Book Read Free

Worth the Chance

Page 2

by Vi Keeland

  Two weeks ago, when we were finishing up Romeo and Juliet for class, I was so caught up in the love story that I blurted out the ending I had begun writing. Embarrassed at my own admission, I wanted to crawl in a hole, but Vinny actually seemed interested. Intrigued even. Instead of finding my quirky habits odd and scaring him away, he seems to want to know more. More about what I like to do. What makes me happy.

  “Actually, I think after her mother….” I’m just about to tell Vinny about the chapter I wrote over the weekend, when I’m interrupted by a voice I’ve come to despise.

  “Well don’t you and your little tutor girl look like you’re having a good time?” Missy Tatum’s snide voice brings me crashing back to reality. One look reminding me of everything I’m not. I’m pretty sure if she wore any less clothing she would get arrested for indecent exposure. From where I’m sitting, the underside of her full boobs are clearly visible. Her half shirt barely covers her at eye level, even less so from the view from below. Immediately I feel self-conscious about my lack of curves. She’s a senior and I’m in tenth grade. A late blooming tenth grader at that. In less than thirty seconds the comfort I’ve felt settle in with Vinny the last few hours is gone, and I’m back to being the little girl.

  “Wait outside Missy, I’ll be done in a few minutes.” Vinny’s voice changes from the gentle and playful tone he has with me to something harsher, more controlling. For a second I think Missy is going to complain, but Vinny gives her a look daring her to respond. She pouts, but turns and walks toward the door to wait without another word.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “No, it’s not. She shouldn’t talk to you that way.” His voice is still angry, so different than how he usually speaks to me.

  “Thanks, but I’m used to it.”

  “What do you mean you’re used to it?”

  “Her crowd.” I shrug, motioning with my eyes toward the door where Missy and her friends are gathered smoking cigarettes outside the library. “They just make little comments, that’s all.”

  “Like what?” Vinny’s jaw flexes and his temper flares. It’s a side of him that I’ve seen from a distance, but never up close, never directed at me. He’s scary when he’s angry. His relaxed and playful demeanor is gone, replaced by clenched fists and shoulders more squared than usual.

  “It’s not a big deal.” I feign an indifferent smile and start to pack up my books.

  Vinny’s quiet for a minute, but I can feel him watching me as I pile all my things back into my backpack. It makes me nervous and I feel my face heat from the intensity of his stare. I have no choice but to look up at him when I’m done, even though I’d rather crawl under the table. He doesn’t say anything, but his beautiful, pale blue eyes capture my attention, and for a minute I forget who we are and surrender to his hold. But then he abruptly stands and grabs his books off the table.

  “See you next week?”

  I nod my head, my words stuck beneath the lump in my throat.

  I watch from the table as Vinny walks out of the library. Missy wraps herself around him the minute he exits the glass door. For a second, Vinny turns back and looks at me still frozen in my seat. Then he puts his arm around Missy’s shoulder and I watch as they walk off arm in arm.

  Chapter 4

  Vinny – 7 ½ years earlier

  I’m still pissed about what happened with Liv when I walk into my apartment. I plan to work off the anger with Missy. She’s always ready for whatever I feel like giving her. And today I think she’s going to be taking a lot.

  As if the day hadn’t already turned to shit, my mother’s passed out on the couch and two junkies are eating cereal out of the box, staring in the direction of the TV. I’m pretty sure they can’t focus enough to see what’s playing. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon and they aren’t up from the night before. I walk over to the skinny dirtbag sitting in the chair. He’s so wasted he didn’t even notice me come in. I kick the side of the chair he’s sitting in, the chair falls over with him still in it. “Get the fuck out.”

  He looks up at me, seeing me for the first time. “What’s your problem, man?”

  “You are. Get. The. Fuck. Out. NOW.” I roar, barely controlling my temper. Each word comes out growling louder than the one before.

