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Irresistible (Destiny Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Lea Hart

  As the plea left her lips, he took pity on her writhing body and gave her the firmer strokes she needed. His greedy lips slid across every inch of her and then sucked her sensitive bud, devouring her like his favorite dessert. His mouth was hot and wet and his tongue persistent in its search to send her over the edge and straight into bliss. Her orgasm swelled, and the scrape of his beard against her thighs played counterpoint to the erotic nip of his teeth across her clit. The climax broke free, and she was taken under the wave of the most intense pleasure she’d ever experienced.

  Just as she collapsed, he lifted himself up and slid his impressive length inside her body.

  “Need you too much,” he managed to say as he filled her.

  “Condom,” she managed to blurt out.

  “I’m clean and nothing is coming between us.” Lifting his head, he arched an eyebrow and waited. “Let me in.”

  When he slid out and groaned loudly, she nodded in agreement.

  Their joining was absolute as he rocked in and out over and over again, rubbing against all her nerves. She moaned. And then he answered. Physically, it was the best experience of her life, and the tears that started to stream down her cheeks told her that, emotionally, she didn’t have a prayer. She hoped he wouldn’t notice, turning her head.

  “Don’t hide.” Spreading her knees wide, he drove into her. “I want us to shatter together.”

  All the pressure inside her detonated and another orgasm exploded. The world was obliterated and all she could feel and see was Brock. He followed her and came seconds later and filled her with his seed. Once, twice, and then a third time. Accepting that part of him without question was the most intimate thing she’d ever done. The loud sounds of their breath filled the bedroom as they clasped one another. The small part of her brain that was still working told her never to let go.

  When he collapsed next to her and gathered her in his arms, she knew that he had been right all along. She would not come out of this the same way she went in.


  “I’d like to go on record as saying that was definitely worth the wait.” Lifting himself on an elbow, he stared down and watched Lilly close her eyes. “I’ll let you rest, and then we can try the next thing I have in mind.” As she rolled into him, he kissed her head. He wrapped her up and felt a contentment he hadn’t thought existed. The restless dissatisfaction had disappeared just from Lilly opening herself up. Not only her body but also, if he wasn’t mistaken, her heart. He’d seen those tears track down her face as she surrendered, and he knew that didn’t happen unless someone was all in. She had an untamed heart and he wanted to mean something to her because she meant everything to him.

  Discovering who she was as an adult was exciting, and every time she revealed a piece of herself, he wanted to know more. On one hand, he knew a great deal because of the time they’d spent together growing up. Her favorite color, movie, food, book, and music—he could rattle the answers off without even thinking. But the subtleties that made her happy, he wasn’t familiar with.

  It was going to be exciting to get to know the grown woman she’d become. The last hour had been a good start. But there was so much more, and he wouldn’t be satisfied until he knew every detail.

  Running his fingers over her skin, he replayed her every moan of pleasure. What they’d done was fairly textbook, but it had been more perfect than any other experience of his life. In his mind, things had just gotten really fucking simple. When two people fit perfectly together as they did, it made sense to hold on to it.

  He heard Popcorn bark and released his hold on Lilly. When the dog barked again, Brock untangled himself and grabbed his boxers. As far as he knew, the dog didn’t bark unless he had reason to. Brock walked out of the room quietly and gently closed the door. There was only one small light on downstairs, so he was in luck. He could investigate without announcing his presence to anyone who might be lurking outside.

  As he hit the bottom stair, he slid along the wall and glanced out the front door. There were car headlights bouncing off the house across the way, and moments later a car sped down the street. Popcorn stood at the door with his tail wagging and his ears pointed forward. “What did you see, boy?”

  When the dog turned and cocked his head, Brock wondered what was going on. “Let’s check the rest of the house.” As he made his way through the downstairs, he noticed how lax her security was. That was going to change. He would make this place secure as Fort Knox as soon as he could. The French doors were locked, as were the windows, so he made his way around to the door from the kitchen to the garage and noticed it was unlocked. Shaking his head, he walked out and saw nothing out of place. Moving around Lilly’s car, he checked the side door and saw that the doorknob was loose. She had a dead bolt on the door, and that looked fine. Popcorn followed his every move and pushed his head into his leg. “What was it that got you riled up?” he asked the dog.

  He decided to wait until the morning to do a thorough inspection. If he walked around outside with a flashlight, one of the neighbors would call it in.

  Returning to the house, he locked the door and turned off the light. As he moved toward the stairs, the dog followed. “Going to sleep upstairs tonight?” Popcorn answered by moving ahead of him and ascending the stairs. Parking himself in front of the bedroom door, the dog lay down and gave him a what-are-you-going-to-do-about-it look. Bending down, he rubbed Popcorn’s head and then stepped over him. “You’re on watch tonight.”

  When Brock crawled back into bed, he gathered Lilly in his arms again. It was interesting to see that she still slept like the dead. It would probably take a bomb exploding to get any real movement out of her, so he closed his eyes and decided to get a little rest himself. After all, he was going to need his energy for the things he had in mind. All they’d had was an appetizer, and when she woke up, he meant to feast and enjoy a full meal.



