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Mayhem at Prescott High

Page 19

by Stunich, C. M.

  He’s really trying not to fly off the handle; I appreciate that.

  “We did,” I say, and then something occurs to me that I feel stupid for not thinking of before. It just hits my brain like a flash of lightning and then it’s out there and I can’t take it back. “But it’d be just as fun if you were to join us upstairs.”

  Aaron goes stiff and still behind me, one hand gripping my hip possessively. But he doesn’t protest, not even when Vic laughs, the sound low and thick like smoke.

  “Really? You think I’m the type of guy who likes to share? Not a chance in fucking hell.”

  “Why?” Aaron retorts immediately, nuzzling into my hair. We both notice Victor’s shoulders stiffen, no doubt about that. “Are you scared you can’t compete?”

  Silence stretches, taut and dangerous, and Victor grunts, shoving up from his chair.

  “Glad to see you lost the cop bitch. We’ll have to be more careful from now on. She’s a tenacious little justice warrior.” Victor heads toward the kitchen, but I’m not done with him.

  Neither is Aaron, apparently.

  “You can’t keep running away from me because you think I’m a threat,” he challenges, pausing in front of the peninsula and putting his palms atop it.

  Victor stops dead in the center of the kitchen, turning around so slowly that I’m almost positive he’s about to level a weapon at Aaron. Instead, he just lifts his eyebrows in surprise.

  “A threat?” he asks, and even if he doesn’t think Aaron is one, there is most definitely a threat apparent in his words. “Aaron, my darling, my friend, my beloved brother.” Vic moves over to the opposite side of the peninsula while I stand at the end of it, stuck between two of my boys and sweating bullets. “You are not nor have you ever been a threat to me.”

  Aaron doesn’t flinch, maintaining an unblinking stare that he keeps leveled on Vic’s face.

  “No?” Aaron echoes, shaking his head and smirking. “Because you sure as shit act like it. Why are you so afraid then? You think if we fuck her together that she’ll choose me over you when there’s a direct comparison?”

  Vic smiles, and it’s terrifying.

  “Aaron, do you know why I let you have her once upon a time? Hmm? Do you really want to know?”

  “Because you loved her enough to recognize that I was the only one of us who could ever give her the life she truly wanted?” Aaron laughs at the end of that statement, tapping his fingers on the counter. “If you weren’t afraid of me, you wouldn’t have asked me to give her up for Havoc. You could’ve used your powers for good, you know? Protected me and my sisters without asking me to give anything up.”

  A long stretch of silence fills the space after Aaron’s words as I flick my gaze between the two boys. Wait. Two men? Yep. Two men. It’s been awhile since either of them was really a boy in his heart or body.

  I try to decide if I should speak up or let this play out as it will.

  But this has needed to happen for quite some time, hasn’t it?

  “You’re walking a very fine line with me,” Vic says, choosing instead to go all boss-man on Aaron rather than respond to his words directly. “Like I said, I told you that you could do whatever with Bernie; I did not give you permission to go rogue. So, what do you want to do now, Aaron Fadler? Fight me in the dark of night and end up bleeding out on your kitchen floor?”

  “No.” Aaron’s voice is firm and hard as he moves over to stand closer to me. “I want you to take Bernie up on her challenge. Stop being so goddamn selfish, and just fuck her with me. If you’re right, what do you have to lose? We’ve been at this a long, long time. And I’ve hated you for a long, long time. Aren’t you tired? Don’t you just want to let it go? We’re in this together, man.”

  Victor looks from Aaron and down to me, his obsidian gaze an endless void in the dark kitchen. I stare right back at him. He only just gave us the go-ahead and already, there are problems. Prove to me that you can do this, I think. All this time, I wanted to see Hael disobey Vic’s orders—which he did in the Ferrari. All this time, I wanted to see Aaron fight for me—which he’s doing now.

  All I want is for Vic to make some sacrifice for me.

  He said his love was selfish, but is it? It doesn’t have to be.

  “Bernadette,” Victor says finally, voice softening. “What the hell have you done with my balls?” he murmurs, and even though I know he’s trying to be an ass, I decide to make light of the situation.

