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Accel World: Flight Towards the Blue Sky

Page 21

by Reki Kawahara

  “……It, can’t be.”

  The one that let out a hoarse voice was Noumi.

  “It can’t be. Why…How, here. How can you be here?”

  That astonishment and question existed similarly in Haruyuki as well. However, an overwhelming and deep emotion which exceeded that filled Haruyuki’s chest to the brim, and he was unable to say anything. While he was collapsed there, the black quartz avatar merely gazed at him hard.

  Noumi groaned again.

  “It can’t be…Did you return by yourself from Okinawa just for this duel? No, even if you did, you shouldn’t have been able to arrive in time. Impossible…Why, how can you be here! Black King…Black Lotus!!”

  Yes, the jet-black avatar couldn’t be anyone else besides that person, the Black King who served as the leader of the legion «Nega Nebulas» and held a seat among the «Seven Kings of Pure Color», «Black Lotus».

  However, the one who held that displayed figure, the Umesato Middle School third-year student and student council vice-president, Kuroyukihime, should have been staying in Okinawa, the destination of the current school trip. And also, the time for this duel between Noumi and Haruyuki’s group had been decided just a little less than an hour ago in the real world. Even if she knew about the duel through some means, she shouldn’t have been able to return to Tokyo from Okinawa and come here in time.

  As Noumi showered his shouts on her, Kuroyukihime shook her mask coolly, and spoke for the first time.

  “So you’re «Dusk Taker». It seems like your pride yourself on your ingenuity, but…you’re still far too naïve. In Accel World, there exists infinite ways of fighting that you could never think of.”

  Though she had a smooth and beautiful voice like silk, those words cut the virtual air into pieces with a sharp edge. Noumi took a half-step back.

  “I did not return to Tokyo, and neither did I need to…Let me remind you of one of Brain Burst’s basic rules. In the «Normal Duel Field», there is a time restriction of 1800 seconds and a movement restriction within an area boundary. However, in the «Unlimited Neutral Field», neither of those restrictions applies. That’s why it’s «unlimited». Listen carefully…”

  *HYUU* Cutting in front of her with her right hand’s sword, Kuroyukihime declared awe-inspiringly.

  “In this world, Okinawa and Tokyo are connected to each other! …It seems you’ve finally realized. That’s right, I Dived into this field from Okinawa, and ran all the way to Tokyo. Although it took 15 hours for me to tame that Divine Beast-class Enemy from just now and come all the way to here. Even so, in the real world, it was only just under a minute at the most.”

  “……Wh, at…?”

  As Noumi gasped in astonishment, Haruyuki’s own shock also increased.

  —Certainly, during the many times I’ve visited the Unlimited Neutral field until now, I always thought about how far this world must extend. I never thought of trying confirming it with just a vague question either, but the answer is actually simple. That is, it «extends to the limits of the Social Camera Network», which acts as the medium for Accel World. In other words, it extends across all of Japan. From Hokkaido in the north, to Okinawa in the south.

  But, who on earth would think of traveling across that vast world with their body alone? This wasn’t a VR world used for safe sightseeing. It was a place of death where huge Enemies strode about, with just one of them capable of kicking about dozens of Burst Linkers at once.

  Yes, all except for this one person.

  “……Sen, pa…i.”

  Haruyuki leaked out a blurred whisper. Hot tears spread and spilled out beneath his cracked silver face.

  Kuroyukihime turned her gazed once again towards Haruyuki, and revealed the hint of a smile for the first time. However, it quickly disappeared and she then turned to look at the master of the vise that was restraining Silver Crow—the laminated avatar.

  *KIN!* A sharp metallic sound. At the same time, white sparks flashed in the dark night.

  After the black plates restraining him disappeared, Haruyuki realized a little late what had happened just now.

  Without moving her avatar at all, Kuroyukihime had fired a long-range attack with mind power just by cladding only her right arm in a faint light. The laminated avatar had similarly intercepted it with mind power. Therefore, the image of the vise that was restraining Haruyuki had been cancelled and vanished.