  Rain pelted the roof and Brock lifted his head to look out the window. The shutters were tipped up, which afforded him a narrow view of the dreary weather. Actually, the bleak conditions were perfect for what he had in mind—staying in bed with Lilly and exploring the many ideas he’d stored up over the years.

  When he’d woken her up with one of those ideas in the middle of the night, he hadn’t been sure if she was going to be receptive. She repeated his name as he buried himself deep within her tight, warm body, so he figured she was okay with being woken up filled with him. And fill her he did. When she acquiesced to his demand that they have nothing between them, a calmness took over. It satisfied a deep need that roared within him. He was more than a little crazy when it came to her, and the fact that she allowed him that intimacy allowed the beast to be tamed. At least for now.

  Looking down at her tangle of hair nearly made his heart explode in happiness. Their bodies were entwined like a plate of noodles, and he couldn’t tell where he ended and she began. Her soft breath fluttered against his chest as her hand rested against his heart.

  The Technicolor dreams he’d filled his mind with over the years had nothing on the reality of Lilly. Now that he knew, he wanted to make sure he could keep hold of her. Which might prove to be the biggest challenge of his life. No one could be more stubborn than the woman in his arms, and if he didn’t give her enough reasons to take him on, then he was dead in the water.

  The fact that they had bickered for the better part of their childhood and well into their teens wasn’t something she was likely to forget. Early on, he’d taken the role of protector, boss and all-around hard-ass with her, and it was going to take some work on his part to show her that he was capable of more. He wanted to become her partner, best friend, lover, and whatever else could bind them together.

  Nobody loved a prank more than she did, and she often stretched the boundaries further than he felt comfortable with. He cringed thinking back on all the times he’d given her the what-for and made her quit whatever scheme she was up to. He
’d kept her close and under his watch pretty much from the moment they’d met. Did he know then that she was his?

  “Brock?” Lilly muttered against his chest.

  Leaning back, he swept the hair away from her face and smiled. “Morning.”

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s right around ten. You ready for some coffee?”

  Sitting up, she looked around the room. “I’m supposed to be up at the stable in thirty minutes. I promised Poppy I’d help with her classes today.”

  “The storm came in early this morning, so I doubt it’s open.” When she twisted around and glanced out the window, he leaned forward and trailed a line of kisses over her shoulder. “Guess we have to stay in bed today.”

  “Debauchery?” she asked as she turned around.

  “As much as we can manage.” Tumbling her back into the warm sheets, he moved over her. “I didn’t get to take my time last night.” He laced their fingers together and pinned them to the mattress as he dropped his mouth to her breast. Circling her dark bud with his tongue made her back arch off the bed. “I’m going to discover everything that makes you do that.” He sealed his lips over her nipple, sucked it to the roof of his mouth, and heard a moan. “Love the way you taste,” he said as he moved his mouth across her skin. Treating the other breast with the same attention, he felt her fingers tighten around his. As her soft body surrendered, her responsiveness drove his need higher. A hot wave of lust rolled through him as his need to consume her sped out of control.

  He released her hands and moved his hands down her body, letting his fingers play over her soft, silky skin. When he ran his tongue over her belly button, he heard a small giggle and felt her squirm. “I’ll be returning to that spot later.” Spreading his hands on her thighs, he held her open. Her scent hit a primal spot in his brain that had him salivating. He slicked his tongue along her glistening folds and enjoyed her hot, sweet flavor. Pushing his hands beneath her ass, he angled her higher so he could taste every part of her. Driving his tongue deep, he tasted a rush of honey as his name fell from her lips. The sound made him graze his teeth over her most sensitive nerves, which sent her over the edge.

  Before she came down from her peak, he moved up over her body and buried himself as deeply as he could. “Damn, you feel good. Each time I get inside you is better than the last.” Their bodies moved together in perfect sync and he gripped her hips and moved with more urgency. When she tightened her muscles and grinned, he stilled. “Stop that, Lilly. I’m on the edge.”

  “I thought you might enjoy it.” She laughed. “I’m going to do it again, ’cause you keep making me lose control.”

  Her fingernails dug into his back and she tightened again, which left him cursing a blue streak. Their hips collided and her legs wrapped around his waist. “Surrender, Lilly. Let me all the way in.” He drove himself in faster and harder, and her eyes slammed shut. “Can you take more?”

  “Can you?” She tightened around him and laughed. “Give me everything, Brock.”

  “God damn!” Rolling them over, he kept them connected. “Ride me.” He reached for her breasts, tugged her nipples, and was rewarded with a cry of pleasure. When she moved up and down him, he thrust against her. Watching her body envelop his length had heat racing down his spine and his balls tightening. One final squeeze from the vixen riding him sent a blazing sensation spreading through his body as he exploded inside her. Emptying himself, he felt his heart bang against his chest, and for the first time since his mom passed, it felt full. Emotion and pleasure warred within him as the last of the electricity left his body.

  Lilly collapsed against his chest after her own release shuddered through her body. He lifted his head and pressed a kiss to her mouth. “I knew it.”

  “Knew what?” she mumbled.

