Book Read Free

The Patriot

Page 6

by Dewey Goldsmith

  The next morning Goldie was awakened by the others and told the coffee is ready and we have you a Pepsi too. The men had just finished a hearty breakfast when scouts announced company was coming. It was Richard and his companions. The men shook hands then sat down to hear the news of around the state activities. First Richard said I have a report of your assault on their snow hill headquarters. As near as we know the whole officers corps were killed and all of their supplies destroyed. More than five hundred of their men were killed with many more wounded and missing. The survivors and wounded have been removed to Wright Patterson. They also lost several hundred men and most of their vehicles in your attack upon the supply columns. Well done my friends your bravery and competence is becoming known all around the country.

  He said of great importance is the fact that the UN civilian administrator, Ohio guard commander, and the base commander and all their wives and several others were slain in a bold daylight attack yesterday at the Wright Patt air force logistic center. The attacker apparently operated alone and managed to elude his pursuers and escaped after killing a guard and taking his vehicle. Guards reported an elderly man was seen running from the area. Also last night the state Commander of all United Nations advisors and his wife were attacked and slain in their residence near Columbus at the old air reserve base. It is reported a sentry was killed then the attacker entered the commanders home disposing of the commander and his wife. Military spokespersons say the lone attacker was wounded trying to escape. Based upon the amount of blood found it is believed his wounds were severe enough to cause his death, however his body has not been found.

  Mac looked at Goldie and James and Joshua also looked for some word from their dad but nothing was forthcoming. Richard looked at Goldie and said, old friend, was your journey successful? Goldie said yes, there were some minor problems but overall my trip was a success. Richard said I see you have a bandage over your ribs, nothing serious I hope. Not at all Goldie replied. Richard looked at him for a moment then grinned and said, I doubt they will ever find the one who attacked and eliminated the top brass at Wright pat and Columbus will they. Goldie said I doubt they will. Then he asked what is their response expected to be to their loss of personnel in our sector? Richard replied we don’t have a clear indication yet, we do know the platoon sized patrol they had out when you assaulted their encampment at snow hill was moved to Wright Patterson. For the time being you men lay low and watch for movement and rest, you have all earned it. He said I must return to my command post but I will contact you with any new developments. He looked at Goldie for a moment and said, well-done friend, then he and his companions started their journey home.

  The men all sat and talked about old times and their hopes for tomorrow. Then Goldie said Tim right now it appears all their personnel have been moved from this sector to Wright Patterson. It is safe for those who have families in this area to spend some time with them. Tell your men they can all go home and help their families. We will get word to them if they are needed for an operation. Tim you may as well go and see that all is well with your family, I will be in touch if things change. After Tim and his men had departed Goldie said James you and Joshua take your people back to Adams and highland county. Spend some time with my grandchildren and let the men go home and rest I will contact you if there is any new developments. James asked dad what will you and Mac and his people do while we are gone. Well son right now it looks like the National Guard have moved their people out of our sector. It may well be others are making it tough for them in their areas, if so we could be in a position to make some real progress. Mac and I will stay in contact with Richard and with you. He gave his sons a bear hug and said, now be gone with you.

  Mac said Goldie where do we go from here? Goldie said with things as they are now we may be able to move about for some special operations. We need to keep them awake, fearful, and disrupt their thinking wouldn’t you agree. Mac said reckon I do top, I will take the first watch tonight, will you set up the relief? Ok I will set up the relief and spell you in two hours. Later sitting there at the edge of the woods was restful to him. He watched as three female deer came walking along then stopped at the stream for water. He sat quietly and watched then heard movement and saw a large antlered deer standing at the wood line. It stood there for several moments then came slowly out to join the does then together they walked back into the trees. Proud and free he thought, just as we used to be.

  Later after being relieved he pulled the blanket over his shoulders and slept. He awoke to see Mac and the others drinking coffee and having a breakfast of fresh fried sausage and home fries. Mac said Tim dropped these off, seems some of the local women wanted to see us well fed, Here’s some ready and warm for you. Mac said Richard called wants to meet with us this afternoon about two o’clock. Said some of his friends will be with him. He wanted to know how many men total did we have in our district that would respond if called to action. Well Goldie said until he gets here everyone relax and enjoy the quiet. He said Mac remember that last time we went hunting in Cambodia? Mac said hell top how could we forget, the brass dam near got us all killed. Dropping the twelve of us right in the middle of a dam north Vietnamese regiment. Goldie said yeah but hell it was funny the way it worked out. They must have killed half their own men shooting at each other long after we had already moved out. One of the men said yeah they probably told their bosses they ran into a whole dammed division.