  *KIN, KIKIN!!* Three more flashes burst through the air. The visual phenomenon itself was small and meager, but the hugeness of the fired attack’s power was displayed as Haruyuki felt the field under his body shake heavily.

  While gulping down a breath as he felt that power, he felt no surprise that Kuroyukihime, a king, could use incarnate techniques. Because a technique of such terrifying power had already been demonstrated to him by Niko, whose career as a Burst Linker was overwhelmingly shorter than hers despite also being the same Level 9.

  However, there was something bottomless about the laminated avatar as well, who was directly fighting against that Kuroyukihime’s technique.

  Black Lotus stopped her attack as if she had just finished a greeting, and then asked a short question.

  “What is your name?”

  From a location about 20 meters away from her, the laminated avatar titled its head composed of parallel plates as if puzzled. Just as until now, a quiet voice similar to his elementary teacher’s flowed out.

  “…There is no meaning in giving my name here. But, a king like you has gone through all the trouble of coming here from far away, after all. It would be rude if I didn’t at least give a self-introduction, wouldn’t it?”

  Making a ‘HYUHYU’ sound, many black plates rose up from the shadows at the avatar’s feet, and arranged themselves in the form of his right arm that had been missing until now. That was without a doubt the vise that had been restraining Haruyuki up until now.

  The avatar placed that right arm over his chest, bended his waist and bowed. Again, his voice resounded.

  “I am the vice-president of the circle[42] «Acceleration Research Society»…known as «Black Vise». I look forward to being acquainted with you from now on.”

  —Since the moment he had seen that color, Haruyuki had possibly expected it slightly.

  However, when he actually heard his name, he still felt a huge shock, as expected.

  Black. «Black of Pure Color».

  It was a color that he had believed and never once doubted until now that it was entitled to only Black Lotus. No, before that, Haruyuki had never once heard of a color name, which all Burst Linkers were given, repeating with more than one person within Accel World.

  In opposition to Haruyuki who was widening his eyes in astonishment, Kuroyukihime herself did not display any agitation. She just let out a light breath, and spoke.

  “Hmph, so it’s not a legion, but a «circle». That gives off quite sense of care.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s what you would call the policy of our club.”

  “I can’t stand the name as well, of course, but…more than that, what I must really repay you for is how you’ve been harshly tormenting my legion members. Of course, I’ll return it to you twofold.”

  Her bluish-purple eyes let out an intense light. An aura of the same color clad the swords of both her arms.

  In response, the laminated avatar—Black Vise spread out his arms in a movement that lacked any feeling of tension.

  “How troublesome. The one that mainly wounded your comrades wasn’t me but Taker-kun, though. But well, I guess I’m not in a position where I can tell you to overlook it…right?”

  One of his leisurely lowered arms became clad in a thin ink-colored aura, and immediately after many of the plates that composed it silently came apart and sank down into the shadows at his feet as if sliding.


  ‘It’s dangerous!’ Haruyuki shouted out. However, by then, two plates had already jumped out at Kuroyukihime’s feet and stuck her between them on
her left and right at a speed that eyes couldn’t follow.

  *GAAN!* The plates crashed into her arms. The thin plates then immediately increased their volume and changed into huge lumps. This was Black Vise’s incarnate technique, «Static Pressure». Having harshly tasted that fearful pressure which completely stops the movements and voice of the avatar caught in it, Haruyuki forgot the pain going through his own body as well and tried to shout out again. However, before he could do that.

  *PIKIN* A clear sound resounded.

  And then blue lines crossed through the two jet-black lumps.

  Haruyuki watched dumbfounded as the lumps slide apart to the left and right from their middle, and fell onto the ground gravely. Appearing from inside that, Kuroyukihime spoke as if nothing had happened with her arms spread out slightly.

  “Unfortunately, physical restraints aren’t effective against me.”

  The cut-apart cuboids returned to being plates and sank down into the ground. Then, the sword of Kuroyukihime’s right arm spouted red flames.

