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Awakening Lucy

Page 11

by Susan Bella Ikin

  "Look Nick. I think we shared something wonderful over the last couple of weeks. I enjoyed the time we spent on the cruise where we were not much more than friends, and I really enjoyed our time in New York. I enjoyed making love to you, and I enjoyed sleeping with you afterwards, and I enjoyed just being with you when we were out and about. We obviously had a misunderstanding, probably because we hadn't talked to each other about things that were important to us, how about we start over? I would like to salvage something from our time together if that's at all possible".

  Nick agreed with this idea - he suggested that we start today. As both of us were still on holidays from work, we had some time to work on our relationship before we got busy with our lives again. I called home and left a message on the answering machine telling Mum not to wait dinner for me as I would be spending the day with Nick. In an attempt to recapture some of our ease, we decided to drive down the coast road and be tourists in our own state. Even though the weather was not good, it was still a very scenic drive and after a while we started to relax in each other's company again. So we had a very pleasant afternoon, and stopped for dinner when we were driving through a town and saw a restaurant that seemed to have plenty of people sitting inside. Because we ended up arriving back in the city so late, Nick suggested that I leave my car at his place overnight and he would pick me up tomorrow to collect it. As I was tired, I agreed and gave Nick directions to my home. When we arrived outside, Nick surprised me by turning off the engine and removing the keys from the ignition. At my questioning look, he asked:

  "What, did you think I was just going to push you out of the door and drive off and leave you here? I’m old fashioned enough to think that I should walk you to your door to make sure you arrive safely. You never know, I might manage to score a goodnight kiss!"

  The last comment was delivered with a wry grin which made my insides flutter. Although we had agreed during our drive to take things slowly, as we walked along the front path I toyed with the idea of asking Nick in, and taking him to my bedroom. I had a lot of years to make up for, and didn't think I would ever tire of having sex with Nick. However, I would never know if I would have asked Nick to stay the night or not, as we approached the door it was wrenched open and there was my Mum, standing in her dressing gown with slippers on her feet, making a gesture motioning us to hurry inside.

  "What are you two doing sitting out in a dark car like teenagers! Come inside where the neighbours can't see you".

  Nick and I looked at each other and smiled ruefully, no matter how old a child gets, they would always be a child to their parents!

  Nick and I sat at the kitchen table while Mum bustled about making a pot of tea, and when it was made we all sat at the table, telling Mum what we had done that day. Mum told Nick about her bridge club, and we chatted for a while about not much, when Mum suddenly yawned and stood up.

  "Well, I'm off to bed now. I hope I see you again Nick", she said as Nick stood to bid her goodnight. "I'm sure I will be out like a light the instant my head hits the pillow, I'm still tired from all the travel, I'm sure nothing will wake me up until the morning!"

  Mum then turned and winked at me, Nick could not see her face from where he was standing. I was shocked. I thought Mum was actually giving me the go ahead to have Nick stay over for the night. It all seemed very bizarre.

  "Well, Rose isn't the only one who's tired, I might get going myself. What time do you want me to pick you up in the morning? Shall we say about ten? So we can both have a bit of a sleep in, and miss the morning traffic?" Nick asked as we walked to the front door.

  I nodded my assent and then stood with my hand on the door. What would any other woman do in such a situation? Only a couple of days ago I had been in a passionate relationship with this man, now I was ushering him out of my house as if he was a stranger? Nick hesitated as well, then took a step towards me, or maybe I took a step towards him, and we found ourselves kissing longingly just inside my front door. Nick withdrew first, and stood, with his forehead resting on mine, breathing heavily for a while before saying:

  "Well, that answers that question. You know if we stay in my house tomorrow for any length of time, it won't be long before we're doing that again. Think of that when you’re making plans tomorrow".

  I nodded and opened the door, watching Nick walk back to his car and only closing the door again when he pulled away from the curb. So he was going to let me set the pace again was he? Well, it appeared I would have another sleepless night ahead of me tonight.


