The Patriot
Page 28
The men all looked at Goldie until Mac broke the silence saying freedom loving people have won again. Goldie said lets hope so and hope setting things back in order can be done quickly. The people have suffered and need to know the profit from corruptness and deceit in Washington are coming to an end. Call the boys and Tim get them here so you can all be together if you get word the joint chiefs have surrendered their command. Shrader said on it now Top and a few moments later he said they have been advised and all will be here within the hour. The chef cut in to say he had some hamburger gravy with hot biscuits and fries waiting for anyone interested. The men made a rush for the kitchen filled their trays then returned to the lounge area. The chef came walking back to the lounge carrying his tray then handed Goldie a Pepsi saying you forgot your dessert Top. Everyone laughed and the mood was one of joy at the possibility the battles were over.
Then Tim and the old mans sons showed up and looked around at the men eating. James said look at them, and here we thought you guys were having it tough here. Yeah Joshua said did you call us up here just to watch you chow down? Mac said grab a tray and a can of soda and join the crowd there may be some important news coming. They all admitted they had just eaten but took a can of soda and found a seat. James saw the overnight bag laying by his father and asked going somewhere. Goldie told his sons Richard was sending a car for him but didn’t know how long he would be gone. Shrader yelled vehicle coming in. It was the Captain and two others. The captain said time is close so we have to get moving back to the base, a plane is waiting to carry us to a special meeting with the Joint Chiefs. Goldie said then lets get at it. He looked at Mac and said take charge in my absence and you guys stay in contact with central.
After Goldie and the others had departed they turned their attention back to the screen where announcers were still discussing the surrender of army and marine forces in Georgia and Pennsylvania. They were receiving pictures from both fronts where militia and regular forces were working together caring for their wounded. One surprising fact was that regular and militia forces were all carrying their weapons at sling arms indicating anger and resentment had been replaced with love for fellow man and country. Tim said they are not showing these pictures on regular television. Wait till the families learn what is happening, they are expecting to get called out again.
The next morning all got up early and after having a snack sat down to watch the news. The spokesperson announced they were switching programs where new developments on the western front are going to be covered. Then the scene changed and the Washington commentators were seen seated around a table. A commentator began to speak. Local correspondents reporting on the western battle advise all hostilities have ended on the western front. We cannot confirm the fight is over but it appears there has been a total cease fire on both sides. This was not expected because federal forces there numbered more than two hundred thousand. Hostilities there had appeared less significant than on the northern and southern fronts. While many thousands, maybe even a million militia forces were said to be moving towards that sector the fighting there had not reached the level seen on the other fronts. We expect to have film crews in that sector soon and we will bring you that as soon as possible. Suddenly the screen changed and the national Washington media was shown. We have been informed that the fighting is over on the western front and all hostilities have been stopped. We are advised the joint chiefs and national militia commanders are to be making a joint announcement momentarily. We are switching our coverage to bring you that historic meeting if it in fact does occur. The view then changed to a picture of the capital building and moved inside to one of the speaker platforms. General Sheridan and the joint chiefs were seen walking into the hall and taking seats on the stage.
Then before the cameras strode former generals Wilson, Randolph, Scott, Wallace and three others. Mac said those other men must be commanders of the others sectors that we haven’t met. Coming behind them was a number of militia fighters then from that group two men stepped forward and moved up the isle towards the platform, followed by the Captain and his militia members. Mac shouted hot damn there’s Goldie and Richard and the Captain and his men are escorting them. They walked to the tables where members of the national media were seated. After a moment of discussion one of the commentators walked to the podium and began to speak.
He pointed to the joint chiefs then continued, most of you I am certain are familiar with General Sheridan and the joint chiefs of our military services. But for those who are not I shall introduce them. He then proceeded to have them stand as they were introduced. Then he turned to say I shall now introduce the commanders of the national militia movement. He then had them each stand as they were introduced to the viewing audience. We have been asked to witness and provide coverage to our nation of the declared end to hostilities.
Federal Armies Surrender
On All Fronts
Gentlemen what are the terms of the cease fire? Richard answered first we must advise our citizens that a board of governors have been selected from our national militia membership. That board of governors shall be responsible for administration of all Federal government activities. The board members, with myself as their appointed chairperson, have demanded and the joint chiefs have agreed to an unconditional cease fire by active military forces. The announcer asked the chairman are these the terms agreed upon and Sheridan replied they are.
Richard then asked the generals to stand and remove their military jackets. Once done he advised them It is the determination of this board of governors that you shall be immediately dishonorably discharged from military service for your failure to defend and uphold the constitution you swore to defend. It is further ordered that you shall immediately forfeit your retirement pay and all veterans entitlements.
