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DiMarco's Secret Love Child

Page 1

by Chloe Walsh

  Copyright 2015 by Chloe Walsh

  All Rights Reserved. ©

  DiMarco's Secret Love Child: Part Two

  Published by Chloe Walsh

  Smashwords Edition.

  The right of Chloe Walsh to be identified as the Author of the work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form or binding or cover than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

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  DiMarco's Secret Love Child: Part Two.

  First published March 2015.

  All rights reserved. ©

  Ebook ISBN: 978-1-910817-13-1

  Paperback ISBN: 978-1-910817-17-9

  Cover photo licensed from Shutterstock Inc.

  Editor: Y Crowley


  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  The author acknowledges all songs titles, song lyrics, film titles, mentioned in this book are the property of, and belong to, their respective owners.

  Chloe Walsh is in no way affiliated with any of the brands, songs, musicians or artists mentioned in this book.

  DiMarco’s Secret Love Child

  Part Two

  By Chloe Walsh

  Other books by Chloe Walsh

  Break my Fall

  Fall to Pieces

  Fall on Me

  Forever we Fall


  DiMarco’s Secret Love Child: Part One

  DiMarco’s Secret Love Child: Part Two

  Blurred Lines

  Upcoming titles from Chloe Walsh:

  Blurred Lines

  Thorn (Twisted Youth #2)

  Awakened (Derek’s story)

  Inevitable (Twisted Youth #3)

  Table of Contents

  Copyright notice


  Other books by Chloe Walsh














  About the author



  I would like to dedicate this story to the wonderful girls of Chloe’s Clovers,

  And two wonderful young ladies in particular;

  Tracey-Lee and Alycia.

  I love you girls so much and can’t thank

  you enough for everything you’ve done for me.

  DiMarco’s Secret Love Child: Part Two


  “Are you okay?” I asked, breathless, as I held myself still inside of my virgin wife. Katy was clawing at my hips, pulling my weight down on her, and the way she was digging her fingernails into my flesh was doing terrible things to my self-control.

  “You’re so big, Luke,” Katy whispered and I almost lost it right there on the bed in our hotel room. What twenty-two year old man didn’t want to hear his woman say that?

  “It’s so intense,” Katy moaned as she threw her head back against the white linen pillowcase and flexed her hips upwards. “So…good…”

  My male pride roared inside of me, urging me to take this tiny woman as roughly and desperately as my body needed to. I’d never felt love like this before. Katy was so beautiful, so damn pure, and when she looked up at me like that…hell, I could barely catch my breath when she did that.

  “Shh,” I husked against her plump, swollen lips as I adjusted myself between her legs, thrusting gently against her untried flesh. She was so tight and snug it was a test of my will power not to plunge into her. I’d never been with a virgin before and the knowledge that I would forever be the only man inside Katy was fucking ecstasy on its own.

  “I love you,” she gasped and I couldn’t hold back a second longer.

  Claiming her lips with mine, I hitched her thigh higher and buried myself to the hilt inside of her.

  “I love you too,” I murmured against her lips as I lost myself in the sensation of being inside my wife.

  “For always?” Kate asked in a shy tone of voice, causing me to still.

  Lifting my face so I could look into those swimming pool blue eyes of hers, I rubbed my nose against hers and breathed in the floral scent of her soft ivory skin. “I’ll give you a good marriage, Katy,” I vowed, meaning every word. “One that lasts always and forever and when that’s over we’ll last some more...”


  What a crock of shit.

  It wasn’t much of a marriage – more like a wedding day followed by a wedding night and then a cold hard dose of reality.

  Dammit, I had to stop doing this to myself. I needed to stop thinking about her and allowing my mind to reminisce on a life that had been a complete lie.

  I had to – for the sake of my sanity.

  Because standing in my bathroom, watching as Kate flittered around the shower cubicle like a caged butterfly felt like I was standing barefoot on a coal-burning fire and repeatedly having my flesh jarred with glass.

  Kate looked so beautiful, so goddamn innocent with those huge eyes as she watched my every move. Her eyes roamed over my body, trailing lower and when they landed on my dick they widened even further.

  Up until twenty-four hours ago I’d been okay, fine even, but now… now Kate was back in my life and everything was twisted and warped again.

  I had a son.

  A four-year-old son named Jake who didn’t know me from Adam.

  Every cruel and hurtful thing Kate had done to me in the past seemed inconsequential to the fact that she’d knowingly and purposefully kept my son from me. I had missed year’s worth of Jake’s life because of Kate’s inability to stay faithful…

  Jesus Christ, why was I doing this to myself?

  Torturing myself with this fucked up proposal – cracking myself clean open again. Because letting Kate get close to me again – exposing myself to that woman – would only end in disaster.

