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by Martin Duberman

  1950 senate campaign, 392

  on All God’s Chillun Got Wings (O’Neill), 66

  antilynching campaign and (1946), 306

  Council on African Affairs and, 331

  cultural elitism in views of, 72

  death of, 523

  Freedom magazine and, 392, 393

  NAACP and, 323, 334

  Duchamp, Marcel, 618 n 4

  Duclos, Jacques, 301, 421

  “Duclos Letter,” 301–2, 671 n 15

  Dukes, Ashley, 89

  Dulles, John Foster, 297, 377, 431, 434–5, 453, 472

  Duncan, Augustin, 43, 48, 53, 67

  Dungee, Roscoe C., 333–4

  Dunham, Katherine, 181

  Dunnigan, Alice, 375

  Duranty, Walter, 162

  Durr, Clifford J., 359

  Dutch Treat Club, 82–3

  Dutt, R. Palme, 225

  Dwight, Mabel, 78

  Ealing Studios, 231

  East Berlin, 461

  1960 visits to, 483–4, 486–7

  1963 trip to, 514–18

  see also East Germany

  East Germany (GDR), 483–4, 485, 486–7, 493, 498, 542, 543, 727 n 34, 738 n 55, 743 n 6, 760 n 12; see also Buch Clinic; East Berlin

  Eastland, James, 441, 442

  Eastman, Chrystal, 91, 95

  Eastman, Max, 95–6

  Ebony (magazine), 394, 395, 460, 544, 727 n 32

  Edinburgh University, 193–4

  Egelloc Club, 82

  Ehrenburg, Ilya, 469

  Einstein, Albert, 307, 320

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 253, 404, 405–6, 429, 444, 446, 728 n 39

  Eisenstein, Sergei, 182–3, 185–7, 189–90, 194, 196, 203–4, 208, 222, 627 n 59, 630 n 14, 631 n 15, 637 n 57

  Eitingon, Bess (formerly Rockmore), 55, 162, 623 n 27

  Eitingon, Motty, 623 n 27

  Ellerman, Winifred, see Bryher

  Ellington, Duke, 176, 231, 285, 625 n 46, 668 n 20, 761 n 12

  Elllis, Mary, 79

  Elmhirst, Leonard, 607 n 36

  Elzy, Ruby, 238, 622 n 25

  Emergency Committee to Protest the Peekskill Riot, 367

  Emerson, Thomas, 382

  Emperor Jones, The (opera), 111

  Emperor Jones, The (film), 167–9, 223, 621–2 n 25, 622 n 27

  Emperor Jones, The (O’Neill), 53, 75, 121, 580 n 23, 582 n 24, 585 n 14, 585–6 n 15, 587 n 42, 588 n 51, n 52, 592 n 20, 593 n 22 597 n 10, 607 n 34

  1939 revival, 228

  1940 revival, 240

  Berlin production of, 132

  Broadway production (1925), 77

  first act of, in one-man show (1930), 140, 613 n 35

  London production of, 77–8, 83, 89–91

  closing, 91

  opening, 89

  public response, 90

  reviews, 90–1, 597 n 10

  PR on, 168

  Provincetown Players production, 59–63, 68, 74, 77

  costumes, 60

  dress rehearsals, 61

  Gilpin and, 61–3, 587 n 42

  Jimmy Light’s direction, 60

  O’Neill and, 61, 62, 587 n 42

  opening, 61

  reviews, 62–3, 587 n 43, n 44

  Eneas Africanus (Anderson and Weill), 230, 645 n 41

  Enescu, Georges, 76

  England, see Great Britain

  Epps, Emma, 6, 567 n 4, 568 n 13

  Epstein, Jacob, 647 n 1

  Ericson, Hazel (Dodge), 679 n 9

  Ervine, St. John, 89, 114

  Ethiopia, 195, 225, 248

  Ethiopian Art Theater, 56

  Europe, Lt. James, 32

  “Exhortations” (Cook), 608 n 41

  Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC), 322, 325, 385, 387, 415, 421

  Fallen Angels (Coward), 88

  Fancy Free (Houghton), 614 n 35

  Fanelli, George M., 367, 369, 370–72, 695 n 19

  Farmer, James, 756 n 18

  Fascism, 180, 191, 256, 266, 282, 318, 340, 367, 377, 382, 402, 419; 512; see also Hitler, Adolf; Mussolini, Benito