The Captain and his squad of berets then removed the joint chiefs from the building. Once the Captain and his men had returned Richard addressed the viewing audience again. I now have the rare honor of introducing to you one who most exemplifies the meaning of patriotism. One who had the courage to stand alone and defy those who would have enslaved our people. Because of his great courage and sacrifice a nation was galvanized and that nation shall again be free. It is by unanimous vote that this man known only as Goldie, shall be made an honorary member and consultant of this board of governors, and shall serve as primary spokesperson for this board. Richard then handed Goldie the gavel saluted him and sat down with the others.
Goldie turned to the audience and cameras and said your praise exceeds my accomplishments, nevertheless I accept the challenge bestowed upon me. Fellow patriots, Our Board of Governors have convened and after due deliberations have unanimously agreed on the following initial actions to restore governmental processes and order to our land. It is my duty to announce the following decisions of the board.
I wish to inform the American people that this board has ordered that our former president, her secretary of state, and secretary of defense shall remain in custody until federal judicial positions have been restored. They shall then face charges of participating in and carrying out acts of Treason and Sedition against the American People and the Republic of the United States of America.
It is also ordered by this board that the presidents husband, formerly our president and currently president of the united nations, be returned to America where he shall be charged with violations of the constitutional laws of sedition of the United States of America. Pending those actions: all federal pensions and entitlements he is now in receipt of shall be immediately rescinded.
It is the decision of this board that the Office of homeland Security be immediately abolished and the director of the homeland department has been placed under arrest and charged with treason and sedition. All other administrators and employees of that organization are hereby released from service. The board has also ordered the immediate abolishment of all so called Patriot Bills and all practices those bills legalized are now prohibited.
he board of governors shall make temporary appointments to fill all federal cabinet posts and appoint secretaries to all branches of our armed forces. These appointments shall last until national elections are held and a new commander in chief makes, and the senate ratifies, permanent appointments to these positions.
By order of the federal board of governors all former elected state legislatures are to immediately reconvene and select the appropriate number of persons from their ranks, and appoint those selected to fill the u.s. congressional seats. These appointments shall be temporary lasting only until national elections can be held. Once convened the newly appointed congressional delegates shall recall or select candidates to fill all federal judicial positions, including the supreme court of the land. No person formerly serving in the presidents parliament or in any position created by the former president shall be nominated for or permitted to fill these congressional, judicial, or gubernatorial positions.
By order of the board each state legislature shall select and appoint a person to serve as governor of their respective states. Those selected will be for an interim period lasting only until national and state elections can be held which we assure the people will be at the earliest possible date. No person formerly serving in the presidents parliament or in any appointed position created by the former president shall be nominated nor permitted to fill these gubernatorial positions.
By the boards order State legislatures and municipal bodies are directed to recall or select and appoint candidates to fill judicial and mayoral administrative positions. The same restrictions apply herein, no person appointed to any position by the former president shall be permitted to hold these elected or appointed positions. These appointments too shall be for an interim period lasting only until elections can be held. Once State legislatures and municipal bodies are reconvened and administrative positions filled they shall be responsible for restoring law enforcement agencies within their judicial boundaries.
By order of this board members of the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Central Intelligence Agency shall be recalled, combined into one agency, and placed under the control of a three member committee one of which will be appointed as chairperson who shall report directly to the federal governing board until presidential elections are held and a new commander in chief sworn into the office of president of the united states.
By committee request, all current members of the military service are encouraged to return to their previous duty stations and remain on active duty with all pay and entitlements remaining in effect. No punitive or disciplinary actions will be imposed upon active members of our military services who were ordered into conflict with citizens militias and subsequently followed or refused to follow such orders. A new Joint Chiefs of Staff and Chairperson shall be selected by our governing board to lead our military forces until a new commander in chief has been elected.
By unanimous vote this board has withdrawn the United States Of Americas membership in the United Nations and accordingly severs all political and financial ties with that unelected private organization. All united nations military and civilian personnel are hereby directed to leave America immediately. Our military forces working with units of the united militia forces will be providing transportation and escorting united nations personnel ( including those currently being held prisoner) out of our country.
By order of this board the director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service has been relieved of his position and replaced by the former assistant director of that service. Our National Coast Guard forces has been directed to secure our borders and deport all illegal immigrants currently residing in America.
The actions of this board are intended to return self government and liberty to the citizens of our great country. Copies of these board decisions and actions shall be made public, and certified copies shall be furnished all federal, state, and municipal legislative offices. It is the boards hope that citizens of our republic will never again give up their control over those who serve in elected or appointed positions. Again let me say, every member of this board of governors thanks you, citizens of this republic, for your patriotism and courage. We shall adjourn now for there is much to be done, but we shall soon meet again. Thank you.