  She drew back her arm casually, and then—

  “«Vorpal Strike[43]»!!”

  Along with that coldly shouted name technique, she released a violent thrust.

  The motion bore a strong resemblance to Kuroyukihime’s special technique «Death By Piercing». However, the range was in a completely different class. A crimson spear sent out from the sword charged at Black Vise standing far away along with a roaring sound accompanied by a metallic resonance.

  In response, the laminated avatar that was dyed a lusterless black put up his left arm right in front of him as it became clad in a grey aura.

  “«Layered Armor[44]».”

  The plates of his arm came apart with a rattle and each turned into a big square. About ten plates lined up sideways in the space that separated him from Kuroyukihime, and blocked the path of the crimson spear in order to protect the main avatar.

  *GAAAAAN!!* A dreadful crashing sound roared out, and the world shook.

  The spear penetrated 90% of the defensive plates that acted as layers, and then stopped there. But, it didn’t disappear. While it didn’t pierce through the remaining plate, it jarred the surrounding space itself and shone strongly.

  The two Burst Linkers that both had the name of black fought against each other with their mutual mind power, while standing with their right and left hands respectively stuck out.

  While in this extreme situation, Kuroyukihime glanced at Haruyuki—and ordered him in a voice that was severe, and also gentle.

  “Now then, stand up, Silver Crow. I've restrained this guy. You must defeat your own enemy…Dusk Taker.”

  A second ago, Haruyuki had thought that he didn’t have any power left to fight inside him.

  However, the words of the king of swords penetrated Haruyuki’s chest, as if even that was a kind of mind power, and relit the flames that had disappeared within him.


  Although hoarse, he responded in a clear voice.

  Haruyuki then bent the legs of his battered avatar, hit his fist into the ground, and stood up despite being unsteady. His remaining HP gauge was a little more than 30%.

  After confirming that, he turned his face towards Dusk Taker who was standing a little further away from him, and Cyan Pile next to him.

  Takumu, who had been pierced through the belly and had lost both his arms, was still hanging his head deeply as if his consciousness was being obstructed by pain. There were no eye lights within his mask. However, he was still there. He was alive.

  And then, as if finally awakening from his shock, Dusk Taker slowly raised his right hand and used it to cover his face’s visor.

  “……Fu, fu, fufu.”

  From between those fingers, a derisive laugh that Haruyuki had heard many times until now thinly leaked out.

  “Fufu. Really…you people are so repeatedly disgusting. Just how long do you intend to continue playing make-believe with things like ‘friends’ and ‘bonds’? You say you ran here from Okinawa? Fufu, that’s an insane sentence, good grief.”

  *BUN* He shook off his hand. A faint wave surge coiled around his claws.

  “But well, this saves me time—is what I should be saying. If I can crush this lifeless doll and the small insect over there, there will be only Black Lotus left. You might call yourself a king, but even you can’t fight against the two of us. Rather, this is a unique golden opportunity…Just like I did with that guy, I’ll challenge and kill you once every hour. Until you lose all your points. Fufu, kukukuku.”

  Haruyuki didn’t hear most of those sneering words. His consciousness was only turned to Takumu who was deeply wounded, and Chiyuri who was still lying fallen farther away.

  The spectacles of Noumi violating those two flashed through his mind’s screen. Chiyuri, who had had her arm cut off and screamed. Takumu, who had had his belly gouged and collapsed. What those two had felt wasn’t just virtual pain. It was the pain of having their friendship, their love being used and trampled over. The despair of having their most important thing soiled and destroyed.

  Turning towards Haruyuki who was tightly clenching his fists and whose entire body was shaking, Noumi whispered in a consoling-like tone.

  “But, please don’t worry. Because I’ll spare only her…Lime Bell. And it isn’t because I can’t steal her healing ability like that lifeless doll there triumphantly said. It’s because of Chiyuri’s loyalty. Her way of dedication is very praiseworthy, after all. I’ll treat her with as much love as possible from now on as well, hahahaha.”


