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Her Billionaire to Remember

Page 3

by Summers, Sophia

  “That sounds like an adventure I cannot pass up.”

  As he lay down to sleep that night, Shane was anxious for morning to arrive. He had made a study of the champion lines in polo sports but also in steeplechase. He couldn’t wait to see in person the beautiful animals he had only seen in pictures.

  * * *

  Larina was up early, working to get Caballo settled. It was important to the Juarez family that he behave for the Cortez ranchers. She was walking him with a lead around the ranch buildings to help him feel comfortable in his new surroundings.

  “It’s going to be okay, Caballo, this is a good place.”

  He started getting more agitated as they neared the stables. One of the stable boys came walking out with a mare they were planning to breed. Oh no, this is not good. She tried to lead him away, but he whinnied and pulled back, rearing up. A man ran over to help her with the lead. “Here, boy. Come on, boy. Maybe you can see her later.” The man was speaking in a soothing voice as he tried to calm the stallion. His hand patted the horses neck and rubbed his nose.

  “I don’t think he can and that is what is bothering him.” The man winked but kept up a constant soothing dialogue. His eyes sparkled, and Larina found she liked him. “I’m Larina.” Caballo calmed down as they walked him away.

  “So you speak English. Well that is great.” He took her hand. “I’m Shane. I’m here looking to buy one of these beautiful animals.” He reached up to rub Caballo’s neck again. Caballo responded favorably to this man which surprised Larina. She stood back and looked at him. He was a very handsome man and she felt herself being drawn toward him. She couldn’t help returning his admiring smile either as he looked back at her.

  “They have some beautiful animals here but I don’t think this one is for sale.” Larina took the lead and continued walking away from the stables. Please don’t buy this one. The man followed her.

  “It seems I am up very early. Would you mind showing me around until Mr. Cortez joins me?” He looked at her questioningly. She wondered if that handsome face was as kind as his eyes looked. She was very impressed that Caballo seemed to like him. She trusted horses.

  Shane was tall and obviously kept himself in good shape. The muscular set of his arms and chest revealed a body that was used to hard work and exercise. The way he controlled Caballo showed strength. Not every man can hold back a rearing stallion. She knew she was staring but she couldn’t help it. They both took a minute to appraise each other and by the look on his face he liked what he saw.

  Even with amnesia she felt it would be hard to forget a man like this. She chuckled to herself. She felt drawn to this man in a way that was new to her. Of course, she didn’t know if this was really new to her, since everything was new to her these days. But, whatever it was, her heart was beating faster and she was looking forward to spending more time with him.

  “I would be happy to show you around as far as I am able. My family and I just arrived yesterday. We work here six months out of the year.”

  “Are you Argentine, then?”

  Now he was getting too personal. She really didn’t want to explain that she had no idea where she was from.

  “Let me put him back in the corral, and I will be right with you.” She walked away, dodging his question.

  * * *

  Shane was thrilled to finally be in Argentina. Here he could purchase a stallion that would give his herd the recognition he needed. He watched Larina walk away to the corral. He assumed that stallion must be hers, with the way the horse followed her every move. She too seemed to be very comfortable with him. She really didn’t even need to lead the horse he noticed. That horse followed every move she made. He would hate to be a threat to her with that horse around. He thought of his horse Jasper. They had that same relationship. He knew Jasper was missing him and felt a little guilty for leaving. He pulled out his phone.

  “Hey Pete, how’s Jasper doing?” Pete was his loyal ranch hand and friend.

  “He is missing you but I took him on a long ride up to the hills and you know how he loves that. How are the stallions looking?”

  “Thanks Pete. There’s some beautiful horse flesh here. I will send you some pics.”

  Shane said goodbye and looked up to see Larina walking toward him.

  His interest was definitely peaked. She had long dark hair pulled back into a pony tail. Her trim figure didn’t hide the strength she had. This woman must work out or at least work. She was about 5’8” and walked with confidence. She also looked you straight in the eye and had the demeanor of someone who was in charge. If he didn’t know better he could have easily thought she ran this ranch.

  His smile grew as she got closer. How could a woman look so in charge and at the same time elicit a desire in him to care for her. This was new to him. “Thank you for taking the time to show me around.” He winked. “”I’m sure I got the prettiest as well as the most knowledgable guide. You were obviously trying to get some early work accomplished.”

  She blushed an endearing pink but said nothing. The mystery surrounding her intrigued him.

  They walked toward the first of two stables. Shane was again impressed with how Larina carried herself. She walked like nobility, but there was not even a trace of lofty self-absorption in her demeanor. He felt he could get lost in those dark green eyes.

  “These are the stallions that I believe are available for sale. You might want to get a good look at them.” Larina led the way to the first stall. There was a beautiful coal-black Brazilian Mangalarga Marchador. “This breed is famous in South America. I don’t know his history yet. I only really know what I have been told by the other trainers.”

  Shane walked closer and reached his hand through the stall door. The horse walked over to him. “You are beautiful.” He was looking at the horse, but then looked over at Larina and let his eyes rest on her beauty. “Next to Larina, you might even pass as above average. Though she is exceptional so don’t be getting any ideas.”

