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by Martin Duberman

  Hunter, Alberta, 109, 114, 118, 143, 604 n 13

  Hunton, Alphaeus, 257–8, 322, 331, 347, 349, 350, 354, 355, 383, 652 n 34, 670 n 6, 683 n 37, 686 n 15, 688 n 31, 690–1 n 47, 717 n 12, 734 n 33, 756 n 20

  Hurok, Sol, 438

  Hurston, Zora Neale, 82, 170, 591 n 15, 595 n 36, 601 n 43

  Hurwitt, Claire (“Micki”), 514–16, 749 n 40, n 44, 750 n 49, 751 n 50

  Hurwitt, Elliott, 514, 517

  Hurwitz, Leo, 261, 657 n 64

  Hutchinson, Leslie, 116, 118, 152, 617 n 62

  Hutson, Jean Blackwell, 603 n 3, 638 n 65, 666 n 5

  Huxley, Aldous, 612 n 26

  Hylan, John F. (mayor of New York), 58, 63

  Hyman, Earle, 664 n 45

  Hynes, John B. (mayor of Boston), 391

  Ibarruri, Dolores (La Pasionaria), 219

  In Abraham’s Bosom (Green), 105

  India, 235, 243, 248, 266, 299, 300, 398, 461–2, 471–2, 473–4, 727 n 37, 728–9 n 40, 732 n 27

  Indian National Congress, 225

  Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU), 205

  Ingraham, Mack, 405

  Ingram, Rex, 600 n 30

  Internal Security Act, see McCarran Act

  International Brigade, 217–18, 227, 228

  International Committee on African Affairs, 210

  International Labor Defense organization, 187

  International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union (ILWU), 311, 366, 676 n 34

  International Workers Order, 250

  Ivens, Joris, 518

  Jack, Hulan, 392

  Jackman, Harold, 162, 591 n 16, 637 n 52

  Jackson, James, 258, 422

  Jackson, William, 143, 619 n 15

  Jackson, Yolande, 143–4, 149, 151–5, 157–8, 162–5, 166, 171, 242, 286, 288, 294, 614 n 38, 619–20 n 15, 620 n 18, n 20

  chauffeur incident, 164

  continuing involvement with (1932–50), 164–5

  marriage plans called off by, 163, 166, 171

  Jagan, Cheddi, 451, 465, 501, 547, 724 n 12

  Jagan, Janet, 451, 724 n 12

  Jamaica, 224, 235, 336

  James, C.L.R., 171, 194, 196–8, 202, 547, 634 n 33, 637 n 52

  Jamison, James L., 12

  Jamison School, 12

  Javits, Jacob, 373, 379

  jazz, 176–7, 351, 625 n 46

  Jelliffe, Bea, 590 n 11

  Jelliffe, Smith Ely, 578 n 12, 590 n 11

  Jenkins, Clarence (“Little Fat”), 22

  Jenkins, Harold (“Legs”), 22

  Jenkins, Sue, 87

  Jericho (film), 209, 210, 638 n 63

  Jernagin, W. H., 377, 674 n 28

  Jet (magazine), 415

  Jewish Women’s Committee, 82

  Jews, 11, 121, 133, 172, 301, 353, 493, 610 n 15

  in Nazi Germany, 178, 626 n 48

  in the Soviet Union, 352–4, 711–12 n 29, 735 n 44

  Jew Süss, 134, 610 n 16

  Jim Crow, 3, 251, 256, 266, 288–9, 296, 325, 360, 361, 387, 392, 415, 431, 446, 681 n 21, 714 n 47

  “Joe Hill,” 468, 550

  John Henry (Bradford), 228, 237–8, 647–8 n 11

  Johnny Strikes Up the Band (Jonny Spielt Auf) (opera), 111

  Johnson, Agnes Christine, 604 n 10

  Johnson, Charles Spurgeon, 198–9, 360

  Johnson, Edward A., 124

  Johnson, Edwin C., 397

  Johnson, Ellsworth (“Bumpy”), 312, 666 n 8, 676 n 36, 695 n 17

  Johnson, Grace Nail, 70–1, 72, 73, 80, 100, 147

  Johnson, Rev. Hewlett, 253

  Johnson, Howard (“Stretch”), 258, 368, 409, 416, 420, 666 n 8

  Johnson, Jack, 103, 145

  Johnson, James Weldon, 63, 71, 72, 73, 74, 80, 81, 83, 90, 100, 105, 111, 137, 147, 159, 172, 173, 580 n 22, 607 n 36