  The next morning Mum surprised me again by saying she wasn't sure if Nick would be breakfasting with us or not until she had looked out of the window and had seen that his car was gone. She looked me straight in the eye and spoke to me as I never would have expected her to in my wildest dreams.

  "Lucy, you know I love you to bits. I know things didn't work out well for you in the past, but that was a really long time ago, and you have been living like a nun since then. I saw the chemistry between you and Nick. Anyone who wasn't blind could see you were attracted to each other, why do you think Percy and I took ourselves out of the picture? We wanted you two to have some time alone together, I thought nature would take over and you would have some fun at last. I might be your mother, and I might have been alone for a long time myself, but remember that I used to be young once, and I do remember what it's like to want to be with a man. Your father and I had a wonderful sex life when he was alive – stop grimacing – I was young once you know! I do have eyes in my head, and can appreciate a fine figure of a man, and what a man Nick is, don't try to tell me you and he didn't sleep together in New York, because no-one is as glum as you were for the last couple of days without having been very happy first. I was watching the both of you last night, and I think you can fix whatever the problem is, he still wants you, and you look happier today than you did a couple of days ago.

  So, I am telling you this as your mother who loves you - don't come home tonight! I might just have the deadlock on if you do, and if I take my hearing aids out and go to bed I won't hear you knocking at the door. So I suggest you make some alternative arrangements for sleeping somewhere else tonight, perhaps Nick could help you out there?"

  At that she got up to clear the breakfast dishes from the table, leaving me speechless. But after a little thought, I realised that I didn't have any reason to argue with Mum. So I hurried to my room, found a small bag, and packed a few things I would need for the night. Just in case I was assuming Nick was still interested when he wasn't, I put in my swimsuit and a beach towel, I could always tell him I would like a dip in his pool.

  That was precisely what I told Nick when he went to take the bag from me when he came to pick me up. For a fleeting moment I thought he might be a little disappointed, and that gave me a little hope. Perhaps I wouldn't embarrass myself after all.

  Nick drove to his house, and sure enough, my car was still safely in the driveway. He carried my bag into the house, and then took it upstairs, asking that I follow him. He put my bag in a spacious bedroom, telling me that I could use the room to change into my swimsuit whenever I wanted to swim. Nick opened a door and showed me an ensuite bathroom, telling me to use whatever I needed. I followed him downstairs, and sat at the table while he made us a cup of coffee.

  “I don’t know whether you had any plans for today”, Nick started to say, “but I was thinking I could barbecue for our lunch. If you want we can swim before lunch, I don’t know how long you will want to swim for, it’s a bit chilly today, the pool is heated, but it’s really cold when you get out of the pool”.

  I craned my neck. I couldn’t see a barbecue – I asked Nick if he had one in the garage. Nick smiled and told me to pick up my coffee and follow him outside. He walked towards a window beyond the kitchen bench, and then began to open it – I had been mistaken, it wasn’t a window but one of those glass walls that opened up so that the entire wall disappeared bringing the outside inside. Nick only partially o
pened the wall, as the weather was still quite cool. I followed him out, sipping on my coffee, but my jaw dropped when I saw where we were heading. It was an outdoor kitchen that any entertainer would be ecstatic to have. A bank of stainless steel benches extended along the outside wall of the house, with a built in fridge under the bench and a stainless steel barbecue at the end. Under a roof was an outdoor setting for eight people, and to the side was an outdoor couch and coffee table. The area was set up for all weather entertaining, with a ceiling fan and some pull down flyscreens installed for summer use, and a bistro heater standing to the side, with plastic bistro blinds just beyond them for capturing and retaining some heat in winter. It was beautiful.

  “Do you entertain much?” I asked in wonder, walking around and trailing my hand along the table top. It was a beautiful wooden table, with a grain that just begged to be rubbed.