  “Really.” She turned his attention to the next stall and he just grinned. He’d soften her up yet.

  “Here we have what looks like a pinto. But here in Argentina, I have no idea what the history of this breed would be.”

  “Your English is very good are you an American, then?” Shane gave her his complete attention.

  Larina smiled kindly. “Can we please keep our conversation on the horses?”

  Shane fumbled for her next words. “I am so sorry. Are you married?”

  “As I said, I would rather not talk about myself.”

  Shane was confused. If she was married, that would be the end of it. Why wouldn’t she just say so and be finished with this conversation?

  But he didn’t want to shut off all communication. “Okay, let’s just stick to the horses, then.” He gave Larina his most charming smile. “You obviously love these animals. I have loved them all my life, so we have that in common.” He smiled once again, trying his best to engage her attention.

  Larina smirked and then laughed out loud, shaking her head. “What are your plans for this new stallion you’re wanting to buy?”

  “I was raised on a ranch and took my first steps in a horse stall similar to this one.” He thought back to the first horse birth that he could remember and the joy he’d felt as new life entered the world. “I want to breed sport horses.”

  Larina leaned back against the fence railing. “Are you into flat racing , polo or steeplechase?

  Shane wondered if she was really interested in his plans or if she was just making polite conversation. Larina raised a thin arm to brush aside a bit of hair. Her western shirt hugged her just right. He couldn’t help notice but diverted his eyes trying to get his mind back on the subject at hand. “Well, I have an interest in horse sports that are not commonly found in the western United States.”

  Larina seemed to be listening intently. “Like what?”

  “Don’t laugh, but I am thinking polo and steeplechase.”

��If you are serious about steeplechase, you are going to want an older horse that has some experience in flat racing. That horse will need agility and power but also intelligence and bravery.”

  “So you are familiar with steeplechase?” Shane was surprised at her knowledge of the sport.

  “I seem to be, yes. They have to have the stamina to carry high speed over two miles.”

  “I would greatly appreciate it if you would assist me as I look over these potential additions to my stables.” I need this woman, he thought. Her knowledge and intelligence were impressive.

  “I am happy to help,” Larina said. “I just need to check with my family to see what work they need me to do today. I’ll be right back.”

  Shane was mesmerized by the glow of her countenance and the spark in her eyes. He understood her love for sports, but she had something much more intense in her devotion to these horses, which he didn’t understand.

  While he waited, he walked through the stables. The horses were nickering and stomping as each horse made their presence known. The floor was dirt, but it had been recently been swept and fresh straw lay on the ground.. The smell of the fresh hay in the stalls filled him with a familiar peace. He looked up to the large beams that supported the roof. This was a beautiful stable. The rich, natural wood was different from anything he had seen. He felt comfortable and at home.

  He stopped at one stall. The horse walked over to him and leaned his head out the stall door.“ Hello, boy, do you speak English?” The horse seemed to understand his affection and admiration and responded with a nuzzle against his chest. “I like you, too. I wonder how you and Jasper would get along.”

  Larina returned, walking fast. She was smiling. Her hair was pulled back into a long ponytail that swished behind her from side to side as she came closer.

  She joined him at his side, the air between them charged with a new warmth. “This horse is beautiful. He seems to like you.” She talked excitedly as she resumed the tour, talking about each of the horses they passed.

  “Do you just buy the stallion and hope he will be good at the sports you want to try?”

  “It’s hard to know what courage and intelligence a horse has without testing him in the field.” As she was walking toward the larger stall in the stables, she turned to motion him onward and tripped on a pitchfork that had fallen into the hay on the floor.

  Shane lunged forward to try to catch her, but he lost his balance, and they both fell to the floor. He did manage to pull her away from the pitchfork, but his leg landed on it instead.

  He helped Larina stand, and their eyes met before he released his arms from around her waist. With a question in his eyes, he gently pulled her closer to him. For a moment, Larina leaned into him and sighed, resting her head against his chest as she pulled him closer. The emotion he felt was not a rush of heart-beating rapture but a feeling of home and a need to hold her longer as he folded her into the protection of his arms. “Are you okay?” He reached up and caught a tear on her cheek.

  Larina wiped her eyes. “I’m so sorry. It seems I needed a hug today.”

  “Let me be clear. I am available for hugs anytime.” He waggled his eyebrows. Then he looked down at her more seriously. “All kidding aside, that meant a lot to me.”

  As he stepped to the side, he gasped in pain.

  “Shane your leg is bleeding. Please sit down here.” Larina pulled a pocket knife from her back pocket and cut the jeans away from his leg to reveal a gash. Larina was face to face with him as she reached up around his neck to untie his bandana. He smiled and gave her a wink. Larina rolled her eyes but smiled.

  “Shane, this is serious. You are losing blood here.” She then twisted the bandana and tied it tight over the wound.

  He gasped. “That hurt.” But Shane noticed the bleeding had stopped.

  Larina helped him stand and walked him outside. An older boy came over to them. “Oh, Andrew! Do we have a first aid kit? We’ve had an injury.”

