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Mayhem at Prescott High

Page 12

by Stunich, C. M.

  Hael stares back at me like I'm crazy for a moment, and then flicks his gaze to the ceiling in thought.

  “Math teacher?” he asks, but I just narrow my eyes.

  “I know what I saw: you and some blond faculty member with her lipstick smeared and her hair mussed. Don't try to tell me that what was going on in that classroom was innocent.”

  Hael drops his attention back to me again, and then gives a crooked grin, one that's just dripping with cocksure impertinence.

  “Oh, baby bird,” he laughs, shaking his head. “You got it all wrong. I do know what you're talking about, but let me explain.”

  “Please do, Harbin. I'm waiting.”

  Hael pulls me even closer, and I just know that if Vic walks in, we're going to get into trouble. Not sure that Hael would accept being ousted from the room a second time, and I really can't bear to see Havoc splintered into pieces over me. Obviously I'm aware that none of that would be my fault—it's ludicrous to blame a girl for the actions of a bunch of guys—but nonetheless, the fallout would suck.

  “I'm not going to lie and say I never screwed a teacher, Blackbird. But the ones at Prescott are just … not my type. What you're talking about is the time I caught Miss Addie fucking the other blond math teacher, Mrs. Daines. You just saw me blackmailing Miss Addie is all.” Hael taps underneath my chin with his fingers and smirks. “So cheer up, little bird. No harm done.”

  “Oh, I'm sorry. All you were doing was blackmailing a faculty member? Right, excuse me for thinking it was something sordid.” Hael puts his hands on my hips, and I don't stop him, even though I know we're sliding into dangerous territory here. Me plus Hael plus an empty car hood … Gah. I wanna see how well those shocks really work. Can the Ferrari handle our particular brand of speed bumps and potholes?


  We cannot push the envelope and find out.

  Victor has to come to this decision on his own; he has to know that he made the final choice. He has to choose Havoc.

  Otherwise, this will never work.

  “Any other burning questions I can answer to soothe your weary soul?” he asks, digging his thumbs into my pelvic bones and making me bite my lip to hold back a groan. My eyelids snap shut, and I have to really work at not throwing myself at him. When I feel Hael's breath against my bare belly, I almost lose my shit.

  “Did you really try to kill Neil for me?” I ask, and he pauses. The energy in the room shifts, and I open my eyes just in time to see Hael pull back, his expression morphing into something completely different. I touch my hands to either side of his face, loving that he's clean-shaven again and smelling like coconuts. Come to find out the asshole likes to shower with a very specific shampoo and conditioner. Gotta keep the hawk fresh, he'd said, pointing at his hair. He's such an asshole. “I'm not a mind reader, Hael. I don't know what any of you are thinking, what you've done, where you've been.”

  Hael stands up suddenly, and I gasp. There's a look on his face that just tears me into pieces.

  “Come on,” he says, grabbing my hand and moving over to the passenger side door. He opens it, despite my constant bitching about chivalry, and I slide in. With that dark expression riding his handsome features, how could I refuse? Besides, I've never sat in a car this nice before; it's disconcerting.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, but Hael just slams the door behind me and then jogs over to the door that leads into the house. He yanks it open, shouts something inside, and then hits the button to open the garage door. The sea greets us, glittering blue under a surprisingly cheerful sky. It's still cold as fuck, but at least it looks pretty. “What did you just say?” I add as Hael climbs in and starts the engine. At the sound of its admittedly satisfying growl, he puts his forearm on the steering wheel and leans his forehead against his tattoos.

  “I'm gonna come in my jeans, Bernadette. Did you hear that? Not as pretty as that signature shriek the models from a few years back had, but I'll take it. Not bad for a turbocharged engine, am I right?”

  “You may as well be speaking French to me again,” I say, wishing with all my heart that he would.

  “Pourquoi est-ce que tu me poses des questions qui me poussent à me dévoiler, Blackbird?” Hael murmurs, lifting his head up and smiling at me. His right arm is closest to me, and I can't help but smile at the checkered flag tattoo, the racetrack, the colorful cars and pretty girls lounging atop them. “I told Victor that I was going to teach you to drive. Sorry, cher, but I'm not putting all that work into the Eldorado so you can park it in Aaron's driveway.”

