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by Martin Duberman

  Berkman, Alexander, 89, 156


  1930 visit to, 132–3

  1934 visit to, 184–5, 629 n 2

  blockade of, 325

  Bernal, J. D., 341, 424

  Berry, Abner, 346

  Bessie, Alvah, 704 n 38

  Best, Joseph, 202, 203, 636 n 45

  Beste, Vernon, 224

  Bethune, Mary McLeod, 255, 259, 285, 322, 333, 344, 392, 667 n 11, 673 n 23, 674 n 26, 681 n 16, 684 n 42, 687 n 19

  Bevan, Aneurin, 425, 466

  Bevin, Ernest, 672 n 18

  Bibb, Joseph D., 256

  Biberman, Edward, 668 n 21

  Biberman, Herbert, 708 n 12

  Biddle University, 10

  Big Fella (film), 207–8

  Bilbo, Theodore, 318

  Billings, Warren K., 248–9

  Bill of Rights Conference (1949), 382

  Birkett, Norman, 160

  Birth of a Nation (film), 3–4

  Black, Cupe (“Cupid”), 23

  black Americans

  alternatives available to, 172

  art’s role in the advance of, 71–2

  culturally derived “racial traits” of, 173, 200

  election of 1948 and, 325–6

  labor unions and, 249–50, 255–6, 309, 310–11

  Gertrude Stein on, 92

  Westernized (assimilationist), 172–4, 199, 624 n 36, n 38; see also black churches; black culture; black nationalism; civil rights movement; racism

  Black Boy (Tully and Dazey), 103–4, 596 712, 601–2 n 46, n 47, n 2

  black caucuses in labor unions, 310–11

  black churches, 226–7, 310, 375–6, 410–11

  black culture, 173

  Communist Party and, 250

  PR on, 169

  see also African culture; black nationalism

  “Black Mafia,” 312, 666 n 8; see also Johnson, Ellsworth

  Black Majesty (James), 196–7

  Blackman, Peter, 340, 351–3

  Black Muslim movement, 310, 527–8, 755 n 16; see also black nationalism; Malcolm X; Muhammad, Elijah

  black nationalism, 172–5, 201–2, 309, 310, 575 n 24, 623–4 n 36; see also Black Muslim movement; Garvey, Marcus

  Blackpool, performance of Voodoo in, 48

  Black Progress (ER), 154, 166, 242, 618 n 3

  Blaikely, J. B., 481

  Blair, Mary, 57–8, 59, 63

  Blake, James Hubert (“Eubie”), 45, 51, 549, 582 n 28

  Blankfort, Michael, 632 n 21

  Bledsoe, Geraldine (Maimie) Neale, 27–30, 38, 40–1, 45–6, 50, 549, 575–6 n 26, n 29, 583 n 30, 583–4 n 7, 734 n 33, 763 n 25

  Bledsoe, Harry, 45, 583 n 30

  Bledsoe, Julius (“Jules”), 73, 81, 105, 111, 113, 594 n 34

  Blitzstein, Marc, 261, 421, 438, 677 n 39

  Block, Harry, 102–3

  Blockson, Charles L., 760 n 9

  Bloor, Ella Reeve, 107, 396, 644 n 37

  blues, the, 156, 177–8

  Bluford, Lucile, 256

  Boas, Franz, 3

  Body and Soul (film), 77, 260

  Bohlen, Chip, 407

  Boles, John, 239

  Boiling, Buddy, 42, 167

  Boiling, Hattie, 41, 42, 147, 167, 195, 579 n 18, 691 n 49

  Bomb, The (Harris), 95

  Book of American Negro Spirituals, The (J. W. and J. R.Johnson), 81

  Bookstein, Isidore, 319

  Booth, Alan, 408, 437, 462–3

  Borderline (film), 130–2, 260, 609 n 5, n 10, n 11

  Boudin, Leonard, 425, 432, 433, 450, 452, 463, 714 n 46, 716 n 7, 717 n 9, 719 n 18