  “Not a lot. I have family over a bit, and sometimes some friends, but I cook a lot out here in summer rather than heating up the house. Josh and Lana love the space though” – and he indicated the expansive lawn beyond the al fresco area – “and I guess Adam’s baby will too when it’s a little older. As will ours maybe.”

  At this he moved towards me, putting down his cup on the table, taking mine and putting it beside his, and brushing his fingers gently down my face. I closed my eyes and rested my cheek against his hand.

  “I spent a bit of time last night thinking about what you said. While the idea of you being pregnant still scares me to death, I know it’s irrational, but I can’t help it, you’re right about wanting a future. I enjoy having Josh and Lana around and have been a little bit excited about becoming an uncle again in a few months, and I realized that while being an uncle is great, being a dad would be far better. But I would like to plan things if we could. If you aren’t already pregnant, I would like to try for a baby with you in the future, but I just want to plan it a bit first – I’ve got a few big projects coming up and ideally I would like to have some free time”.

  I took a step back and gazed intently into Nick’s eyes.

  “Are you serious? You want a future with me, you want to start a family?”

  “Yes, don’t sound so surprised. Why wouldn’t I? You’re smart and funny, you know what you want and aren’t afraid to tell me when I have upset you. I already know you get along with my family, you’ve already met my Dad, and I’ve met your Mum – so that’s one tough thing out of the way – we like a lot of the same things – and neither of us is a child any more, we both have enough years behind us to know what we like. Not only that, but you know how sexually compatible we are, I’ve never had sex in my life like I have with you – I’m hoping we get to do that again before long, by the way”.

  “Well”, I said, “Funny you should say that. I was actually hoping you would let me stay tonight. Mum virtually threw me out of home you know”.

  Nick pulled back from me, shocked “Why? Doesn’t she like me? I thought she did – is it something I said? Surely it wasn’t because you were late last night - ”

  I took pity on him and stood up on tiptoe to kiss him so that he stopped talking. Nick groaned and opened his mouth, sliding his tongue out to meet mine, and thrusting his tongue into my mouth, reminding me of other parts of him that I enjoyed him thrusting into me. I pulled back and slapped him gently on the chest.

  “Actually, it was funnier than that. Mum told me that you were a fine figure of a man and that I should spend the night with you. She told me not to bother coming home tonight because the door would be deadlocked and she wouldn’t answer it. So if you don’t put me up for the night, I guess I’m going to have to go to a hotel.”

  I said the last with great difficulty, trying to keep the smile off my face and out of my voice, but failing. Nick finally caught on.

  “I thought your bag was a bit big for just a swimsuit and towel. So, do I assume you have clothes for tomorrow, maybe a toothbrush and other necessaries in there?”

  I nodded.

  “Well in that case”, Nick continued as he turned and headed into the house, speaking over his shoulder at me, “I’m just going to move your bag out of the spare room and into my room. There’s no way I am going to be able to sleep in the next room to you without picking you up and carrying you back to my bed, I almost did it in New York, but I knew you were upset with me. But I’m not going through that torture again!”

  Nick disappeared up the stairs, and I followed him, eager to see what his room looked like, and needing to know where it was if my things were going to be put there. I saw Nick going into the room he had showed me earlier, and then coming out carrying my bag, heading to another door on the other side of the upstairs sitting room. I followed him in and again was struck dumb by the wonder of Nick’s house.

  If I had thought the last bedroom was big, this was enormous. The bed was almost in the middle of the room, facing a bank of windows that looked to an outdoor balcony area. Behind the bed was a couch and a blanket box, that was obviously used as a coffee table. To one side was a door, which I discovered led to an enormous dressing room. Looking for the bathroom, I found it, and it had a door that opened onto that outdoor balcony. So a person could lie in the bath, which I realized had spa jets, and look out the door to the open area, it would be beautiful in summer. I spun around to find Nick leaning in the doorway, watching me.