  Hael sits up and then pauses a moment to connect his phone to the Bluetooth sound system. He surprises me by choosing Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas. He puts the top down and then slips his sunglasses from his pocket, sliding them over his beautiful face.

  “Ready?” he asks, but my throat is suddenly tight, so all I can do is nod. “Then let's fucking go!”

  Hael slams his booted foot down on the gas, and I let out a small scream of delight as we peel out of the garage and take off down the curving driveway. It ends in a road that hugs the sand for a while, and I throw my arms up, letting my head fall back as sunshine streams across my skin.

  That flickering firefly inside of me goes nuts. There isn't a soul on this earth who doesn't love a sun-drenched convertible ride along the beach. Add in the adrenaline from knowing we stole the Ferrari and the beauty of Hael motherfucking Harbin on my left, and I'm drowning in unconscionable bliss.

  Hael doesn't bother with directions or anything. Instead, he just follows the curving road that kisses the shore. Even his playlist is fun, full of classic rock that makes me smile.

  “Really, Hael? Pat Benatar?” I ask as “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” comes on. He just shrugs his shoulders, driving with his left hand while his right reaches over to caress my bare knee.

  “Marie likes classic rock,” he says, referring to his mother. Just that little tidbit, pulled out of his past and chucked at me like a stone at a window, makes me want to open it wide and see what's out there. I need to understand each Havoc Boy the way they seem to understand me; it isn't fair.

  “Your mom seems nice,” I hazard, but Hael's expression just sort of … locks in place? Like, it doesn't seem as genuine as it did just a second ago. He has so much darkness inside of him; I just want to understand. “Even if she has problems, she loves you.”

  “You think so?” he asks, but in a detached sort of way. Since I can't see his eyes behind the lenses of his sunglasses, it's impossible to tell what he's thinking.

  “I know so,” I say, turning in my seat so I can look at him more closely. “Your bed was made; your sheets were clean. Even the rug on your floor was freshly washed and laid out nicely. You can look through someone's faults and find all the good things, if you want to. You can also search out the bad. We just have a shit ton of bad in our life, Hael, so if there's good to be found, we may as well grab it.”

  “Whoa,” he calls out, lifting his hands up so that neither is touching the steering wheel. My adrenaline spikes, but he grabs on again at the next curve. “What happened to my cynical little Blackbird? Did Aaron infect you with his lovey-dovey life juju joy or something?”

  “I'm just trying to help you,” I say, exhaling sharply. “I'm just trying to get to know you, Hael.”

  He doesn't say anything for a while. Instead, he reaches out and restarts “Carry on Wayward Son” again. Fine by me. Not only do I like this song, but it also reminds me of the South Park episode Guitar Queer-O. Too fucking funny.

  “Here,” he says, jerking the wheel and causing the tires to squeal across the pavement as he sends us flying into the dust of a vista point parking lot. Hael shifts the car into park and then shoves his sunglasses up his face as he turns to look at me. “We can switch places, and I'll give you your first proper lesson.”

  “I feel like you're ignoring everything real I'm trying to say to you,” I tell him as the song drones on in the background. Hael glances away, toward the
edge of the cliff and the glimmering sea beyond its ragged edge. There's a small wooden fence to keep sightseers back, but really, you could drive a car right off this thing and into the water.

  “Yes, I did think about killing Neil once. I waited outside a motel room with a knife.” Hael looks back at me and smiles. It's more like one of Callum's smiles, a bit of happy tinged with a whole lot of sad. “Aaron talked me out of it. Penelope was already dead, and we weren't going to let Neil hurt you. I should've done it, though. But I was being selfish.” Hael turns away from me again to stare at the ocean. “I've always been selfish, Bernie. Still am. Even now, I'm considering fucking you on this car and telling Vic to shove it.”

  My lower stomach muscles clench at his words, and I'm suddenly very aware of the way the robe is gaping open. My bikini leaves very little to the imagination. When Hael looks at me and lefts his gaze drift low, my heart pounds.