  From between his teeth that were clenched to the point of shattering, Haruyuki squeezed out words.

  “……Noumi. You’re mistaken.”

  “About what? Since when?”

  Gazing at that darkness-colored avatar as he titled his head, Haruyuki calmly told him.

  “About everything, since the beginning. When you entered Umesato Middle School…If you had challenged any one of us to a normal duel and said ‘Nice to meet you’, that would have been fine. If you had said you wanted to enter our legion, that would have also been fine. If you had done that, you would have gotten the things you really wanted. Friends, friendship, and bonds.”

  In that instant.

  Dusk Taker suddenly stopped moving. His voice, having underwent a complete change and now low and hoarse, came out from beneath his visor.

  “…What, did you say? I? Want friends?”

  “That’s right. You’re the same as me and Taku. You were oppressed, carried scars in your heart, and became a Burst Linker. In Accel World, you must have learned about it through duels. That in this world, there exist the genuine bonds that we wished for. Why weren’t you able to believe in that? Why did you depend on a fake power like the BIC? Even though you must have had the opposite of those choices available to you as well.”

  Several seconds of silence passed.

  Noumi suddenly gushed out a dreadful aura from his entire avatar. Haruyuki understood that it was a wave surge of unbelievable anger, and also that its source was the feelings confined in the depths of his heart.

  “……In other words, you’re saying something like this?”

  Noumi asked that in a voice that shouldn’t be a voice.

  “‘I forgive you.’ ‘I pity you, so I’ll become your friend.’ ‘I’m deeply compassionate, so I’ll hold out my hand to help you.’ Is that what you mean?”


  Haruyuki immediately shook his head.

  “I have no intention of doing something like that. It’s already too late for you and me to ever understand each other. Let’s end this, Noumi Seiji.”

  Anger towards Noumi existed in Haruyuki too, of course. However, another feeling that was far stronger than anger became a super-hot blue flame and filled his entire body. It was determination. The resolute will to end everything here. That flame was too hot and burned so steadily, that it felt like it was in a still state instead. Like
a star that shined quietly, coldly in the night sky.

  In response, Noumi let out another short laugh, while still radiating anger like a raging hurricane from his entire body.

  “…Fufu. I’m relieved to hear that. Even if I narrowly disposed of your avatar here, I would still never be able to forgive even the pathetic you in the real world…Very well, let’s settle things, Arita Haruyuki. There doesn’t need to be two flyers in this world.”

  And then, he raised his right hand, clenched his fist, and suddenly pulled it back.

  Synchronized with that movement, the black wings that had been always folded on his back until now spread out wide with a flap.

  In response, Haruyuki also raised his right hand high in the air, opened up his palm, and recited.

  “Equip, «Gale Thruster».”

  *CHIKA* A sky-blue star flickered in the night sky. It poured down to the ground as two lasers, and collided with Haruyuki’s back. It stopped there while shining, acquired form, and finally produced a beautiful Enhanced Armament.

  Dusk Taker spread his wings further and bent them strongly with a clench.

  The booster on Silver Crow’s back began to make a loud driving sound.

  The only existing two flight-type duel avatars in Accel World locked gazes for a single instant and stood still.

  The one that kicked off the ground just slightly before the other was Noumi. He drew back his one remaining tentacle on his left arm like a tail, rang his membrane wings, and rose straight up with a silhouette that was clearly that of a demon.

  After ascertaining Noumi’s trajectory and dropping his waist far down, Haruyuki—


  Released all of his booster’s energy along with a sharp voice.

  Blue jet exhaust flames burned the white ground. The amazingly powerful propulsion thrust made his small avatar take-off like a snap. He was immediately hot on the heels of the darkness-colored silhouette ahead of him.

  Noumi glanced down, and flapped just one of his wings strongly. While rapidly swiveling around, he brandished his right hand.


  With a shrill yell, his purple wave surge became five long claws, and drew five long arcs through the air with them as the claws approached Haruyuki.


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