  “Not bad, eh?” and I could forgive him a little smugness as it was beautiful. I noticed a double shower, with not only plenty of space for two, but two shower heads as well. Nick saw me looking that way and smiled.

  “You know I do like your company in the shower, so maybe after our swim?”

  Although it was still quite cold outside, I suddenly felt very flushed, probably at the thought of the things Nick and I had done in the shower just a few days ago, and the prospect of doing them again, and ran to my bag to get my swimsuit out. Suddenly shy, I was going to go back into the bathroom to change, and then I realized how ridiculous that was, so while I held Nick’s gaze, I stripped, quickly pulled on my swimsuit, threw my towel over my shoulder and headed downstairs.

  I was standing at the side of the pool, dipping a toe in to the water, when I was seized from behind and ended up in the pool, wrapped in Nick’s arms. I came up spluttering.

  “You can’t just stick a toe in and hope it will warm up. You have to jump in and start moving straight away”, he laughed at me, then turned and started slowly swimming away. I followed him and we did a few laps, before I conceded defeat and climbed out of the pool, feeling the cold straight away, quickly toweling enough water from my body and hair so that I wasn’t dripping water any more and then running up the stairs to Nick’s room. I was trying to peel my swimsuit off with shaking fingers, when I felt Nick’s strong and surprisingly warm hands grasp the shoulder straps and pull the suit down my body. He then took the towel and started rubbing me down until I felt pleasantly warm and my teeth stopped chattering.

  “Aren’t you cold?” I asked, as he was standing there in just his shorts.

  “A little, but I swim a lot, no matter what the weather, so I’m used to it. I just thought it was more important to get you warm and dry before you froze to death”.

  As he spoke, he was absently toweling off my side, and he slowly moved the towel around to my front and started to rub my breasts through the towel. I brought my hands up to his shoulders and held on for dear life. I couldn’t have moved even if the house was on fire. Nick slowly massaged my upper body through the towel, then bent his head to follow the path of the towel. He suckled first on one breast, then on the other, covering the first breast with his large warm hand and rubbing the nipple which was now hard and erect. I put my hands at the back of his head and held it tightly against me, quivering with anticipation.

  Suddenly Nick broke off and took the few steps into the bathroom, leaving me in the middle of the room, confused. He returned carrying a little bottle in his hands, my eyes focused and I realized that it was one of the body lot
ion bottles that he had bought in Bermuda. Nick smiled at me and said:

  “I know I told you they were gifts, but I bought them because I thought you would like them. I know I will”, and he poured some lotion into his hands, rubbed them together to warm them, and started massaging the lotion into my cold skin. I warmed very quickly as his hands massaged my shoulders first, then moved down to pay particular attention to each breast, before Nick used the last of the lotion on his hands to rub around to my back and down to my buttocks, pulling me to him so that I could feel him hot and urgent against me.

  Nick gently lifted me up and carried me to the bed, laying me down and settling himself between my legs. I opened my legs wide, inviting him to pleasure me as I knew he was about to. Nick’s tongue darted out and flicked my clitoris until I was writhing in pleasure, anticipating release, but then he pulled back slightly, denying me my release and causing me to groan in misery. Nick laughed.

  “Patience, Lucy”.

  I realized that he was peeling off his shorts and watched, entranced, as his manhood sprang from the clothing. Despite the fact that Nick’s shorts were wet, and must be quite cold by now, I could see that Nick was already quite aroused. Nick came back to the bed, but this time he laid by my side so that his head was at the apex of my thighs, and his penis was right next to my head. I moved my upper body to the side and started to fondle him with my hands and my mouth. Nick groaned, which felt amazing, considering where his mouth was at that time.

  We had not done this before, and I was amazed by the intensity of sensations, as I was not only receiving, but was giving pleasure, and I could not get enough. Nick apparently could as he abruptly rolled away, and sat at the side of the bed breathing heavily for a minute.


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