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DARK FAÏZ Book 1: Every hero has his legend

Page 18

by Sandra L. Kiss

  Before entering the villa, she took me affectionately by the arm.

  "If you need to talk, I'm here. You know that."

  "Thank you, but don't worry, Vic."

  I gave her a sincere little smile.

  "Everyone is here?" I asked before entering the living room.

  She sighed as she nodded.

  "Yes, everyone is here, and I feel they're preparing something for my birthday."

  Damn, it's already next week. This important event had completely slipped my mind.

  "Time goes by so quickly. It's something to celebrate. I'm sure it'll be great," I assured her confidently.

  "I hate surprises."

  As soon as I entered the large room, I immediately saw Faïz from behind. He was sitting outside on the couch on the terrace. He turned his head slightly to the side when he heard our steps, but did not turn around. Suddenly, he got up from his place and disappeared from my sight. Charles was in the living room, sitting in an armchair, apparently absorbed in reading his files. Unlike his son, he looked up at us with a smile, obviously happy to see us.


  "I feel like my parents love you more than me," Victoria whispered to me.

  She patted me on the back, simulating a false fit of jealousy. Charles came up to me and kissed my cheek, then tenderly took his daughter in his arms.

  "Come and have a drink."

  He called Miss Arlette to prepare some lemonade for us. Lily, in a bathing suit and a sarong, appeared from the terrace.

  "Hi, girls. Have a good day? There's still a little sunshine. Come and have a swim."

  I looked outside. Lily was right, the sun was just sinking. As the weeks went by, the Dome, which became increasingly opaque, acted on the dimming of the light. There was not much difference between the day I'd arrived and today, but there was no denying that the daylight had changed.

  "Mom, I have a ton of work to do. I'm going upstairs to change and get to work."

  Lily watched her daughter disappear from the room, then quickly approached me.

  "Zoe, are you aware that next week is Vic's birthday?" she whispered.

  "Yes, it's Wednesday."

  I directed my head towards the entrance to make sure that Victoria was not sneaking up on us.

  "So, we organized a surprise for her."

  Lily seemed so happy with her initiative.

  "Vic... Uh... The surprises? Are you sure about that?"

  "No," Lily said, proud of herself.

  I cleared my throat and took care to choose my words.

  "So maybe we could just do things as simply as possible?"

  "No! We will celebrate it with great pomp and circumstance. If we listened to Victoria, we would live like real hermits."

  She swept her remark with a wave of her hand and then added,

  "We rented a cottage in Sonoma. I'll make sure Victoria spends the day with my parents."

  "In Calabasas?"

  "That's it! We'll invite cousins and some family members. I thought about inviting your friends, Asarys, Lexy, and David, too. I know Vic would appreciate it. The five of you are always together."

  "I'll call them later and tell them about it. Do you want to organize everything for Wednesday evening?"

  "No, on Saturday. With classes and work, it wouldn't be reasonable. Thank you, Zoe."

  She hugged me and then went into the kitchen to serve us the lemonade.

  "Is Faïz still on the terrace?" I asked Lily as I walked towards the large windows.

  "You'll find him in the garden. Here, have your drink." Lily handed it to me before she left to serve her husband.

  A small breeze surprised me as I stepped outside. They were sore from the pumps I had been wearing all day. The cool soil did me a lot of good. On the side of the terrace, a real little paradise had been created by Lily herself. No wonder, when you know that flowers and nature were one of her passions. She'd decided to make this place a small haven of peace. In this living space, the serene and luminous atmosphere contrasted perfectly between nature and design. The dark green lawn did not seem to suffer on sunny days, while the trees with thick foliage shaded the large garden. Not a single leaf covered the ground. An explosion of colors mixed with all the flowers and green plants that surrounded us.