  Andrew leaned down to take a look. “My mother has some supplies. I’ll get her.”

  A few minutes later, a woman arrived with some medical supplies. Shane was worried about infections. “Larina, is there medical help nearby?”

  “I don’t think so, but Marie was amazing when she helped me. You do not need to worry.” Larina sat down next to Shane and took his hand, patting it now and then.

  Shane was surprised at how comforting it was. He wasn’t sure if she was affected at all by him. It dawned on him that he could be an injured horse as far as she was concerned. He was confused. Surely if she was married, she wouldn’t have hugged him like that. In his mind that cleared a path for him to continue his quest to win her over.

  Andrew sat by Larina. “What happened?” he asked.

  Shane answered, “I tried to stop Larina from falling, and we both ended up on the floor.”

  Andrew picked up the pitchfork and set it against the wall.

  Marie removed the bandana from his leg and applied a strong astringent which stung like crazy. Andrew translated her comments. “It is possible for many infections here, so you need a strong medicine.” Marie took some clean white gauze and wrapped it around his leg.

  Andrew looked toward Larina. “Father needs you with Caballo.”

  Larina released Shane’s hand. “You will be fine now. I must go, but I can find time later today to help if you would like.”

  He watched her leave. “Yes, I would very much appreciate your expertise.”

  Andrew sat down next to Shane when Larina left. “Are you here to buy a horse?”

  When he responded that he was, Andrew grew more excited. “You’re an American. Do they have many different kinds of horses there?”

  Shane liked this boy.

  Shane smiled at Andrew. “ There are some very beautiful horses here. Could you help me?” What Shane really wanted to do was pick his brain about Larina.

  Andrew sat back down, looking at Shane.

  “Are all the horses here for sale?” Shane asked.

  Andrew paused and then leaned toward him. “I think you could buy any of them if you wanted them bad enough,” he said quietly.

  “You mean if I paid enough money?” Shane chuckled.

  Andrew leaned over again. “But you could not buy Caballo. He is a problem, and only Larina can make him behave.”

  Shane was intrigued. “Is Caballo her horse?”

  Andrew shook his head. “No, he belongs to the ranch.”

  “Has she trained horses long?”

  Andrew looked excited as he said, “No, just since we found her in the ocean.”

  Just then Marie returned and asked Andrew to head to the corral. If ever Shane wanted to follow up on a conversation this was the time.

  Mr. Cortez came into the stables, looking concerned. “How are you doing? I hear there was an accident.”

  Shane stood up and smiled. “I am just fine—Marie took care of me. I will just go get a new pair of jeans and be right with you.”

  “Why don’t we start with some breakfast?” Jared suggested.

  Shane hurried into the house and changed jeans. He looked over his injury and decided it would heal just fine. Working a ranch had left him with more than one scar over the years.

  Jared Cortez was waiting for Shane at the breakfast table. “What are your needs in a stallion?”

  “I want to raise sport horses for polo and steeplechase. One of your employees seems to know a lot about them.” Shane had filled his plate with eggs and ham.

  “Who is this employee you mentioned?” Jared leaned back, interested.

  “Larina. She seems to know a lot about horse sports.” Shane buttered some toast. Looking through the doors to the next room, he noticed a trophy case.

  “Oh yes, the beautiful young woman who just arrived with the Juarez family. We have all noticed her, but I do not know any more about her. My people say she is gifted with the horses.” Jared got up from the table.

  “She said that you h
ave to see the horses work before you can judge their spirit and courage.” Shane stood as well. “I wondered if you have a track where we could see the horses in action.”

  “That we do. We take them through their paces each day. Let’s head over to the track. Then your afternoon will be free if you would like to explore the area.”

  Shane was excited. “Before we leave, can you show me your trophy case?”

  Jared moved over toward the den. “Yes, I would love to do that.” He laughed. “I don’t get many people asking. It’s a great opportunity for me to brag.”

  They both walked into the den.

  Chapter 5

  “Hold on, Caballo. Easy, boy.” Larina was upset that Caballo had been taken out by the Cortez workers without consulting her or the Juarez family. Now that he was back, he was not happy, and she had spent the last half hour calming him down. It would have been so much easier to help him adjust if she had been there, calmly working him, before they took over.

  If Shane had not interrupted her time with Caballo, she would have been there. But she didn’t regret that time with him, either. It was embarrassing that she’d clung to the man. But she couldn’t help it. He was like a magnet. And she really did need a hug. All the stress of her circumstances left her in need of comfort, more than Caballo, or any horse, could give.

  She chuckled, thinking about Shane. He was a flirt, and she had tried to not encourage him, until the incident with the pitchfork that is. She kicked the fence post with her boot. What was I thinking? Now, what could she expect from him?

  She had to admit she really liked him. He seemed clean cut and had a fun personality. He was extremely handsome but didn’t act like it. Although he did know how to put on the charm, that was for sure. She felt like melting when he smiled at her. It was nice to be with a gentleman who looked after her safety. Taking the fall to save her was gentlemanly in the extreme. So far she liked what she saw. He seemed to be trying his best to get into her good graces. Well, it was working.


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