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Wildfire Shifters: Collection 1

Page 64

by Zoe Chant

  “No. That is not what changed the future.” Seven rose—not with her usual fluid grace, but jerkily, as though her own body was fighting her. “This is what changed it.”

  She turned, picking up her discarded stunsword. He hadn’t the faintest clue what she was doing…until she went to both knees in front of him, offering him the weapon.

  Not across her palms, in the manner of a knight swearing an oath.


  Every sea dragon knew that gesture. It signaled deepest shame, an admission of utter loss of honor. In ancient times, a knight who offered their sword like that expected the recipient to draw it…and strike off the failed knight’s head.

  These days, the ritual gesture wasn’t treated as a literal request for assisted suicide, but he still scrabbled back as though the pearl-inlaid pommel was a live viper. “No. No, Seven. I’m not touching that.”

  “You have no choice.” She laid the weapon at his feet, gently, carefully. “I swore an oath to stand by your side. That cannot simply be retracted. It can only be undone by death, or dishonor. You must take my sword, Joe. It is the only way that I can stand aside, so that someone worthier can take my place. Someone who will be able to succeed where I would have failed. Someone who will be able to protect you in the battle that still lies ahead.”

  To touch the sword would be to accept her self-proclaimed dishonor. He made futile flapping gestures at the weapon, as though it was a chicken he could shoo back to Seven. “There’s no one worthier than you. I want you at my side, guarding my back. I need you.”

  “Joe.” Seven circled round the sword to crouch in front of him. She took his head between her hands, making him meet her steady, certain gaze. “I need you too. I need you to be safe. You told me yourself that I was not going to be able to protect you, but my pride and dreams of knighthood deluded me into trying anyway. I know better now. I have to return to Atlantis, so that someone stronger can take my place as your bodyguard.”

  “But your knighthood.” His distress distorted the human words, blending them with a sea dragon’s keening cry of grief. “Your dream.”

  She bent over him, her braids swinging to curtain them both. Gently, so gently, her mouth brushed his. He closed his eyes, tears leaking from under the lids, as she kissed him; softly, sweetly.

  “It was a false dream,” she whispered against his lips. “Just a delusion. You have shown me the truth. You are my dream now. And this is the only way I can keep you safe.”

  He couldn’t let her do this. He couldn’t.

  But if he did…

  She would go back to Atlantis.

  She would be safe.

  NO! his sea dragon bellowed, shaking the foundations of his mind. She is our mate! We need her at our side, always!

  He drew back from Seven a little. “Can—can you give me a second?”

  She must have guessed his intentions. She nodded, releasing him.

  His dragon fought him all the way to the water. He ignored its furious roars, locking it away behind the sea-wall that divided his soul. Seven didn’t let her shark rule her decisions. There were times you had to think with your head, not your heart.

  At the edge of the lake, he stopped. He closed his eyes for a moment, gathering his will.

  Please, he silently begged fate, or destiny, or the sea itself. Show me what to do.

  He looked down into the lake.

  Joe stood still and silent. The minutes stretched out, long enough that Seven began to wonder if he was having a vision.

  But his eyes didn’t flicker to follow the ghosts of the future. His scent didn’t change, either with distress or relief. He just stared down into the water, absolutely motionless.

  And she knew, in her heart of hearts, that he saw nothing but his own reflection.

  He turned away at last. The agony in his eyes nearly broke her. She lifted her chin, forcing her own expression to remain calm and certain. He had to make the right decision. She had to make this easy for him.

  “You promise you’ll go back to Atlantis?” he asked, voice hoarse.

  “I will. I would stay at your side if I could, even in dishonor, but you will be safer without me. As long as I am on land, there is a risk that our enemies could capture me.” She smiled at him, to hold back her tears. “I know only too well what you would do in that situation.”

  He made a sound that was half acknowledgement, half pain. “Serve myself up on a silver platter with an apple in my mouth. Oh, sea. I hate this.” He scrubbed his hands across his face. “Damn us sea dragons and our stupid customs and our stupid, stupid honor. What idiot came up with the concept of a binding vow, anyway? People shouldn’t be shunned for changing their minds. And you shouldn’t idolize sea dragons. We suck.”

