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Accel World: Flight Towards the Blue Sky

Page 3

by Reki Kawahara

  Haruyuki temporarily raised his gaze from looking down at the table with a jerk, and though he looked at Takumu’s face, he spoke as if telling himself as well.

  “Senpai will return from the school trip on Saturday night, so we have four more days. We no choice but to settle things in that time.”

  “Settle things, you say…how…?”

  “Whether Chiyu is being threatened or is acting of her own volition, if we can defeat Noumi…if we can corner him until he loses Brain Burst, that will end everything. Right?”

  After letting out a big breath at Haruyuki’s words, Takumu gave a faint smile.

  “You say it so easily, Haru. Even if we expose the means that allows Noumi to not appear on the matching list, just how many times will we have to win in order to make that Dusk Taker lose all his points?”

  “I wonder about that.”

  Muttering a little, Haruyuki spoke the continuation of all his thinking.

  “Right now Noumi, who has just entered Umesato Middle School, must be consuming points at an incredible pace in order to build up his position through the ability tests and kendo matches. In particular, he uses that Physical Burst command which costs five points each time in kendo matches. Do you really think that he, a Level 5, still has that much accumulated points to spare?”

  “…I see…Especially since right now he’s not participating in ordinary duels either. The sources for supplying himself with points should be limited.”

  Takumu narrowed his eyes which had regained just a little of their sharpness behind his glasses and nodded as well. Then he suddenly looked back at Haruyuki and continued speaking quickly.

  “But, Haru. In that case, it’s a battle with a different time limit that has no relation to when master returns to Tokyo. Noumi, who has now obtained an exclusive «healer» in addition to «flight ability», should be debuting in duels which he has bided his time for until now. He won’t be able to immediately fight that many times with the limitations of tag-matches, but even so he’ll still win in almost all duels…”

  “In other words, we have to sever his neck before he begins saving up points.”

  After exchanging a short gaze with Takumu, Haruyuki spoke decisively.

  “Alright. I’ll somehow investigate the means he uses to block himself from duels by myself.”

  “W-What are you saying? I’ll also investigate with you…”

  “No, there’s something you have to do while I do that.”

  Tightly gripping both hands over the table, Haruyuki then lowered his voice a little—

  “Taku, you remember the attack you directly received, right? That technique of Dusk Taker that let him scrape off and invalidate everything with his hands.”

  “Ah…yeah. I can’t believe it even now.”

  As if doubting his memory, Takumu shook his head a little.

  “The fact that his special technique gauge didn’t decrease even though he was emitting such intense light…No, before that, leaving aside punches and kicks, he even sucked in my non-substance attack «Lightning Cyan Spike». Such an impossible degree of relative priority, just what on earth kind of ability was that…?”

  “Umm…it’s neither an ability prescribed by the system nor a special technique. How should I say it…I also can’t explain it very well, but…”

  While frowning and strenuously looking for the right words, Haruyuki tried to somehow convey the knowledge he had gotten just yesterday to Takumu.

  “It’s a «super special technique» as it were, which turns the image power of Burst Linkers into an energy source. Its proper name is the «Incarnate System». Accel World’s strongest offensive power which takes form due to the power of one’s heart and will…”

  It took nearly twenty minutes for him to explain without leaving anything out the gist of the Incarnate System he was taught by the Old Tokyo Tower’s recluse «Sky Raker» and how he acquired the Mind Power for the «sword of light» that he himself used.

  While talking, Haruyuki was once more conscious of the fact that he still had many questions about that system himself as well.

  From Sky Raker’s words, it could be thought of as a bug technique that poked through a hole in the game system, but then why wasn’t it dealt with by the game administrator? If it was purposefully left in the game, what was the goal of that?

  Certainly, «Brain Burst» was an extremely player-unfriendly game as it had neither a manual nor any guide NPCs, but it felt like the game’s mysteriousness increased even more with the existence of the Incarnate System. Just «what» on earth is this application really…?