  Boulton, Agnes (Mrs. Eugene O’Neill), 62, 75

  Bowden, Marie, 537

  boxing, 52, 584–5 n 11

  Braden, Anne, 447

  Bradford, Roark, 237–8

  Bradley, Thomas, 377

  Bransten, Louise, 244, 280, 532

  Branton, Geri, 531, 757 n 22

  Bricktop, 145, 598 n 18, 614 n 42, 618 n 4

  Bridges, Harry, 285, 311, 399, 675 n 34, 706 n 43

  Briehl, Walter, 452, 463

  British Actors’ Equity, 449

  Brittain, Vera, 205

  Bromley, Bruce, 120

  Brooklyn Academy of Music, 414

  Brooks, Gwendolyn, 540

  Brooks, Louise, 74

  Broun, Heywood, 56, 64, 74, 79, 86, 102

  Broun, Ruth Hale, see Hale, Ruth

  Browder, Earl, 216, 219, 247–9, 259, 285, 293–4, 301–2, 332, 419, 420, 421

  Browder, Raissa, 285, 667 n 12

  Brown, Barrett, 619 n 13

  Brown, Earl, 343, 379, 395, 693 n 61

  Brown, Edgar G., 344

  Brown, Ivor, 90

  Brown, J. Douglas, 13, 17, 567 n 5

  Brown, Lawrence (Larry), 49, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 98–100, 105, 106, 112, 113, 114, 116, 120, 146, 150, 151, 154, 156, 157, 164–6, 192, 195, 208, 222, 238, 240, 244, 245, 267, 292, 293, 297, 316, 327, 338, 350, 369, 463, 467, 470, 471, 482, 487, 491, 500, 505, 508, 545, 547, 594 n 34, 612 n 27, 617 n 61, n 66, 650 n 26, 672 n 17, 678 n 2, 680 n 11, 726 n 6, 734 n 35

  as accompanist and arranger, 78–83, 85, 98, 112–15, 156, 240, 302, 338, 467, 470, 487, 729 n 6

  last visit with PR, 508

  Brown, Lloyd L., 393, 408–9, 417, 437, 439, 448, 458, 460, 463, 464, 466, 513, 524, 538, 544, 545, 548, 550, 716 n 4, 726 n 31, 761–2 n 15