  The loser’s wasted, but at least he’s not stupid. He takes one look at my face and knows he’s about thirty seconds away from a beating. A bad one. One I’d be more than happy to dish out. Might even help me clear my head. He grabs the other junkie and they scramble for the door quickly. Smart move. My mother doesn’t even budge, even though I’m pretty sure the old lady two floors down just heard me yell. I look at her back as she lays face down on the couch. She’s still breathing. I’m not sure if it makes me feel relief or regret.

  I turn to the right, movement out of the corner of my eye catching my attention. Missy. I forgot she was even here. “Go in my room. Clean off the bed.” She disappears quickly.

  I cover up my mother and throw out the food strewn haphazardly on the table and floor. There are empty plastic containers that were once microwave dinners but have now become ashtrays with cigarette butts in the remnants of food. Great, we’ll have no fucking food again this week.

  Entering my room, I find the bed I’d left with crap all over it is already cleared and Missy’s stripped down to her underwear.

  I walk to the bed and she reaches for my hand. She wants me to make nice. To kiss her, go gentle. But that’s not what I want. Not what I need. I take the hand she offers, but use it to flip her over on the bed so she’s laying on her stomach. Grabbing her legs, I yank her down to the edge of the bed so she’s standing with her feet on the floor, her waist bent and body face down on my bed. Her round ass is positioned high and looking at it ready to submit to me makes me hard as I unzip my pants and free myself.

  I spank her ass hard a few times with an open hand. Instantly her skin turns bright pink and it makes me harder as I watch the color deepen. The condom barely settled into place, I enter her without warning, ramming myself to the hilt in one deep thrust. She’s wet already, not that I cared enough to check first. She likes it when I spank her ass, punish her, show her who’s in control. Missy’s as fucked up as I am. I close my eyes as I pull out and slam back in. As my eyes close, the vision of Liv’s sweet little face hits me hard. It’s so clear, it makes it easy to pretend it’s her I’m inside. I pound in and out fiercely, desperately chasing the vision in my head, hoping to scare her away, but it doesn’t work. She’s stuck in my head, no matter what I seem to do lately.

  Chapter 5


  My heart is racing a million miles a minute as I take in the man he’s become. I’m literally frozen in place, staring at him. He looks the same, only older, sexier, if that’s even possible. He was always big, but he’s grown even more, filled out in all the right places. He’s tall and lean, but solid muscle defines his arms. Arms that I remember wrapping around me all those years ago. Only now there is ink covering most of his smooth, tanned skin. A large cross and symbolic lettering on his left arm catch my eye as he folds his arms across his chest causing his bicep to bulge and tighten. It distracts me and I find myself tracing the path of inky patterns, curious to see the parts that are hidden underneath his shirt. I’m not sure how much time passes, but when I look up at his face he smirks knowingly. I’ve been caught leering at the beautiful man before me.

  His smirk turns into a full-blown smile, revealing two deep creviced, knee weakening dimples. It’s a confident smile, one that tells me he knows the effect it has on women. Stunning, pale blue eyes squint ever so slightly. A glimmer of amusement shines in his eyes as he cocks one eyebrow, “Miss, would you mind being my assistant for today’s class? I need someone to demonstrate technique with.”

  I furrow my brow, confused for a moment. But then I realize he must not recognize me. He’s not the only one that’s changed. The last time I saw him I was just a girl. One t
hat developed late and didn’t mature into curves until later than most. My dark, shoulder length, unstyled hair from high school is gone, replaced by thick, highlighted auburn waves that I’ve learned to style. Glasses turned into contacts and makeup helps to bring out my naturally high cheek bones and offset my porcelain colored skin. I’m no longer stick straight. I work hard to keep my curves well defined. I’ve definitely changed since the last time he’s seen me.

  Vinny arches one eyebrow, patiently waiting for my response with a playful smile. I look past him, finding the whole class has turned around and is watching us. Waiting. “Ummm, sure.”

  “Great.” Vinny turns and announces to the class. “We have a volunteer for today.” He motions for me to follow him to the front of the room and wastes no time jumping in. The first few maneuvers he walks us through are harmless enough. He teaches the proper way for blocking a hit and protecting your head. But we quickly come to what he calls the “sneak attack” defense lesson.

