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Girls Next Door

Page 6

by Sandy Lowe

  Mia slid the bottom of her T-shirt up a little and pressed her lips to the tattoo. Lane inhaled sharply. Mia’s hot mouth on her skin was so exquisite as to be almost painful. She wanted to run her fingers through Mia’s hair. Instead, she froze, biting her lip, not sure what to do next.

  Sure, Lane hadn’t dated a lot of girls before, it wasn’t like she was an expert, but she’d heard stories from her friends. Please, please, please don’t let this just be about straight girl curiosity.

  Mia stood, their lips only inches apart. Lane leaned in, stopping just short of contact. Mia closed the space. They kissed slowly. Lane delicately brushed Mia’s lip with her tongue, and Mia deepened the kiss. Mia’s fingertips teased the skin at the hem of her T-shirt, and Lane’s stomach muscles twitched under the caress.

  Lane moved her hand down Mia’s fuzzy sweater and over the mound of her breast. When Lane hesitated, Mia covered her hand and guided it under her sweater. Lane followed Mia’s direction. She moved up the gentle curve of Mia’s stomach to the satin fabric of her bra. Mia’s nipple came to a hard point beneath the sheer fabric.

  Mia pushed Lane’s shirt up and over her head. Lane tossed her shirt aside and let her fingers drift through Mia’s thick, silky hair. Mia wrapped her arms around Lane’s waist and pulled her close. Her sweater tickled Lane’s rigid nipples as Mia placed butterfly-light kisses across Lane’s collarbone and throat.

  Lane’s libido was revving too fast. She needed to downshift or this would be over in an embarrassingly short few minutes.

  “I’ve been wanting to kiss you since the first time I saw you.” Lane spoke softly as she trailed her fingertips down the side of Mia’s face.

  Mia smiled. “I’ve wanted to kiss you too.” She pulled her sweater over her head, and her long hair sparked with a static charge. Then the blouse underneath was gone. Lane barely had time to take in the silky black bra before Mia reached behind to unfasten and toss it in the heap of clothes at their feet.

  Lane’s knees threatened to buckle at the press of Mia’s breasts against hers. “I could fold the futon down if you, um—” She coughed when her voice cracked and tried again. “If that sounds good to you.”

  Mia smiled and nodded. Lane made quick work of the futon and tossed the cushions against the wooden arm of the frame. Lane took a seat and looked up at Mia, extending her hand. The intensity of the look Mia gave her liquefied her insides. The only sound in the room was the crackling fire and Lane’s heart pounding in her ears. Mia took her outstretched hand, but instead of sitting next to her she straddled Lane’s lap and kissed her. Lane felt Mia’s fingers combing through the short hair at the back of her head as they kissed.

  Mia pushed against Lane’s shoulders, and Lane scooted back against the pillows. Mia followed, hovering above her. Strands of her thick dark hair brushed across Lane’s torso as she moved.

  “What are you thinking?” Mia traced circles in the center of Lane’s stomach with her fingertip.

  “I can’t believe you’re here. I guess I wasn’t sure you liked girls.”

  “I like guys and girls, but lately certain types of girls have been catching my attention.” Mia kissed Lane and brushed her fingers lightly down Lane’s stomach.

  Lane shuddered beneath Mia’s touch. They had to be close to the same age, but somehow Lane felt like a novice while Mia exuded confidence. It wasn’t fair. Lane was the one wearing the boy’s jeans. She needed to butch up and take charge of the situation.

  She nuzzled Mia’s neck and then kissed her way across her collarbone and down to her breast. At first, she just slid her tongue lightly across Mia’s nipple, then she took it fully into her mouth. Mia moaned softly and arched against her.

  Lane had barely gotten on top of her game when she felt Mia’s hand at the front of her pants, unzipping her jeans and pushing inside through the fly of her boxers.

  “Oh.” Lane had to catch her breath.

  “Sorry, my fingers are cold.” Mia was partially lying on top of Lane and began to caress her. “Is this okay?” Mia whispered the question.

  “Yeah…that feels…good.”

  “You’re so wet.” Mia kissed her again. Deeply. Urgently. Her tongue matching the strokes of her fingers against Lane’s flesh.