  Faïz was installed on an armchair, in a cozy little corner with a most innovative outdoor fireplace. Phone to his ear, he nodded and invited me to sit in front of him. I did it immediately. While waiting for the end of his conversation about a future visit to New York, I thought about how I would be able to start our discussion and finally submit my request to him without him getting angry. He finally hung up and I made the mistake of meeting his gaze, which made me lose my mind.

  "Hi, Zoe. You wanted to see me? I am listening," began Faïz calmly.

  I assessed the situation by trying not to let myself be overwhelmed by the emotions I felt in front of the intensity of his gaze. It had been a while since we had both been completely alone like this. I could have contemplated it for hours, posted in the middle of this Garden of Eden.

  "It's about my job," I stammered as I tried not to chicken out.

  He frowned and asked me,

  "Nothing serious? Everything is going well?"

  I changed position, uncomfortable in my chair, looking for my words.

  "Perfect. It's just that I have a favor to ask you."

  "I hope can help you. What exactly is it about?"

  His charisma, so intimidating, prevented me from feeling confident. I annoyed myself with this disturbing situation.

  "I have to do the next article about Trac-Word and its future boss... So, obviously, you. If you give me this, the editor-in-chief, Mrs. Bonny, will finally trust me to join the So Home News team, and maybe, who knows? My article will be engraved in the history of the press."

  My voice had decreased in intensity at the end of my speech. I caught my breath, as if I had run a marathon. His fists clenched. He suddenly changed his mood and his eyes turned black like ink. Damn it, I triggered the Faïz storm. He closed his eyes as if to contain himself.

  "Tell me this is a joke!" he protested loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

  "What? That I would be forever etched in history? Yes, that's a jo—"

  "You're fucking kidding me."

  He was now furious. Fortunately for me, I was used to his mood swings. How can Rachelle bear it? I asked myself at that moment.

  "Look," I replied calmly, "it's just an article, okay? Let's go down in a tone. I am writing this article on your upcoming succession with two, maybe three photos within Trac-Word, and—"

  "Excuse me? I...I think I misunderstood there."

  He turned his head.

  "I have to go to New York for my article. With you!"

  "No way, you're delirious. Is this a joke? No one has ever infiltrated the premises of that multinational company before, but you, Miss Reyes, think you can do it!"

  He didn't want to give up anything. I had spent my morning being watched by Bonny, my afternoon under pressure from Agustin, and to top it all off, I had managed to get dumped in a relationship not even established. That was too much. How long was I going to be stepped on? I got up from my chair, red with anger, pointing at Faïz threateningly.

  "No, it's not a joke! I want, and I tell you, I want the exclusivity of this article. I'm not giving you a choice. You can keep your haughty and authoritarian look, but know that I don't give a damn about it. On the other hand, I care about my future, so do as you please, but I'm not giving you a choice!"

  Faïz suddenly raised his head. The expression of stupor on his face had replaced that of anger. He seemed shocked by my virulent words, unable to get a word out of his mouth. I turned on my heels and went to hide inside the villa.

  In the living room, Charles pretended to be immersed in his work as if nothing had happened, while Lily sorted the carafes placed in the large cabinet in the living room. The grin on the corner of her lips left little doubt t
hat my conversation with Faïz had been heard. Dying of shame, I preferred to sneak upstairs.

  "Zoe, Lily told me, we'll eat in half an hour. Can you tell Victoria?"

  She gave me a big, insistent smile that seemed to thank me for more than that.

  "Of course, I'll give her the message."

  Victoria invited me into her room after I knocked on her door. Hers was a little smaller than mine, and had no view of the sea. I loved the way she decorated it, with different colors on the walls. The scent of her candles further enhanced the warmth of the room. Its large windows were covered with thick light-colored curtains, and next to them was a beautiful library filled with many books. All over the walls were hung large frames displaying landscapes from all over the world, each more magnificent than the last. As I admired them, an inner peace instantly settled in me, forcing me to meditate on them, a true escape for the mind. I sat on the round bed with Victoria to lower the pressure that had accumulated since the beginning of the day. She had such a serene side, and spared me the embarrassing questions that others would not hesitate to ask me.