  Brown, Oscar C., Sr., 11, 12, 456, 578 n 14, 714 n 47, 722 n 3

  Browne, Coral, 632 n 20

  Browne, Maurice, 122, 133–6, 138–9, 607 n 36, 612 n 29

  Browning, Harold, 44, 48–9, 51, 118

  Browning, Hilda, 638 n 67

  Brown v. Board of Education, 429–31, 446

  Brownsville, Texas, riot, 4

  Bryher (Winifred Ellerman), 130, 131, 609 n 9, 612 n 26

  Buch Clinic (GDR), 514, 516–18, 520–1, 751–2 n 50

  Buck, Pearl, 190, 285, 294, 313, 356, 704 n 34

  Buckle, Desmond, 338, 340, 351, 685 n 7

  Budapest, 1929 visit to, 121

  Budd, A. B., 65

  Bunche, Ralph, 248, 651 n 33, 726 n 31, 745–6 n 23

  Bunker, Ellsworth, 461, 462, 472

  Burge, Louise, 240

  Burgess, Guy, 631 n 15

  Burke, James, 21

  Burke, Marie, 114, 449, 450, 481, 543

  Burleigh, Harry T., 77, 80, 170, 594 n 34

  Burley, Dan, 426

  Burnham, Louis, 258, 392–3, 400–1, 692 n 51

  Burns, Vincent, 657 n 62

  Burroughs, Margaret, 456

  Bush, Alan, 543, 603 n 6, 650–1 n 29

  Bustill, Cyrus, 5

  Bustill, Gertrude, 5, 8, 566 n 3

  Bustill, Joseph Cassey, 5

  Bustill family, 5, 8–9, 566 n 2, 568–9 n 14

  Butt, Sir Alfred, 77–8, 84, 113, 115–17

  Butts, Tony, 162

  “By an’ By,” 80

  Bynner, Witter, 74

  Byrnes, James F., 298, 316

  Cable, Ted, 290

  Cacchione, Peter V., 282

  Café Society, 177, 284

  California, 308–9

  1957 concerts in, 448–9, 722 n 4

  1958 concerts in, 454–5

  1965 trip to, 530–1

  see also Peace Arch concert

  Calloway, Cab, 625 n 46

  Cameron, Angus, 675 n 33, 726 n 29, 742 n 3

  Camp, Walter, 22, 23

  Campanella, Roy, 396

  Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, 44, 48, 49, 50–1, 91, 118

  Camp Wo-Chi-Ca, 254, 649 n 17, 653 n 47


  permission to travel to, 433

  PR prevented from going to (1952), 399–400, 706 n 43, 719 n 22

  Cap and Skull honor society, 26

  Cardozo, Francis Lewis, 35–6

  Cardozo, Isaac Nuñez, 35

  Cardozo family, 578 n 9

  Carlson, Col. Evans, 304

l, Harry, 483

  Carr, James D., 23, 573 n 12

  Casals, Pablo, 639 n 68

  Castillo, Fernando, 216–17, 220, 640 n 15, 695 n 16

  Castro, Fidel, 492, 513, 740 n 66, 749 n 39

  Cather, Willa, 281

  Catlett, Lester, 401

  Cayton, Horace, 391, 443

  Cayton, Lee, 244, 310, 426, 531, 532, 701 n 17

  Cayton, Revels, 244, 250, 309–11, 315, 369, 370, 380, 391, 417, 420, 426, 435, 438, 448, 457, 531, 532, 549, 669 n 27, 672 n 17, 675 n 31, n 34, 677 n 43, 701 n 17

  influence on PR, 310

  Central Trades and Labor Council, 281

  Chagla, M. C., 461, 462

  Chaka, 166, 169

  Chakravarty, P., 471–2

  Chaliapin, Fyodor, 78, 82, 110, 115, 120

  Challenge (magazine), 637 n 52

  Chamberlain, Neville, 214, 233, 235

  Chandler, Charles, 290

  Chapin, Katherine Garrison (Mrs. Francis Biddle), 240

  Chaplin, Charlie, 89, 696 n 21

  Charlot’s Revue, 88

  “Cheelai” (“March of the Volunteers”) 653 n 43

  Chekhov, Anton, 291, 469, 482

  Chervachidze, Prince, 163, 165

  Chervachidze, Yolande, see Jackson, Yolande

  Chester, Bill, 402

  Chiang Kai-shek, 341, 347, 489


  1949 concerts in, 375–6

  1958 concerts in, 456

  Chicago Crusader, 459–60

  Childress, Alice, 393, 425, 530–1, 703 n 29, n 30, 710 n 24

  China, 174–5, 461, 541, 644 n 35, 653 n 39, 760 n 5

  Chinese culture and relationship to Africa, 174–5, 188, 201–2

  Communist victory in, 341, 384

  Chinn, May, 33, 576 n 4, 592 n 17

  Chotzinoff, Samuel, 608 n 41

  Christophe Henri, 182, 190

  Churchill, Winston, 266, 299, 303, 316, 322, 672 n 18

  “Iron Curtain” speech, 303–4

  Civil Rights Congress (CRC), 311, 317, 321, 337–8, 361, 375, 379, 430, 681 n 20

  civil rights movement, see Robeson, Paul: civil rights movement and

  Clark, Joseph, 432

  Clark, Kenneth, 716 n 5

  Clark, Ramsey, 546–7

  Clark, Tom, 330, 363

  Clef Club Orchestra, 43

  Clifford, Clark, 324

  Clurman, Harold, 271

  Coates, Albert, 161, 186, 629 n 6

  Cochran, Gifford, 621–2 n 25

  Cock o’ the World (musical), 231

  Cohen, Herbert E., 545

  Cohn, Roy, 412

  Cold War, xiii, 325, 338, 341, 407, 429

  Cole, Bob, 43, 44

  Cole, Dora (Norman), 43, 588 n 48

  Cole, Kay, 752 n 51

  Colefax, Sybil, 100, 123

  Coleman, Robert, 104, 159, 277

  Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel, 91, 116, 227

  Collegiate Chorale, 267–8

  colonialism, 180, 296–301, 303–4, 307, 434

  Columbia Artists Management, 338

  Columbia Law Review, 53

  Columbia University Law School, 30, 41, 43, 53–4

  Combs, Richard E., 307, 308

  Committee for the Negro in the Arts, 400

  Communist Party, U.S.A. (CPUSA), 230, 247–50, 253, 255, 294, 301, 302, 307–8, 309–11, 317, 318, 322, 324–5, 327–9, 337–8, 363, 367–8, 370–73, 378, 379–80, 382–3, 397, 401, 411, 412, 416, 418–24, 430, 433, 451, 454–5, 458–9, 509–10, 647 n 3, 669 n 27, 675 n 31, 692 n 59, 692 n 55, 712 n 31, n 33, 717 n 14, 720 n 27, 726 n 29, 747 n 30, 760 n 10