  She picked up her stunsword, for the last time. Once more, she offered him the hilt, laid across her forearm.

  “Please, Joe,” she whispered. “For me. For us.”

  His hand hovered over the hilt. He reached for it, then jerked back. His mouth twisted in misery.

  With a low, animal sound of pure pain, he put his palm on the pommel. He barely touched it, yet Seven felt the jolt of it all down her arm. It was as intimate as if he’d laid his hand against her naked skin; more than that. It felt like he was holding her exposed, beating heart.

  “My prince,” she said formally, fighting with every ounce of willpower not to break down. “I leave your service. I forsake my vow and break my oaths. My hand dishonors this blade. I relinquish it to you in reparation for the harm I have caused. May you find one worthier to bear it.”

  Slowly, carefully, he took her weapon from her. It was like losing a limb.

  “I accept your blade.” He put it down, carefully, as though it was a sleeping infant. When he straightened again, his eyes were fierce, blazing with an emotion she’d never seen there before. “But only for now. Because what you have touched, no other may claim. I will guard what is yours until you return to take it up once more.”

  That wasn’t part of the ritual. Her breath caught as she realized what he was trying to do.

  Trust Joe to attempt to bulldoze over millennia of tradition. Unfortunately, in this case, sea dragon customs were stronger than even Joe’s stubbornness. She was touched by the gesture, but she knew it was futile.

  “It doesn’t work like that,” she said, gently. “The knights won’t accept—”

  “Oh, they will accept.” His deep, growling voice shook her soul, drowning out her doubt. He took a single swift, abrupt step forward, catching her chin in his free hand. “Because you will not go to Atlantis in dishonor or disgrace, Seventh Novice of the Order of the First Water, Guardian of the Sea’s Heart. You will go in triumph, with celebrations and fanfare, to present yourself to the Pearl Empress as tradition demands. You will go as a Princess of Atlantis. You will go as my mate.”

  Trapped in his grasp, she could only stare at him, dumbfounded. He didn’t wait for a reply. He bent to capture her mouth, roughly, savagely. Heat crashed through her as his tongue thrust past her startled lips, claiming her ruthlessly.

  He bore her backwards, down to the grass, never breaking the kiss. The world spun around her head. She couldn’t have said which way was up or down, whether she was on solid land or still floating in the lake. His powerful arms bracketed her, muscles rigid, pinning her in place. His scent filled her lungs. She was consumed by him, by the dizzying need to be filled by him.

  She broke off the kiss, wrenching her head to the side. She put her hands flat on his chest, but couldn’t muster the strength to push him away.

  “W-we can’t,” she gasped, fighting for control. “Your vision—”

  He wound her braids round one hand, forcing her to face him. He was breathing as hard as if he’d just run an ultramarathon. There was no playfulness in his turquoise eyes now. They were dark with raw, animal desire, focused on her with the utter concentration hunting predator.

  “Swear to me you’ll go.” He gave her a little shake to
emphasize the words—not hard enough to hurt, but emphatic enough that the show of dominance sent a fresh wave of heat gushing between her legs. “Swear on your honor you’ll leave me here. Swear it.”

  This was a side of him she’d never seen...and she liked it. It scared her, how much she liked it. This was how sharks mated, after all; teeth to teeth and bite for bite, grappling to a fierce, savage climax. The core of her soul resonated in response to his aggression.

  “I swear.” She could barely get the words out through the desire pounding through her. “On my honor.”

  His white teeth flashed in a fierce, triumphant smile. “Then you’re mine. Now.”

  He pulled her head back further, exposing her throat. She gasped as his hot mouth fastened on her neck. He kissed his way from her jaw to the hollow of her throat, open-mouthed, biting. Every rough scrape of his teeth against her skin had her bucking upward, desperate for more.