  "It's almost time to come to the table," I told her, while grabbing one of her many cushions and putting it under my head.

  "Um, I'm just finishing my homework for tomorrow."

  "I could stay here for hours, losing myself in these paintings that reveal the incredible beauty of our Earth," I whispered, my spirit already elsewhere.

  "It's my grandfather's legacy, Harry. For him, it was important that I always had a door open to the world. He said it saved the soul. He was right."

  "He himself took all these landscape shots?"

  "Yes, except this one."

  She pointed to an ancient temple with sumptuous architecture, apparently well known to historians. Jal Mahal in Jaipur.

  "I dream of going there," she confided to me with a distant air, it is amazing what human beings are able to build with the strength of their hands. We have created the treasures of this world.

  "I totally agree."

  I showed her another painting that caught my eye and then added,

  "I'd like to dive in and explore this sunken city. Look at these magnificent ruins. They seem to hold such great secrets."

  A question burned my lips. I knew I could ask Victoria anything.

  "Did you ever feel any bitterness that your grandfather left you paintings while Faïz inherited a multinational company?"

  She moved back a little, but did not seem shocked by my question.

  "Not for a single second. Why should I feel bitterness or jealousy? He's my brother. I'm not a businesswoman, I'm a great dreamer who wants peace. My grandfather understood this well, hence this heritage in line with our own personalities."

  "I'm sorry for that inappropriate question. Sometimes, even often, I should think before I speak."

  "No, Zoe. On the contrary, I would have done the same."

  Her phone between us vibrated at that moment. I saw Jonathan's name appear on the screen.

  "I'll leave you," I whispered as I got up to leave her alone.

  She took the phone, but waited for me to leave before answering. Victoria, in love and in a relationship. I had trouble getting used to the idea, but I couldn't help but be happy for her. Standing in this hallway, I decided to go down so as not to keep the family waiting.

  The five of us were gathered around the table, something that hadn't happened for a long time. Faïz avoided any visual or oral contact with me. Charles recited the prayer and then the family discussed their day throughout the meal. At the end of it, Charles called his son before he left the table, feeling that it was a good time to talk to him about a thorny subject.

  "Where is this case about the recent escapes at Pelican Bay?"

  Faïz sighed, visibly annoyed to have to answer the question.

  "Everything is under control!"

  "Not quite. Only eight of the nine prisoners were found and put back in custody."

  "Only?" Faïz raised his voice.

  The tension between the two men became palpable. Lily and Victoria preferred not to interfere so that they could close this chapter once and for all.

  "One of them is missing, Faïz! I agree with you that it is not the most dangerous of the nine. Far from it. Jarrod Graham is just a twenty-year-old, scarred, second-rate robber, but I would have thought you were smarter than him."

  "There's something more urgent for me than chasing after that 'second-rate robber,' as you say. With all the other Leviathans, we are currently running all over America, in search of that damn tomb!" cried Faïz as he stood up from his chair and threw his napkin on the table.

  "I am aware of this, my son, I know that you give yourself body and soul to find the body of The Maestro, but do not forget that he accomplishes his work by creating chaos on earth. The escape from this prison is not a coincidence. It could be part of his plan. Don't let one man decide the future of humanity. If Graham is his puppet, then we must find him."

  "I'll take care of it myself within the week if Barthey still hasn't managed to get his hands on him. Is that okay with you?"

  "Perfect. As for The Maestro's tomb, perhaps we should explore other avenues than those of our continent," Charles calmly suggested while still seated.

  "Yet all indications are that he's not far from LA. In the archives at the Seventh Earth, it refers to a rite that The Maestro received at his funeral. It was in California."

  "And he's not talking about the burial?"

  Faïz dodged a little glance at me. Something told me I wasn't going to like the rest.