  1965 California trip of PR and, 531

  “Americanization” of, 247

  attempt to tone down PR’s rhetoric, 382–3, 423

  black culture and, 250

  blacks and, 309–10, 675 n 31, 712 n 31, n 33, 713 n 38, 721 n 32, 726, n 29

  divorce of PR from ER opposed, 294

  “Duclos Letter” and, 301–2

  election of 1948 and, 322, 324–5

  FBI raid (1948), 333, 333–4

  indictment of leaders of (1948), 333–4

  labor unions and, 249–50

  “misuse” of PR by, 380

  National Negro Congress (NNC) and, 247, 248

  on Nazi-Soviet Pact, 247–9

  Peekskill events (1949) and, 368

  PR’s disillusion with, rumors of, 415

  PR on legality of, 318

  PR’s (non)membership in, 301, 307–8, 418

  PR’s relationship to, 328–30, 415, 418–24, 458–9, 712 n 31, n 33

  Smith Act indictments (1951), 397

  Smith Act trial of leaders of (1949), 337–8, 355, 358, 363–4, 372, 379, 397

  Confucius, 174

  Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 247, 249, 250, 252, 255–6, 266, 268, 281, 282, 294, 322, 363, 652 n 36

  Conjure Man Dies, The (Fisher), 33

  Connelly, Marc, 285

  Connor, Edric, 686 n 12, 725 n 16, 750 n 48

  Constantine (cricket player), 116

  Cook, Corinne (Wright), 42, 147–8, 245

  Cook, George Cram (“Jig”), 55

  Cook, Nilla, 61

  Cook, Will Marion, 44, 48, 608 n 41

  Cooper, Diana (Lady Duff Gordon), 93, 136

  Cooper, Gladys, 89

  Copenhagen, 1949 concerts in, 350

  Coplon, Judith, 383–4

  Coppicus, F. C., 125

  Cornell, Katharine, 100

  Corning, Erastus, II, 319

  Corwin, Norman, 236, 679 n 9

  Council of American-Soviet Friendship, 381, 699 n 1

  Council on African Affairs (CAA), 266, 284–5, 296–9, 304, 338, 340–1, 357, 361, 375, 388, 390, 392, 400, 437, 669 n 2, 670 n 6, 673 n 23, 683 n 35, 692 n 51, 693–4 n 62, 696 n 21

  branded Communist, 297, 347, 414, 441

  conflict between PR and Yergan, 330–3, 346, 684 n 42

  formation and goals, 257–8, 655–6 n 55

  Couzens, Tim, 636 n 50

  Coward, Noel, 88, 144, 146, 147, 281, 614 n 40, 615 n 48

  Private Lives, 147, 160

  Cowley, Malcolm, 61

  Cox, Gene, 373

  Cox, Philip, 608 n 38

  Craig’s restaurant, 75

  Cripps, Stafford, 213

  Crockett, George W., Jr., 372, 685 n 4

  Crowder, Henry, 158

  Crum, Bartley, 306

  Crump, Boss, 326

  Cruse, Harold, 575 n 24

  Cullen, Countee, 74, 90, 96, 100, 171, 591–2 n 16, 622–3 n 27

  cultural pluralism (PR on), 172–3

  Cunard, Nancy, 158–60, 191, 193, 618 n 5

  Cunelli, George, 746 n 26

  Cunningham, Gertrude, 566 n 2, 759 n 1

  Curran, Joseph, 267, 285

  Current, Gloucester, 307

  Currier, Mrs. Guy, 77, 86

  Czechoslovakia, 120–1, 297–8, 350–1, 472, 689 n 38

  Dabney, Wendell P., 159

  Dadoo, Yussef, 340, 350, 424

  Daladier, Édouard, 233, 235

  Dancer, Earl, 666 n 5

  Danis, Sydney, 364–5

  Dankworth, Johnny, 481, 543

  Dark Sands (Jericho) (film), 209, 210, 638 n 63

  Darlington, W. A., 477

  Darr, Rev. John Whittier, Jr., 355–6

  Darvas, Lili, 610 n 13

  Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), 251

  Davenport, Millia, 60–1, 80

  Davenport, Robert, 19, 27, 575 n 25

  Davenport, Sadie, see Shelton, Sadie

  David Goliath (film), see Proud Valley, The

  Davidoff, Amy, 107, 109

  Davidoff, Bess, 107

  Davidoff, Harry, 107

  Davies, Lloyd G., 376–7, 490–1

  Davis, Angela, 546

  Davis, Benjamin, Jr., 238, 243, 285, 323, 324, 331, 346–8, 363, 398, 423, 442, 448, 454, 513, 525, 666 n 8, 670 n 6, 671 n 16, 674 n 26, 675 n 33, 688 n 30, 691 n 49
, 692 n 51, 726 n 31