  “Drained them into my womb?” I quip, and he snorts, flashing a razor-sharp grin.

  “Fair enough.” Vic looks back at Aaron and then exhales, letting his shoulders relax slightly. “Fine, okay. Never had a threesome before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything.” He nods with his chin in the direction of the downstairs bedroom. “Let’s take this to bed, shall we?”

  “Just don’t think you’re going to kick me out in the middle of it like you did Hael,” Aaron quips, and Victor snickers.

  “Bro, if I decide to kick you out, you’re gone.” Victor pauses when I give him a scathing look and then holds up both hands, palms out. “Jesus Christ, Bernie. I won’t kick him out for your sake, but if I were going to …”

  Aaron scowls as Vic opens the door to the room, but he doesn’t escalate the situation which I appreciate.

  “Is it weird for you to be in here?” I ask Aaron as he pauses just inside the door and looks around briefly. It’s not like he never comes in here; he slept in here the night after he got shot. But it doesn’t look like he’s particularly comfortable either. I know he said that Vic deserved this room because he’s the boss, but I’m actually wondering if there’s more to it than that.

  “No,” Aaron says slowly, but I’m wondering if that’s a lie. “The mattress is new, so it’s not like we’re about to fuck on my parents’ actual bed.” He shudders and swipes a hand over his face, moonlight highlighting the best of his features. Put Aaron and Victor side by side, and you might think one is the classic good boy, and the other the classic bad. Aaron’s features are a bit softer; Victor looks like he eats glass for breakfast.

  Yet … I have no doubt that if Vic ever hurt me, Aaron would kill him. Papa Bear, remember? He’s fucking fierce as hell when it comes to protecting those he loves.

  Victor sits in the chair by the sliding glass doors and kicks off his boots, watching us like a lion stalking its prey through the grasses of Africa.

  “Are you two going to chat all night or are we gonna fuck?” he asks, making me grit my teeth.

  “You’re erasing all the goodwill you earned by watching over as at the drive-in,” I snap, and Vic flashes me white teeth in an angry smile.

  “Tell me you’d choose me, Bernie, even if it’s a lie,” Vic echoes, pitching his voice high. It’s a funny joke, whatever, but Aaron has a nice, smooth masculine voice, so it holds no truth. My cheeks flush as I come to the horrible realization that Vic could probably hear every freaking word Aaron and I said to each other. Fan-flipping-tastic.

  Aaron grits his teeth, but instead of retaliating, he reaches out and wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me to him. With two tatted fingers, he lifts my chin so that I’m looking up and into his beautiful face.

  “I’m glad he heard us,” he tells me, and my cheeks flush with heat. “Because now he knows what he’s really up against.” Vic laughs from behind me, but I ignore him in favor of Aaron. When your first love tilts your chin up, his green eyes flecked with gold and starlight, you don’t pay attention to any other man. Instead, you kiss him and savor the sweetness on your lips.

  Our mouths fit together like puzzle pieces, and I let my body go slightly limp as Aaron holds me against him and kisses me like the fairy-tale prince I’m always joking about, the one that Callum looks like but could never be. He’s too twisted on the inside, a fact about him that I love, but … makes him unable to take over this role.

  No, this role belongs to Aaron Fadler.

  I’m really starting to sink into Aaron’s
kiss when I feel hot fingers on my upper arm. Even through the thick fabric of the hoodie I’m wearing. Victor’s touch burns me to ash.

  “You think that’s the proper way to kiss a girl?” Vic asks, snorting derisively. “Like you’re asking permission for her to love you? No fucking way.” Aaron pulls back slightly, eyes narrowed over my shoulder. I turn when Vic gives a gentle tug on my arm and find myself swept up into his strong embrace.

  Victor grabs me by the back of the neck, holding onto me possessively as he covers my mouth with his own, claiming me with his teeth and tongue. I sag against him, but it isn’t just Vic who’s touching me. Aaron’s hands find their way to my hips, and his mouth presses gentle kisses to the hickey he left on my neck earlier.

  Each man by himself is a carnal treat. Juxtaposed against one another? Their best qualities come to the forefront.

