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Blurred Lines

Page 6

by Naughty Aphrodite

  Decision made and not wanting to talk himself of it, Jason put down the bottle and headed for his bedroom to change. It was time to try something new, see where it led him. Time to go to the ballet.


  He reached the theater just before it was due to start and rushed to the ticket desk.

  “One please.”

  The bored attendant looked at him with disdain. “Cutting it a bit fine sir.”

  “Yes, I was held up. Can I still go in?”

  The attendant shrugged and handed Jason his ticket. “Sure. Enjoy the show.”

  Heading into the theater Jason had to try and quietly weave his way past the row of people already in their seats. As he sat down he heard the woman behind huff with annoyance. Aware that his height meant he was blocking her view he tried to lower himself down further in his chair, hoping that would appease her a little. Just as he was getting himself comfortable the lights went out indicating that the show was about to begin.

  Five minutes into the performance and Jason sat totally entranced by the stage in front of him. Everything was perfect, the music, the set, the lighting and the dancers all came together to produce a living, breathing spectacle. Any idea he’d had previously of dancing being easy had been blown out of his head after watching the first set of dancers twisting and turning, their bodies performing fetes and shapes that Jason hadn’t even dreamed possible. This was what Emma did day after day? He was suddenly full of admiration for the strength and determination it must have taken for her to get to this position.

  Holding his breath as the lights went dark he waited for her to come on to the stage. Suddenly a single spotlight illuminated Emma, stood on her own, her head bowed. A single violinist started to play, the dark mournful tune hypnotizing the whole audience into silence, all eyes on Emma as she started to dance. Jason was instantly mesmerized, she danced with both grace and passion, her entire body telling a story of a love lost forever. She covered the stage effortlessly whirling and jumping in time to the music, twisting and turning faster and faster as her character’s grief took over her body, the pain, and anger that she felt pouring out of every inch of her before she finally collapsed in a heap on the floor.

  Jason let out a rattling breath and was surprised to find that tears were streaming down his face. He’d spent so long trapped in his own world of blood, death and darkness that he hadn’t realized that beauty could still be found in the world. That a story of grief and emotion could be expressed in a way that soothed the soul. Emma had somehow managed to take his heart and softly start to anoint it with a healing balm, its dark wounded crevices were being illuminated by her joy and love of life. No matter what happened after today he knew that he couldn’t go back to sitting alone in his chair drinking himself into a stupor. He needed to get back out into the world, he needed to start living again.

  Sitting through the rest of the show in a daze, his inner thoughts washing over him as the dancers seemed to move along with the beating of his heart, Jason came to the realization that he was happy. Yes, the pain at losing Mattie and everything that went along with being a SEAL was still there but, for the first time in his life, he felt at peace with the person that he was, with the things that he had done in the past and the uncertainty of what the future held for him.


  Although the drive home after the show, Jason had been silent and Emma was worried that he’d somehow been upset by it. She’d been so pleased when she’d managed a brief look into the audience and had seen him sitting there after he’d said he wasn’t bothered about going. She wasn’t sure why, after so long, it meant so much to her, but knowing he was watching she’d put everything she’d had into her dance, but had he enjoyed it? She’d thought that he had at the end when she’d looked over to see him out of his seat, clapping like crazy and a rare wide smile on his handsome face. Something was different about him though and Emma couldn’t quite put her finger on what it was.

  Now that they were back at his house and settled at their usual evening spot at the kitchen table, Emma decided to bite the bullet and ask Jason about his thoughts.

  “What did you think of the show?” She lowered her eyes and waited nervously for his answer. Maybe it had been wrong to invite him, maybe he’d been right and it really wasn’t the kind of thing he’d enjoyed.

  “I thought it was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.”

  Emma kept her head down for a second longer, trying to keep her emotions in check. Had that really been what he’d said? What he’d thought? She raised her head and looked into his eyes, almost overwhelmed by the raw honesty that she saw.

  “Really? Wow… I... Um... thought it wasn’t your kind of thing.”

  Jason reached over and took her hand in his, she squeezed it tight, enjoying the warmth of his large hand in her tiny one.

  “So did I, but you’ve proven me wrong. Honestly, it really helped me to see that there is still beauty to be found in the world. You helped me to see that Emma, thank you.”

  A tear ran down her cheek, it was for this that she’d wanted to dance in the first place.

  “Thank you too. I love dancing and part of the reason for that is the hope that I somehow have a positive impact on somebodies life. If I can do a show and know that I’ve made at least one person’s life seem a little brighter then I know I’ve succeeded.” She paused and lightly brushed her hand over his cheek. “To know that tonight that person was you means everything to me.”

  Taking her hand and lightly kissing it Jason smiled at her and Emma felt her heart leap in her chest. These past few days she’d come to care for him, but she was worried that her feelings were different to how they should be between a step-brother and sister. Feeling his lips on the skin and her reaction solidified that fact.

