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Page 10

by Jenna Howard


  “Because I want to know for me. I want to know who so I can hurt him. I want to make him bleed. I want him to know fear so that when he hears a Cyanide song or sees me, I’m a trigger for his fear. I want to put him in the ground.”

  “It won’t change anything, Doyle.”

  “Don’t care.”

  She touched the evil moon, tracing its cynical smirk. A part of her wanted him to push, to make her tell him everything. A larger part wanted it to not factor at all. For the most part it didn’t. He didn’t haunt her thoughts or waking hours. “I made a promise to myself a few years ago.”

  “Tell me.”

  “That only two people would ever control me, would ever have power over me. Not the ghosts of my past, not the demons who stalked them. Me and—”

  She cried out, arching as he suddenly pushed two fingers hard into her. “Me,” he growled in her ear. Oh. Oh, God. The cooling water lapped against her skin as he moved within her, his touch conquering and erasing her thoughts while wiping away the nightmare. Against the small of her back she felt the hot press of his cock, his other hand sliding between her legs where he rubbed and pressed against her clit.

  Her hands gripped the hard swells of his biceps, surging with every push. My dom, she finished her head, unable to voice the words because that meant thinking. Her feet skated along the tub, trying to find a purchase until his legs trapped them.

  She felt his teeth close over the tendon at her neck, scraping just hard enough so she could feel each tooth. Her brain emptied at all he did.


  “Yes, Sir.” Her neck arched as he bit the curve at her collarbone.

  “Take it in.” He slowly bit his way along to her shoulder, every time just a little bit harder. That pain coupled by what he was doing between her legs made her feel like she was sinking into the water, being swallowed up. Reaching up to cup the back of his head to give him more of her arm, she could only gasp at it all. Her other hand reached down to grab his thigh.

  “God, you’re so fucking wet, so already there, aren’t you, girl? I can tell by the way you gasp, draw in your breath, the way your cunt welcomes me inside. Already there,” he murmured as he sucked on a spot where he had bitten. “I want to beat you and fuck you.”

  The words made her gasp audibly, arching from him in an attempt to get closer.

  “You have no idea how badly I wanted to tie you to that railing in the club, bend you over so I could turn your little ass red, sinking my cock so far in you it would take hours to get out.”

  “Oh. Oh, God.”

  “See what you miss out on when you run?”

  She was going to come. She felt it brewing just beyond where his fingers touched and tormented. “Doyle!”

  “I like Sir,” he whispered. “Hold it in.” His fingers slid from her and she whimpered at the sensation. The solid presence of him vanished from behind her but the hand on her shoulder kept her upright. Her body was humming from the heady combination of pleasure and pain, of the overwhelming presence that was Doyle. There was a roaring in her head and she swore she could feel the blood in her veins as it traveled to all the sensitive spots from his bites to her clit. He lifted her out of the tub, the gurgle of draining water letting her know what the roar was.

  “Hands like this. Don’t move.” He braced her forearms against the cool glass, her palms flat, and she stared blankly at the glitter beyond her. Lights. Window. Doyle. She watched his reflection as he used his foot to spread her legs. He grabbed a towel from under the sink and she watched him leave her there, canted forward and Vancouver on the other side of the glass.

  Water slid down her body, slipping over skin that felt hypersensitive from the orgasm that hovered just out of reach, denied by him. Between the cool window and the heat still clinging to her from Doyle, it was all about contrast. The dry air on her wet skin, the unquenched ache in her pussy, the pleasant hurt from his teeth.

  The soft slap of bare feet, but she didn’t look. Looking meant moving.

  “Nice. You’re responsible for this.” He lifted her left hand and pressed a foil packet in place then laid her hand back down. At the feel of the condom, her knees went watery. A condom meant sex and that made things want. His hands at her ankles made her stare at the ghostly reflection as he set the spreader bar in place.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered.

  “If you drop the condom,” Doyle warned in an evil voice, “I won’t fuck you. Do you want me to fuck you, Katey Jay?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Don’t drop it.”