  Fast, Howard, 338, 366, 384, 388, 428, 679 n 11

  Faulds, Andrew, 476, 484, 733 n 31

  Fauntroy, Rev. James, 756 n 18

  Fauset, Jessie, 74

  Fay, Frank, 671 n 14

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), xiii, 258, 266, 285, 297, 298, 300–3, 319, 320, 337, 354, 366, 367, 368, 376, 383, 386, 394, 400, 403, 411, 415, 426, 439, 442, 453, 454–5, 463, 484, 522–3, 547, 653–4 n 47, 665, n 47, 666 n 5, 669 n 2, 670–2 n 4–6, n 10, n 12, n 14, n l6–17, n 21, 679 n 7, 680 n 13, 683 n 28, 689 n 41, 694 n 2, 708 n 12, 714 n 48, 716 n 6, 722 n 4, 725 n 21, 726 n 31, 729 n 40, 748 n 37, 750 n 47, 759, n 4; see also Hoover, J. Edgar

  on PR’s rumored “takeover” of NAACP, 448, 454

  on PR’s status of health, 435, 509, 540, 542, 747 n 27

  speculations on ER’s CP membership, 678 n 3, 709 n 18

  speculation on PR’s CP membership, 253–4, 280, 301, 317, 327–8, 685 n 2

  Feffer, Itzik, 352–4, 417, 690 n 42

  Ferber, Edna, 159, 618 n 7

  Ferguson, Homer, 328, 329

  Ferrer, José (Joe), 264, 265, 268–9, 278, 286, 288–92, 311–13, 406, 664 n 43, 665 n 3, 670 n 4, 676 n 38, 707 n 5

  Fidler, Jimmy, 376

  Field, Edith, 298

  Field, Frederick V., 298, 670 n 6

  Field, Marshall, 299, 300, 318

  Fieldston school, 235

  film industry, American, 169, 217, 227, 640 n 8

  Fink, Max, 743 n 11, 745 n 13

  Fire in the Flint (White), 72–3

  First Presbyterian Church (Princeton), 567 n 6

  First Presbyterian Church of Color (Princeton), 567 n 6

  Fish, Hamilton, 695 n 20

  Fisher, Rudolph (“Bud”), 33, 39, 74

  Fisk Jubilee Singers, 80

  Fitzgerald, Eleanor (Fitzi), 77, 88, 89, 96–7, 622 n 27

  Fitzgerald, Ella, 177, 283, 506–7

  Flemming, Thomas, 443

  Flood, John, 502, 503, 743 n 11, 745 n 13

  Flory, Cathern, 456

  Flory, Ishmael, 283, 456–7, 713 n 46

  Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 249, 382–3, 423, 510, 754 n 10

  folk music, 176, 178, 218, 438, 632 n 19, 728 n 38

  football, PR and

  All-American teams, 22

  coaching, 76–7, 577 n 7

  Hall of Fame rejection, 760 n 8, 763 n 21

  high school, 16, 571–2 n 32

  injuries, 20, 21, 34

  while at law school, 34

  professional, 34, 52, 577 n 7

  at Rutgers, 19–24, 573 n 9, 760 n 8

  benching of PR against Washington and Lee, 22–3

  Newport Naval Reserve, game against, 23–4

  Southern opponents, 22–3

  West Virginia team, game against, 23

  white players’ attitudes and behavior toward PR, 20–1, 572 n 5

  Forbes-Leith, Major, 82

  Forbes-Robertson, Jean, 144, 154–5, 614 n 40

  Ford, James, 655 n 55

  Ford, Joseph, 392

  Ford, Wallace, 209, 210

  Foreman, Clark, 326, 432, 433

  Forman, James, 540

  Forsythe, Marian Robeson, 5, 9, 163, 277, 427, 456, 500, 523–4, 528, 535, 538, 539–42, 544, 545–6, 548, 567 n 5, 691 n 49, 733 n 27, 759 n 12, 762 n 17

  PR at home of (1966–67), 539–42, 545, 567 n 5, 568 n 9

  Forsythe, Paulina, 539, 759 n 1, 762 n 17

  Foster, William Z., 252, 302, 322, 383, 396, 419, 421, 422, 437, 444, 448, 454, 652 n 35, 712 n 37, 743 n 8