  Mia’s nipple was hard against Lane’s open palm. Oh yeah, Mia had definitely been with women before. She knew exactly what she was doing. Lane pushed against Mia’s hand. She was going to climax and they weren’t yet fully undressed.

  Lane writhed beneath Mia as each stroke drove her higher, closer to climax. And then Mia rolled back, pulling her fingers away to linger just below the waist of her boxers. Lane rolled with Mia and reached for her zipper. She blinked when Mia stopped her. “Oh, I thought—”

  “I do, I mean, yes.” Mia held Lane’s hand in hers. For the first time, her eyes were shy as they met Lane’s. “But I have something I want to get from downstairs. You know, if you’re up for…toys.”

  Curiosity, excitement, and a bit of intimidation raced through Lane. This evening was definitely taking an unexpected turn. She tried for cool and nonchalant but was pretty sure she failed. “Yeah, sure, whatever.”

  Mia grabbed up Lane’s T-shirt and pulled it on. “I’ll be right back.”

  Lane lay in stunned silence. She was bare-chested, her fly open, her heart pounded in her ears and between her legs, and she had no idea what Mia had gone to retrieve. The old house creaked with Mia’s movements until she returned with a small cardboard box. Lane sat up as Mia dropped to the side of the futon. The firelight flickered warmly, casting their silhouette in shadows against the wall.

  “I ordered this for, well, to try out with a woman I was seeing last semester. We were in this great gender studies course, and I was intrigued to try this. But she turned out to be an arrogant jerk, so we never used it.” She handed the box to Lane. “I’ve been waiting for the right person.”

  Lane opened the box. Nestled in purple tissue paper was a small bottle of lube, a harness, and a very realistic-looking cock. If it was possible for Lane’s heart to beat any faster, it did.

  “Is this for…I mean, who…?” Lane fumbled over her words.

  “I was hoping you’d wear it. I mean, if you want to.”

  Lane stared at the contents of the box for a long moment, trying not to hyperventilate as images flashed through her brain. Mia beneath her. Her legs open and wanting.

  “We don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought—”

  “I want to.” Lane gave Mia what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “I’ll be right back.”

  Lane made tracks for the bathroom, but it was so dark that she couldn’t see a thing. With the small box still in one hand, she rummaged in the closet for her headlamp with the other. She managed to find it, but the strap caught a camping pot, and the entire box of gear fell off the shelf and various items banged and skittered across the hardwood floor.

  “Is everything okay?” Mia called from the front room.

  “Uh, yeah, perfect. I’ll just be a minute.” And after a few missteps and adjustments, Lane thought she’d figured out how to properly wear the strap-on.

  Lane stepped up on the toilet. She wanted to see herself in the mirror, but the mirror was too high and she couldn’t get the right angle. She left her jeans but pulled her boxers on and grabbed a blanket. She almost forgot she was still wearing the headlamp. That would have certainly been an unfortunate mood killer. Sexy coal miner wasn’t exactly the look she was going for. She tossed it back into the closet and stepped over the camping debris on the floor.

  The apartment was growing cold, so she threw another log on the fire before turning back to Mia.

  The blanket was draped around her shoulders but open at the front to reveal the bulge under her boxers. Mia gave her a slow, seductive smile and stood. She slowly lowered her jeans and panties, then removed Lane’s T-shirt she’d donned earlier.

  Mia was so beautiful that Lane stood, frozen and breathless.

; Mia took the lube Lane was holding, tossed it on the futon, and knelt in front of her. She rubbed the shaft of the strap-on through the thin fabric of Lane’s boxers. With every stroke, the base pressed against Lane’s sex.

  “Does that feel good to you?” Mia looked up as she asked.

  Lane nodded, words failing her.

  Mia started low, kissing the red lips tattoo, then moving her mouth lower as she slowly pulled the boxers down Lane’s clenched thighs. In a night of surprises, her next move was the greatest. Mia held the shaft and took the tip of it into her mouth. Lane gasped. The visual alone sent electric shocks to her core. Holy shit. She might come just from watching Mia’s erotic display. Every cell in her body was confirming the truth she’d barely been able to imagine before this very minute. She wanted to make love to Mia. Right here. Right now.