  Vinny motions for me to turn around and I feel his body come up close to mine from behind. Leaning his head down close to my ear he whispers. “I have to hold you tight to demonstrate this one.” His low, sexy voice and hot breath on my neck sends a shiver down my spine. Slowly, he wraps his arms around my chest, his hands locking just beneath by breasts. His warm body pressed flush against my back, goosebumps prickle all over my body. I inwardly curse my body for its reaction and pray silently that he doesn’t notice.

  “Cold?” I hear the smile in his voice as he whispers the word in my ear. Shit.

  “Ladies that are attackers, hold on as tight as you can. Ladies that are victims, try to escape the hold.” Vinny speaks loudly to the class, his grip around me never loosening.

  “You can try to escape now.” He whispers again in my ear.

  I’m suddenly reminded just how long its been since a man has had his hands on my body. More prompting. “Go ahead, struggle, try to get away from me.” Too long. Definitely way too long.

  Eventually my brain takes back over command from my body which had temporarily usurped control, and I try to break free of his grip. But it’s no use. The more I struggle, the tighter Vinny just grips me, and the more fused our bodies become. He takes a step back, releasing his tight hold, and for a second I feel disappointed. Turning his attention to the class, he instructs the victims on how to free themselves of the hold. “Watch as we demonstrate for you.”

  His grip around me from behind tightens again. “Go for it.”

  Really? He wants me to do all the painful things that he just instructed the class? “I don’t want to hurt you.” I say quiet enough so only Vinny can hear me.

  “Don’t worry about it. I can take whatever you can give me, Liv.”

  “Are you su...” Wait, did he just call me Liv? “Vinny?”


  Bastard. He knew all along it was me and didn’t say anything. I catch him by surprise, following all of his instructions to perfection and escape his hold, leaving him doubled over in pain with the last lift of my leg.

  Leaning over, hands on his knees in pain, Vinny starts laughing. “Okay class, I think we’re done for today.”

  Annoyed, I march to the back of the room to collect my bag. Women are surrounding Vinny as I make my way to the door to quietly escape. I’m glad he’s distracted so I don’t have to talk to him. I’m not sure what I’m going to do about the assignment, I only know I need out of here. Now.

  I’m almost out the door, when I feel a long arm wrap around my waist and pull me back. “You were going to sneak out of here without even saying goodbye to me?”

  “I saw you were busy and I didn’t want to interrupt you.” I don’t turn around as I speak.

  “I’d never be too busy for you.” Vinny turns me around to face him, still keeping his arm tightly wrapped around my waist. His gaze sears into me.

  “Well you looked busy.” My words come out a bit more bitter than I intend. I motion to the few women still stalling at the front of the room, waiting for their chance at his attention.

  “You look…” Vinny leans back to take a slow, assaulting look up my body, “…all grown up.”

  “Well, that happens when you don’t see someone for seven years.”

  “My loss.” Vinny’s confident smile falters and he looks sincere. It makes my irritation with him fade. Just a little.

  “Did you know who I was the whole time?”

  “I’d know you anywhere, Liv.” The words feel intimate, seductive, and I feel my guard come down just a little bit more.

  “How have you been?” Now that our conversation is moving into normalcy, I become painstakingly aware he’s still holding me tight. Almost like he’s afraid I’ll run off if he lets go of me.

  “I’ve gotten by.” Vinny lifts his hand to my face and softly pushes a loose wave of hair that escaped my ponytail during our demonstration back behind my ear. “How about you?”

  “Good. I’m a writer.”

  Vinny smiles. It’s genuine and reminds me of our time together. It seems like a lifetime ago. Before what happened, happened. “I knew you would be. It’s what you always wanted to do.” His comment is sweet, touching that he remembers me telling him my dreams. Another inch falls down off my guard.

  I smile back at him and watch as his eyes drop to my mouth. His gaze darkens and the goosebumps that haven’t left me since he first touched me transmit a shiver that runs through me. I feel heat scorch through my veins and everything else in the background fades away. His eyes come back to mine for a quick second and then fall back down to my mouth. He leans in and I think he’s going to kiss me. But a woman’s voice rips me from my temporary moment of insanity.

