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Vex's Temptation

Page 2

by Elizabeth Knox

  “So do I,” Ainslee replies with a snicker.

  “Maybe you’ll have to tell me sometime, about the rest I mean.”

  Her lighthearted expression immediately falters while a more serious one replaces it. “I fly back to Scotland tomorrow.”

  Wow. This fucking sucks. “Oh, wow. I didn’t realize you were leaving so soon.”

  She nods. “Yeah. I’m trying to make the best of my trip before I head back over the pond.”

  “Pond?” I squint, never hearing that expression before.

  “It’s a saying. You probably wouldn’t get it. The pond is the ocean.”

  “Ah okay. So . . . why’d you come up to me if you knew you were leaving tomorrow? Looking for some one-night action?”

  Ainslee shrugs her shoulders. “Maybe. Or maybe I’m just a person who enjoys making beautiful memories.”

  “Well then, how about we skip the concert. We don’t want to waste the night when we could be doing other things,” I say, stopping from going any further toward the center where the bands play and face her.

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, I draw her closer and lean in to capture her mouth for a kiss that I hope she will remember.

  She freezes up at first, but slowly starts to lean into me. Snaking her arms around my neck she sucks my bottom lip into her mouth. I open an eye and see we’re close to an alleyway and love where this is going.

  Slowly, I lead her toward the alley and press her back right up against a building, then lift her up in my arms. Tearing my lips away from hers, I suck and bite on the nape of her neck, showing her how I can be gentle, but I can sure as fuck be a savage. This little girl has no idea what she’s getting herself into bed with. And while I know she’s leaving tomorrow; I’ll be sure to make her time in the States as memorable as they can be.

  Chapter One


  End of January

  “Are you ready to leave tomorrow?” Ricochet asks, leaning his elbows on the bar next to where I’m seated. He has a sinister look on his face, like he’s up to something.

  Raising a brow, I smirk but remain a bit quiet, debating on whether or not to say a thing. “What’re you getting at?”

  He waves his hand in a dismissive manner. “Nothing much, but if you see Star, let her know I’ll be givin’ her some fireworks in a couple weeks.”

  Immediately my expression shifts into a disgusted one. “Ew. I didn’t need to hear that. But why’re you coming down? Checking up on me?”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “Maybe, maybe not. I guess you’ll never know.”

  “I told his ass to go down there and check in on things. We all know the cult’s been active again, and I’m not having these fuckers slip away again. Not after everything they’ve done,” Boss’ voice comes out of nowhere and I hear Destiny’s laughter on the other side of the club. Turning my head, I see Cowboy playing some sort of game with her, causing the little girl to bless us with her laughter. Diverting my attention to Boss, I nod in understanding.

  It’s not shocking she’s having Ricochet come down. Not only are we on great terms with the Devil’s Riot MC because of him, but he’s adopted Emerson as his sister. Honestly, the entire reason we have such a successful alliance with the Devil’s Riot is solely because of their relationship. Without it, we might not have ever made it this far. Then again, add in the fact Boss and Stoney had a child together as the product of a one-night stand and, well, we’re basically married to the Devil’s Riot. Not that it’s a bad thing.

  “Look what the fuckin’ cat dragged in!” Chuckles hollers with his arm around another man’s shoulders. The guy must be in his forties, but the wrinkles on his forehead could be aging him a bit. After a second I can finally make out what’s on the back of his cut, since Chuckles pulled him over toward Omen and Muffler. He’s from the Reapers MC out in Montana, and a woman with fiery red hair walks in directly behind him.

  Of course, Devi’ goes from not paying much attention to practically running over to this chick. She doesn’t apologize for her love of women, and she’s arguably the most promiscuous woman we have in the club. The redhead puts up her hand and laughs, and after a second Devi’s walking back to where she was, while the redhead goes over to the other Reaper.

  “I didn’t know we had company coming over,” I say to Boss, who doesn’t seem phased in the least bit.