  The lookout signaled visitors are here. It was Richard and the team of ex berets who had been in on the takeover of the television station. Richard we brought you more supplies and rations for the men. Now he said, I have great news to tell you. We have been working with patriots all across the country. Many small units like you are operating in every state just as we are doing here in Ohio. Yesterday a combined action was planned to take over television stations across this nation at the same time you were on the air. We were nearly one hundred percent successful. The beret captain said your television debut was broadcast in thirty-seven states from New York to California. Millions saw your call to action and already they are responding by the tens of thousands. You have earned the respect of all those who cherish freedom.

  Right now he said, the Kentucky militia is driving the guard and their United Nations observers out of the state. They are ambushing federal civilian controllers and United Nations personnel on every highway wherever they are seen making travel or supply shipments difficult. We need to step up those types of activities here as well. Starting tomorrow our people in other sections of the state will start to make travel difficult for the enemy in Ohio. We must do the same in Adams, highland, Clinton, and green counties by putting teams on every highway in our areas. Also I think we should set up special operations and take out their leaders wherever we can. We destroy their moral and the men will grow weary of persecuting the people. Which brings me to matters discussed at our recent regional meeting of militia groups.

  There are some special projects being considered that will be difficult to complete. The United Nations top observers along with a number of presidential advisors are coming to Columbus to meet with their counterparts and military leaders from several surrounding states. That meeting is planned to take place at the old National Guard post in Columbus this weekend. Goldie said I am familiar with the location; I have been past the site many times. Maybe Mac and me and the guys can arrange some special entertainment for them. Yeah Richard said that’s what we want and the captain and his men will give you a hand if need be. Goldie said well with Mac and our old squad here we should be able to do this one that will leave the captain free for other matters. Richard said we do have another action planned for St. Louis Missouri that weekend the captain and his men are needed for, If you feel confident on this one we can get both operations done this weekend.

  Mac and the men will need a couple boxes of plastic and detonation cord, and some incendiary grenades. Maybe if we lay low until the weekend to give them a false sense of securi
ty we can catch them asleep. The governor always has his state police wherever he goes, he may think his people are all he needs for security. I sure hope he makes that mistake. Anyway we will give the place a good checkout and make sure we time it for the greatest effect. The captain said, we have all the supplies you need and more with us we can furnish you now. We have some field rations for you also. Let us know what day and time when you have it set up, we will time our operation in St Louis for the same time if possible. Richard said then it’s a go on both operations this weekend, Keep me advised as to the day and time or if anything changes.

  As they drove off Mac said Goldie it looks like things are picking up around the country, I wonder when they will bring the big artillery out. Well Mac I don’t know what to think. They made a miscalculation thinking the sheep would all fall in line when ordered to do so and it hasn’t happened. Others are operating just like us in small teams, which limits their ability to send a whole division out after every small group. They do remember some lessons from Viet Nam and the Russian mistakes in Afghanistan when small units were able to trap and wipe out large battalion sized mechanized units. And lets face it airplanes and bombs are only good if you have someone to drop them on. Choppers too are only good when you have the enemy in your sights and they also know we have the rockets to bring the choppers down if they just fly around looking for us. We play the same game Charlie did in viet nam and the rebels did in Afghanistan. The people will eventually join with us in larger numbers and when that happens and their losses grow, the military will tire of fighting their own people here at home and turn on their masters.

  Mac said yeah they may have the numbers and the big equipment but they’re all bunched up together in big base camps. Goldie said right but it didn’t work in Nam and won’t work now if we keep the pressure up and the people stand firm. Well let’s fix some chow then get a good nights rest then tomorrow we will take a trip to Columbus. The following morning after fixing breakfast Goldie, Mac and four of the men from his old squad loaded up and headed out for Columbus. Once there he took them around the city south and stopped at the east side of town. We will be coming back this way he said. Now depending on conditions we can either continue east on this route ten miles then turn south and take the back roads toward home, or go back the way we came. He showed them on the city map where they were and the routes to take. Then he drove on into town towards the governor’s mansion. Once there he showed them the layout from the front then pulled down the block turned onto a side street and drove slowly past the rear of the building.

  As you see he said the wheels like the trees and shrubs lining the drives and real lawns and flower gardens. It may look great but it sure will make things easier for us. He parked down the block then said Mac lets take a walk thru, you men sit tight we will be back in a little while. They walked towards the mansion then cut across the street and went into the wooded area behind the building. There was a three vehicle-parking garage with an open parking area for several vehicles. Staying in the trees they walked around the side looking the side and front over. Goldie said I don’t see any outside cameras except those over the doors, Mac said me either. The came back then walked the other side and saw no outside cameras there either. Mac said it looks like the door and window security alarms are all there is installed. Yeah Goldie said they used to have security personnel inside each set of doors, more to welcome visitors than anything else, but I’m sure they will have sentries posted outside once they all are here for their meeting. There is only one unknown factor, who is in the adjacent building, hired help or could be back up guards.