  “Hael …” I start, because I love him. Just looking at him right now, sitting there with his bloodred hair gleaming in the sunshine, his full mouth twisted into a sardonic smile, I want to tell him that. He needs to know. I need to know how he really feels, too. But is this the right time? “We have to respect Vic.” I grit my teeth when I say that. It fucking kills me, but I understand Victor Channing even better than I understand myself. “He has to make the choice. You know that, don't you?”

  “Oh, trust me, I know,” Hael says, sighing and licking the salty breeze from his lips. “You have no idea what I wanted to do to him when he threw me out of the bedroom that day. No clue. But guess what? I had to choose fucking you that night, or I had to choose Havoc.” He looks me up and down again and shivers. I'm pleased to see goose bumps rise up on his muscular arms. “That's what makes us a family: we always choose Havoc. Victor will see it. Maybe he already does? He just wants to milk this honeymoon crap until it's old news.” Hael laughs, and the sound is at least a little less bitter than his smile. “So, instead of fucking on this Ferrari like I so badly want to do, we're just going to drive it, make love to the road, let the exhaust come for us.”

  “I feel like the exhaust having an orgasm is a pretty far stretch for a metaphor,” I say, but Hael just laughs at me again and climbs out of the car. I'm pleased to see that his cock is hard, creating this tantalizing bulge in his tight jeans that just begs to be cupped by my tattooed fingers.

  Instead, I stand up and chuck the robe onto the passenger seat, so that I'm wearing my bikini and nothing else. Barefoot. Sun-drenched. Ready to drive a four-hundred-thousand-dollar car.

  “Let's do this.” I step into the driver's seat and slide down until my ass is pressed to the sun-warmed leather. Hael pauses for a moment to take off his sunglasses, slipping them onto my face before he moves around to the passenger side and climbs in. “Please tell me this is an automatic; I only want to drive an automatic,” I murmur, looking down at the dash.

  “Uh, this is, but the Eldorado … hell no,” Hael snorts, giving me a look like I've just slapped him with a dead fish. “Are you serious? Do you think a ‘57 Eldorado is an automatic? No, honey, no. Give me your fucking hand and feel this wheel up like it's my rigid cock pulsing in your palm.”

  Hael grabs my wrist and curls my fingers around the steering wheel, weaving his own with mine. Did I say it was cold out? Maybe I lied because it feels sweltering hot right about now.

  We turn to look at each other, and Hael sucks in a sharp breath.

  “Motherfucker,” he murmurs, squeezing my hand with his own. His eyes rake my body, mentally undressing me. “You, that bikini, this car …” I’m mesmerized by the slow slide of his tongue across his lower lip. “You know what? Fuck Vic. I’m screwing you right here, right now.”

  My heart leaps into my throat, but I draw my hand back like Hael’s touch burns, cradling it against my chest as he reaches a hand over his shoulder and jerks his shirt over his head, chucking it onto the floor.

  The sight of his muscular upper body gleaming in the sunshine nearly breaks me.

  “What if … what if we didn’t actually touch each other?” I query, knowing it doesn’t make things that much better. We’re still standing on thin ice here. If Vic finds out about this before he makes the decision to share on his own, it could ruin everything. I’m just not sure that I have it in me to resist completely.

  “Meaning what?” Hael asks, quirking a brow as he looks me over again. In response to his question, I slide my palm down my belly and underneath my pink booty-shorts. My breath catches as my fingers find the slippery wetness between my legs, and I writhe against the seat, biting my lower lip and wishing it were Hael touching me instead. “Jesus fucking Christ,” he mutters, swiping a hand over the lower half of his face. His eyes find my sweaty thighs as I rub them together, teasing myself with my fingers.

  “Compromise,” I murmur back, desperately wanting to see him clutch his dick in his hand. “We aren’t technically cheating if we don’t touch.”

  “You’re such a bad girl, Blackbird,” Hael growls back at me, nodding his chin in my direction. “Tits out or it’s no deal. I’ll just throw you over the hood and say to hell with it.” I turn away from him, so he can reach out and trail his fingers down my upper back, making me shiver as my fingers play with my folds. Hael unties my top and it falls forward, baring my breasts to the yellow sunshine.

  God help any road-tripping families that stumble on us.

  I mean, unless they like naughty shows.