  She nods once. “Yeah, Zane sent out Zorro and Frost to check in on us. It’s a formality to make sure things are still going well with the alliance. While Zorro’s here he’ll be updating us with what’s going on with the Reapers and I’ll let him know about our situation. But, let’s not get into that. I want to talk to you about going down to Virginia, so, Ricochet go make sure Zorro and Frost are welcome. Ainslee and I need to have a conversation.” Boss takes a seat on the barstool beside me and Ricochet goes over to the other side of the bar. Weirdly enough, for the first time since being here at the club my stomach rolls. Why this is making me nervous I have no fucking idea.

  “First of all, I want to say thank you for volunteering to be our regent. Being separated from the club can’t be easy, and I know it isn’t something that people would be jumping to do.”

  “It’s honestly not a big deal. I spent some time in Virginia a few years ago when I was here. It’ll be an opportunity to see some friends from that period of my life, and I’m getting more of an education out of this, so I have no complaints. I’m just . . . I want you to know I’m going to make you proud, Boss. I won’t let the club down.” I’m going down to Virginia and posing as a college student to potentially lure the cult out to target me. I mean, I’m actually going to school, and the club is paying for my graduate program since I’m putting myself at so much risk, but I’m supposed to be a bit promiscuous and present myself in a certain manner to bait the cult. We already know there have been reports in the area of women going missing again, specifically at the Virginia area where I’ll be obtaining my graduate degree.

  Boss smiles lightly, “I’m glad to hear you say that, but please know I do appreciate what you’re doing, and you’re solidifying your place here in the club . . . which brings me to this.”

  Boss grows quiet and the pitter patter of tiny feet causes me to look over to where Cowboy and Destiny were a few moments ago. Only, I find Destiny running over to me with some sort of square tissue paper object in her hand. It’s wrapped with a gold bow and she hands it to me with the biggest smile on her face. “Is this for me?”

  “Mhm!” She nods her head affirmingly.

  I take the tissue paper from her and look to her mother. Boss smirks lightly. “Go ahead, open it up. I think you’ll like what’s inside.”

  Doing as she says, I tear back the tissue paper and immediately I know what’s inside. My eyes land on the same black leather I see them wearing every day, and the second I untie the bow and start to make out our club’s insignia I about burst into tears. This can’t be real. I’ve been prospecting with the club for a little under a year and a half, and while it’s been that long . . . I’m not one of the people who ever stand out. Honestly, I thought this would happen to Reno or Devi’ before me.

  My hands begin to shake as I realize what I’m holding and the tears come out in an effortless flow. I look back to Boss and she smiles, knowing how much this means to me. After my parents died, I had no one. Hell, even before that when they disowned me because I’m gay. I had nothing except this club and it completely proves they’ve become my new family. I won’t let them down. If I did, I wouldn’t ever be able to live with myself.

  “You’ve earned your spot here, Vex,” Boss calls me by the name I’ve always told her was important to me, and now more than ever I understand the meaning of true family.

  Chapter Two


  “You sure about working with the Devil’s Riot MC, boss?” Cedric asks as he takes a seat in one of the cushioned chairs across from my desk in Night’s Bliss.

  A few months back, shit went
down with my cousin, Lex, and his girl, Mackenzie, I’d ended up getting called in to help out since it was my fuckin’ sperm donor who hurt them both. When I took over my father’s dealings, I made sure his men knew not to cross me. Not because I had the Devil’s Riot at my back, but because I had no problem getting my hands dirty, right alongside my right-hand man, Cedric, when problems arise.

  For the past four years, I’ve grown out of the surfer chick I used to be as I built my business. I had to do something besides work in a surf shop for a man who in the end, I killed with my own bare hands when I caught him forcing himself on a woman who was looking for a job. That woman ended up being a life changer for me as I decided to take my father’s approach in life and started my club, Night’s Bliss. I might not have liked the man, but he knew how to make money.