  They made their way thru the trees back to the street and casually walked back to their vehicle got in and told the men ok lets go home. On the way back Goldie took them past the old Lockbourne air base where National Guard forces and United Nations observers were based. Mac said this is where you took out the top dog and his family awhile back I recon and Goldie said yes and we will be paying them a visit here again some day soon. Then he took them past the Springfield armory and on south past Wright Patterson air base. Mac said dam top how did you get in here and back out on your last visit. Goldie said hell they have civilian gate guards and no perimeter security it was easy. We will be seeing this place again too I’m sure. Goldie told the driver, and take us on south till you hit route thirty-five then left and head for home. They made it back to camp without incident then all sat down to some good rations coffee and Pepsi.

  After eating and relaxing for a time Mac and Goldie drew up a map outlining the routes to the governors mansion then made a sketch of the palace grounds and building entrances. They drew in the tree lines and parking areas and easiest direction to enter and depart. Goldie said we must leave two men with the vehicle that leaves eleven of us to do what has to be done. Mac said I wish we had an outlay of the inside of the building. Hey Goldie said, maybe we can get one, they used to give out pictures of the governor’s mansion to visitors, let me call Tim. Tim answered and said wait a moment maybe they have it on the Internet, call you right back.

  A few moments later Tim called and said got it be right over. When Tim arrived they all sat down to look the pamphlet over. Goldie said well look here they have the main ballroom and dining on the side next to the flower garden that’s where they would have their get together. It’s the only room with enough space. Tim asked what’s going down and after they explained their plans he wanted to be in on the action. Goldie said well we are going to have to take two vehicles and we can use another man.

  He told the others, when they get together they will no doubt have a big meal in the dining area before the real discussions take place, that’s when we want to hit them. Richard told us their meeting was to be held Friday night, dinner would be first in the evening looks like right after dark eight pm or so they would all be together. Let me check with Richard if he has heard anything new. Richard said the meeting is still on for Friday evening and Saturday. Goldie advised Richard they had taken a drive by and took a close look around the mansion grounds checking out the alarm systems and all looks good. He told him they had walked the grounds and obtained a layout of the interior and believed Friday evening during the dinner hour would be the best time to attack. Richard agreed and said you have done your homework well. Richard said he would advise the captain Friday night eight pm it is so he can coordinate his plans at St. Louis for the same time. We will talk Saturday morning.

  Mac asked Tim anything happening around this area and Tim said there hasn’t been anyone around since they pulled out. Tell you what Goldie, I’ll go home to let the Mrs. know I’ll be gone a few days then I’ll get her and some others to get a good hot meal ready and tonight when I return to camp we will have a good home cooked meal. Dam that sounds good we need some home cooking so we will see you a little later this evening. Tim said later guys and started for home. The men passed the rest of the afternoon relaxing and talking about old times.

  The next evening about dusk they were parked a few blocks away from the governor’s mansion watching traffic coming into the grounds. Later Goldie told the others you men all stay here while I go take a closer look around the grounds, I’ll be back in a short time. He casually walked the two blocks then as he was going past the rear of the building he noticed two state policemen and a national guardsman standing near the parking area. He turned the corner and walked towards the front along the trees lining the walk. Two national guardsmen and a doorman were standing by the front door. He walked a ways then turned again and followed the trees along the east side of the grounds seeing no one on that side he continued on towards Mac and the others. He still could not get a look inside the other structure.

  Mac said there has been no traffic entering now for some time, looks like they are all here. Goldie said looks that way it’s a little early yet so we will wait a while. He advised the others as to the location of guards and state police and Mac said how we going to set this up. Goldie said there is a city park about two blocks
past the governor’s house. The drivers will drop us off at the rear entrance then go on to the park and turn around and wait. When the explosions sound pull the vehicles up to the rear entrance and wait there. Tim you and the five men riding with you wait in the trees in back and give Mac and me and the others about two minutes to work our way along the trees to the front. Mac and I have silencers on our weapons and we will take out the front guards without alarming anyone inside. At exactly eight we will enter the building. Mac once inside you take two men with incendiary grenades and two men with plastic explosives down the hallway to the right. Four of the men and I will each have grenades and plastic and we will go straight in towards the main ballroom entrance.

  Mac you and your men light and toss the incendiary grenades in the side entrance to the dining area then follow up with the explosives. As soon as you have thrown your stuff in make your way back down the hallway to the front entrance. When we hear the explosions we will give you a few seconds to get clear then we will throw everything in thru the front doors then back out to meet you at the entrance. As we leave the building I will throw a piece of plastic in the front entrance behind us to prevent anyone from following. Tim as soon as you hear the first sounds of gunfire or explosions you guys open up and eliminate the guardsman and troopers in back then light and throw two of the large plastic explosives at each rear corner of the building and one in the rear doorway. By then we should be coming towards the rear to meet up with you. Just one other thing, we do not know what or who is in the side structure. It could be for hired help or guests, but we have to assume it could be a place for back up forces. Be ready to direct fire towards that area as we leave if need be. Anyone have a question? Ok remember, no matter what happens we all leave together or no one leaves.


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