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Primal Fury (Primal Howlers MC Book 5)

Page 16

by Piper Davenport

  I ran my finger over the eagle, its wings spread across his stomach and wrapping to his sides. “This is amazing,” I breathed out.

  “Took three days,” he said, helping me stand so he could pull my sweats off.


  He nodded, setting me back on the bed.

  “Who did it?”

  He closed his eyes briefly. “Scrappy.”

  “Oh my god, honey, I’m sorry.”

  He shook his head, then focused on me. “Not having that in our bed. This is a good thing. We are a good thing. We are still living, so I’m gonna love the fuck outta you and not take for granted the fact I’m living. You with me?”

  I bit back tears. “Absolutely.”

  He kissed me again, guiding my back to the mattress before setting a pillow under my leg. Jekyll covered my core with his mouth sucking my clit, then sliding his tongue inside of me. I arched into him, crying out when he slid two fingers into me. “Hush, baby, you’re gonna wake Mina.”

  I growled quietly, fisting my hands into the comforter as he fingered me to one of the most amazing orgasms I’d ever had, kissing his way back up my body before sliding on a condom.

  “When did you get naked?” I panted out.

  He grinned, kissing me quickly. “When you weren’t watching. You ready?”

  “Fuck, yes, I’m ready.”

  He hovered over me, watching me as he slid slowly into me. I couldn’t stop a sigh as he buried himself deep. “Oh my god, so good,” I breathed out.

  “Can you take more?”

  “Absolutely,” I hissed, grabbing his arms and arching into him.

  My encouragement was enough to get him to move and I hooked my good leg around him as he thrust into me. “Harder, Hyde,” I ordered, and he delivered.

  He kissed me, his tongue matching the motion of his body as he linked his fingers with mine and dragged them over my head. Anchoring both of my hands with one of his, he rolled a nipple into a tight bud as he slammed into me over and over.

  “Get there, honey,” I begged. “I can’t wait.”

  “I’m there,” he grunted out and I let myself go, biting down on his shoulder to keep from screaming as an orgasm hit me so hard, I nearly came off the bed.

  I felt Jekyll’s dick pulse inside of me, and then he gently rolled off of me, and headed into the bathroom, returning with a warm washcloth and settling it between my legs.

  “You okay?” he asked, stretching out beside me and settling his head in his hand.

  “Oh my god, yes, yes, I am.” I cupped his neck and smiled. “I can’t wait until we can get freaky.”

  Jekyll chuckled. “You want freaky?”

  “Hell, yes. Don’t you?”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely.” He linked his free hand with mine. “How’s your leg.”

  “Let’s not talk about that right now.”

  “Baby, are you in pain?” he asked.

  “If I say yes, will you leave my side?”

  “Yeah… to get you drugs.”

  “Then, no.”

  “Jesus, Indigo,” he growled, knifing off the bed and stalking into the bathroom. He returned with a cup of water and a pain pill. “I’m gonna help you up.”

  Once I was sitting, I took the pill and then he helped me back into panties and a T-shirt, doing it all while still buck naked.

  “God, your dick’s perfection,” I breathed out.

  He grinned, throwing the covers back so I could slide my legs under them. “Thank you. Can’t wait to give you more of it later.”

  “Like, how much later?”

  He pulled the covers over me, leaning in so his face was close to mine. “Later. When your leg isn’t gonna fuckin’ hurt.”

  “Are you open for negotiations?” I asked.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “Perhaps, later, meaning in twenty minutes when the meds kick in.”

  “Nope,” he retorted, pulling on a pair of underwear, and climbing into bed beside me.

  “One hour?”

  “Go to sleep, baby,” he said, chuckling.

  “Fine.” I let out a huff. “But I’m giving you a bad Yelp review.”

  He laughed, wrapping his arm around me, and kissing my neck. “I’ll take that under advisement.”

  I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


  Saturday, Jekyll loaded Mina into the car before helping me and we headed off to the club’s family night. I was tired and that made me a little grumpy, but I was trying my best not to let Mina pick up on my mood, mostly because she was already on high alert.