Richard said well done friend and the others agreed everything the board wanted the people to hear had been said. We have your memo spelling out the actions you recommend regarding , law and tax reforms, and a constitutional convention to review all such matters. We shall be studying them and once we are agreed in principal as to the changes needed we will want you back to meet the media with us. Once we have moved the former president and her staff from the base to their new detention cells here in the Washington we will have you notify all former active duty and civilian employees to return to the base and our people will turn the base over to them. We will be returning control of the bases out west over to the military also.
Wilson said also our people will be working with the coast guard and provide military personnel necessary to secure our borders. It will take time but all illegal immigrants will be rounded up and deported. We will be advising the media that those who leave willingly will be assisted in doing so and shall be eligible for work visas when future openings arise. Goldie said one item I did not address in my memos concerns the presidential emergency powers act. Our constitution needs to be amended to revoke and prohibit the policy that authorizes the president to order our troops overseas without ratification by a two thirds approval of the congress.
Richard agreed it should be seriously considered then said the Captain will see you back to the base. Once there you go home and spend some time with your family and if you are in need of anything you know how to reach me. I know this has been tough on you, and your family. Should you decide you want Grace to be moved it will be done with full honors at the place of your choosing. Try to rest easy now my friend until we call for you to meet with the board your time is yours. They shook hands and the Captain said lets go Goldie our plane awaits us.
The flight back to Dayton was relaxing and He called ahead to tell Mac and the boys to meet him at the base. Two hours later they stepped off the plane and after saying so long to the Captain was soon on his way home. His sons were excited about watching him at the conference. Mac said when Richard ordered the generals to remove their jackets and had them removed from the hall it was like a new beginning had been set in place. Goldie said my friend it is a new beginning now it is up to the people to make certain government takes us in the right direction.
Once they arrived back in Vienna they were met with cheers and flag waving by citizens lining the streets. They stopped where once he and his family had lived near the outskirts of town. They got out of the vehicle and Goldie walked over to the house where He and Grace and their daughter had lived. It had been two years since Grace had been taken from him and his daughter had moved in with her brother Jeffrey. Time had taken a toll on the home and restoration would take some time to complete. After stopping for a few moments to meet with friends and citizens of the community he thanked them all for their support and sacrifices made in the long struggle for liberty then proceeded on to the lodge.
As they were driving along Goldie told Mac you guys all have families you haven’t seen for a long time. You need to go home now to those you love and spend some time with them. Mac asked what are your plans Top? The old veteran said my home needs a lot of work. I need to get it fixed up so my daughter and I can move back in. She has been with Joshua’s family every since we lost Grace. Richard assured me all veterans would now start receiving their pensions again and social security checks will start again. So you guys and myself and all the others will be ok once we start receiving our pensions again. The boys are strong and have good heads they will come out of this ok too. I owe you guys a debt I can never pay, the whole country does. Much as I hate to say it, the time has come for us to say so long. Your families need you and you need them. We’ll have to work out transportati
on for all of you when it comes time to leave.
When they arrived at the lodge their old squad members met them and congratulated Goldie on his public speaking skills. Then they walked over to the parking lot behind the lodge. All the older vehicles had been removed and the lot was filled with new four wheel drive vehicles. Colonel Wallace was here with a crew of men while you were away. They cleaned out all the weapons and ammunition and took it to the base. He said the board approved for each of us to keep one of the Cherokee four wheelers for our own. The dealer donated them to the cause so they are ours now. Goldie looked at Mac and said you knew this was going on and didn’t tell me on the way home. Mac grinned and said well some things just can’t be explained you have to see them.
The others all laughed and then all went inside where the chef already had a great dinner ready. The men ate then spent the afternoon relaxing and making plans for their departure. They all called their families to let them know the long ordeal was over and they were coming home. Mac was somewhat concerned for fear some of the generals or the convicted presidents followers might come after Goldie. But Goldie brushed it off saying we have never made decisions based on fear of unknown possibilities. I am going to be working on my home with the boys and friends. Besides, I will be going back to Washington a lot to meet with the board. Tomorrow will take care of itself.
The men rose early the following morning then after breakfast was finished the men began packing for the trip home. Goldie called Tim, James, and Joshua and they arrived before any of the team had left. They all thanked the old guys for coming and standing by them. Everyone exchanged addresses and hoped they would meet again soon under more enjoyable times. Before they left Goldie handed each, including his sons and Tim, an envelope saying, the board felt you should all be compensated for the two years you gave for liberty. These funds were donated by loyal corporate executives who appreciate your service. This will help with your mortgages and get you a new start. The men all stood speechless for a time then thanked him, started their vehicles and slowly drove off down the road.