  “Do you think you could do something for me?”

  Emma looked at Jason quizzically, what did he mean?

  “Sure, anything.”

  “I know it’s late and I’m guessing you’re tired but could you show me one of your dance moves?”

  That wasn’t what Emma had been expecting at all, but she couldn’t help feeling a little pride that he wanted to see her dance again. She got up from her chair and stood in front of him.

  “Of course, which one was it?”

  “The spinney one with your arms in the air.” She laughed as Jason lifted his muscular arms up and tried to do an impression of a ballet dancer's pose.

  “You mean the pirouette? Of course, I can show you.”

  Shuffling slightly to get herself into position, Emma lifted her arms and effortlessly performed a pirouette in front of him. Spurred on by the look of wonder and joy on Jason’s face she went to spin again but misjudged the distance from the table, banging her hip against it, she stumbled. Letting out a little yelp of pain and her arms flapping wildly, all of sudden she crashed down into Jason who caught her and held her tight against him.

  “It’s ok Princess, I’ve got you.”

  Slightly embarrassed Emma stiffened and wiggled slightly in his lap.

  “There’s no need to hold on so tight, I’m perfectly fine.”

  Laughing Jason loosened his grip slightly but didn’t let her go entirely. Feeling his strong thighs against her bottom Emma wondered if she could get away with another slight wiggle without him realizing what she was doing. She arched her back slightly and pressed herself against him. Jason’s eyes darkened and he growled at her.

  “I wouldn’t do that again if I were you”.

  Emma looked at him, trying to feign innocence. “Do what?”

  Clearly torn between humor and exasperation Jason shook his head. “Rub yourself against me like that. Just because I’m a SEAL it doesn’t mean I have the discipline to not do anything when I have a beautiful woman wiggling in my lap.”

  Emma was flattered. “Do you think I’m beautiful?”

  “Ha, of course, I do. You must know you’re beautiful. Look at you
with your brown eyes trying to look all innocent whilst your body arches against me.” He leaned closer towards her and Emma found herself drawn closer to him, their faces now centimeters from each other. She could see the slight redness in his eyes from where he’d been crying but all tears were gone now, replaced by a fierce passion that made her want to run away and fling herself at him both at the same time.

  “We can’t do this.” She whispered, the ache in her body betrayed her though as her hand brushed up against his arm.

  “Tell me to stop and I’ll stop Princess. You’re in charge here.”

  Emma hesitated. She knew this was wrong, she knew that she shouldn’t want to sleep with her step-brother. Her mind was telling her to get off his lap and go to bed. She was leaving tomorrow though and she knew that if she didn’t do this now she would always wonder what it would have been like. Her decision made, she closed the small gap between them and lightly brushed her lips against him.

  “I want you, Jason.”

  It was all the encouragement he’d needed. The next thing she knew his mouth was on hers and they were kissing passionately. She moaned as his tongue brushed lightly against hers, his lips tasting of the whiskey they’d both been drinking. Twisting around in his lap she moved so that she straddled him, her legs stretched as they settled either side of his thighs and an ache ran through her as she felt his hardness against her.

  Jason dragged his lips away from hers momentarily and kissed her neck, his hands moved up from her waist, one lightly cradled her head whilst the other lightly pinched her nipple. Even through her top and bra, the feeling was intense and Emma pushed against him, needing him to touch her more. She kissed him again and moved his hands so that they were under her top, their warm strength against her skin felt amazing and she moaned encouragingly in his ear.

  “That feels so good, I need more.” She groaned in disappointment though as his hands left his. Why had he stopped?

  “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “You know it is.” Trying to prove her point she wiggled against him again, feeling his cock harden at the movement.

  “Good, not here, though. I’m going to take you to bed, I’m going to kiss every inch of that gorgeous body of yours and then I’m going to fuck you.” Standing up, Jason lifted her effortlessly and carried her into the bedroom.

  Placing her down softly on the bed, Jason bent over Emma and kissed her again at the same time he reached down to the edge of her top and then brought it up over her head. She stretched out and pushed her chest towards him providing him with the space behind her back that he needed to unclasp her bra before slowly slipping each strap down off her shoulder. She giggled slightly as he then threw her bra and it went flying across the room. Her laughter was quickly swallowed though as he bent his head down and took her nipple into his mouth. She grasped the back of his head, her fingers tightening around his hair as he ran his tongue around the hardening bud before nipping at it lightly with his teeth.

  Jason looked down at her, her nipples were hard and standing proud from his attention, her dark hair was tumbling around her shoulders and her face was flushed with desire.

  “God, you’re so sexy.” He lightly squeezed one of her nipples and Emma groaned and writhed against his fingers. Gasping with delight as he softly started kissing his way down her body, running his tongue lightly over her hip bone. Her jeans and panties quickly followed her bra over the other side of the room and she felt a slight glimmer of unease as Jason looked down at her naked body. Her dancer’s physique was lean and muscular. Would he find it off-putting? What if he was used to women with more curves? His next words put her at ease, though.