  Night’s Bliss is renowned for its adventures. On the outside it’s your typical dance club, where people can go and have a good time. The building has three levels, and the first floor is the only one that is public with a high entrance fee. I’m not about to let just anyone in without making a dollar. Fuck that shit.

  On the second floor this is where most of my girls prefer to work as they can do what they want without worrying about the ramifications of what can happen out there on the streets to them. I charge a hefty price for being a member of the club in order to have access to this floor and my girls. That price doesn’t even include their services, those prices are solely theirs, however I do get ten percent, mainly to cover the benefits I provide for them, like the security.

  The third floor is living quarters for all those who need a place to stay. Some of them prefer to not have to go out of the club. Others like to live off premises, in a house not far from the club that I own. I like to keep my girls close for a reason. If they’re out of sight they’re out of reach, meaning my men can’t get to them if something were to happen.

  As you can guess, I’m protective over my employees and since having this new venture where the Devil’s Riot MC is going to be a part of it is a game changer. Some things were going to be done differently. For instance, I needed Mara-Lee, who is like my left-hand, to keep a close eye on the girls at the club while I get shit organized with the Devil’s Riot MC.

  Earlier today, I’d gotten a call from Twister, their Prez, asking for a meet to discuss things. Cedric and I rode out there figuring what the hell. Last night had been amiss and I knew the both of us could use a ride.

  Normally you don’t catch me anywhere without Cedric. It’s not like he’s my man or anything, I don’t go that route, doesn’t mean we haven’t fucked a bitch together. I prefer the ass and tits. Beauty of owning Night’s Bliss is when I’m feeling the mood for playing, I have plenty to choose from. However, I have a strict rule for my employees. No one fucks my girls. My security team runs a tight ship and they know the drill. The girls’ safety is number one, meaning they’re not for their personal needs. They can go elsewhere for that shit. I mean Tuesday through Saturday the club is filled with men and women to choose from.

  Sitting back in my chair, I pull my phone from my pocket, and shoot a text to Mara-Lee. If we’re going to discuss this, might as well only have to do it one time.

  Minutes later Mara-Lee steps in and closes the door, dressed in her usual attire, skintight jeans, silky top, this one a leopard print, and four-inch heels.

  “What’s going on?” she asks, taking the seat next to Cedric.

  “Cedric and I went to that meeting earlier today to speak with Twister,” I tell her, though she already knows. The three of us don’t keep shit from each other. They’re more family than anything. Shit, we all live in the same big fuckin’ house together.

  “Yeah, what did he want?” she probes, sitting forward, her tits nearly popping out of the top as she does so.

  “They’ve got an alliance with another club up in New York, the Iron Vex MC. They’ve decided to send one of their men, Charger, up there as a regent. The Iron Vex is sending one of their members down here,” I say.

  “Okay, but what’s that have to do with us? The only thing we have to do with the Devil’s Riot is them helping deal with your Sperm Donor’s business,” Mara-Lee states, brows furrowing as her mind works.

  “They asked that we host this member out here since they’re enrolled at a university nearby. I told Twister, as long as they stay out of our business, I don’t have a problem with it. Moment they interfere we’d have problems,” I mutter, sitting back in my chair, my hands resting behind my head.

  “So, we’re to host somebody we don’t know? Where the hell are they supposed to stay?” she asks.

  “Guess it would be best to put them at the house,” Cedric speaks up. “However, I’ll let it be known now, I’m not thrilled about this shit. Not when we’ve got so much on our plate as it is. Scarlett was found raped and we still don’t know who the fuck did that shit to her.” I inwardly flinch at the mention of one of the bartenders who was found out back naked, beaten to a bloody pulp, and raped. Our security footage showed she walked out toward her car like every night with one of our bouncers, fast forward a man with his face covered is tossing her body against the back door.

  Scarlett is one of the few employees who simply works at the club to cover her college tuition, only now, things have changed for her as she decided she can’t stand to be seen out in public anymore due to what the fucker did to her. Now she works strictly for me as my secretary and lives on the third floor. I can’t blame her, not after what happened. She’s fucking traumatized from it all.