  Kate had cut me, fucking wounded me so deeply and repeatedly that I didn’t think the damage she had caused to my heart would ever truly heal.

  I honestly didn’t think I could survive that kind of heartbreak twice.

  “What happened to you, Luke?” I heard Kate ask and my entire frame stiffened. “You’re so dark now,” she continued, and I had to force myself not to shiver as Kate’s sweet Irish accent – her soft, southern drawl – drifted through me. “You’re not the man I remember.”

  “The man you remember was a kid, Kate,” I managed to say in a flat tone even though my heart was hammering against my ribcage as a multitude of emotions ricocheted through me. “A dumb, twenty-two year old guy caught up in the throes of a summer romance.”

  “I loved that guy,” she replied quietly. “That kind-hearted, loving guy who held every door open for me and pu
lled out my chair before I sat down. The guy who rushed me off my feet and promised to love and cherish me until death us do part. He was a wonderful guy.”

  Swallowing deeply, I took a moment before saying, “I shouldn’t have asked you – forced you into something you were too young to understand.” I couldn’t look at her face. It hurt too much and I was hanging onto my pride by a thread. If she said much more I was afraid of my reaction. “You were too young to take those vows…”

  “I understood my wedding vows, Lucas,” Kate told me in a husky tone. “I kept my vows.”


  And there it was.

  The one word guaranteed to drag me back down to earth with a bang.

  Kate hadn’t kept shit and I needed to remember that.

  The woman standing in my shower was a liar.



  “Can you say the same for yourself, Luke?” I asked, feeling my cheeks flame and my eyes well as I stood in the middle of his shower stark naked. My body was trembling, a mixture of shame and desire, as I waited for his answer – prayed the old Luke was in there somewhere. “Can you honestly say you kept your wedding vows to me?”

  “Are we taking a trip down memory lane?” Lucas shot back sarcastically in his husky, rough voice as he grabbed a towel off the rail. His blonde hair was drenched from the shower and droplets of water cascaded from his hair to his chest. My eyes followed one dribble as it slowly rolled from his chin to his ribbed stomach and lower…“You call me Luke and I call you Katy?”

  I let out a heavy sigh. “I haven’t been called Katy in forever. Not since I was a…”

  “A virgin?” Lucas tossed out airily. His sharp gray eyes were narrowed and focused on my face as he wrapped a fluffy white towel around his trim waist. “I suspect that’s because the name Katy was a little too pure for you, sweetheart.”

  “I was going to say a teenager,” I snapped, feeling incredibly wounded and overly exposed.

  “Whatever you say, darling,” Lucas replied, using another tacky endearment to mock his feelings for me. I wasn’t his sweetheart or his darling and he wanted me to know that. He was using words to hurt me. He didn’t need to bother because his mere presence shredded me apart. “You should dry yourself off and get ready,” he added in a matter of fact tone of voice. “As soon as we collect our son we’ll be flying out.”

  “Flying out?” I gasped, feeling all the blood drain from my face. “Flying out to where?”

  “Seattle.” Lucas smirked. “I have a business to run, and nice as this place is I need to be at home in order to do that.”

  “This is my home,” I shot back as a horrible feeling of dread bloomed in the pit of my stomach. I didn’t want to leave Ireland. Taking Jake out of the country only strengthened Lucas’s hold over me. “We can’t just up and leave, Luke. This is our home. I have a job here and Jake…Jake has three more months of Montessori to complete. It’s not…”

  “It’s happening, Kate,” Lucas interrupted forcefully. “He’s coming with me, and last night you made the decision to come with us.”

  “On your terms, Lucas,” I spat. “Why are you being like this?” I managed to choke out, waving a hand out in front of myself. “This isn’t you. The Luke I used to know was never this heartless.”

  His eyes glistened with anger. “That’s because I had my heart ripped out of my chest by the Katy I used to know.”

  “What you said,” I said in a level tone as I slowly backed myself further into the shower until I was standing under the showerhead. Water was pouring over me, splattering down my face and burning my eyes, but I didn’t move. I kept my eyes open and locked on his. “You know, about having me as your submissive – your mistress – did you mean it?”

  “I meant it, Kate,” Lucas rasped and in two short strides he was back in the shower cubicle with me and I was pressed firmly against the shower wall. “Every damn word. So consider yourself my personal whore.”

  I always thought Lucas DiMarco broke me five years ago when he demanded I abort our baby – weeks after leaving me high and dry without so much as an explanation as to why.

  I had thought myself ‘broken’ every time I browsed through the socialite sections of gossip magazines and had to endure seeing photograph after photograph of my husband caressing models – each one more beautiful than the next.