  Even while thinking about such things, though, Haruyuki somehow explained as much as he knew.

  After having finished listening and dumbfoundedly looking at Haruyuki who was drinking his oolong tea, Takumu finally muttered in a hoarse voice.

  “……How to say it…—Haru, you really are the kind of guy that is popular with older women one after another.”

  “T-That’s the first thing you comment on?”

  “Well, because…frankly, I can’t easily take in this whole ‘Mind Power’ thing. Changing something vague like image power into real offensive power…even if you say that, such a thing already exceeds the limits of a fighting game…”

  “Well, that’s true. I also can’t explain how I make my sword come out…”

  While staring at the fingers of his hands, Haruyuki voiced his still developing thoughts.

  “…But, probably, Mind Power shouldn’t be something rough like «if you imagine it, anything can be realized». The attributes of the avatar…and the nature of the Burst Linkers themselves…it may be closely related to such things. For example, I can emit a sword from my hand because Silver Crow’s arm was originally shaped like that, that’s what I feel.”

  “Hmm…Then for example, you mean that even if I do the same training as Haru, I may not be able to emit a sword of light the same way you do.”

  “Perhaps. But, if that’s the case, I think that there are other Mind Power shapes that are more suitable for Taku…for Cyan Pile. That means the problem is, through what kind of training can you acquire it…? When I think of it now, that person, Sky Raker, after seeing through a training method that was optimized for me right from the beginning, made me do wall-climbing. This is also just a guess, but maybe high-level Burst Linkers who have perfectly mastered the Incarnate System also know something like a method for that kind of Mind Power coaching…”

  Takumu bit his lip lightly and seemed to be pondering something, but eventually he began to speak while lowering his gaze.

  “So what it amounts to is that, even if I dive into the «Unlimited Neutral Field» and trained myself at random, the chances of me being able to grasp the Incarnate System is low. So it’s absolutely necessary to have the guidance and coaching of someone who thoroughly knows about the system.”

  “Yeah…Sky Raker would also surely teach it to Taku, but the problem is that we have no way to contact her…”

  When Haruyuki said that mixed with a sigh, Takumu also frowned and muttered “I see”.

  “Since she’s not an NPC, we can’t meet that person just by climbing the Old Tokyo Tower in the Unlimited Neutral Field. We have to set a time to dive after contacting her in the real world…”

  “That’s right. We might meet her eventually by waiting at the top of the tower, but because the other side is accelerated by a thousand times, we have no idea how many months or even years that would take…If there was just one method, it would be to duel with Sky Raker’s «Child» Ash Roller in Shibuya and ask him to arrange an appointment with her there, but…you know?”

  He paused in his speech there and rested his chin on both hands.

  Then, Takumu immediately did a skillful imitation with a serious face.

  “‘Hey Heeey, don’t depend on me like a spoiled kid, you sweets bastard’…is what he doubtlessly say.”

  “T-That’s a strange skill you have…Well, he would certainly
say that, yeah.”

  In truth, Haruyuki already owed a huge debt to Ash Roller just for introducing him to Sky Raker yesterday. Besides, to ask a guy from an enemy legion for help had to be said to be too much of a weakness as a Burst Linker.

  While taking another piece of the cooling pizza and emphatically taking a bite out of it, Haruyuki thought desperately.

  If the situation were normal, they should just directly ask Kuroyukihime, who was both Haruyuki’s «Parent» and their Legion Master. If it was her, the Black King, she should also naturally be familiar with the Incarnate System, after all. But Kuroyukihime should have her own reasons for not teaching it to them herself until now, so he didn’t think she would teach them right away if they asked her, and from the beginning there was no way to meet with her in Accel World while she was currently in Okinawa in the south.

  In that case, perhaps Takumu’s «Parent»—is what he’d like to say, but that guy, who had been an executive of the Blue Legion, had already exited from Accel World due to the «Judgement Blow» by the Blue King for being the mastermind of the «Backdoor Program incident» half a year ago.