  “Fourteenth Amendment, The” (PR’s senior thesis), 25–6

  France, 297

  1925 stay in, 91–8

  Villefranche, 93–7

  Francis, Harry, 465, 491–2, 498, 505–6, 508, 509, 511, 515, 742 n 1, 748 n 31, 749 n 47, 752 n 51, 754 n 8, 755 n 15

  Franco, Francisco, 211–12, 213, 318,

  Frank, Waldo, 633 n 25

  Frazier, E. Franklin, 374, 377, 378, 655 n 55, 668 n 23, 684 n 39

  Free African Society, 5

  Freedom (magazine), 392–3, 400–3, 409, 414, 420, 437, 457

  Freedom Associates, 409, 414

  Freedomways (magazine), 527–30, 755 n 16, 756 n 17, n 19

  Free India movement, 266

  Freulich, Roman, 642 n 20

  Friedman, Milton H., 412, 439, 440, 442, 717 n 12

  Fritchman, Stephen, 518, 530, 531, 548, 757 n 22, 723 n 6

  Frontier Films, 261, 657 n 64

  Fur and Leather Workers Union, 338, 366, 368, 369, 429, 666 n 4, 655, n 55

  Futter, Walter, 643–4 n 33

  Gaffhey, John, 368, 369–72

  Galantiere, Lewis, 92

  Gambs, Alexandre, 149

  Gandhi, Indira, 464, 547, 727 n 37, 728 n 40

  Gandhi, Mohandas K., 133, 176

  Garden, Mary, 599 n 21

  Gardner, Ethel A., 150, 617 n 56

  Garland, Walter, 424

  Garvey, Marcus, 71, 172, 203, 310, 610 n 16

  Garvey, Mrs. Marcus, 192

  Gates, John, 419, 420, 423, 680 n 11

  Gautier, Théophile, 274–5

  Gautier-Vignal, Count Louis, 94

  Gay, Katherine, 79

  GDR, see East Germany

  General Line (film), 190

  Genocide Campaign, 398

  Georgia Tech, 22

  German Democratic Republic, see East

  Germany Germany, Nazi, 132–3, 178, 184–5, 233, 298

  nonaggression pact with Soviet Union, 231–2, 247, 248, 283

  Gershwin, George, 73, 193

  Gerstadt, John, 272–3

  Ghana, 485, 492, 493, 501, 508, 737 n 53

  Ghosts of Yesterday (film), 49

  Gibbs, Wolcott, 278

  Gibson, Lydia, 216

  Gielgud, John, 138, 197, 507, 543, 620 n 15, 745 n 16

  Gillespie, Dizzy, 177, 391, 528, 761 n 12

  Gillmore, Frank, 116, 117

  Gilmore, Virginia, 268

  Gilpin, Charles, 43, 53, 57, 61–3, 77, 83, 587 n 42

  Gish, Lillian, 138

  Glaspell, Susan, 55

  Gloag, Helena, 449

  “Go Down, Moses,” 80

  Gold, Ben, 338, 429

  Gold, Mike, 62, 107

  Goldfarb, Alvin I., 541

  Goldman, Emma, 89, 94, 95, 156, 198, 203, 597 n 7, 634 n 35

  Gold Rush, The (film), 89

  Golden, Bertha and Lillie, 730 n 10

  Gollan, John, 513

  Gollancz, Victor, 225

  Gols i Soler, Joan, 219

  Good, Roger, 545

  Goodbye Uncle Tom (earlier called Uncle Tom’s Cabin) (ER), 154, 157, 166, 242, 292–3, 617–18 n 3

  Goode, Eslanda (Ma) (Essie’s mother), 36–7, 42, 59, 72, 86, 112, 113, 118, 119, 140, 144, 145, 150, 152, 154, 161, 181, 185, 208, 209, 246, 292, 293, 314, 356, 412, 692 n 50

  in the Soviet Union, 205–6, 211, 633 n 25

  raising PR, Jr., 115, 189, 194, 205, 210–11, 221–2, 235, 633 n 26

  Goode, Frank, 36, 185, 208, 470, 629 n 3

  Goode, John, Jr., 36, 185, 187, 208, 629 n 3

  Goode, John, Sr., 36, 185, 629 n 3

  Goode, Sadie, see Shelton, Sadie

  Goodlett, Carlton, 513, 723 n 6

  Goodman, Benny, 253, 654–5 n 51

  Gordon, Lady Duff, see Cooper, Diana

  Gordon, Taylor, 81, 102

  Gould, Mrs. George, 36

  Gould, Jay, 54

  Gracie Square psychiatric hospital, 532, 535, 539–40, 757 n 28, 758 n 29, n 30, n 37, n 39, n 41

