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The Legacy: The Influencers Book 2 (The Society)

Page 14

by Kassandra Garrison


  After driving to several sites in Cornwall, Ben and I had spotted a small outdoor market. The vendors were lined up on both sides of the road running through the center of the village, customers weaving in and out of crowds of people.

  Hands tenderly held between us, Ben and I navigated through the crowd toward several different booths. Among the items were handmade hats and purses, fresh crullers, jewelry, and antiques.

  Out of the corner of my eye, a bright reflection caught my attention. A booth full of beautiful jewelry; broaches, rings, necklaces, and earrings filled the entire surface of the table. The sunlight shone through the diamonds and illuminated the gold and silver charms.

  The woman behind the table smiled as she watched Ben and I approach, her beautiful blue eyes friendly. She was most likely in her fifties, a wedding ring on her finger. I smiled at her before glancing over the merchandise in front of me.

  What a beautiful young couple. Looking for something special today?

  Lifting my eyes from the jewelry, I saw the vendor giving Ben a secretive look before she turned her attention to me.

  No, just looking around. They are all so beautiful.

  Many of them are antiques, some said to have been worn by women of Arthurian legends.


  Yes. Does anything happen to catch your eye, miss?

  In the middle of countless pieces of jewelry, I caught sight of a small gold ring. The metal had been twisted as if made of interwoven vines. Set in the middle of the gold was a line of diamonds, ascending in size to the center stone.

  The gold was cold against my skin as I picked it up and rolled it between my thumb and index finger. It was unlike any ring I had seen before.

  Several people were behind us waiting to view the merchandise when I finally set the ring down. Ben’s hand reflexively went to my back as the crowd around us grew. The tension in his touch and uneasiness from our entrapment was obvious. I thanked the woman and pulled Ben away from the booth to a less crowded area of the market where a man was selling knives.

  Oh, I left my coffee on the edge of the booth. I’ll be right back.

  I nodded in acknowledgement and began looking at the blades before me, waiting on Ben to return with his coffee. The man behind the booth was explaining the uses of several unique knives when I looked up in search of Ben.

  He was exiting the crowd of people, one hand on a cup of coffee and the other shoved into his pocket. A smile appeared on his face as he found my eyes on him.

  In that moment, I had a realization. Of all the people in the world, of the billions across the planet, of the dozens in the facility, we had found one another. And no matter the outcome, we would never be the same again.



  Where is he?!?

  Warden threw the coffee table on its side in a fit of rage. He turned to me, his dark eyes burning with fury.

  He’s not in Tokyo so, where is he? Tell me where he is!

  Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you.

  In a look of disgust, he snarled his lip at me as his eyes followed the dried blood and ripped clothing covering my body.

  You are useless… and disgusting. Guards!

  Behind me, I could hear one of the guards coming through the cabin door leading to the outside. The cool spring breeze skimmed over the exposed skin on my arms. Warden nodded toward me as he gave the guards their next orders.

  Take her outside and hose her off.

  Suddenly, the chair lurched backward as the henchman began to drag me out of the cabin still tied to the chair. The guards pulled me to where a hose was attached to the side of the house. Although it was chilly outside, the fresh air was rejuvenating to my stale lungs.

  I couldn’t help but gasp as the freezing water from the hose plastered the clothes to my body. My eyes were forced shut as the guard sprayed my face, the cold water stinging the open wounds left by Warden’s interrogations.

  When the water stopped, I opened my eyes and looked down at my arms. Blood dripped from the burns and cuts scattered across my forearms. A shiver ran up my back as the breeze whipped around me, goosebumps rising along the surface of my skin.

  The guard turned the pressure of the hose down and placed the nozzle in front of my mouth. As water dripped from the opening, I gulped hungrily at the cold liquid. Though Warden had allowed sips of water from the guards over the last couple of days, they were few and far between. The limited amount of water given was merely to keep me alive. But now, the guard seemed to have pity and was giving me as much water as I would drink.