  She licked her lips and he pressed something firm against her back. Against the back of her legs she felt the rough fibers of the towel though it did nothing to hide the swell of his cock that he tucked in the crease of her ass. Oh. God.

  “I like a wet Katey Jay in my bathroom, her nipples hard from a combination of arousal and cool air. It makes me want to put things on them. Deep breath, girl.” A sharp pressure made her cry out, her ass push back into him and a trickle of cream to spill from the sudden spasm of her sex. He eased the clamp a smidge until it was a low, steady ache and caressed her stomach. “Another.” Now she knew what was coming. Her fingers curled before she remembered the condom and she flattened her hands. He chuckled—diabolical asshole—as he adjusted the other clamp. A heavy silver chain swung back and forth as she struggled for her breath. He caressed a hand over her hair and a soft, “take it in,” was repeated against her ear until she sank into the pain. “There we go. Don’t forget the condom.”

  “No, Sir.”

  The press of Doyle’s body disappeared and she tried to focus on his reflection, she really did, but things were humming behind her eyes, her body not quite there anymore. Knuckles caressed over her buttocks and there was a sharp, hard smack. She cried out as the pain exploded beneath the skin and sank deep. The second bark of her skin taking another strike made her shudder. The sound, the feel, the gentle touch over her ass.

  “You never did tell me when your submission light flashed green for go. We’ll have to get to that.”

  A third blow, this time lower on her thighs, made her cry out, made her struggle to remember to keep her hand flat because she couldn’t drop the condom. She wouldn’t. The fourth strike made her forget there was a condom. There was only the bark of the crop, the bite on her breasts, and the bliss of it all.

  The towel was rough against sensitive skin as he pressed against her, notching the hard wedge of his cock between her ass once more.

  “You still have it?”

  She nodded and he had to peel her hand away to free the condom. She felt the towel slide down over every mark, making her hiss while the hot flesh made her push back into him. There was only one remaining untouched spot that craved him.

  His hands caught her hips as he rocked against her. She flattened her hand against the window, the dark erotic sensation of him resting between her buttocks, his skin against the marks he had put on her, making her shudder. His marks on her.

  The realization made her head spin. Fingers curled in her hair and he turned her head. “Look at us, Katey.”

  It took a moment to remember how to open her eyes. Their reflection in the mirror was beyond erotic, it was sexual and graphic.

  “That’s how we’ll look when I’m deep in your ass. Nice. Not tonight though.”

  He eased away and she watched him tear open the condom wrapper and flick it to the floor. His decorated fingers rolled the condom on, curled around the length of him and he stroked from tip to base then back again. Sexy. He was sexy. Beautiful. His grin was wicked in the mirror as he shifted and brought his big hand down on her ass.

  It was loud in the bathroom and the pain. Holy shit. It shocked her that a hand could make her skin hurt like that, make the muscle beneath twitch and shudder in response.

  “My hand, your ass. How many times did I say that to you?”

  “Uh three? Four?”

  “Let’s do five j
ust to be sure.”

  Oh Lord. Save her from the rhythmic smacks. He didn’t spank lightly. It was as if all that power in his arms radiated down to his palm and into her ass.

  “Oh baby,” he said quietly, “look at you.”

  Look? That meant opening her eyes, moving. Not that he gave her a chance as he shifted her a smidge and buried his cock deep in her, making her cry out. He sank in until he pressed against her sore bum. She shuddered at the sensation, a tiny whimper of pain that turned into a little sigh of pleasure and only then did he begin to move.

  All of it was far better than she had ever imagined. This, she thought, this.


  Kate – December 31, 2002

  The party was loud and made her skin crawl: the music, the voices. The sickly sweet pungent smell of marijuana filled the air and alcohol added a bitter smell. From her hiding spot, Kate watched it all. A naked woman with big, bouncy breasts ran by, screaming “Happy new year!” She recognized some famous people. It was hard not to since Shelby loved the gossip magazines. Rock music pumped from the expensive sound system. It wasn’t the band’s music, or at least she didn’t think so.