  Lane ran her fingers through Mia’s hair and pulled her back so she could see her face. “Lie back.” Lane stepped out of her boxers that had pooled around her feet and drew the blanket over them as Mia settled across the futon.

  Lane hovered over her as Mia reached for the lube and massaged some onto the dildo. Lane continued to caress her. Her brain was overloading, her senses exploding with the combination of touching Mia and the pressure of the base of the cock against her center. Blood pounded in her ears. Her face and chest burned.

  “Move closer.” Mia spoke in a low voice as she guided Lane into position, inserting the tip with her own hand.

  Mia inhaled sharply as Lane pushed farther inside. She watched Mia’s face carefully.

  “Go slow, okay?” Mia wrapped an arm around Lane’s neck and put her other hand on Lane’s waist.

  “How’s this?” Lane pushed a little farther, then pulled out slowly and gently eased back in.

  Mia kissed Lane’s neck. “Yeah, that’s good. Really good.”

  Mia’s foot was against the back of her thigh, urging her on as she set a smooth, slow pace. The sensation of having Mia’s legs wrapped around her and both hands free to caress her was indescribable.

  “Lane, talk to me. You’re too quiet. Is this freaking you out?”

  Lane stopped moving and looked down at Mia. “No, is it freaking you out? Do you want me to stop?”

  “No, please, don’t stop. Definitely don’t stop.” Mia pulled her down and kissed hungrily, sucking Lane’s tongue into her mouth. Her eyes glittered in the firelight when they breathlessly broke their kiss. Mia spoke softly against her lips. “I like this a lot. More than I thought I would.”

  “Mia, you are so sexy. I’ve wanted to fuck you since the first time I saw you.”

  “You can do it harder if you want.”

  Lane held Mia’s gaze as she started to move again, increasing the rhythm and depth of each thrust. Mia moaned and clung to her neck and shoulders. Mia’s legs tightened around Lane’s hips.

  “Yes, so good.” Mia arched into her.

  Lane watched Mia’s head drop back. So beautiful. She bit her lower lip and dug her nails into Lane’s shoulders. Then she dropped one hand to the harness and tugged it, echoing each thrust.

  Lane was struggling to keep the rhythm as the pressure built inside her sex. She wanted to hold out because she sensed that Mia wasn’t quite there. Both of Mia’s hands were on her ass now, directing the angle of her thrusts.

  Lane was so close to the edge, but she cared more about making Mia feel good, giving Mia what she wanted. Mia’s head dropped back, eyes closed, so beautiful. Mia dug her nails into Lane’s back and she felt her whole body tense as desire swelled deep inside. She continued to thrust, slowly, deeply, then faster. Mia wrapped her arm around Lane’s lower back, directing her movement until she sensed they were both at orgasm. Mia’s legs tightened around her hips. She felt Mia’s body stiffen and shudder beneath her.

  Mia cried out and Lane collapsed on top of her, holding her in her arms.

  “Oh, my God, Lane. That was amazing.” Mia pushed damp hair off Lane’s forehead. “Why didn’t you say you’d done that before?”

  “I haven’t. That was a first.” Lane already knew she wanted to do it again.

  “For me too.”

  They were both breathing hard, and Lane was sure her heart was pounding loud enough for Mia to hear it. She started to move, but Mia held her.

  “No, don’t pull out yet. Just stay a little longer.”

  Lane smiled and kissed her. “I’ll stay here as long as you want.”

  She reached behind to tug the blanket up over them as the fire crackled and snowflakes continued to fall against the night sky. She regretted cursing the snow earlier. Cradled in Mia’s arms and between her legs, Lane was anything but cold. Who knew a snow day could be so warm.

  Knocking on Haven’s Door

  Brey Willows

  Kris rolled her neck to try and work the kinks out. She hated moving more than just about anything in the world, aside from anchovies.

  “That’s the last box.” Reed wiped her sweat away with her forearm.

  “Thanks, buddy. I owe you.” Kris slapped Reed on the back, genuinely grateful, but they weren’t the kind of friends who got all mushy with one another.