  Graham, Frank P., 259

  Graham, Shirley (Du Bois), 442, 473, 501, 505, 508, 668 n 23, 682 n 26, 734 n 34

  Grande-Covian, F., 218, 219

  Granger, Lester, 248, 322, 325, 330, 359, 360

  Graves, Lem, Jr., 373, 697 n 25

  Gray, John, 426, 709 n 16, 713 n 46, 715 n 4

  Great Britain (England), 297, 299, 304, 307, 452

  1922 trip to, 47–51

  1929 stay in, 608 n 38

  1958–59 concerts in, 470, 471, 729 n 4–6, 731 n 16

  1960 concerts in, 483

  absence of racial prejudice, 87–8

  “Let Robeson Sing” campaign, 424–5, 449–50, 724 n 7

  see also London

  Green, Cora, 52

  Green, Paul, 105

  Green, William, 253, 281

  Gregory (now Stitt), Leonora (“Pat”), 576 n 28, 625 n 43

  Grier, Christopher, 740 n 65

  Gromyko, Andrei, 285

  Grotewohl, Otto, 486

  Gruenberg, Louis, 111

  Gruening, Martha, 613 n 33

  Guest, Barbara, 609 n 8

  Guillén, Nicolás, 215–16, 218, 640 n 8

  Guinier, Ewart, 324, 680 n 12

  Guitry, Sacha, 157

  Gwinn, Walton W., 373

  Hagen, Uta, 264, 265, 268, 269, 271–2, 273, 275–8 284, 286–91, 292, 311–13, 549, 664 n 43, n 47, 667 n 9, n 14, n 17, n 19, 668 n 21, 676 n 38

  relationship with PR, 286–8, 290–1, 311–13

  on Othello tour (1944), 288–90

  Hagerty, James C., 370

  Haggard, H. Rider, 169, 207

  Hairy Ape, The (O’Neill)

  London production of, 148–9, 616 n 50

  Haiti (Du Bois), 226

  Haitian revolution, plans for play or film about, 190, 194, 196–7, 633 n 25, 634 n 32

  Haldane, Charlotte, 215, 639 n 2, 640 n 9

  Haldane, J.B.S., 215

  Hale, Ruth (Mrs. Heywood Broun), 69, 74, 86, 102

  Hall, Gus, 531, 757 n 23

  Hallinan, Vincent, 399, 405, 532

  Hambro, Leonid, 369

  Hamilton College, 238

  Hamlet, 88

  Hammer-British Lion Productions, 207

  Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 111, 114, 195–6, 228, 285, 605 n 14, 697 n 28

  see also Show Boat (musical)