  He went lower still, nibbling along her collarbone. He released her hair at last, freeing his hands so he could yank down the straps of her bra. She arced up to give him access to undo the garment. Her nipples were already drawn to hard points. The slight breath of the warm, gentle night breeze only made them stiffen further. She needed his tongue there, now, or she might explode with frustration.

  She wanted to tell Joe what she wanted, but she’d lost all words. There was nothing in her head but pleasure and pounding desire. She writhed, yanking at his neck, silently urging him lower.

  Joe’s mouth curved against her skin. With maddening slowness, he ran his tongue in a teasing spiral over one breast. She tried to thrust up into his mouth, but his strong hands pinned her shoulders, holding her down. He savored her skin as though she was a rare wine to be sipped at leisure. She could only submit to the exquisite torment of his languid, unhurried exploration.

  When his mouth finally closed over her nipple, stars shot through her. Her whole body came alive, electric with sensation. Every pull, every suck, made her core pulse in response. She wrapped her legs around him, hips jerking in helpless need.

  His tongue swirled, teasing her, bringing ever-increasing waves of pleasure. He gripped her other breast in his hand, hard, rolling and pinching her nipple. The contrast of the softness of his mouth on one side, the roughness of his work-hardened hand on the other—she shattered. Ecstasy swept over and through her, blinding.

  “Sea,” he said hoarsely, releasing her nipple at last. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long. I could listen to you come all day.”

  She’d been lying boneless, adrift on the slowly receding tide of her orgasm, but his words brought her back to herself with a jolt. What ugly, animal noises had she been making? She was suddenly, horribly aware of her teeth, sharp and jagged in her mouth—

  “Hey.” Joe surged up her body, so that his face hung over hers once more. His hands cupped her face. “Stay with me. Stay with me, Seven. I need you. All of you.”

  His eyes filled her world. Dark pools of desire, filled with love.

  He wanted her.

  All of her.

  He dipped his head, kissing her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks, murmuring her name breathlessly between each one. He kissed her mouth—not as roughly as before, but still with that steely, irresistible command. A little twist of apprehension shot through the heat building in her…but she opened to him anyway, letting him in.

  His strong, sure tongue stroked into her, banishing her lingering self-consciousness. She had an intense, aching desire to explore his mouth in return—but she didn’t dare. It would be too easy to lose control, to hurt him. She held her head still as his tongue ran over her sharp-edged teeth.

  Still, she couldn’t help her body arcing. His taste, his touch, every movement of his mouth on hers, it all reignited the fire deep in her lower belly.

  She ran her hands down the smooth, intoxicating curve of his back. She worked her fingers under the tight waistband of his still-damp jeans, and was rewarded by a heartfelt groan and a flex of his hips. His solid bulge ground against her thigh, making her core throb in response.

  He was too damn tall—kissing her like this, face to face, she couldn’t get his hardness where she needed it. She squirmed under him, trying to work her way lower, or pull him higher.

  He broke off the kiss, bracing himself on his arms. His chest and abs flexed, taking her breath away. He rolled upright, to his knees, straddling her. The buttons of his jeans strained, barely able to contain his erection.

  He fought to undo his pants, face twisted in a frustrated snarl. With a savage jerk, he ripped the top two buttons off entirely, giving himself enough space to loosen the rest. He didn’t waste time trying to peel his pants off. He just shoved the wet denim down his lean hips. His cock leaped free at last.

  Her pulse pounded even harder at the sight of his hard, straining shaft. His erection was in proportion to the rest of him—which meant it was enormous. She didn’t feel the slightest bit intimidated, though. His size only made her more dizzy with desire, fresh wetness welling between her legs in readiness.

  She reached for him, but he caught her hand. He raised her wrist to his face, inhaling her scent. Her breath caught at the light press of his teeth against her skin.

  “Don’t touch me.” His voice was a growl, his breath as ragged as hers. “Not yet. Sea, you’re so gorgeous. I’ll come if you touch me, I won’t be able to help it. And I need to come in you. Buried deep in your beautiful, beautiful body, feeling you shudder and clench around me. Oh, sea, I need you. Seven. Seven.”