  Leo had worked with Jekyll at the shop until about two, then Jekyll brought him home. Mina was aflutter with excitement that Leo was her captive audience but when he told her he wasn’t going to be living with us, her guard went up and she shut down a little.

  “Why’s she acting so weird?” Leo whispered to me when Mina went to find a book.

  “Trauma,” I said, simply.

  “Did I do something?”

  “No, bud, not at all. You just have to be patient and extra kind,” I said. “Let her process her feelings in her time.”

  He shrugged and went to help Jekyll in the kitchen.

  Now, we were in the car, Leo in the back with Mina, and on our way to the club.

  “Jekyll said they have pinball machines,” Leo said to Mina.

  “What’s pinball?”

  “It’s a game where you have to keep the metal ball in motion,” Leo explained.

  “Motion?” Mina asked.

  “It might be easier to show her,” Jekyll said.

  “You can play the first game,” Leo promised just as we pulled through two giant gates.

  Jekyll parked my car in the front, then helped me out of the car while Leo helped Mina. I was able to maneuver pretty easily on crutches now, but Jekyll still insisted on carrying them as he wrapped an arm around me and walked me up the porch steps.

  “I can do this myself,” I hiss-pered.

  “Don’t care.”

  “You’re lucky you gave me multiple orgasms this morning,” I whispered. “I’m too relaxed to fight you.”

  He chuckled, kissing my temple. “My plan is working.”

  “Ekyll,” Mina called, grabbing the rail as she navigated the steps. She had tiny legs, so she was practically free climbing each one.

  “Come here, Mina Mouse,” Jekyll said, lifting her and carrying her the rest of the way.

  Mina smiled wide and patted his face, her earlier mood gone, now seeming much, much lighter. Leo brought up the rear, carrying my purse and Mina’s backpack, as we made our way inside.

  A little boy about eight came running up. “Uncle Jekyll!”

  “Hey, Fox,” he said, setting Mina on the ground. She immediately wrapped herself around Jekyll’s leg. “This is Mina.”

  Fox hunkered down to her height, and I couldn’t stop myself from slapping my hand over my chest. “Hi, Mina, I’m Felix, but everyone calls me Fox. Do you want to come and play pinball?”

  Mina looked up at Jekyll who smiled. “Go play, Mouse. We’ll be close.”

  Fox held his hand out and Mina slid hers into it, letting him lead her away.

  “Oh my god, that was the cutest thing ever,” I whispered as Jekyll wrapped an arm around me again.

  “Yeah, Fox is a good kid.” He nodded to a gorgeous couple standing by the pinball machines. He was tall, dark, and had a beard that almost rivaled Jekyll’s. He stood with his arm wrapped tightly around a curvy brunette who looked up at him with total and complete adoration. “That’s his pops, Stoney. Sabrina’s his mom, but also his aunt.”

  “How does that work?” I asked.

  He grinned. “I’ll fill you in later.”

  “Okey doke,” I said.

  “Can I check out the machines?” Leo asked.

  “Yeah, bud,” Jekyll said, taking the bags from him. “Have at it.”

  He took off to the back of the room and Jekyll kiss
ed me quickly. “I’m gonna dump this shit in my room.”

  “Can I see your room?”

  “It’s on the third floor, baby,” he said. “You wanna sit down?”

  “God, no,” I breathed out. “Let me be vertical for a bit.”

  “Okay. I’ll be quick.”

  I wrinkled my nose but nodded and he took off down the hall. I was left standing by the kitchen alone, but I wasn’t alone for long.

  “Hey there.”

  I looked up to see a giant of a man approaching. He looked to be in his fifties, and he was gorgeous in a rugged sort of way.

  “Hi,” I said.

  “I’m Sundance.”

  “Oh, you’re the president.”

  He smiled. “Guilty.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too, Indigo.”

  “Who’s this hot piece of ass?” a deep voice asked from behind Sundance.

  “I’m Indigo,” I said.

  “Violet… Indigo… we gonna start fuckin’ the rainbow?”

  “What the fuck did you just say about my daughter?” Sundance growled.

  “Ah… yeah, sorry, brother. That’s not what I meant.”