  Johnson, Rev. John, 324

  Johnson, Joseph L., 377, 682 n 21, 698 n 36, 704 n 38

  Johnson, J. Rosamond, 73, 81, 219, 622 n 25

  Johnson, Len, 424

  Johnson, Lyndon, 485

  Johnson, Manning, 359, 440, 692 n 57

  Johnson, Mordecai, 305

  Johnson, Robert D., 450

  Johnstone, Tandy, 88–9, 115, 116, 118

  Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, 321, 430

  Joint Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities, 307–8

  Joliot-Curie, Frédéric, 341, 378, 406

  Jolson, Al, 102

  Jonah’s Gourd Vine (Hurston), 170

  Jones, Allan, 196

  Jones, Claudia, 465, 479, 527, 755 n 15

  Jones, James Earl, 279, 547

  Jones, J. Raymond, 392

  Jones, Mary Helen, 425–6, 442, 531

  Jones, Robert Edmond, 55, 138, 275, 580 n 23

  Jones, Roderick, 232

  Jonny Spielt Auf (Johnny Strikes Up the Band) (opera), 111

  Josephson, Barney, 284

  “Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho,” 80

  Joyce, James, 92, 106, 109

  Julius Caesar, 13

  Jumel Terrace home, 435–6, 524, 540, 542, 760 n 7

  Kahn, Albert, 388, 482–3

  Kahn, Otto, 52–3, 69, 73–6, 79, 83–5, 89–9O, 119–20, 121, 597–8 n 14, 606 n 30

  Kalsoun, Om, 209

  Kapp, Yvonne, 638 n 67

  Katanga Freedom Fighters, 333

  Katanian, Vasily, 468–70, 478, 730 n 11, n 12, 113, n 14, 733 n 29, 762 n 15

  Katzenstein, Alfred, 514, 516–19, 520, 521, 534, 750 n 49, 751 n 50, 752 n 51, 753 n 56, n 57, 758 n 31

  Kaufman, Milton, 678 n 5

  Kaye, Lt. Conrad, 219

  Kazakov, Ignaty N., 221, 641 n 17

  Kean, Edmund, 274

  Kearney, Bernard W. (representative), 360–1, 441

  Kennedy, John F., 485, 492, 737 n 52

  Kent, Rockwell, 285, 388, 406, 452–3, 463, 469

  Kent, Sally, 469

  Kenya, 333, 405, 415, 424; see also Kenyatta, Jomo

  Kenyatta, Jomo, 171, 179, 180, 198, 480, 492, 626 n 54, 740 n 67

  Kern, Jerome, 114, 196

  see also Show Boat (musical)

  Kern, Paul J., 382

  Kershaw, Leslie, 14, 571 n 27

  Kerson, Larry, 750 n 49

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 416–17, 423, 429, 437, 460, 470, 473, 527, 731 n 14, 736 n 44

  Kibbee, Guy, 239

  Kiev, Ari, 533–5, 536, 751 n 50, 758 n 39

  Kilgallen, Dorothy, 522

  King, Coretta Scott, 547, 549

  King, Dennis, 159

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 447, 448, 484, 505, 543, 745 n 16

  “King Joe,” 177, 626 n 47

  King Solomon’s Mines (film), 202, 207, 637 n 54

  Kinzell, Jack, 402

  Kirghiz, 187

  Kirstein, Lincoln, 73, 590–1 n 13

  Klein, Robert, 610 n 13

  Kline, Nathan S., 532–3, 535, 537, 757 n 28

  Knickerbocker, Cholly, 415

  Knight, Frances G., 480

  Knopf, Alfred, 72–4, 79, 102, 118, 121, 137, 139, 195, 590 n 13, 596 n 45, 606 n 36, 664 n 44, 748 n 38

  Knopf, Blanche, 73, 79, 102, 103

  Koiransky, 660 n 20

  Kolodin, Irving, 728 n 38

  Korda, Alexander and Zoltán, 178–9, 180, 181

  Korean War, 383, 387–8, 390, 391, 397, 404

  Kotov, Mikhail, 496, 513, 542

  Kouka, Princess, 210

  Krenek, Ernst, 111

  Krimsky, John, 618–19 n 9, 621–2 n 25

  Kronenberger, Louis, 265, 278

  Kropf, Howard, 81–2

  Krutch, Joseph Wood, 65

  Krylenko, Eliena, 95

  Ku Klux Klan, 76, 305, 318, 326, 382, 387, 430, 433, 446, 668 n 20, 697 n 27

  labor unions (labor movement), 249–50, 255–6, 309, 457, 652 n 36; see also under individual unions, and black caucuses