  “You have the most incredible body.” He shook his head in disbelief and ran his hand from the top of her chest, over her flat stomach and down the curve of her hip.

  “When I think about all the things your body can do, the strength it has to perform almost every night and create the most beautiful stories. I’m in complete awe of you, Emma. You’re an incredible woman.”

  Looking up this big strong man towering over her, Emma was surprised by how powerful she felt. She had worked so hard to get her body in a position where she could dance how she wanted and he was right, that was sexy. She was sexy. Basking in his gaze she lifted her arms above her head and opened her thighs slightly. Determined to fulfill his earlier promise Jason continued to kiss her all over, running his tongue down her body, grazing her ankles with his teeth and then slowly working his way back up her legs.

  When he finally reached her inner thigh Emma was almost crazy with desire. Her pussy ached for his touch and her hips were moving of their own accord. She couldn’t help her loud moan as he parted her thighs and gently ran his tongue over her. Groaning as well, Jason looked up.

  “Your pussy is so wet. It’s such a fucking turn on.” Wanting to taste her fully he pressed his face against her and started to give her long slow licks. His hands cradled her bottom so he had better control over her writhing hips and he sucked at her clit. Then he started to finger her at the same time and Emma was lost. Grabbing handfuls of the sheet between her hands she moved her hips in rhythm to his fingers and tongue. The ache inside her started growing to a fever pitch.

  “Jason, oh fuck I’m going to come. That feels so amazing. Oh, don’t stop.” His fingers were plunging in and out faster now and his tongue flicked quickly over her swollen clit. Unable to hold back anymore Emma’s orgasm swept over her and her pussy spasmed around his fingers. Feeling her starting to relax slightly Jason gently removed his fingers and licked her, enjoying the taste of her pussy juices as they ran down her thigh.

  Witnessing her orgasm had almost been too much for Jason, he’d held back as long as he could, wanting to make sure that she was fully ready for him. Now though he had to be inside her.

  “That was so horny Emma. I need to fuck you, need to feel your gorgeous cunt tight around my cock.”

  His words cut through Emma’s post-orgasm daze and her body immediately responded. Pulling him back up her body she kissed him hard, relishing the taste of her own juices on his lips. Eager to feel him inside her she made short work of undressing him and gasped out loud at the sight of his naked body. He was even more muscular than she had expected and his skin was tanned from all his time spent in hot countries. She let her eyes linger slightly on the scar on his shoulder, understanding that he probably wouldn’t want it mentioning she kissed it briefly before making her way lower. She was stopped though by Jason’s hand on her head.

  “No.” She looked up at him enquiringly.

  “Not now. I need you, need to be inside you.”

  Understanding and feeling the same ache in her body, Emma rolled onto her back and opened her legs for him, eager to feel his hardness filling her.

  “Then fuck me, Jason, I’m so ready for you. Make me come again.”

  Needing no further encouragement Jason positioned his shaft at her entrance and ran it softly over her, enjoying the sight of her moaning and arching her hips towards him. Meeting her eyes he held her gaze as he gently pushed his cock into her. It took all the restraint he had to not just plunge himself deep inside of her but the look of need and desire on her face as he slowly slid deeper and deeper into her wetness was what he’d needed to see. This perfect beautiful woman opening herself to him was quite simply breathtaking and Jason wanted to make sure he made the most of every single second he spent with her. Finally, he was buried deep in her pussy and he held still for a second. Emma moaned with frustration.

  “Please, Jason.”

  “What? What do you want, Princess?”

  “You know what I want” She circled her hips and squeezed her pussy around his cock. Jason drew in a quick sharp breath.

  “Tell me, I want to hear you say the words. What do you want, Emma?”

  “I want, no that’s not it. I need you to fuck me. Jason, fuck me please.”

  Hearing her talk like that tipped
Jason over the edge and he withdrew his cock and then plunged it deep and hard into her. Crying out with pleasure Emma bucked towards him. Matching him as he pounded in and out of her. Fucking her with every inch of his hard cock.

  All the time Jason could feel Emma growing tighter and tighter around him and the feeling of it brought him so close to coming, but he needed to wait. Needed to feel her come first. Never losing the rhythm for a second he brought one of his hands down between them and brushed at her clit. Almost delirious with pleasure Emma moved faster against him and squeezed his cock.

  “Oh…, that’s so good. You’re so good. I’m going to come.”

  “Come for me Emma.” Grasping her hips with both hands now he held on tight as she came, her pussy gripping hard onto his cock. The sensation of her milking his cock tipped Jason over the edge and they both screamed in pleasure as he surged inside one last time, his orgasm filling her completely.


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