  “I can’t stand up,” I whisper against Vic’s lush mouth.

  “You don’t need to,” he replies as he pushes my body against Aaron’s, so that I’m trapped between their muscular forms, drowning in tattoos and sweet heat. Jesus fucking Christ.

  “You said plaything,” I whisper, and Vic laughs at me, lifting his head to look up at Aaron. I’m not exactly sure what they’re communicating in those gazes of theirs, but they’ve been working as a unit for years. Daresay, their communication skills are better together than they are with me.

  “I did, didn’t I?” Vic asks, and then he and Aaron both encourage me to move over to the bed. I sit down hard as they stand in front of me, shoulders nearly touching. “I’m not gay, but you’re lucky because I eat homophobes for breakfast. I don’t give a shit if we touch on accident.” Victor glances Aaron’s way for a moment before turning back to me. “Scoot on up that bed.”

  Vic tears his shirt over his head, going for his sweatpants next. He shoves them over his muscular hips, revealing that beautiful dick of his. Aaron does the same, chucking his clothes, so that when they both climb up on the bed with me, they’re completely nude.

  “I don’t think it’s fair that you’re still wearing clothes,” Aaron tells me, sucking on my earlobe and then nibbling at my throat. Vic’s already one step ahead, shoving my hoodie up, so he can have access to my breasts. His mouth descends on one, hot tongue swirling around my nipple. He pulls back slightly, lips brushing against me as he responds to Aaron.

  “At least there’s one thing we can agree on,” Vic murmurs, and then he bites down on my nipple and I let out a small scream. Pleasure coils in my chest as I gather Vic’s head to my breasts, squeezing him tightly against me.

  Not willing to be undone by his rival, Aaron slides his hand into my sweatpants and uses the mess we made earlier to caress me with his fingers. I’m still soaking wet, still haven’t had a chance to clean up. It’s dirty and raw and oh so deliciously carnal.

  “I can’t get my clothes off with you two teasing me like that,” I groan, writhing underneath them. Vic pulls back slightly as Aaron slows the tantalizing brush of his fingers.

  “Truce for long enough to get her naked?” Aaron asks, and Vic shrugs.

  “Fuck it. Let’s do it.”

  Victor tears my hoodie over my head and tosses it aside while Aaron takes care of my sweats, yanking them down my hips and pausing only briefly so I can kick my boots off. My skin feels like it’s on fire, and I’m glad to be free of the fabric. I’d much rather have Vic’s and Aaron’s hands all over my skin instead.

  This time, when Aaron goes to slip a finger inside of me, Victor is right there with him. I end up with one finger from each boy stirring up heat and friction between my thighs.

  They stare at each other over my naked form, gazes clashing.

  “You sure you can handle my breed of asshole, Fadler?” Vic taunts, but Aaron just smirks in response.

  “You sure you can deal with the fact that I was first, and I always will be? You can never take that from me, Vic.”

  There’s a moment of stillness before Victor very slowly, very carefully drops his mouth back down to my breast, eyes locked on Aaron. On the other side, Aaron does the same, and I end up with both my nipples trapped in hot, hungry mouths.

  My hips buck against their hands as they pleasure me with their fingers, managing to keep their movements fairly synchronized despite the tension in the room. Aaron is the first to use his thumb on my clit, making my achy body throb and pulse in response. I still haven’t totally recovered from having sex with Aaron at the drive-in. I feel supercharged right now, insatiable.

  Probably a good thing considering the word Havoc has five letters, right?

  There must be some mischievous goddess watching over me, making sure I really can handle five hot-blooded assholes.

  “Don’t be selfish, Aaron,” Vic challenges from across my naked body. “You can’t have her clit all to yourself.”

  “I’m surprised you even know what or where a clitoris is. Your thing is wham, bam, thank you, ma’am, isn’t it?” Aaron retorts, sliding down my body to put his lips where his fingers just were. Victor withdraws his own hand, leaving it up to Aaron to pleasure me between the thighs. But the look on Vic’s face promises he’d be just as happy to do damage elsewhere.