  Laemmle, Carl, Jr., 203

  Lafayette Players, 57

ette Theater, 56, 57

  La Guardia, Fiorello, 253, 267, 299

  Lamont, Corliss, 388, 405, 728 n 39

  Landau, Lil, 755 n 14

  Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 282–3

  Lane, Thomas J., 358

  Langner, Lawrence, 79, 88, 89, 240, 280

  Laski, Harold, 225, 234, 671 n 14

  LaTouche, John, 236, 237

  Lattimore, Owen, 404

  Law, Oliver, 217, 227

  Lawson, John Howard, 107, 396, 526–7

  Layton, Turner, 88–9, 118

  League of Coloured Peoples, 624 n 38, 628 n 59

  Leavin’ Time (Cullen), 622–3 n 27

  Leavis, F. R., 664 n 45

  Lebon, Philip, 511

  Lee, Arthur, 69–70

  Lee, Canada, 285, 334

  Lee, Jennie, 466

  Lehman, Herbert H., 392

  Leslie, Lew, 52

  Lester, Edwin, 239, 648 n 15

  “Let Robeson Sing” campaign (Great Britain), 424–5, 449–50, 724 n 7

  Lev, Ray, 369

  Levin, Barnard, 729 n 2

  Levine, Isaac Don, 592 n 18

  Lewenstein, Oscar, 492

  Lewis, Bill, 236

  Lewis, Ethelreda, 205, 636 n 50

  Lewis, John, 528, 540

  Lewis, Sinclair, 72

  Lewis, Theophilus, 57

  Lewisohn, Ludwig, 64

  Leyda, Jay, 188, 630 n 11, 631 n 14, 742 n 1

  Leys, Norman, 199–202, 205, 635 n 37, 636 n 50

  Liberator, The (magazine), 95, 529

  Lifanov, Galya and Boris, 497

  Life (magazine), 43, 370, 391–2

  Liggins, Marian, 568 n 12

  Light, James (Jimmy), 59, 60, 62, 63, 75, 83, 86–8, 90, 99, 132, 135, 137, 148, 163, 240

