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The Warlord

Page 22

by Gena Showalter

  Leaning into Taliyah, pressing her back against the wall, he plunged two fingers into her core and bit the tendon running between her neck and shoulder. She hurled into another climax and...

  Bliss won.

  Every muscle tensed as Roc roared, coming and coming and coming against her belly.

  “Mmm.” Her panting breaths fanned his throat. “Have I ever told you how good you smell?”

  He rested his forehead against the cool wall...until Taliyah reached up and cupped his cheeks. The temptress glided her cherry-red lips up his neck before lifting her head and...giggling? She offered him a drugged—drugging—smile, the shadows fading from her eyes.

  “Don’t be mad, okay, but I must have... Didn’t mean to... So sorry... I...I think I’m drunk. Roc? I didn’t suck your soul, did I? I didn’t think I did, despite my hunger, but I must have. Do you ’member?”

  Sated from his explosive climax, Roc struggled to make sense of what was happening. He hadn’t felt as if she fed from him. His block remained in place, unaffected. But...

  Another giggle escaped her. A giggle. From Taliyah Skyhawk. “Oh! Oh! The room is spinning. Spinning is fun. So is sucking on you, even if you only fed me your finger.” She focused on his length, and he could almost see the gleam of a fork and knife in her eyes. “I want to feed on another part of you. Let me! We should test to find out if I did or didn’t feed on you. That makes total sense, right?” She reached for his shaft, but he caught her wrists.

  “Taliyah?” Shock held him immobile. And enthralled. Who was this adorable creature? She must have fed from him, his power too much for her, but...he wasn’t sure.

  She pouted, and all he wanted to do was laugh. “You’re playing hard to get. Really hard. Yes... Getting harder by the second.”

  “Give me a moment to process this.” The sight of her was maddening him all over again, yes. She swayed and slid to the floor with a laugh, letting him tower over her.

  He maintained his clasp on her wrist, keeping her arm lifted. Warm water sluiced over her upper body, raining over her legs.

  Languid and sated and rosy, she stretched. “I feel absolutely...wonderful.”

  He swallowed. “Do you react this way every time you feed?”

  “Nope.” She nibbled on her bottom lip, enchantingly confused, and then brightened. “Roc. Roc. Roc! Guess what?” Not waiting for his response, she climbed to her knees and rushed out, “I think you’re hot. Like, seriously hot. Sizzling. You make me hate the cold.”

  How was he supposed to respond to that? He was becoming more charmed by the moment, and he needed it to stop.

  Was this a trick?

  No. Everything he’d learned about this woman told him she wasn’t attempting to part with her virginity. She wasn’t a woman who admitted information easily or dropped her defenses ever—and never with him. Though she must do so with her friend Neeka, because she trusted the girl enough to brand her.

  He curled his hands into fists. No, Taliyah definitely didn’t trust Roc, nor should she. And that...he didn’t like.

  Twisting me in knots again. “Stand up for me, Taya.”

  To obey, she used his body as a climbing post. “Guess what else?” she said, claws in his chest. “I’m not hungry anymore. Look at me. Look!”

  “I’m looking.” He might never look away.

  “I’m so full. The fullest I’ve ever been!”

  Full? How could she partake enough to overflow, while he remained unchanged? Had his block failed for a second, the slightest sip satisfying her?

  “Do you feel sick in any way?” That is your first question, Commander?

  “Nope. Roc!” she repeated, clinging to him, and he couldn’t not respond as he turned knobs to shut off the water.

  “Yes, Taya?” What would she confess next? He must know.

  “Your body is sublime. My most favorite one. Your muscles are so...muscly.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” The corners of his mouth twitched as he toweled her off. Amusement now? “You don’t know how not to arouse me, do you?” he muttered. “Fair warning, Taya. We will be repeating this experience tomorrow. We need to learn how you feed.” He ignored the newest round of throbbing in his shaft.

  Will never get enough of her.