  Thank you.

  Don’t mention it.

  His words were not polite but more of a threat if I dared to mention his mercy to Warden. After I finished drinking, the guard dragged me back into the cabin and placed me in the exact same spot where I was before.

  Warden was lying on the couch with his arm over his eyes in frustration. He pulled his arm away and looked over at me, the exhaustion visible in his sunken eyes.

  You look tired, Warden.

  Why won’t you both just cooperate with me? We could be a team.

  His whining tone implied he usually got his way in life.

  Why won’t you just leave us alone? We were happy here before you came looking for us. If you are as intelligent as you claim, then you don’t need us!

  He sat upright, never breaking eye contact with me.

  If only you saw what I see: the future Ben and I could create together.

  And we never will see it.

  In that moment, I saw something in his eyes like never before: rejection, loneliness, hopelessness. Instead of the beating I anticipated, Warden remained seated and silent as I scrutinized him.

  What happened to make you like this?

  Warden looked hesitant as I attempted to delve into his psyche. Finally, he seemed too exhausted to care.

  You’re lucky you were orphaned. That you didn’t grow up with a father like mine.

  Warden turned to look around for the guards outside of the cabin, reassuring himself of his privacy.

  He was a nasty drunk who beat me daily. He’d only leave bruises where others couldn’t see them.

  What about your mother?

  She knew. She would watch and do nothing. Afraid to stand up to him and receive a beating herself. My father claimed he was hard on me so I wouldn’t be weak. It wasn’t until I was a teenager that I learned to stand up for myself.

  You moved away?

  No, I killed them.

  I couldn’t help but gasp as Warden calmly admitted to killing his parents. His eyes were empty as he watched my reaction. My stomach churned as I began to realize the depth of his insanity.

  You killed your own parents?

  Yes. The police believed my father had killed my mother and then turned the gun on himself. It was easy to blame him with the countless bruises covering my body.

  But they were your parents… how could you?

  Our shared blood did not make him less a monster or her less a coward.

  Why are you telling me this?

  You asked why I am the way I am. Is it not proper to start from the beginning? You should count yourself lucky: you are only the second person I have ever told my secret.

  Who was the first?


  His eyes softened at the mention of her name. It took me a moment to process his confession. Then, my jaw dropped.

  You loved her.

  Not once did his eyes leave my face. Unflinchingly, he opened his soul to me.

  Yes. I loved her.

  But you said Connor did you a favor by killing her. If you loved her, why would you want her to die?

  Love makes you weak, Darcy. Why do you think I have been using you to lure Ben here?

  There was nothing I could say to describe the disgust and shock that filled my stomach with bitter acid. My head became lighter and lighter as the conversation continued.

  I would have kill
ed Margot myself at some point. Like I told you before, she had become careless and rash in her decision-making. I wanted a partner, not someone to watch over.

  No one is perfect. True love overlooks failures.

  Don’t misunderstand. There are times I miss her companionship. But I must admit I have never felt freer. Stronger.

  You don’t seem strong right now.

  His eyes returned to the usual intense, dark glower as he snarled his lip. Leaning forward on the couch, he lowered his voice to a chilling depth.

  Ben has the same darkness in him and, someday, he will be willing to do the same thing to you. It’s only a matter of time. Killing you will only unleash his true potential.

  Nausea and chills overwhelmed my senses as his wicked stare cut to the deepest recesses of my soul.

  You’re insane.

  Some people might say I am. Like your daddy.

  A twang of pain and shock spasmed in my chest at the mention of my father. I glared at Warden as he continued to snarl from his seat on the couch.

  What did you say?

  You don’t think your daddy died by accident, do you?

  For once, I found myself speechless to his taunting.

  That’s right. I was there when we decided to kill him and his fellow soldiers. I was the deciding vote to disclose their location to the terrorist cell.

  Hot tears streamed down my face as I shook my head, looking away from his evil smile.