  and CPUSA, 257, 283–4, 310, 340, 368, 379–80, 420–2, 510

  friendship with PR, 230, 264, 424, 438, 458, 463, 524, 676 n 36, 710 n 19, 718 n 15

  and Eslanda Robeson, 294

  and Smith Act, 429–30, 685 n 4, 713 n 38

  and Soviet Union, 208, 221, 383

  Davis, John P., 247–8, 251, 252, 652 n 34

  Davis, Ossie, 528, 547, 761 n 12

  Davis, Vincent, 401, 402

  Davison, Harold, 452, 465, 466, 472, 506, 508, 509, 511, 524, 748 n 32, 762 n 17

  Dawson, William L., 280, 701 n 20

  Dazey, Frank, 103, 601 n 45, 602 n 47, 603–4 n 10

  Dee, Ruby, 547, 761 n 12

  “Deep River,” 410, 550

  Deeter, Jasper, 581 n 23, 662 n 34

  “De Glory Road,” 655 n 53

  Delany, Claire, 102

  Delany, Hubert T., 102, 333, 681 n 16

  Delmer, Paul, 469, 730 n 13

  Delta Sigma Theta, 41

  Demarest, William H. S., 23, 26

  DeMille, Cecil B., 101

  Dempsey, Jack, 52

  Dennis, Eugene, 206–7, 322, 383, 398, 418, 420, 421, 422, 424

  Dennis, Peggy, 206–7, 418, 421, 422

  De Organizer (opera), 230

  Desire Under the Elms (O’Neill), 75

  Dessalines, Jean Jacques, 190

  Dewey, Thomas E., 53, 334, 367, 370, 371, 377

  Diamond, Freda, 107–8, 109, 126, 151, 164, 179, 198, 220, 241–2, 246, 247, 268, 277, 286–7, 292, 314, 339, 349, 358, 417, 436, 439, 440, 463, 467, 481, 487, 500, 501, 524, 538, 544, 548, 549, 664 n 45, 676 n 36, 677 n 41, 678 n 2, 686 n 10, 695 n 16, 700 n 12, 701 n 17, 720 n 24

  ER and, 241, 242, 247, 436

  living arrangements of PR with, 241

  marriage to Alfred (“Barry”) Baruch, 241, 242

  relationship with PR, 286–7, 339–40

  Diamond, Ida (Mama), 107–8, 603 n 54

  Dickerson, Earl, 324, 518, 528, 655 n 55, 668 n 20

  Dies, Martin, 261

  Dies Committee, 238–9

  Digges, Dudley, 622 n 25

  Dirksen, Everett M., 319

  Dobb, Maurice, 627 n 59

  Donat, Robert, 181

  Don’t You Want to Be Free? (Hughes), 231, 643 n 31

  Dorfman, Ania, 128

  Douglas, William O., 53, 443, 463

  Douglas, Winston, 12, 570 n 22, 571 n 29

  Douglass, Frederick, 145, 357, 376, 434, 485

  Douglass, Sarah Mapps, 5

  Downer Street St. Luke A. M. E. Zion Church, 9

  Downes, Olin, 366

  Draper, Muriel, 187, 338, 591 n 13

  Draper, Paul, 78

  Draper, Ruth, 88, 115

  Dreiser, Theodore, 74, 281, 285, 603–4 n 10, 652 n 34, 652 n 35, 665 n 3

  Driberg, Tom, 449, 465, 466, 467

  Du Bois, Shirley, see Graham, Shirley

  Du Bois, W.E.B., 4, 26, 27, 56, 66, 71, 80–1, 100, 137–8, 170, 173, 226, 257, 281, 306, 321, 323, 325, 331, 333, 334, 341, 345, 346, 357, 383, 392–3, 396, 398, 401, 406, 442, 457, 473, 500, 501, 505, 508, 523, 524, 525, 527, 534, 673 n 25, n 26, 680 n 12, 681 n 16, 684 n 42, n 45, 688 n 26, 692 n 51, 703 n 27, n 28, 704 n 36, 705 n 41, 717 n 12, 732 n 22, 734 n 34, n 36, 746 n 25, 755 n 14


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