  Sundance raised an eyebrow. “While I think about how to deal with your bullshit ass, let me point out that this is Jekyll’s woman.”

  “Oh, fuck,” he hissed out. “Sorry. Shit. Don’t tell Jekyll, yeah?”

  “Don’t tell Jekyll, what, Squeaker?” Jekyll growled, walking up to us with a scowl on his face.

  Squeaker raised his hands and walked backward. “Nothin’, man.”

  “What did he say?” Jekyll demanded.

  “Nothing, honey. Seriously,” I said. “He was just introducing himself.”

  Jekyll looked up at Sundance and cocked his head. “Do I need to deal with that?”

  “No, brother. I’m taking that privilege.” Sundance smiled. “Get your woman a drink.”

  Sundance walked away and I glared up at Jekyll. “Or, you could take my word for it.”

  Jekyll rolled his eyes. “Baby, Squeaker’s a dog.”

  “So? I can take care of myself.”

  “Never said you couldn’t,” he countered. “But just so you’re aware of how this works, I am responsible for making sure you’re covered. Everywhere. And I know Squeaker. He probably called you a smokin’ hot piece of ass or something just as debasing.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Whatever. I can still take care of myself.”

  He wrapped an arm around me and kissed my temple. “I’m fully aware of that fact, GoGo.”

  I was about to say something witty, but was cut off by my best friend arriving with a flair that only Bellamy could deliver.

  “Okay, bitches, I’m here. Show me the bikers!” she announced, eliciting laughs and leering looks from a few of the bikers.

  I groaned, then snapped, “Bellamy, get your butt over here.”

  She grinned and strolled my way, and I noticed Caleb Rinna following. I frowned. Caleb was Drea’s assistant, and he wasn’t someone I particularly liked, but I couldn’t quite pinpoint why. He was nice enough, always polite, but there was a creep factor, and I didn’t know why.

  She hugged me, whispering, “Caleb demanded he follow me here. I honestly thought he was going to leave me at the gates, but apparently, he decided to join the party.”

  Well, that explains that.

  “Hey, Caleb,” I said. “This is Jekyll.”

  Caleb grinned big and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Jekyll shook his hand, giving him a chin lift in response.

  Before anymore niceties could be given, Mina let out a blood-curdling scream, setting off a chain of events I couldn’t have predicted.

  The second she started screaming, Wyatt’s brother, Teddy, joined in, pulling his hair as he jumped up and down, matching her bellows with his own. Teddy had some developmental challenges, so I would imagine her outburst probably scared him.

  I had never seen Jekyll move so quickly. He rushed to Mina’s side, lifting her off her feet and turning her away from the crowd.

  “What the fuck happened?” he bellowed to the group, holding her tight.

  “Not sure,” Leo said. “She saw Bellamy and started screaming.”

  I hobbled over to Jekyll and Mina and laid my hand on her back. “Baby what scared you?”

  “Bad man,” she whispered.

  “What bad man, baby?” I asked, and she shook her head, burying her face in Jekyll’s neck. “Is there somewhere quiet we can go?” I asked Jekyll.

  He nodded. “Follow me.”

  We walked down a hallway and Jekyll pushed open a door at the end, stepping back so I could walk in before him. Once I’d hobbled through, he carried Mina in and closed the door behind them. We were in a bunk room with three sets of bunk beds, three dressers, a small table and chairs and a recliner.

  “Take that chair, baby,” he said as he set Mina on the ground and helped me lower myself into the recliner by the window.

  Once I was settled, Jekyll hunkered down beside me, taking Mina’s hand. “Tell us what frightened you, Mouse.”

  “The man with Belly. He bad.”

  “Stay with Indy,” Jekyll growled, and rushed out of the room.

  I held my arms out to Mina and she gingerly climbed into my lap.

  * * *


  I stalked back out to the great room and headed straight for Bellamy. “Where’s that asshole you brought with you?”

  “To be clear, I didn’t bring him,” she said. “He invited himself.”

  “Don’t give a fuck. Where is he?”

  “He left,” she said. “Got a call and said he had to go. Is Mina okay?”

  “She will be,” I said, and pulled out my phone, calling the guardhouse.