  I had thought myself ‘broken’ that wet night in the month of April when I gave birth to our tiny baby all alone – with the exception of the medical team – and every day that followed when I sat in my hospital bed without a single visitor or a bunch of flowers on my nightstand like the other new mothers on my ward.

  But I’d been wrong.

  I was wrong.

  The truth was I never realized exactly what the word broken meant until those words had spewed from my husband’s mouth.

  “Consider yourself my personal whore…”

  He was serious.

  My husband wanted me to be his submissive and I had never felt colder than I did in this exact moment. The only man I’d ever loved wanted to crush me, use my son as a weapon against me in the cruelest of ways, and I had no way of fighting back. I had no proof. He was under some sick illusion that I slept with his brother.

  I had never been with any one other than Lucas but he wouldn’t believe me.

  “Then you’re a bigger bastard than I thought,” I hissed through clenched teeth, not bothering to blink away the tears that were blending with the water. “I should hate you.”

  “Sticks and stones, darling,” Lucas shot back as he pressed his naked body against mine. I could feel his erection digging into my stomach and the pulsing in my core made me feel nothing but disgust for myself.

  “But you brought this on yourself by keeping my son from me,” he husked. “By repeatedly fucking my brother behind my back.”

  Clutching my throat with one hand, Lucas lifted my chin with the other. “You broke my heart, Katy,” he admitted in an oddly torn voice before dropping a soft kiss to my lips. “Why did you… how could you do that to me?”

  “I didn’t sleep with Jared,” I growled, keeping my eyes on his, imploring Lucas to believe me. But instead he closed his eyes and I felt his lips tremble against mine. “And if you make me do this, Luke – if you force this arrangement on me – I will never forgive you,” I warned him. “I swear I won’t.”

  “I wish you would just admit it,” he rasped before dropping his hand from my throat to my thigh and burying his face in my neck. “It would make hating you so much easier.”

  “I can’t admit to something I didn’t do,” I breathed, wrapping my arms around his neck. “You are wronging me, Lucas. You are wronging me so badly...”

  “Like you wronged me when you kept our son from me?” he shot back angrily.

  Hitching my leg around his waist, Lucas lifted me easily and I hated my body for instinctively wrapping itself around his – for remembering his touch and craving more.

  “Stop lying, Kate,” he added seconds before he plunged himself inside me. “Let’s just enjoy this for what it is.”

  “And what is this?” I cried out, biting down on Luke’s shoulder as he thrust hard inside of me.

  “Co-parenting,” he replied breathlessly. “In the most primal way.”



  It seemed surreal that less than twenty-four hours ago I’d been a free agent, yet now I was standing in the doorway of my estranged wife’s living room, watching our son build a Lego tower on the floor.

  Every muscle inside of my body was coiled tight as I watched the miniature version of myself shuffle around on his belly. And even though my heart was swelling with pride and adoration, doubt was creeping inside of me.

  Shit, I was terrified.

  What if Jake didn’t like me?

  What if I couldn’t bond with him?

  “I don’t think we need to tell him right away,” Kate said quietly as she fidgeted with a loose button on her thre
ad-worn cardigan.

  “Really,” I mumbled because quite frankly that was all I could say. My complete attention was fixated on the blonde boy with the suntanned skin playing happily on the floor.

  He was my son.


  “He’s only four, Luke,” Kate added, drawing me back to the present as she clutched my elbow. “We can’t just land all of this on him. It would crush him.”

  “And you think I would do that?” I asked in a flat tone of voice. “That I would want to do that?”

  Kate’s eyes were wide and full of fear as she stared back at me. Anger churned inside of me as I thought about how quick Kate was to assume I would – that I even could – hurt Jake.

  Dammit, I wasn’t stupid. I knew Jake would need time to adjust to me – to get to know his father. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous as hell.

  Was that the reason she kept him from me?

  Had she thought me incapable or not good enough to be a father?

  “Be gentle with him,” Kate said before walking into the room. Kneeling on the floor, Kate was clearly rattled as she trailed her fingers through Jake’s blonde hair. “Jake, sweetie. I have someone I’d like you to meet.”

  “You were at the restaurant last night,” Jake perceptively informed me while he continued to stare up at my face with curious eyes. “I remember you.”

  He has an Irish accent…

  The brave façade I had been sporting evaporated. My knees shook as I walked unsteadily into the room and knelt in front of him.

  “Hello, Jake,” I managed to squeeze out as I held my hand out in front of him. I didn’t have the faintest clue of what the appropriate etiquette was when meeting a son for the first time, but I doubted Kate would be happy if I grabbed the kid and squeezed the life out of him. “My name is Lucas.”


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