  At least here Scarlett doesn’t have to worry about anyone hurting her, and she’s become a kid sister to most of the men on the security team.

  “We’ll find the fucker. We know what she said about the man, how he was in love with her and she didn’t return his feelings. Didn’t notice him,” I mutter, a nasty taste filling my mouth.

  “Yeah and when we find him. I want his blood on my knife,” Cedric sneers. He has a soft spot for Scarlett as she resembles his little sister who was killed in a drive-by eight years ago. The girl wasn’t more than sixteen hanging out at her friend’s house.

  “You get the blood on your knife, I get to cut off his balls,” Mara-Lee snaps, claiming the part she wants a hand in. It’s no surprise to me though.

  “Fine you guys can have it, long as when the motherfucker takes his last breath it’s with my bullet going between his eyes,” I say, jumping up out of my seat. “For now, we need to prepare for whoever this person is coming to stay with us. Mara-Lee, you know I want you to do what you do best and be a good little host.”

  “Of course, I’ll be a good little host.” Mara-Lee grins.

  Yeah, I know she will. She’ll make sure I don’t have to deal with any of their shit and that they stay out of our business.

  Chapter Three


  I’m in my mid-twenties and never did I think my back could be screaming this much after a ten-and-a-half-hour drive. I’m ready to waddle my ass in that club and grab some ice, lay down on a floor, and breathe through it. And yes, I mean waddle. Anyone with lower back problems would understand. Thankfully, Chuckles has a plethora of back problems. He even has a couple rods in his back so he’s given me a lot of pointers. I may or may not have spent sixty bucks on this super fancy ice pack too, and of course I packed it in my saddle bag. I’ll put it in the freezer after I get settled in.

  Turning the key and ripping my helmet off, I place it on the handlebars of my Harley Davidson Livewire. A lot of people give me shit about my bike because it runs on electricity and not gas, but it gets me to where I need to go and is reliable. The only downside is how often I need to charge it which is why a normal seven-and-a-half-hour trip turned into almost eleven.

  I crane my neck to the left and then to the right until I hear a crack on both sides. My body is stiff and I’m really ready to hit the hay. It’s around eight in the evening here and while most people my age are pre-gaming for their long night of partying,
I just want a warm blanket and to count some sheep.

  I dismount my bike, grab my charging cord for my bike, and plug it into an outlet on the outside of the club. Afterwards I open the door to the Devil’s Riot MC’s clubhouse, immediately landing my eyes on Twister, their Prez. He’s one of those guys who isn’t overly massive but isn’t thin either. He’s like a mixture of Muffler and Omen, with broad shoulders and ripped arms. “Should I be callin’ you Ainslee, or Vex?” he asks with a smirk, seeming genuinely happy to see me.

  “Either is fine,” I reply, brushing my long, red hair behind my shoulders. “So, I don’t mean to cut this short, but can you point me to where I’ll be rooming because I’m beat.”

  Twister clears his throat and walks a little closer to me. “About that, you won’t be staying here at the club. We have a friend who has a house closer to campus and after thinking about it, if you stay here Ainslee it could completely fuck with your progress. They know the Iron Vex MC is behind killing their leader, and I’m damn sure they know who Boss is, and the fact she’s been digging in the water, churning up their shit. I want you to stay at my friend’s place. There are other girls that live there and it’ll just look like a bunch of single ladies having roommates, which is something totally normal these days from what I hear.” He’s right, it could blow up what we’re all trying to achieve, and while it is normal for women these days to live together until they hit their thirties . . . the entire point of me coming down here, besides being cult bait, is so I could be a regent for the club. How am I supposed to do that when I won’t even be staying there? God, Boss isn’t going to be happy when she hears about this.

  I clear my throat. “Yeah, I get what you’re saying. But I need to clear it with Boss first. She expects me to be here and I don’t want any issues.”


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