also noticed that we were back on our side of the border, and I was happy about that.

  I knew Lance was the one who cleaned my wounds and got me back to the safety of our territory. He was a good mate like that, and I appreciated what he had done for me.

  To show my appreciation, I started licking his smooth black coat, so he would also be clean. That was one of our pet peeves. We hated to be dirty, so the act of cleaning each other was one of the most intimate things done between a werecat couple, just under the act of mating.

  After a few seconds, Lance started purring, and that made me feel accomplished. I knew he was enjoying the attention I was giving him, and that gave me the motivation to keep going.

  When I was done cleaning that side of his body, Lance stretched out, then he rolled so I could clean the other side. Right away, I got to work starting at his head and working my way down to his tail and legs.

  The second I stopped cleaning him, Lance sat up on his hind legs, then he licked my wounded ear. Once he was satisfied it was okay, he inspected the wound on my leg and gave it a quick clean to make sure there was no chance of an infection developing.

  Not long after that, Lance shifted into his human form, then he inspected my wounds again. When he was satisfied with his inspection, he flashed me a genuine smile and happily stated, "Mate, I think you are going to be just fine. You should shift back into your human form, so I can make sure there aren't extensive wounds that need more attention."

  Right away, I did what he was asking me to do and shifted into my human form. I was still laying on the ground, and Lance was quick to inspect the front of my body, then he gently rolled me to my stomach and inspected the back of my body.

  When he was done, he scooped me up in his arms, then he dipped his head down and nuzzled his nose against mine, as he affectionately mumbled, "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so scared when I saw you laying on the ground injured. Please, don't ever do that to me again."

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hug, while I softly murmured, "I'm sorry I scared you, mate. That was not my intention. I just couldn't let them hurt Susie anymore. Did she survive?"

  "I don't know. Beta Shawn and Lynzee took her to the pack hospital," he warily answered with a look of concern swirling in his ocean blue eyes.

  "How bad were her wounds?" I anxiously asked.

  "She looked bad, Celeste. I don't know the extent of her wounds. I was busy taking care of you," he sheepishly admitted.

  "We should go check on her at the hospital. We can finish our journey at a later time. I want to make sure Susie is okay," I adamantly insisted.

  "I agree with you, sweetie," he softly murmured, then he placed a soft kiss on my lips. A second later, he cheekily remarked, "While we are there, we can have the doctor give you a check up."

  Chapter 63

  Pack Hospital

  Celeste POV

  As soon as we reached the pack hospital, we shifted back into our human form, then we untied the clothes from around our ankles and quickly got dressed. When we walked into the hospital, I spotted Lynzee and Beta Shawn sitting in the waiting area, and I didn't waste any time sprinting over to them.

  They both looked exhausted, and neither of them had even a hint of a smile on their faces, so I knew Susie was in bad condition. Once I reached them, I breathlessly asked, "What is Susie's condition?"

  Right away, Lynzee sprang to her feet, then she wrapped her arms around me, as she gushed, "Oh Celeste, I was so worried about you. I'm sorry we had to leave you and Lance behind."

  "Don't apologize, Lynzee. You did exactly what I would have wanted you to do. Now tell me what the word is on Susie's condition," I adamantly replied.

  "We got her here as fast as we could, but the doctor hasn't come out to give us an update yet. Susie was seriously injured," she anxiously explained.

  "Screw this. I'm going to find out what's going on," I deadpanned, then I walked straight to the nurse's station and demanded an update on our friend's condition. When they wouldn't
give me any information, I angrily shouted, "You will get me an update right now, or I will go back there and see what's going on for myself."

  The red haired nurse with dark green eyes quickly scrambled to her feet, then she rushed away from me. While I waited for her to return, I paced back and forth in front of the nurse's station.

  It wasn't long before Lance walked over to me, then he placed his hands on my shoulders to make me stop pacing, before he calmly stated, "Sweetie, why don't you sit down with us, while you wait for the nurse to return?"

  "I don't want to sit down. I want to be right here when she returns," I replied with all seriousness.

  "Mate, it's not good for you to get so hyped up like this," he responded with concern evident in his voice.

  I cupped his cheeks in the palms of my hands, then I gazed into his stunning ocean blue eyes and sheepishly replied, "I know, mate. I'm just so worried about Susie."

  "I know, sweetie. We're all worried about her," he timidly admitted, then he affectionately nuzzled his nose against mine and mumbled, "You saved her life and got injured in the process. You could have died out there. Now, you should sit down and rest."

  Everything he said was correct, but I couldn't bring myself to walk away from the nurse's station. Instead, I wrapped my arms around Lance, then I buried my face into the crook of his neck and let the unshed tears fall.

  I cried for nearly ten minutes, while Lance rubbed soothing circles on my back. I hated the thought of us losing one of our pack members, especially one that was so sweet. Susie had one of the biggest hearts, and she was always doing sweet little things to make others smile.

  I was finally starting to calm down a little, when the red haired nurse returned with a frown on her face. She looked downright solemn, and I knew she was about to give us bad news. I waited a second for her to say something, then I point blank stated, "Just give it to us straight. What's her condition?"


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