  No, you’re lying.

  My only regret is that I didn’t have the chance to kill your mommy, too.

  I lurched forward in the chair, using every ounce of energy I had left attempting to escape the confines of the rope. Viciously, I spit my words at him.

  You’re a monster!

  His lips curled on each side, twisting into a maniacal, arrogant smirk. Warden was never going to stop. He would never leave us alone. As long as he lived, he would chase us. There was no talking him out of it, no convincing him of Ben’s moral goodness.

  As long as he was alive.

  Just then, Warden pulled a switchblade from his pocket and stood up. In his other hand, he opened the burner phone Ben had called before. With a single press of the button, I heard the dial tone on the other end of the line.

  I know you don’t know where he is. This is just for fun. Shall we hurry this process?

  Ben’s voice sounded on the phone. It was clear he was trying to make his voice void of emotion.


  Well, hello, Benjamin. Since you are taking your time getting here, I thought we could play a game.

  If you touch her, I swear…

  You swear what? If you really cared about your whore, you’d be here by now.

  Warden was now standing over me, turning the blade over in his hand. Suddenly, he ran the blade along my collarbone, a stream of blood trickling down my chest. I winced as he smiled down at me, holding the phone by my face.

  Ben, listen to me. Don’t come for me! He’s insane! Just stay away!

  Then, the blade was on my leg, the tip of it digging into my thigh. As Warden twisted the blade, I couldn’t help but scream in agony.

  Darcy! Darcy!

  Warden brought the phone to his own mouth, the grin vanishing from his lips.

  She can’t hear you right now, Ben.

  The knife cut deeper into my leg, creating an unbearable pain. My voice was raspy as I screamed at the top of my lungs.

  Ben! No! Ben!

  I could hear him on the other end of the phone screaming for Warden to stop. His voice was raw as he begged for my safety.

  You have until tomorrow, Benjamin.

  With that, Warden shut the phone and pulled the tip of the knife from my leg. As I gasped for air, he leaned over and spoke in my face. His hot breath made my stomach churn.

  If he doesn’t come by the end of tomorrow, I will kill you with my bare hands. Slowly and painfully.

  With all the rage in my body, I thrust my head forward and struck him in the mouth. He stepped back and grabbed his bottom lip, blood trickling through his hand.

  Using his free hand, he struck me against the side of the face. The taste of blood was strong as I looked up at him. Glaring into his eyes, I spit the blood filling my mouth onto his shirt.

  He looked down at me in disgust before placing a hard blow on my temple. My eyes were unfocused as I attempted to remain conscious. Before my vision went dark, I watched as Warden retreated to the back of the cabin to clean the blood from his shirt.

  As green eyes became visible, I willingly succumbed to the darkness, to the softness and comfort inside their deep, emerald forest.

  In the recesses of my mind, I found everything I needed to keep fighting. The twinkle of Ben’s eyes as he smiled beside me on the cliffs of Cornwall. Cold water splashing onto my skin as I kicked water playfully at him on the beach.

  Kate’s tight hug around my waist as she demanded I be careful and Noah’s look of adoration as he witnessed his petite wife’s confident bossiness. Richard as he watched me guide the group of recruits from the facility.

  My mother’s brown eyes, looking down at me proudly on my first day of school. The words she spoke to me on her deathbed.

  No matter how many times life knocks you down, get back up. Nothing can stop you except yourself. Nothing.



  Before my time with Warden, I had no idea how far a person had to be pushed to finally go insane. Was it the amount of pain I had endured, the separation from Ben, the lack of sleep and food? Or was I dying?

  These were the thoughts running through my mind as I found myself moaning, blood dripping from my mouth. I felt a gentle shake on my arm, attempting to wake me from the deep sleep into which I had fallen.

  Darcy. Darcy, baby, please.