  Lightfoot, Claude, 429, 542–3

  Lightfoot, Jimmy, 33, 41

  Lincoln Brigade, 217; see also International Brigade

  Lincoln University, 17, 34, 566 n 2, 577 n 7

  Lippmann, Walter, 253

  Little Carib Theater, 336

  Litvinov, Ivy, 186, 629 n 6, 659 n 12

  Litvinov, Maxim, 186, 253, 423, 629 n 6

  Liveright, Horace, 103, 596 n 2

  Locke, Alain, 100, 170, 243

  Loesser, Diana, 424, 425, 486, 514, 518, 722 n 37, 738 n 55

  Loesser, Franz, 424, 486, 514, 518, 722 n 37

  Logan, Rayford W., 377

  Lomax, Almena, 449

  Lombard, Carole, 196


  1925 trip to, 86–91

  Emperor Jones, The, 89–91

  friends and socializing, 88, 91

  lodging, 87

  restaurants, lack of prejudice at, 87–8

  1928–29 stay in, 113–24

  1939 departure from, 232

  1958 trip to, 463–7

  absence of racial prejudice, 87–8

  plans to stage Voodoo (formerly Taboo) in, 44, 48

  racial prejudice in, 123–4, 607–8 n 38

  Show Boat in, 113–15, 117, 120

  sixtieth-birthday celebration events (1958), 461

  Lonsdale, Freddie, 88

  Lorchard, Julia, 456

  Lorchard, Metz, 456

  Loree, Leonor, 589 n 3

  Los Angeles, 1949 concert in, 376–7

  Louis, Joe, 177, 195, 227, 295, 684 n 43

  L’Ouverture, Toussaint, 17, 104, 166, 182, 190, 194

  C.L.R. James play about, 194, 196–7

  “Loyalty—Lost and Found” (ER), 691 n 49

  Lucas, Grant, 39, 102, 147, 148, 150

  Lucy, Autherine, 444

  Lulu Belle (musical), 83, 102

  Lumumba, Patrice, 492, 496

  Luria, Alexander, 187–8

  Lurie, Lee, 539, 542, 762 n 17

  lynchings, 4, 31, 305–7

  MacDonald, Ramsay, 124

  Macgowan, Kenneth, 55, 580–2 n 23, 585 n 19

  Macpherson, Kenneth, 130, 131, 609 n 7

  Madden, Anthony, 65

  Madden, Richard J., 77, 78

  Mailliard, William S., 522

  Maisky, Ivan, 191, 423, 631 n 16

  Malcolm X, 267, 527–8, 549, 754 n 8, 755–6 n 16

  Maleissy, Count de, 94

  Malik, Jacob, 397

  Malinowski, Bronislaw, 633 n 28

  Mallon, George B., 82–3

  Malraux, André, 417

  Manley, Michael, 547, 628 n 59, 685 n 1

  Manley, Norman, 431

  Mannin, Ethel, 118, 610 n 13, n 16, 615 n 45

  Mantle, Burns, 58, 64, 104, 582 n 24, 588 n 51, 601 n 45

  Maoris, 489, 490

  Maran, René, 74, 424, 591 n 15

  Marcantonio, Vito, 107, 249, 285, 338, 347, 366, 373, 426, 675 n 33, 692 n 51, 701 n 20, 714 n 47

  March on Washington (1963), 516

  Marine Cooks and Stewards Union, 311, 399

  Marinoff, Fania (Mrs. Carl Van Vechten), 73, 74, 79, 80, 84, 86, 87, 89, 90, 93, 94, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 118, 127, 131, 137, 145, 147, 151, 154, 157, 161, 170, 179, 185, 191, 195, 198, 209, 229–30, 246, 293, 614 n 38

  Marley, James, 123, 124

  Marshall, Armina, 89

  Marshall, George (economist), 430

  Marshall, George C., 321

  Marshall, Herbert, 223, 492, 642 n 23, 742 n 3

  Marshall, Larkin, 327

  Marshall, Margaret, 278

  Marshall, William, 662 n 34

  Martin, Ajay, 318

  Martin, Josephine, 742 n 2

  Mason, Mayne S., 21

  Mathews, Burnita S., 433, 434

  Matisse, Madame, 92

  Matthews, J. B., 239

  Matthews, Z. K., 198

  Maxwell, Elsa, 93, 94

  Mayfield, Julian, 746 n 25

  Mays, Benjamin E., 267, 324, 717 n 12

  McBurnie, Beryl, 336

  McCarran Act, 328, 388, 424, 440, 510

  McCarthy, Joseph, 384, 387, 404, 405, 412–13, 415, 429

  McCarthy committee (Senate Investigating Committee), ER at hearings of, 412–13

  McClendon, Rose, 57

  McCormack, John, 105

  McDaniel, Hattie, 203, 261

  McDaniels, James, 401

  McGee, Willie, 387, 396, 397

  McGhee, Bert, 75, 85–8, 229, 233, 246, 388, 411, 412, 426, 709 n 19

  McGhee, Harold (“Gig”), 75, 83, 86–8, 228, 229, 246, 388, 411, 412, 426, 592 n 18, 691 n 49

  McGohey, John F. X., 372

  McGowan, Rev. Edward D., 410

  McKay, Claude, 95–7, 159, 234–5, 600 n 24, n 26, n 27, n 28, n 29, n 30

  McKenzie, Marjorie, 345–6

  McKinney, Nina Mae, 181

  McManus, John T., 430

  McMillan, “Bo,” 34

  McPhail, Larry, 283

  McStay, Janetta, 738 n 60

  Medina, Harold, 53, 338, 363, 372, 379

  Mehta (Indian ambassador), 461–2

  Mei Lan-fang, 198

  Meisner, Sanford, 272, 278, 661 n 25, 664 n 43

  Melish, Rev. William Howard, 443

  Mencken, H. L., 74

  Menelik, 166, 169

  Menjou, Adolphe, 676 n 36, 724 n 7

  Menon, V. K. Krishna, 225, 340, 471, 642 n 27

  Menorah Journal, 172

  Menuhin, Yehudi, 481

  Merlin, Frank, 622–3 n 27

  Messenger, The (newspaper), 71, 72, 342

  Metropolitan Opera, 53, 82

  Micheaux, Oscar, 77, 260, 593 n 24

  Middleton, Peggy, 461, 465, 471, 481, 511, 513, 514, 542, 748 n 32, n 37, 749 n 39–41, 751 n 50, 759 n 44