  “Oh, yeah,” Hael purrs, leaning back in his own seat as I turn toward him. “This I like, little bird. This I like a lot.” He undoes his jeans, letting his hard cock spring free. Hael teases the piercing in the tip with his thumb, smearing pre-cum across the head as I lift my eyes to his. He’s got heavy-lidded bedroom eyes on as he watches me, focusing more on my face than my breasts.

  Hael pauses briefly to turn the music up, classic rock blaring around us and escaping into the too-blue of the sky. I lean my head back, adjusting myself so that my legs are spread. My fingers move from my opening to my clit, using my own lube to keep it nice and slick as I rub myself with a slow but intense circular motion.

  I bite my lip even harder, drawing blood as I close my eyes and imagine Hael’s hot hands on my body, feeling me up, drinking me in. When I open them again, I see him spit into his palm and work his shaft up with wild, frantic pumps of his fist.

  “I can just imagine your hot pussy on me, baby,” he groans, sliding a bit lower in the seat. With his left hand, he digs his fingers into his hair. With his right, he jacks-off for my viewing pleasure. “You on top, riding me into the front seat of the Camaro …”

  I moan, the demon wings on my chest rising and falling with my frantic breaths as I move my tatted left hand up to squeeze one of my breasts. Hael watches me intently, waiting for that hot sweet moment when I slip two fingers inside my pussy and cry out his name.

  “Oh, Hael,” I moan, and he curses in French, thrusting his hips up toward his hand. “Fuck me harder.”

  “Push me too much, and I might just do it,” he grinds out, our eyes meeting as we work our own bodies just the way we like. I take note of his grip, the speed of his hand, the way he keeps flicking his piercing, and I file it all away for next time. “Work that kitty cat for me, Bernie.”

  I obey his command, thrusting up and riding my own fingers like they’re his pierced shaft instead. My body clamps down, pulsing desperately, milking Hael’s fictional cock.

  “Okay, fuck this,” he finally says, reaching out and grabbing me by the hair. “Use your mouth, don’t be greedy, Blackbird.” Hael pushes my face down over his dick and comes hard on my tongue, filling my mouth with his salty seed. He finishes himself by pumping his hips a few last times, and I sit back hard in my seat, swiping my arm across my mouth while he sits there panting and gazing at me with satisfaction.

  “You’re an ass, you know that?” I growl out, leaning back and fucking myself with tattooed fingers until I finally feel my own release. Hael watches me as my
climax takes over, and my body shivers and twitches with pleasure.

  As soon as I’m done, Hael tosses me his shirt, so I can clean off my fingers.

  “I’ve been with married women before,” Hael says, and I give him a sharp look that very clearly says do not fucking bring that shit up with me. He just flashes a shit-eating smirk back at me. “But never one as pretty as you.”

  “Just hope Victor doesn’t find out about this until after he comes to his senses,” I grumble, picking my top up and resisting the urge to groan when the pert, pink points of my nipples brush against the fabric. Hael ties the strings behind my back and at the base of my neck, tickling his fingers down my spine before I find the courage to move away.

  If we keep touching each other, I won’t be able to hold back.

  “He won’t find out,” Hael reassures me, still smiling. I notice he doesn’t make any move to put his shirt back on. “Now, let’s start this lesson before I decide there are other things I’d rather teach you.”

  “Ass,” I murmur, but I’m smiling now, too. “You sure I’m not going to kill us both by crashing into the sea?” Hael laughs at me and shakes his head, sitting up in his seat.

  “Listen, just take it easy. You can't exactly fuck this up, you know, since we're stripping the car for parts. It doesn't matter. Relax and let the Ferrari speak to you. We’ll leave it in sport mode and just get you used to being behind the wheel.” I press my foot down on the brake as Hael reaches over to push the button that starts the engine, releasing the parking brake at the same time. “I want you to press the gas down slowly and turn the wheel toward the road; there’s a bit of multitasking involved but I bet you can handle it. It's just like when you're going down on a guy, and you grab his dick in one hand and suck the tip with your pretty red mouth.”

  I give him a look that could freeze the Sahara Desert.

  “Hael Harbin, what do you know about sucking dick?” I ask, and he winks at me.


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