  “Yo,” Grimace answered.

  “Have you opened the gates to let anyone out?”

  “No, was just about to.”

  “Don’t,” I demanded.

  “Got it,” he said, and I hung up.

  I slid my phone into my pocket and noticed that Wrath, Sundance, and Orion were close.

  “Shotgun okay?” I asked Sundance.

  “Yeah. Wyatt’s got him calmed down,” he said. “What do you need?”

  “Need to find that Caleb asshole and find out what he did to Mina,” I said.

  “Lead the way.”

  “Wait,” Indigo called, hobbling her way to me.

  “Baby, go back—”

  “Not on your life,” she interrupted.

  “Go, brother,” Sundance said. “I’ll drive Indigo.”

  “Do not kill him,” Indigo ordered.

  I stalked to her, sliding my hands to her neck. “If I promise not to kill him, will you stay here?”

  She gripped my cut and studied me for a few tense seconds. “I love you, Hyde. Please don’t do anything that will send you away from me.”

  I let out the breath I was holding, dropping my forehead to hers. “I won’t.”

  She nodded. “Okay, honey. I’ll stay here.”

  “Thank you.” I kissed her, then led my brothers out the door.


  Three days later, the meeting with the Kings was set and the plan was to meet at the Spotted Frog, an English style pub known to the local riff raff as neutral territory.

  As I’d promised Indigo, I had not killed or maimed Caleb… much. He was a wealth of information, however, and that meant, we were heading into this meeting with the balance of power on our side. Drea had been selling ‘forgotten’ children to what she thought were loving couples, in order to make a little money. Caleb was the broker, and he’d take the pretty ones and sell them to the Kings. The reason Caleb was even at the club was the Kings had threatened death if he didn’t get inside and find their product. What Caleb didn’t realize, was the Kings were gonna kill him anyway, and I was perfectly happy with that.

  Sundance, Wrath and I arrived ten minutes early to find Baby Doll and
his crew already seated at a table in the back. As we approached, we were stopped by two large, well dressed men. Clearly Baby Doll’s security.

  “I gotta pat you down,” one of them said.

  “I don’t think so, Hoss. We know the rules. No one here is packing,” Sundance said.

  “Sure, I’ll just take your word for it,” the guard said sarcastically, before stepping forward.

  “I’d advise you not lay your favorite hand on me. ’Cause you’re gonna lose it the second it touches me,” he replied.

  “It’s okay, boys,” Baby Doll called out in a syrupy tone. “The Howlers are my friends. At least, I thought they were, until recently.”

  “We’re here to clear the air, that’s all,” Sundance said.

  “I assume we all respect Earl and his place enough to come unarmed,” Baby Doll said.

  Sundance nodded and we took our seats across from the Kings.

  The Spotted Frog was originally owned by a well-respected fence named Earl Jacoby. A British ex-pat who could move stolen goods like no one else in the area. The pub started out purely as a way for Earl to launder the money from his highly lucrative fencing operation, but soon became his full-time passion and pride and joy. Eventually, Earl went completely legit, but the Spotted Frog remained as neutral territory for Rocky Mountain hoodlums and thieves like us.

  “I trust your kids are good. How’s Orion?” Baby Doll asked, as if we were visiting over tea.

  “A fuckin’ pain in my ass most of the time, but at least he isn’t in jail, and no one’s calling me Grandpa, so I can’t complain.” Sundance played along with the pleasantries.

  Baby Doll sat in the middle of two men. To his right was a man I recognized from the night we rescued the girls. He was wearing sunglasses to hide the shiner I’d given him and puffing incessantly on a vape pen. On Baby Doll’s left sat a younger man, who sat silently, doing his best to look tough.

  Despite his appearance and demeanor as a jovial, rotund, ball of joy, Francis “Baby Doll” Mason was a ruthless gang leader who was responsible for numerous kidnappings and murders. But despite his body count, at his core, Francis “Baby Doll” Mason was on opportunist. A bottom feeder. He was smarter than just about everyone he came up around, and possessed an uncanny ability to read people, so was able to survive and eventually thrive on the streets.


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