  “Vince, are you almost done? I’m getting bored in the car.”

  Chapter 6


  Fuck. I completely forgot about Krissy. I was running so late, I didn’t have time to drop her home and there was no way I was leaving her alone in my apartment.

  Her nasally voice goes right through me. “Go wait in the car, Krissy.” She huffs, but turns around and heads back outside.

  But the damage is already done. Liv’s face is back to a mask, whatever emotion I saw is gone in a flash. “I need to go, I have to get back to work.” Her voice is curt and businesslike. She’s grown up to be a strong woman. A beautiful, strong, incredibly sexy woman. I wouldn’t have expected anything less.

  She reaches for the door handle and doesn’t turn around as she speaks. “It was nice seeing you, Vinny. Take care of yourself.”

  Something hits me and panic suddenly slices through my bones. “Wait.”

  Liv halts, but doesn’t turn around.

  “Turn around, Liv.” I watch her reflection in the glass door. Eyes shut, for a moment she looks conflicted. Unsure of whether to flee or not.

  “Just tell me, what made you come here today?” The thought of a man putting his hands on Liv to hurt her makes me insane with anger. Why else do women come to the Women’s Center for self-defense lessons? They’ve been attacked and are scared, or they still live with their attacker. Either way, I feel the bile rise up in my throat at the thought of someone hurting my sweet Liv.

  “I came to do research for work.” She pauses and looks back at me for just a few seconds, leaving me with a sad smile. “Take care, Vinny.” And then she’s gone

  Chapter 7


  My morning started out almost as hellish as the night before ended. I tossed and turned half the night feeling emotions I hadn’t felt in years come flooding back. Seeing Vinny again messed with my head. When I finally fell asleep at four this morning, I was so exhausted that I completely missed my alarm going off at six thirty.

  Running late, I forgo washing my thick hair and settle for a fast and easy slicked back ponytail. A quick coat of mascara does little to hide the dark circles under my eyes, but I’m hopeful coffee will at least help me wake up. In my haste, I quickly pour almost half the pot into my travel mug, not rea
lizing I didn’t screw the top on correctly. I attempt to take a sip and the entire contents spills all over my favorite cream skirt and chocolate silk blouse. Hot coffee soaks me through and through. I’ll even need to change my bra and panties.

  Surprisingly only twenty minutes late to the office after oversleeping and having to change my outfit, I’m relieved that no one seems to notice. There’s not a lot of time left to make a good impression and I’d never forgive myself if I lost the job of my dreams because I was late to work a few times.

  I pull out the Stone research file, the one I should have pulled out before walking into the gym to get the surprise of my life, and begin sifting through mounds of photos and clippings. There are dozens of pictures of Vince “The Invincible” Stone in the ring. The ones where his arm is being raised in victory catch my eye each time. He looks so proud and confident. No matter our past, I can’t stop myself from smiling, feeling happy at his victory. He’s waited a long time for his moment, started fighting before I’d even met him in high school.

  Then I come to the candid shots and my smile quickly fades. In photo after photo, there’s a different girl under Vinny’s arm. Walking on the street, outside of a bar, in front of the gym. It seems things haven’t changed much over the years. I actually take my time to look at the women because I’m curious to see if any of them are repeats. Apparently, Vinny loses his interest after one night.

  There’s no denying the women are attractive. There are brunettes, blondes, redheads, short, tall…it appears Mr. Stone doesn’t have a specific type. Unless you call provocatively dressed a type, that is. The bevy of women clinging to Vinny in the photos begins to get on my nerves, so my careful study of each shot soon turns into a quick flip. Until I get to the last couple of photos. One is of a handsome man who appears to be about Vinny’s age. He looks familiar, only I can’t place why. Startling pale blue eyes and a masculine, cleanly shaved jaw captivate my attention and I find myself staring. Lack of sleep does that to me, makes my gaze linger longer than usual. Flipping the print over to read the back, which normally contains data on the photo, I’m surprised to find it blank. Perhaps it’s an opponent of Vinny’s?


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