  “Fucking right you do. Why can’t you buy all that lightweight Ikea crap? Did you really have to buy solid oak…everything?” Reed flopped onto her back on the grass.

  Kris joined her and stared up at the cloudless blue summer sky. “That other stuff doesn’t last. I could give this stuff to my grandkids.”

  “You don’t even have kids, jackass. I’ll have to haul it all out again when you die here alone, being eaten by the dust bunnies.”

  A car pulled into the driveway next door, but Kris didn’t look up. She’d meet the neighbors another day, when she didn’t feel like she’d swum through a sweat bath. She nearly groaned out loud when she heard the footsteps coming their way. When a shadow fell over her, she shaded her eyes and looked up.

  And promptly lost the ability to speak.

  The woman standing over her looked like something out of a wet dream. Long, tanned legs were framed in short cut-offs, and a tight tank top hugged womanly curves and what looked like very, very nice breasts. Her thick brown hair was pulled back into a long ponytail and her jade green eyes looked curious.

  Reed stared as well, and hissed softly, “Say something, slick.”

  The woman standing over them smiled. “Hey there. Sorry I arrived too late to help.”

  “You and me both.” Reed started to sit up.

  Kris knocked Reed’s arm out from under her and stood up first. “No problem, really. I’m Kris, and this is Reed.”

  “Haven. Nice to meet you both. I hope you guys like it here.”

  Kris glanced down at Reed, who looked at her with a grin and a raised eyebrow. “No! I mean, it’s just me. Reed isn’t my…we’re not…”

  “She’s single.” Reed stood and wiped the grass from her butt. “As am I.” She reached out and shook Haven’s hand, her signature come-and-get-it smile playing on her lips.

  Haven laughed and inclined her head slightly. “Good to know. Thanks for clarifying.” She turned her attention to Kris. “I have to get going. If you need anything, just give a shout. I work from home a lot of the time, so you know, if you need sugar or whatever.” She turned away and waved over her shoulder.

  Kris and Reed watched her until she disappeared into the house, the screen door slamming shut behind her.

  Reed turned to Kris. “I’ll buy this house off you right here, right now. Name your price. In fact, fuck that. Let me rent out the room with the window that faces her bedroom.”

  “First of all, she’s way out of your league. Second, she may not even be a lesbian. Third, if anyone is making a play, it’s me. I get first dibs because she’s my neighbor.”

  Reed huffed. “Spoilsport. If you strike out, I’m going in. Straight girls are my specialty, if it comes to that, but my gaydar was loud enough to call the fire brigade.”

  Kris had to admit, hers was pinging pretty damn loudly
too, but she wasn’t about to admit it to her oversexed and ambitious best friend. “Yeah, well, we’ll see. I don’t plan on leaving this place anytime soon, so I’ll be able to take my time. Hell, she could turn out to be utterly unlikeable as well as unavailable.”

  “With a body like that, you don’t need to like her. Hate fucking can be seriously hot.” She sniffed her armpit and winced. “Speaking of, I reek. I’m gonna head home and shower. You going to the club tonight?”

  Kris couldn’t think of anything she wanted to do less. “Nah. I’m going to shower and hit the sack. I’m wiped.”

  Reed dug her keys from her pocket and headed for her truck. “Good. Maybe without you there to make me look bad, I’ll actually get some tonight.”

  “The only reason you ever get any when I’m there is because women feel sorry for my shadow.”

  Reed flipped her the bird as she drove away, and Kris laughed. As she turned to head into her new home, she saw her gorgeous new neighbor standing at the window, sipping a glass of what looked like iced tea, looking at her thoughtfully.

  Kris grimaced slightly and gave her a little wave before going inside. Well, at least there’s no pretense of me being refined.


  “God damn it.” Kris stuck her thumb in her mouth and dropped the hammer. She’d been putting her bed together, tired of sleeping on the mattress on the floor, when someone pounded at the front door, throwing off her aim. “I’m coming,” she yelled when the pounding kept up. She yanked open the door and instantly softened.

  “Spider. Prehistoric-sized, furry spider that could eat my dog. I hate them.” Haven motioned with her hands, intimating a spider about a foot long.

  “You have a dog? Sure. Yeah, okay. Let me get my shotgun.”


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