  “That we’re made for each other.” When she tightened her hold and kissed his chest, he took that as agreement. It was going to take a while before she used words to express her feelings. She’d always been that way, even as a kid. Looking back, it made sense; words were important to her, and she never flung them around without careful consideration. He’d learned early on that he had to watch what she did if he wanted to know what was going on with her. Seemed that hadn’t changed.


  Lilly curled her feet under the blanket as Brock stoked the fire. It was well past two in the afternoon and they’d only just come downstairs. There was a pot of jambalaya reheating on the stove, and he’d promised to run out and get bread as soon as the storm let up. As far as she could tell, she might never be able to walk again. He hadn’t been kidding when he said he wanted to ruin her.

  Popcorn let out a loud bark and trotted over to his doggy door and that led to the garage. “Guess he’s going on patrol,” she commented as Brock collapsed on the couch.

  “He did that last night. I came down and investigated but didn’t see anything or anyone. The doorknob on the outside door was a little loose, but other than that, everything seemed to be secure.”

  “I can’t imagine who would be skulking around. I don’t think my stalker is due to get out of the state mental facility for another couple of months.” Uncoiling herself, she started to get up, but a big hand landing on her leg stopped her. “What’s wrong?”

  “You mind repeating that last sentence?”

  Oops. She hadn’t meant to let that slip out. Seeing his features harden and the look of sexual satisfaction disappear let her know she was in for it. “You heard me. My stalker should still be locked up.”

  “You say that like there’s nothing to be worried about. Why is this the first I’m hearing about it?”

  “Don’t get your boxers in a twist. The poor woman has been locked up for a couple of years. Ruth has a form of schizophrenia and is prone to delusions. Bless her heart.”

  “How can you be so casual about this? How serious were the threats?”

  “On a scale of one to ten, I’d say a ten. She broke into my house, held me at gunpoint, and then tried to set the house on fire. Thank God Popcorn got out and went crazy until he interested someone enough to come see what was going on. The whole thing was over in a matter of hours.” Brock looked like he was about to blow a gasket. She probably should’ve left the last part out. “It’s over and done with, and I have no reason to believe she’s a threat anymore.”

  He ran his hand down his face and then shook his head. “You and Popcorn are moving in with me, and I’m not going to let you out of my sight. Also, I’m going to make sure that you’re proficient with a gun.”

  Standing, she shook her head. “None of that’s going to happen.” Popcorn came back in and was soaked from the rain. “If you want to make yourself useful, go grab a towel from the laundry room and dry him off.”

  Huffing, Brock stood up and gave her a long look before he stomped off to do as she asked. “This conversation isn’t over,” he called over his shoulder.

  “Didn’t think it was.” Walking into the kitchen, she let out a sigh of frustration. Brock wasn’t going to give her a moment’s peace about this until he was satisfied that all precautions had been taken. Experience told her that his ideas and hers about what was reasonable would be very different.

  As she stirred the pot and looked out the kitchen window, she realized there was going to be no break in the storm for a while. After she was satisfied that her stew was heating properly, she grabbed a loaf of bread out of the freezer and put it in the oven.

  “Popcorn’s dry and I filled his bowl with food,” he said as he came into the room.

  “Thank you for taking care of him.” As he came closer, she noticed that his temper had cooled and he had himself under control. “You ready to eat?”

  “Yes. Thank you for fixing lunch for us. I wanted to take you out, but this weather isn’t cooperating.”

  When he wrapped his arms around her, she ran her hand along his arm. “I’m enjoying our lazy day at home. I haven’t spent that many hours in bed since I had the flu
last year.”

  “After you’re done telling me about your stalker, I’m hoping we can go upstairs and start all over again.”

  She groaned. “I knew you wouldn’t let it go.”

  “I’ve never let anything go in my life. I see no reason to start now.”

  “Go sit down, and you can start interrogating me after we’re done eating.”

  “Yes, dear.” He winked and scooted out of her reach before she could sock him in the arm. Shaking her head, she filled their bowls and tried to come up with an edited version of the story. If he ever heard the whole thing, he would glue himself to her side and she wouldn’t have a moment’s peace.


  With one eye on his back, she packed up the leftovers and wondered when he was leaving. He put the last glass in the dishwasher, dried his hands, and then wiped off the counters. After she dug out a bag and put the containers of food inside, she waited for him to finish. “I’ve got the leftovers ready for you to take home.” Holding the bag up, she grinned. “Here you go.”

  He took the bag from her hand, gave her a quick kiss, and then put it in the fridge. “I’m not leaving until you give me the full down-low on your stalker.” Leaning his hip against the island, he crossed his arms. “Nice try, though.”

  “I can see that you’ve not lost any of your stubborn ways over the years.” Turning around, she walked over to the couch and sat. “In fact, they’ve probably gotten a whole lot worse.” It took him about ten seconds to plant himself next to her with a self-satisfied smile that wore on her last nerve.

  “Quit trying to start a fight,” he said. “It’s not going to work.”

  “If you give me about five more minutes, I bet it will,” she replied with sass. When he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and tugged her close, she knew he was up to no good. “Don’t try to seduce me, Brock. It won’t make me do what you want.”


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