  “Your little boyfriend sure does like to walk the line, doesn’t he?” Vic retorts, rolling away for a brief second to dig through the nightstand drawer. He returns with a bottle of unopened lube, twisting the top off and removing the seal. “Gift from Hael,” he grunts, and I swear, I’d smile if Aaron weren’t pumping his fingers into me and sucking on my clit at the same time. “But we don’t ever need this for that slick pussy of yours, now do we?”

  “Shut up,” I groan, but I’m literally drowning in bliss here, so I suppose I can’t complain. Aaron is the angel on my shoulder; Victor is the devil. Having them at the same time is a fantasy I was certain could never come true. Yet … here we are.

  Vic screws the top back onto the lube and then pours a generous amount across the pale mounds of my breasts. It takes me a second to try to figure out what his game is here. I should’ve just assumed it was something nasty, considering it’s Victor fucking Channing.

  “Hold your tits for me, your majesty,” he quips as Aaron raises his head up just slightly to look at us.

  “You’re not really going to do that, are you? How does that help her at all, you fucking prick?”

  “It helps her plenty; visual stimulation,” Vic retorts, grabbing my hands and curling his inked ones over the top. He pushes my breasts together and then lets go, leaving me to hold them in place. And then he climbs over me, sliding his cock between my breasts.

  Holy. Fuck.

  Aaron curses Vic out from between my thighs, and I feel his body move as he readjusts himself, finding my opening with his cock at the same time that Victor begins to thrust. I bite my lip as his big body moves above me, the muscles in his taut belly contracting with each movement. He keeps himself propped up easily, his arms more than strong enough to hold his weight. And, as annoying as he is, as much as I both hate and love him at the same time, he’s right: it’s a visual fucking treat.

  His cock plows between my breasts like he’s fucking me between the thighs at the same time that Aaron enters me. Sensations break through me like shooting stars, brightening the otherwise dark night sky that makes up my soul. It’s not the sex though; it’s the boys. It’s their very presence and their connection to me that makes everything feel so good, that makes the world seem brighter.

  Once you find that connection with someone, it’s never just sex again after that, now is it?

  I can feel Aaron’s hands on my thighs, keeping my legs apart as he moves deep and slow, juxtaposing himself with Vic’s hard, wild thrusts. Even their scents mix together, creating this dreamy euphoria of amber and rose, musk and sandalwood, sweat and sex.

  “Jesus Christ, you have nice tits,” Victor murmurs, and I just lose it. His words are vulgar enough, but there’s heat behind them, want. He’s obsessed with me the same way I am with
him, and it makes him just vulnerable enough that I want more. I lose the fight with my own body before either of the boys does, so twisted up in the pair of them that I can’t resist the climax when it takes hold of me, leaving me boneless and breathless.

  My hands fall away from my breasts and Vic slows, looking down at me from between his arms.

  “You aren’t done already, are you, Bernie?” he asks, sitting down beside me and taking his cock in his hand. He twists his fist around it like a corkscrew, groaning and cursing under his breath.

  At least now I can see Aaron, panting and sweating between my legs. He very quickly covers my body with his own, sliding his tongue along the side of my throat and using the slippery lube on my breasts to play with my nipples.

  “If he gets to play with Hael’s toys, then so do I.” Aaron pushes up and slides out of me, making me moan and writhe in frustration.

  “You guys are going to be the death of me,” I mumble, rubbing my hands down my face and wondering how the hell I ended up in here, with the love of my life and my husband together. Must be, like, karma or something. Or maybe it’s just balance? Maybe life has lobbed so much shit my way that she just had to give me something nice to play with?

  That bitch better not be just a lending library, if you know what I mean.

  Victor just snorts as Aaron crawls his naked, tattooed ass over to the drawer and digs around, coming up with a small box that makes him smile.

  “Perfect,” he says, and Victor rolls his eyes, standing up to grab a pack of cigarettes, so he can light up.

  “As if you know how to use one of those, Fadler.” Vic gives me a look as I haul my suddenly heavy body up the bed and into the pillows. For a split second there, my mind goes to Hael and I wonder how he’s going to handle knowing the three of us fucked in here together. I mean, seeing as he got kicked out of this very room not so long ago.


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