  The chances of there being another Burst Linker who was knowledgeable about the Incarnate System and furthermore had a reason to lend a hand to Haruyuki and Takumu was—


  When he had thought that far, Haruyuki let his voice leak out without noticing a piece of shrimp fall out from his mouth.

  “Yes…that’s right. There is one, a super-high level player who owes a huge debt to us and whose theater of operations is nearby in the north.”

  Just as he heard that, the edges of Takumu’s mouth lightly twitched.

  “O…Oioi, Haru. You couldn’t be talking about…”

  “There is only that person. The Legion Master of «Prominence», the Red King «Scarlet Rain». If it’s her who’s Level 9, she definitely should have mastered the Incarnate System…”

  Even as he said that in a lowered voice, the form of the crimson avatar that occupied one corner of the Seven Kings of Pure Color was vividly recalled in Haruyuki’s mind.

  The Red King who burnt the field and all her enemies to nothing with the firepower of her enormous reinforcement armor that was several times the size of her body. If she could do that much even without the Incarnate System, she should have a power even further endlessly «beyond that», but after putting aside that far too terrifying imagination from his mind, Haruyuki continued speaking further.

  “That’s not all, Taku should also not have forgotten that we went through a terrible experience because of her request.”

  “I-I remember that, but.”

  Niko, or Kouduki Yuniko, had suddenly entered Haruyuki’s home in her real body just three months ago.

  Her goal had been to get Haruyuki’s help in subduing the mad Burst Linker who came from her legion, «Chrome Disaster». Her request was based on the conclusion that the only one that could capture Disaster with his three-dimensional movement was Silver Crow with his wings.

  Haruyuki had challenged the mission together with Takumu and Kuroyukihime, but it became a mess as an unforeseen life-or-death battle had unfolded with a large group from the Yellow Legion who had attacked them in the middle of their mission. No, in truth, Takumu had been taken out then together with a large enemy avatar.

  “But, Haru. While we had both benefited by cooperating in subduing Chrome Disaster back then, what reason does Prominence have to help Nega Nebulas now? As the Red King, she won’t just pay back the debt for that, you know?”

  But because Takumu himself said it in a skeptical tone, Haruyuki puffed up his cheeks and retorted back.

  “T-Then, I’ll just repay the favor of curry with hashed meat![2]”

  “No, I don’t quite understand that example…”

  “In…In any case, there aren’t any other high-level Burst Linkers that we can contact in real life. And if we’re thinking about fighting Noumi, we at the very least need the power to defend against his Mind Power attack. So…we can only bet on Niko’s whim…”

  At the end of Haruyuki’s sentence as he lost momentum, Takumu let out a big breath at the same time.

  His tall best friend lowered his face and hid it within his long forelocks, and kept quiet for a while. When he clenched his right hand on the table, Haruyuki understood that he was now remembering his fierce fight against Noumi.

  Eventually, Takumu lifted up his face, whose eyes now had a different strong light in them. The voice he let out also coldly resounded in the dim living room.

  “Yeah, it’s just as Haru says. I think I could fight equally against Dusk Taker until the middle stage of battle, but after he starts using Mind Power, I can’t do anything, as frustrating as it is to admit. I felt the overwhelming difference in power. If we’re going to beat him and take back Chii-chan, I can’t afford to shrink back at a place like this.”


  “Besides, Haru.”

  Temporarily pausing in his speech there, Takumu stared straight through his glasses at him.

  “Your «sword of light» is also just as amazing…no, even more amazing than Dusk Taker’s «purple wave surge». I also understand that Haru put in a serious effort in order to master that. You…told me when you fought me in the past. You can’t win against me in the real world. I can’t win against you in the virtual world. That’s why we’re the same, you said.”

  “Ah…n-no, that was…”

  Stopping with his right hand Haruyuki who was about to say ‘That was just something I said in the heat of battle’, Takumu continued.