  "Yes, in the Callis, but...we can't read that part."

  "What do you mean?" Charles asked.

  "That part is invisible to all of us. Except Zoe."

  All eyes turned to me. I then remembered the book I had touched in the basement of the manor. Indeed, it had come to life as soon as I had touched it.

  "So, we'll have to visit Julio and William," Lily said. "Zoe, you will have to touch the passages in order to make them visible. There must be an answer in the Callis."

  "I will come with you," Victoria said.

  "No," Lily protested.

  "Your mother is right," added Charles. "We prefer to expose as few members of this family as possible. Live your youth, my daughter. Do it for us."

  "All right." Victoria resigned herself, disappointed.

  "This traveler of death will drive us all crazy. Whatever he's preparing, he must be prevented," Charles grunted.

  I enjoyed that moment, when I finally found myself alone in my room. I took my phone out of my purse to consult it for the first time that evening. A message from Asarys had arrived during the meal.

  Are you all right? How did William react?

  I unbuttoned my dress and put it on my bed, then I went to the bathroom, phone in hand. I ran the shower water and decided to answer my message before going into it.

  The news about my article went wrong. I think it's really over. I'll call you tomorrow.

  The shower made me feel good. I closed my eyes to plunge my head under the waterfall. This is the best part of this super rotten day. When I came out, my face reflected in the mirror. My green eyes were the only small glow on my greyish complexion.


  Fuck! My pulse accelerated when I heard Faïz's voice calling to me from my room.

  "I'm coming!" I stammered, looking for something to cover myself.

  I rushed to my towel, finally opting for the white robe hung behind the door, much less attractive for my taste. I walked out of the room and found Faïz standing near the door. He seemed comfortable and stared at me from top to bottom as soon as I appeared. I look inquiringly at him.

  "I hope what you heard at dinner didn't disturb you too much?"

  His almost inaudible voice was intended to be discreet so as not to attract his sister's attention through the walls.

  "No, not in the least. I like to make things clear, and it was."

  My voice still betrayed t
he anger I felt towards him from our last conversation.

  He took a step closer and my heart raced. A mysterious smile split his perfect face.

  "Look, Zoe, I have a meeting next Thursday in New York at Trac-Word's headquarters. You'll have to bring warm clothes. We'll be back on Saturday for Vic's birthday."

  The power of my joy was so strong that I rushed into his arms without thinking. My gesture took him by surprise, but Faïz let me do it. I ran into a body more robust than I thought, almost hurting myself. Breath labored, I quickly regained my mind, taking a few steps back before reluctantly letting him go. My rotten day had suddenly turned into a very beautiful day.


  He parked his car in his parking space in the basement of the building. Before going down, Faïz dialed Barthey's number on his phone. He hoped that he would pick it up despite the late hour.

  "This is Karl. I'm listening," a deep voice answered after the first ring.

  "Where are the negotiations with the government?" said Faïz, immediately getting into the subject without embarrassing himself with politeness.

  "Faïz," sighed the inspector at the end of the line, "for the moment it's complicated. They talk about a few months, maybe a year at most."

  "What a load of crap! They don't realize they're getting into The Maestro's diabolical game!"

  "Unfortunately, accidents are increasing. Let us take the example of the latest event, the riots that broke out in prison. The Maestro is beginning to take more and more control over the weakest souls in this country. Do you have any news from the other Leviathans?"

  "They have already combed many of the cemeteries and other places in the United States, but nothing. They're quite busy trying to keep order in LA. Try to get as much time as possible from the government so they don't close the Dome. I'm counting on you."

  Faïz hung up and let his head fall back. "Everything is going to hell," he thought, disenchanted with the current situation.

  When he opened the loft door, Rachelle was admiring the view of Los Angeles through the large bay window that ran through the living room. She was always there, present at his side, in good times and bad. She was his peace, his only escape in his perpetual confrontation with death.


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