  “You’re smiling so big right now, and I’m living for it.” She giggled again, and he swept her off her feet.

  Roc dismissed the posts, carried her out of the stall and set her on her feet, the obstacles between them coming into focus once again. “We should dress.” Despite this...whatever this was, he had a job to do. An altar to craft. To perfect. Precision mattered.

  Ignore the rise of tension. Nothing’s changed.

  Beads of sweat popped up on his brow. Nothing had changed? He couldn’t lie to himself. Everything had changed.

  Soft, so soft, she told him, “There’s a little boy buried inside of you, I just know it.” Features glazed with sadness, she petted his beard. “He has bad dreams. But guess what? My mother trained me for war since before I could walk. I never got to play games like the other little harpies. Before this, I never thought I wanted to. Now I think I do, so get ready!”

  At top speed, wings vibrating, she raced out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, where she jumped on the bed while clutching a pillow.

  He remained behind her, but didn’t climb beside her. “What are you planning to do with the—”

  Smack. She smacked the pillow into his face and laughed.

  He stood immobile, his mind playing catch-up. She’d never played as a child. He didn’t like the thought of young Taliyah training without cease. He, at least, had played with his siblings before his parents destroyed his entire world.

  “Harpy smash!” she called, hitting him with the pillow a second time.

  He didn’t think about his next actions, just picked her up and tossed her to her back. The giggling resumed as she bounced on the mattress.

  She wanted to play? They would play.

  Roc dived on her and tickled, delighting as she laughed and wiggled.

  As wily as she was, she worked free of his weight and darted through the bedroom, calling, “Find me if you can, Astra!”

  Though she moved like a wild wind, he tracked her without trouble as she hid behind the curtains. Her feet stuck out from the bottom. He was grinning as he stalked over and swished the drapery aside, intending to press her against the wall and kiss the air from her lungs. But she no longer stood there.

  A rush of cold swamped him just before she giggled behind him. Realization: she’d ghosted—phantomed—straight through him.

  Reminded of her highly dangerous abilities, hated abilities, he sobered and pivoted. Time to put a stop to this.

  In front of him, only a heartbeat away, her icy blues were soft and luminous. “You lose, and I win,” she sang, then yawned. “Better get used to it, Rocky, baby. I always win.”

  His chest clenched tighter than ever before. What was she doing to him? “You think you can defeat me so easily, Taya?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” She jumped on him, winding her arms and legs around him. Clinging again. “I can do anything. I can have you as many times as I want. You’ll see. I could even ride you hard.”

  Foreboding crept down his spine. His shaft throbbed anew. “What of your bid for General?” If ever she gave herself to Roc, he would thrust so hard and sure—

  Enough! “Never mind. Let’s tuck you into bed. You should rest.”

  “I’m not sleepy.” A second yawn punctuated her words.

  As he peered into her beautiful face, the tightness in his chest worsened until...crack. Inside him, something warm oozed out. Something akin to tenderness. For a phantom. A bride.

  Harden your heart. Enjoy her while you can.

  Or find another way...

  He gulped. “Rest anyway.”

  “Never,” she called, pumping her fist at the ceiling.

  “Why don’t we chat, then?” If she wished to reveal secrets, why not accommodate her?

  He carried her toward the bed, moaning as her body molded to his. The rightness of their position both eased and tormented him.

  —Commander?—Halo’s voice cut into his awareness, and he ground his molars.


  —A patrol found three other phantoms. Females, like the others. They come with another message for you.—

  Done with Erebus’s game, he snapped, —Kill them. Erebus only wishes to inflict more misery.—

  If Halo disagreed with the command, he said nothing. Proof of his brilliance. —I’ll see to it personally, sir.—

  “Where’d you go?” Taliyah asked, stroking his beard once more.

  He leaned into her touch without thought. He realized he’d stopped next to the bed, with the harpy clutched against his chest. “Doesn’t matter.” Roc readjusted her before settling atop the mattress, ensuring her body draped his.