  But my eyes wouldn’t open. It must have been a dream. The voice pleading for me to wake up sounded like Ben’s, but that was impossible. He was miles away from me as I sat tied in the confines of the cabin with Warden and his henchmen.

  Darcy, wake up. I’m here. I need you, baby. It’s over now. I’m here.

  With every ounce of energy, I forced my eyes open. As I found Ben’s eyes looking up at me in the darkness, I knew I was dying. Only in sweet death would I be with him again.

  I felt as his hands gently cut the rope away from my legs and arms. A soft moan escaped my lips as the stiffness of my body sent shooting pains through my joints.


  Shh, shh. It’s okay, Darcy. I’m going to get you out of here.

  As I gradually regained consciousness, I realized it was not a dream. Ben was here with me. I looked around at my surroundings as he attempted to lift me from the chair.

  I was still in the cabin, the coffee table still on its side from Warden’s fit of rage. Now, it was nighttime, the room void of any light except the moonlight spilling in through the windows.

  No, he’ll catch us.

  No, he won’t, Darcy. Come with me.

  But the guards.

  Ben’s arms were cradled around me as I searched the room for the guards, for any sight of Warden. This was too easy. It must have been a dream. I searched for his face in my confusion. Finally, I found his eyes. They were searching my face, concern and worry filling them to the brim.

  Then, the lights in the room were turned on. My eyes burned as I felt Ben’s hold on me tighten. He quickly sat me on my feet behind him. Desperately, I clung to his back for support.

  Benjamin, I’m disappointed in you. Did you really think you could just take her without me noticing?

  As my eyes adjusted to the amount of light in the room, I found Warden standing at the end of the hall. In his hand was a gun but it wasn’t pointed at me, it was pointed at Ben.

  I glanced up at Ben. He was in a different pair of jeans and t-shirt than I had last seen him in, and his hair was tousled. Under his eyes were dark rings as if he hadn’t been able to sleep.

  But it wasn’t his evident exhaustion
that concerned me but the lack of weapons in his hands. He wouldn’t have come unarmed. There was no way.

  In desperation, my hands ran along the waistband of his pants along his back where he carried his pistol. Nothing. Ben had come without any weapons. Why?

  Warden, it’s over. I’m taking her with me.

  No, you both are staying here with me.

  It was in that moment something inside of me snapped. Like a lioness protecting her mate, my claws were out and my teeth were bared. Adrenaline coursed through my body, awakening every limb.

  The concern on Ben’s face urged me forward as I fought to push past him. I could feel his hands attempting to grab me as I stepped between him and Warden.

  My eyes focused on the man who had tortured me for days, who had been chasing Ben and me for weeks. The person who had sent men to kill my father. The man who would never stop, who would never let us have a life together.

  We will never join you. We will never be on your team. You are insane.

  Warden stood with the gun in his hand, no longer pointed at Ben but at me as I stepped closer and closer. In the back of my mind, I heard Ben telling me to stop, felt his hands trying to pull me away from Warden. But I had lost control.

  Everything was weighing on me at once. The shutdown at the facility, losing Ben, hiding and running for months, Kate, Noah, Richard, Sam. It was all spilling from the dam in my mind, overflowing with hatred for Warden and the Society.

  You killed Sam and my father. You tortured me! Over my dead body will you touch Ben.

  We can arrange that.

  Suddenly, I tore my arm from Ben and lunged for Warden. He was caught off guard, not expecting me to dive toward the loaded gun. I had him pinned on the ground, his lack of training leaving him under my control. All I could see was red as the rage in my soul took control of my actions.

  When I regained my sight, I was sitting on Warden’s torso, my knees pinning his shoulders forcefully to the ground. He winced as I dug my kneecaps into his collarbones. In his surprise, he had loosened his grip on his gun, and it lay on the floor next to us.

  I had lost control. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I began punching Warden in the face repeatedly. Blood flowed from his nose and mouth as I screamed at the top of my lungs, beating his face with the entirety of the rage inside of me.


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