  “But…But, you know, I don’t think that’s truly the «same». It’s how we compete and accept things, in both the real and the virtual, that makes us what we are.”

  Suddenly, his childhood friend made an expression as if he was yearning for some past.

  “…In elementary school, whenever I bought a new game, I would immediately look at the walkthrough site. Not just for action-types, but for RPGs as well, I would play while having the chart window opened next to it, because I was worried about taking risks. That’s why, it couldn’t be helped that I was anxious about «Brain Burst», which for the most part doesn’t even have a manual, let alone a walkthrough. I now think that may be why I depended on something like a Backdoor program. —But, I finally understand now. Something like the development of allotment doesn’t exist in this game. You have to face everything yourself, and cut your own way through. If the Incarnate System can be called a power that goes beyond even the limits of the program…I want to master it. In order to keep standing next to Haru…to Silver Crow.”

  Even after Takumu closed his mouth, Haruyuki reflected upon his words in silence for a while.

  For the past half-year, Takumu had kept showing self-deprecating behavior during every incident. Having lost his fear of losing «Brain Burst», he tormented himself over his crime of aiming at Kuroyukihime’s neck to the point where he put a virus in Chiyuri’s Neuro Linker, and so he had repeatedly acted at the risk of his own expense in various scenes.

  While being like that, he had been struck by the huge impact of Chiyuri’s estrangement from them—even if her motives for it were unclear—and yet, he still tried to confront his weakness once again.

  …As I thought, you’re strong, Taku. More than me in every way. You say that, but in the real world, I can’t stand next to you at all.

  After pushing down that mutter and stopping it in the middle of his chest, Haruyuki finally gave a smile.

  “You’ll have to arrive at that. You’ll master the technique to the point that Noumi’s «wave surge» won’t be a problem, and then we’ll rush him and swiftly take Chiyu back. Though most likely, Niko’s training will ten times more Spartan than Sky Raker’s.”

  “…I-I’m prepared for that.”

  Looking away from Takumu, who returned a subtly twitching smile, Haruyuki glanced at the time indicator at the right edge of his vision. The strategy meeting around froz
en pizza had gone on for a long time beyond his expectations, and it had reached 7 PM before he realized it.

  The Red King Niko, while being one of the strongest Level 9 Burst Linkers, was still a sixth-year elementary school student in the real world, and moreover went to a school with a dormitory system. To call her out now, when she was severely restricted in going out at night, would be unfortunately difficult.

  “…After school ends tomorrow, we’ll contact her right away and go to Nerima. Taku, are you okay even if you’re absent from club activities for two consecutive days?”

  “Yeah, because I no longer do kendo for the sake of getting good results at tournaments. Even if I’m watched by the advisor and club president a little, it’s no big deal.”

  “I see. Then, it’s decided.”

  They looked at each other in the eye and nodded once again.

  As they stood up from their seats at the same time and head to the front door, Haruyuki suddenly opened his mouth to ask a different question.

  —Taku, just before the end of today’s duel, did you hear a strange voice?

  But, the words didn’t come out from his open mouth. He shook his head at Taku who looked at him with questioning eyes, and muttered in his chest “See you school tomorrow” while waving his hand.

  —It was just my imagination. There weren’t any others in the gallery nor other opponents in that field. So something like hearing someone else’s voice was impossible.

  When the door closed after seeing off Takumu towards the elevator, the interior of the house was wrapped in deep silence after the ‘click’ of the door automatically locking. After being suddenly struck by illusion that someone was standing behind him, Haruyuki pressed his back hard against the door once, and then returned to the living room at a half-run in order to clean-up.

  Chapter 3

  April 17th, Wednesday.

  Before the dawn of the day when the Umesato Middle School field trip for new third-year students would finally be halfway done, Haruyuki saw a dream of Kuroyukihime who he hadn’t seen in so long.


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