  Curling into him, she sighed, mournful. “I really miss your fingers.”

  He nearly choked on his tongue. “Do you, now?”

  Stop! Do not travel this road. He had a prime opportunity here. He could pleasure her or question her while her euphoria lasted. He couldn’t do both.

  Though he might later hate himself, he said, “Never mind about that. Tell me about your father the snakeshifter.”

  “No. Don’t want to,” she told him, tracing a circle around his nipple.

  Why not? “Just one detail? What’s his name?” So Roc could find and question the male directly.


  Even drunk, she refused him. In the shower, she had commanded him...and he had obeyed.

  “Your turn to answer a question.” She crossed her arms over his chest and propped her chin at the center, gazing up at him. “Did you miss me last night? Be honest.”

  Well, if he were being honest... “I couldn’t think of anything else.”


  He scowled. —Yes, Vasili?—


  The warlord had completed the door and window frames, then. —You may return to the duplicate realm.—

  A soft caress along his sternum returned his attention to Taliyah. “War business?”

  “Yes.” And he should resume it. If Erebus stuck to his usual methods, the god prepared bigger and bigger hordes for invasion. Simply to annoy Roc and keep the Astra busy, so that the god could get to the bride. Although, this wasn’t a normal situation. Erebus already had an in with the bride.

  Roc’s mood darkened considerably.

  If Taliyah sensed the change, she didn’t reveal it. “Do you have time to give your wife another orgasm? I mean, it is your husbandly duty.”

  Hesitation, temptation’s fondest companion, crept through his mind. “We shouldn’t,” he said, hedging. If she wasn’t going to answer his questions, he might as well pleasure her.

  “You’re right,” she agreed, and he stifled a groan. Why hadn’t he agreed outright? “Before we tackle today’s duties, I should probably speak a few inspiring words into your microphone.”

  She inched down his body, positioned herself between his legs and tapped the head of his shaft. With her lips hovering directly over the tip, she said, “Testing, one, two, three.”

  The most undignified laugh barked from him, and he couldn’t regret it.


  Silver’s voice popped the balloon of hilarity. No doubt the warrior had finished the new cuffs Roc intended for Taliyah to wear. She might object, this truce between them over.

  Might? The woman would erupt.

  Guilt welled, tinged with shame. —We will talk later.—

  Roc prided himself on being available to his men. Today, he sought a mere hour of peace.

  Taliyah crawled up his body, refitting herself against him as her eyes glittered with mischief. The cracking restarted in his chest.

  “You said you might want me to feed on you for real,” she said, “so we can learn how I did it. Want me to feed right now?”

  Now? Maybe she should. They absolutely needed to know what had happened.

  “Yes. Do it.” Reluctant, he tilted back his head. Would he hate this, like he’d hated every other feeding before it?

  Would a part of him enjoy it?

  “Nah,” she said, tucking her head into the hollow of his shoulder. The mischief had dispersed, her tone hollow. “Changed my mind. I’m not hungry.”

  He wasn’t disappointed.

  He wasn’t.


  Taliyah sat atop the meteorite she’d dubbed the murder stone. She swung her legs as if she hadn’t a care, watching as Roc got his chisel on. Meanwhile, she had a freaking care. He’d been working furiously for over four hours, completing the first step and working on the next. Soon, he’d chisel out a platform and the altar itself. For her death.

  How easily he’d returned to planning her end. Why had she missed him before?

  The more he worked, the more crazed he appeared. He was silent and shirtless, his biceps bulging with his every move, sweat trickling down his tattooed flesh.

  At least she had a decent view.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked. He’d asked every hour on the dot. Or so it seemed.

  “Nope,” she said, taking great enjoyment in the refusal. Would she like to feed? Yes. Taliyah had no idea how she’d gotten so drunk on him. Had she truly stolen some of his soul without realizing it? She had been ravenous. But she’d never before reacted to a soul in such an undignified manner. She’d love to compare what happened in the shower with a true, non–lust tinged feeding. Well, as non–lust tinged as she could be with a man like Roc.