  Hammett, Dashiell, 338, 430

  Hammond, Gwen, 614 n 38

  Hammond, John H., 177, 295, 683 n 37

  Hammond, Percy, 103–4, 159, 588 n 51

  Hampden, Walter, 56, 78

  Hanau, Stella, 79

  Handy, W.C., 285

  Hann, Will, 52

  Hansberry, Lorraine, 425, 524, 527, 755 n 15, n 16

  Hapgood, Emilie, 580 n 23, 582 n 23

  Harambee Organization (Rutgers), 760 n 12

  Hardwicke, Cedric, 207

  Harlem, 32–3, 85, 162, 235, 325, 379, 390, 420

  in 1919 32–3

  Jumel Terrace home, 435–6, 524, 540, 542, 760 n 7

  return to live in (1939), 235

  St. Nicholas Avenue apartments, 426, 701 n 17

  Harlem (Thurman), 61

  Harlem Hospital, 33

  Harlem Renaissance, 33, 72–3, 88, 105, 115, 173, 223

  Harlem Shadows (McKay), 95

  Harlem Suitcase Theatre, 230–1, 645 n 42

  Harlem Trade Union Council, 385, 396, 702 n 22

  Harmony Kings, The, 44, 47–9, 52, 118, 124

  Harriman, Averell, 381, 434

  Harriman, Edward H., 53

  Harrington, Ollie, 379–80, 392, 518–19, 673 n 24

  Harris, Frank, 95, 106

  Harris, George W., 124

  Harris, Jed, 138

  Harris, Roy, 240

  Harrison, Michael, 150, 151, 162

  Hart-Davis, Rupert, 134, 143, 165, 614 n 38, 619–20 n 15, 620–1 n 20

  Hartford Seminary Foundation, 292

  Hastie, William H., 255, 295, 300

  Hatcher, Richard G., 547

  Hawaii, 327–8, 683 n 28

  Hawkins, Coleman, 506

  Hawtrey, Sir Charles, 49

  Hayes, Arthur Garfield, 603 n 54

  Hayes, Roland, xii, 49, 56, 72–4, 77, 78, 80, 81, 96, 105, 109, 110, 146, 170, 171, 636 n 50

  Hayes, Rutherford B., 35r />
  Hay Fever (Coward), 88

  Hays office, 168

  Hazelwood, Clifford, 318–19

  H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), 130, 131, 609 n 8

  Healey, Dorothy, 418, 419, 531, 757 n 23

  Healy, Estelle, 88

  Hellman, Lillian, 285, 409, 649 n 17, 654 n 5, 667 n 10

  Hemingway, Ernest, 92, 640 n 12

  Henderson, Fletcher, 74

  Here I Stand (PR), 458–60, 465, 466, 525–6, 543, 566 n 2, 726 n 29, n 31

  Hergesheimer, Joseph, 98

  Herndon, Angelo, 230, 644 n 40

  Herskovits, Melville, 198, 626 n 7, 635 n 36

  Herter, Christian, 471, 472

  Heyward, Dorothy, 106, 113, 230, 664 n 47

  Heyward, DuBose, 106, 113, 193, 230, 622 n 25

  Hiawatha (Coleridge-Taylor), 91

  Higgins, Daniel, Rosalyn, and Terence, 620–1 n 20

  Hill, Rev. Charles A., 398, 401, 406, 532, 673 n 26

  Hille, Waldemar, 509

  Hiss, Alger, 384, 387, 404

  Hitler, Adolf, 233, 234, 318, 342

  Hodgson, Margaret, 205

  Hoggard, Bishop J. Clinton, 550, 567–9 n 5, n 9, n 15

  Holiday, Billie, 283, 667 n 9

  Hollywood Ten, 338, 527

  Holmes, Rev. John Haynes, 33, 295, 366

  Holt, Harold, 222, 680 n 11

  Holt (Ray), Nora, 74, 91

  Holtby, Winifred, 205

  Homolka, Oscar, 132

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 253–4, 254, 280, 317, 319, 320, 327–8, 337, 364, 366, 376, 388, 394, 410, 439, 454, 479, 522, 725 n 21; see also Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  Hopkins, Harry, 305

  Hopper, Hedda, 317

  Horne, Cora, 574 n 17

  Horne, Lena, 284, 673 n 23, 675 n 31

  Horner, Arthur, 228

  Hotel Workers Union, 249

  Hough, Richard, 619 n 9

  Houghton, Stanley, 614 n 35

  House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), 317–18, 336, 359, 361–2, 363, 391, 439–42, 702 n 25

  1949 hearings in response to PR’s “unpatriotic” statements, 359–62; 693 n 58

  PR subpoenaed to appear before, 439–43

  Houston, Charles H., 344, 377

  Howard, Charles P., 321, 328, 333, 347, 348, 357, 508

  Howard, Perry, 384

  Howard University, 294

  Hudgins, Johnny, 109, 116

  Huerta, Dolores, 547

  Hughes, Elinor, 276

  Hughes, Langston, 98, 170, 198, 204, 228, 230, 231, 374, 569 n 15, 588 n 51, 590 n 13, 605 n 20, 612 n 27, 613 n 32, 639–40 n 7, 643 n 31, 645 n 42, 662 n 33, 663 n 38, 667 n 18, 669 n 28, 674 n 26, 708–9 n 15, 743 n 8, 746 n 25

  Hughes, Richard, 124

  Hull, Henry, 83

  Hungary, 461

  1959 stopover in, 480

  Soviet invasion of (1956), 443–4, 480, 721 n 34


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