  He lifted his weight off her. Still murmuring frantic, filthy things, he tore her shorts off. One of his legs nudged her knees apart. She opened for him eagerly, spreading wide. She heard his breath catch in a gasp that was nearly a snarl, an animal sound of pure want. His cock jerked, liquid beading at the tip.

  “Oh sea, Seven. Do you know what you’re doing to me?” His palms skimmed over her inner thighs, making her tremble. “Let me look at you. Sea, let me just look at you.”

  He ran his hands down her legs, lifting them, spreading her wider. He hooked her ankles over his broad shoulders, and grabbed hold of her hips, tugging her up onto his lap so she was even more exposed to his hungry, avid gaze.

  “Beautiful,” he breathed. “So beautiful. My beautiful mate.”

  He ran one finger lightly over her sex. She bucked at the first contact, fireworks shooting through her. He traced her slick, swollen folds, every touch electrifying.

  “Yes,” he growled in approval. “So wet for me.”

  He pushed two fingers into her, and her vision blurred. She tightened around him, convulsively, yearning for more—but he drew back instead, leaving her empty and aching.

  “Wait. I need this first.” He put his fingers into his mouth, tasting her juices. His eyes closed, as a low groan escaped his lips. “Sea, you’re sweet. So sweet. My Seven. My mate.”

  His hand dove back down, plundering her once more. This time he went further, harder, curling his fingers up so she saw stars. Words fell from his lips in time with each thrust.

  “I want to keep tasting you so badly.” His voice shook with need. “Soak my tongue in you. Lick you until you’re overflowing, drink every drop as you come.”

  Despite his harsh, hungry words he didn’t dip his head to replace his fingers with his mouth. He just kept stroking her rhythmically, coaxing her to higher bliss with each thrust. He added a third finger, stretching her even wider, filling her up even more deliciously.

  “But if my face is buried between your thighs, I can’t watch you.” His thumb found her plump, swollen nub, and lightning shot through her entire body. “And I need to watch you. I need to see you come. I want to see you shatter for me, Seven, my Seven. I’m too hot, I’m going to explode the instant I slide into you. I’m going to come in you so hard, I won’t be able to see, won’t be able to see your face as you come too. I want to see you. Yes, that’s right, like that. Show me.”

  How was he still talking? She had
no idea, but she didn’t want him to stop. His words caressed her as much as his strong hands, intensifying every sensation. His voice lifted her like the sea itself, buoying her up, whispering encouragement, until she was weightless, floating out of the world, tumbling upward into infinite stars—

  “Yes,” he breathed. “Like that. Now. Now, Seven.”

  She lost herself entirely, becoming nothing but rolling waves of pleasure. He held her through the storm, supporting her, murmuring the whole time.

  “Oh, sea. Yes. Beautiful.” He was still muttering broken, disconnected fragments as she came back down, his voice rough and desperate. “My beautiful shark. Mine. My mate. Mine.”

  He withdrew his hand. She could feel her own wetness slicking his fingers as he grabbed her hips. He lifted her as effortlessly as if she was a doll, shifting their positions so that her legs wrapped around his waist. Her core was still fluttering from her last orgasm, but a fresh pulse went through her as his hardness pressed against her.

  His fingers tightened. His eyes met hers, blazing rings of turquoise fire. He bared his teeth in animal triumph.

  “Mine,” he said again.

  He slid into her, burying himself to the hilt in one fierce thrust. She’d thought herself wrung out and spent, at her limit—but he crashed through her like a tsunami, sweeping her back into bliss with shocking suddenness. It was more than just the powerful surge of his body into hers, glorious as that was. He was in her, in her mind, her soul.

  True to his word, Joe went rigid at that first thrust. He was so deep she could feel every pulse, every twitch, as he fought for control. His face twisted, tendons standing out in his neck.

  She didn’t want him to hold back. She wanted all of him, now, pouring into her without restraint.

  She ground against him, making him gasp and swear. Still he held on, though sweat stood out on his brow. His arms flexed, pulling her upright so that they were pressed together, skin to skin, torso to torso. She didn’t realize what he wanted until his hand tightened on the back of her head.


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