  But, after glimpsing his dread as he’d canted his head for her... No. She wouldn’t be feeding on him anytime soon. Or ever.

  Actually, her refusal to do so now stemmed from a whole lot more than the guy’s dread. Before flashing her to the garden, the awful man had picked up the wing-pinner.

  “I’m not wearing that,” she’d spit at him.

  Expression grave, he’d told her, “Harpy, I promise you—you are. I’ll take no chances with you.”

  Not only had he won their grappling match, putting the pinner on her as promised, he’d secured thin metal bracelets around her wrists, too. The shackles looked like jewelry—nice. They also prevented her from misting. Not nice.

  Taliyah wore every piece of metal like a mantle of betrayal. So he’d treated her body like spun glass while she’d pummeled him, fighting to avoid the application of her bonds? So what. So he’d pleasured her in the shower and played with her after? So what. So she still wanted him. So. What.

  “I’m bored,” she told him, just to be contrary. She was irritable and horny and mad about both. Somehow, she needed to earn herself a little alone time. That way, she could practice removing her ring and resume her search for Blythe and Isla, just in case. “I’m unused to doing nothing.”

  “Tell me about your father. That’s doing something.” His ears twitched with...eagerness? “Recount tales of your childhood.”

  “Tell my captor about the childhood I spent in the land he conquered?” At this height, she spotted the moat that surrounded the palace grounds; a massive stone hand with moss-covered claws reached from the pink waters. How many times had she swum there? Flowers of every color bloomed from dew-kissed foliage, emitting the sweetest perfume she’d once breathed every day. Birds soared and sang familiar songs. Frogs croaked and crickets chirped. “I’d rather listen to tales of your childhood.”

  His biceps flexed. “Before or after I was sold to Chaos?”

  Her grandpappy C purchased him? Had she known that? At the moment, she struggled to remember how much she longe
d to punch his face...and the way his powerful body moved against hers. “Revealer’s choice.”

  He shrugged. “After my purchase, I traveled from world to world with the other Astra, learning weaknesses, gaining strengths. Through pain and tragedy, Chaos taught us to value control and harness rage. To create and destroy. To overcome any situation.”

  Oh, really? “How are you in control, yet shackled to a curse? If you can overcome any situation, why can’t you save your gravita and your men? Asking for all my friends.”

  Roc chiseled a side of his finger and cursed. Blood poured from the wound.

  He said nothing else, prickling her temper. When a bead of sweat trickled from her temple, she banged her fist in frustration. Though she thrived in cold—or she had, pre-Roc—she wore the suffocating garments he’d foisted upon her: a long-sleeved shirt and leather pants, both lined with some kind of fur. She wore these despite the warm temperature.

  “To help you stay warm,” he’d told her with determination, as if he should get an A-plus for his thoughtfulness. “The ground is cold—”

  “I know,” she’d snapped. “My homeland, remember? You’re the intruder here.”

  Lack of sleep was getting to her, too. Since coming to Harpina, she’d slept a total of zero minutes.

  “I told you not to bother me while I work, harpy.” Clink, clink. Clink, clink. “Yet there you are, bothering me. If you’re not going to tell me about your childhood, do nothing.”

  “I didn’t do anything! I didn’t even say anything.”

  “You breathed,” he bellowed. “Isn’t that what you told Ian?”

  He’d heard her? Or had his brother ratted her out? Whatever. Truth was truth. Now she wondered... What if Roc, the mighty Commander of the Astra Planeta, was falling for his phantom wife?

  What if he fell for her so soundly, he picked her over his men?

  Would he? Probably not. But he might be inclined to help save her and the Astra.

  She admitted it; she liked the idea. A lot. Why accept a picture of defeat for the first time in her life, when the stakes had never been higher?

  “Hey, Roc?” she asked with a sweet tone.


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