  She saw Carl Hughes making drinks for scantily clad women at the circular bar. His wife had stormed out a while ago. Did he even remember he had a wife now? He tilted a bottle of vodka toward his mouth and the clear fluid spilled freely. Maybe not.

  Kate was pretty sure none of them remembered that upstairs three other kids were sleeping. Shelby Reeve and Alexis Hughes were in her room while Travis Hughes got his own room next door. She didn’t know what time it was. She knew Trav had finally declared defeat at two and had abandoned them. Her room currently smelled of marijuana since the twins had somehow scored a couple of joints. Kate had passed on trying it. Even ten year old Shelby had taken a drag on it, turned a pale color and ran for the bathroom to throw up. That had made Lex laugh like a hyena.

  Trav had smiled lazily, sprawled on her bed while he played his guitar.

  Lex had passed out after drinking pretty much an entire bottle of wine. They were only a year older than Kate, but so different.

  She didn’t know what had taken her from her room that smelled of pot where Lex snored and Shelby curled up beside her.

  All she had wanted to do was crawl under her bed as music made the house vibrate. People were everywhere. Inside, outside. Laughing, screaming, shouting, screwing.

  She missed her trailer and her bench.

  This world was too loud, too fast, too much.

  Kate watched Jace. She always watched him. This was not what she used to dream of as a kid, when she would dream of him rescuing her from the trailer and mom. Where he’d scoop her up and take her away from the filth and drugs.

  His world wasn’t any different than Mom’s. It was just cleaner and richer.

  He sat in the curve of the horseshoe-shaped couches. Some girl who barely looked older than the twins was kneeling between his legs, his leather pants open for her. He smoked a cigarette and drank from a glass that never emptied. His face twisted and a few minutes later the girl was done, wiping her mouth and beaming up at him. He winked as he did up his pants and laid her over his lap, her ass pointing at the ceiling. He gave her a hard spank and rose up, reaching into his pocket. A few minutes later he was spilling white powder on her back. Anderson Reeve, the bass player from the band, dropped down beside them while Jace used a black credit card to make lines. Kate watched the girl fumble with Anderson’s pants and he leaned over her, drawing a line of coke up his nose.

  Jace bent over the woman and took a couple of draws up his own nose. A movie star she knew from movies joined them and when he opened his jeans as he knelt behind the woman, Kate made her escape. No one noticed her. She was invisible. A ghost in this large house that was not the fantasy she had built up.

  She knew Jace hated her. Kate knew his girlfriend, or whatever she was, hated her too. She would get all squinty-eyed as she rubbed her belly where Kate’s sibling grew. She didn’t know where Shaelynn was. The door to Jace’s room had been closed so maybe she had gone to bed. Or she was in the pool. Or wherever. Kate didn’t care as she darted for the second curve of stairs that would take her upstairs.

  “Well hello, pretty little girl. Who are you?”

  She froze, her body recognizing a predator. He was holding a beer and his eyes looked freaky. “No one,” she whispered. He stepped toward her, his much larger body swaying to music in his head.

  “No one,” he repeated as he reached out. Kate flinched as he caught her hair, rubbing it between his fingers. “Have you come to party with us, pretty little No One?”

  Her eyes flicked to the stairs, then back at him. She shook her head.

  “Have you come to have fun with us, pretty little No One?”

  “No,” Kate whispered.

  “Pity.” He caressed her cheek with his finger. “Then you must’ve come to fuck me.”

  Her body felt cold and empty, a bitter taste in her mouth that she recognized from the trailer. Fear. Her body knew what to do with it. It recognized fear, just like it recognized a predator. She ran up the stairs. She tripped and her hands slammed onto a step while her shin smacked into one. Using her hands to help her, Kate scrambled up the curving stairs.

  Hide. Hide. Hide.

  She wanted to crawl under her bed and press her body up against the wall where glossy magazine pictures of Jace were. What if he followed?

  And he would.

  He wanted to have sex with her even though she was kid. Maybe because she was a kid.