  Middleton, Ray, 237

  Mikhailov, 467, 469, 470

  Mikhoels, Solomon, 190, 352–4, 631 n 14, 690 n 42

  Mikoyan, Anastas J., 730 n 14

  Miller, Anna, 13, 17

  Miller, Gilbert, 138

  Mills, Florence, 52, 83, 584 n 11

  Milwaukee Badgers, 34

  Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, 399, 400, 437; see als
o labor unions

  Minor, Robert, 216, 219, 237

  Miravitlles, Jaume, 219

  Mitchell, Abbie, 48, 105

  Mitchell, Charlene, 542–3

  Mitchell, H. L., 259

  Molnár, Ferenc, 610 n 13

  Monk, Thelonius, 177, 425

  Monks, James, 273

  Montagu, Ivor, 424, 498, 687 n 17

  Montesole, Max, 134, 136, 611 n 24, 613 n 35

  Monteux, Pierre, 128

  Montgomery, Alabama, bus boycott, 447, 722 n 2

  Moody, Harold, 624 n 38, 628 n 59

  Moody, Ronald, 624 n 38

  Moon, Henry Lee, 385

  Moore, Archie, 454, 725 n 18

  Moore, Bessie, 29, 567 n 5, 576 n 29

  Moore, Christine, 567 n 5, 576 n 29

  Moore, John Bassett, 53

  Moore (senator), 328, 330

  Morehouse College, 267

  Morford, Richard, 388, 699 n 1

  Morgan, Edward P., 720 n 31

  Morgan, Helen, 159, 196, 239, 648 n 15

  Moroka, James, 637 n 51

  Morrison, Herbert, 213–14

  Moscow Art Theatre, 116

  Mosee, Elmer, 677 n 39, 678 n 2

  Moseley, Chuck, 530, 762 n 17

  Moses, Bob, 528

  Moss, Carlton, 250

  Mossell, Gertrude Bustill, 5, 8

  Mossell, Nathan F., 5, 566–7 n 2, n 3

  Mostel, Zero, 285

  Moten, Etta (Barnett), 615 n 45, 668 n 20, 732 n 18

  Mother A.M.E. Zion Church, 10

  1958 concert in, 462–3, 728 n 38

  PR’s move into parsonage of, 426–8

  Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, 376

  Mountbatten, Lady Edwina, 160–1, 617 n 62, 618–19 n 9, 727 n 37

  Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 160–1, 618 n 9

  Movement for Colonial Freedom, 479

  Muhammad, Elijah, 528

  Mulatto (Hughes), 662–3 n 38

  Mundt-Nixon Bill, 328–30, 337, 390, 687 n 16

  Munro, Norma Leslie, 632 n 20

  Murphy, Carl, 471, 665 n 47, 693 n 61, 711 n 25

  Murphy, Dudley, 168, 223, 621 n 25

  Murphy, George B., Jr., 326, 401, 426, 447, 457–8, 460, 524, 674 n 28, 709 n 17, 711 n 25, 727 n 32, 753 n 56, 754 n 7

  Murphy, Harvey, 400

  Murray, Henry A. (Harry), 34–5, 37–8, 570 n 16, 577–8 n 8

  Murray, Philip, 357

  Muse, Clarence, 168, 260

  Mussolini, Benito, 133, 195, 234, 248

  My Life and Loves (Harris), 95

  My Song Goes Forth (film), 202, 203, 636 n 45

  Nachtigall, Richard, 536–7, 758 n 41, n 42

  Naison, Mark, 652 n 37

  Nance, Ethel Ray, 757 n 27

  narragansett Pier, Rhode Island, 11–12

  Nash, Robert, 21

  Nathan, George Jean, 56, 64–5, 74, 77, 103–4, 602 n 46, 664 n 44

  Nathan, Otto, 484

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 4, 56, 248, 285, 294–5, 299–301, 305–7, 319, 322–3, 334, 347–9, 359, 362, 376, 385, 396, 413, 448, 484, 528, 669 n 28, 674 n 26, 679 n 5, 681 n 19, n 20, 711 n 27


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