  Her hands were damp as they gripped the doorknob, slipping on it. She didn’t know if it was her heart or footsteps. The door finally opened and she spilled into the room. She locked it so he couldn’t get in because Shelby and Lex were sleeping and they were kids too. They were prettier than her.

  Her hands shook so hard as she opened the door to the patio outside. Run, run, run. Hide, hide, hide.

  She slammed into a body and screamed. A hand clamped over her mouth and she fought because no, no, no. It was not supposed to be like this. Not here. Not in this world that was supposed to be different, better.

  Too bad her dream world had turned into the nightmare of her reality.

  Chapter 10

  Doyle watched Kate slowly emerge from sleep. Doyle knew the minute she registered what her body had gone through last night when she wrinkled her nose, winced and groaned. “Everything hurts and it’s your fault.”

  “Just think of it as training for Edge.” Doyle ran a finger over her ass and stopped at her hip, tracing one of the marks that was a deep pink. A few hours after he had put her to bed and massaged in Jasmine’s special blend of lotion that she called Sub Rub, he had woken them both with some slow lazy sex. He had forgotten how much fun sleeping with someone was. That was something he didn’t experience on the road. The groupies were a tissue – use once and discard while the subs he hooked up with at the club were almost as disposable. Kate was a treat. “You know, you still haven’t told me when Katey Jay came online. How about you scoot on over here and help me work off this erection.”

  Her gaze roved and settled on the sheet tented over his cock. She blushed and he’d bet it was a combination of embarrassment and arousal. She pushed up onto her knees and reached out to flatten her hand on his stomach. “Breathe through it.”

  “Everything.” She pouted as she arched her back, stretching. Poor sore sub. He liked the way her breasts rose up. He waited until she scooted close. The sheet slithered over his cock and he ground his teeth at the sensation. Her pupils went wide as he was bared.


  Bending his leg out of the way, he patted the opened space. When she swiveled on her knees so she was facing him, her gaze just a bit uncertain in trying to figure out what to do next, he moved. He caught the back of her neck. As he uncoiled from the bed, he lowered her head so her ass went up. Opening the drawer, he grabbed what he wanted. Within five seconds, everything was ready. Kat
e’s gaze locked on Old Reliable and now there was full-blown uncertainty in her eyes.

  He was sadistic enough to enjoy it.

  “You ever used one of these?”


  He twisted off the cap on the lube, her eyes tracking every move he made. “That’s a pretty ass you have there, Miss Katey.” She watched him squirt some of the clear gel onto his fingers before he slid his pinky along that tantalizing crease. “Still wearing some stripes. You take color well. Oh the fun we can have with that.”

  “We? What’s this ‘we’ business?”

  He waggled fingers at her. “My hand,” he said. He popped his palm on the lower curve of her ass and her shriek of pain was short and abrupt. Lovely. “Your ass. That’s the agreement, right? Girl, we were both there last night when I lit you up. We.”

  She smiled and shivered when his slick fingers finally slid over that little target. “I briefly considered starting off smaller and working our way up to Old Reliable but then I remembered. I’m an asshole.”

  “Sadist,” she sighed as he pressed his finger into her. Her own hands flexed in response. “The correct word is sadist.”

  “Sadist. Asshole. They’re interchangeable. Breathe, girl. Another.” When he felt her body start to ease, he tucked into the first knuckle. “Pretty ass.” He caressed his palm print before he began to work his way in until she made a startled sound. When he looked, she was gripping his pillow, her face pressed in to muffle those sexy little noises she made as he began to ease in and out.

  Jesus. What had started as morning wood was a full-blown hard-on greedy to get in her. A year ago had anyone told him that Kate Jace Jennings would be spacing out in his bed, he’d have called them insane and offered to pay for their trip to rehab. The minute he had seen her though, it was like what Oz had said about her. His radar had pinged and he had snapped awake. Rolling out the day after his second sighting of her, meaning the first wasn’t a fluke, had irritated him. Her fleeing had pissed him off because he had wanted to know why she was there.


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