The Fruits of Fall

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The Fruits of Fall Page 8

by Amy Clipston

  “I have an announcement to make,” Clara said as they all sat around Emma’s table the following Sunday afternoon. “I talked to mei onkel, and I told him how hard Alex works here in the garden. I told him he loves the work and he’s also a great handyman.” Her face lit up. “Mei onkel wants to interview Alex for a job.”

  Everyone clapped.

  Tena smiled. She was grateful to hear Alex had the possibility of a job. Though it had taken some courage and much prayer, throughout the week she’d made new efforts to talk to him. Slowly, she realized he truly was a good man. God showed her she’d avoided and misjudged him because of the fear of Englishers she developed after her brother’s attack, and because of her resentment toward Kendra Ramsey.

  She’d asked God to heal her heart the day Wayne proposed they help Alex with an apartment. But she hadn’t been willing to really let go. Now, with God’s help, she’d realized she could love and trust Englishers just as she loved and trusted those who were Amish. She didn’t need to fear them.

  She glanced across the table at Wayne. He met her gaze but then quickly looked away. Her smile fell. She’d tried to talk to Wayne the day before, but he’d found a way to dismiss her. Sorrow squeezed at her heart. How she wanted to tell him she’d changed.

  She missed him. She missed their special friendship, but she’d ruined it all with her selfishness.

  “That’s wunderbaar,” Jerry said.

  “I know.” Clara picked up her glass of water.

  “We have an announcement too,” Ephraim said as he looked at Mandy.

  Mandy blushed and looked down at the table. Ephraim leaned over and whispered something in her ear, and she nodded.

  “What is it?” Katie Ann asked, her smile growing.

  Did Katie Ann know what their announcement was?

  “Mandy and I are getting married in December,” Ephraim said, and Mandy’s face seemed to glow.

  While everyone applauded, Tena looked at Wayne again. He met her gaze, but this time he held it. What looked like sadness and regret filled his eyes. She stared at him, and her pulse thumped as tears welled. She longed to be a part of his life. In fact, she loved him. She loved him with her whole heart, and she missed him so much that she felt as if a hole had been punched in her chest.

  For a moment she couldn’t breathe, and her anguish felt as if it might smother her. She couldn’t give up on him! She had to apologize. She had to convince him to give her another chance.

  Wayne looked away, and the loss of the connection knocked Tena off balance for a moment.

  “Did I hear someone is engaged?” Aenti Emma appeared in the doorway.

  “Ya, we are.” Mandy pointed to Ephraim.

  “What fantastic news!” Aenti Emma exclaimed. “I’m so froh for you both!”

  “Come and join us for supper, Emma.” Biena gestured for Aenti Emma to sit beside her.

  When Tena heard a chair scrape across the floor, she looked up to see Wayne heading out of the kitchen toward the mudroom. Alarm gripped her as she heard the back door open and close.

  No, no, no! This can’t be over!

  She jumped up and raced out the back door without grabbing her coat. A wall of coldness slammed into her as her feet hit the back porch. She reached the railing just as Wayne started down the path toward his horse and buggy.

  “Wait!” she called after him. “Wayne, please! Wait!”

  He spun to face her, his handsome face twisted into a deep frown.

  She flew down the steps and caught up to him, shivering as the chilly air seeped through her dress. “I’m sorry. I was wrong, I was selfish, and I was hateful. Please forgive me.”

  His frown relaxed slightly as he stared down at her.

  “You–you were right about Alex. I was so wrapped up in my resentment toward Englishers that I didn’t realize I had let it change me and turn me into someone I don’t want to be.”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but she drew a deep breath and took the plunge she’d been fighting. “There’s something I never told you. Two years ago, my older bruder, Micah, was walking down the street in town when an Englisher high on drugs beat him with a baseball bat. He almost died. He spent months in the hospital and rehab, first fighting for his life and then to recover.”

  Wayne gasped as his eyes searched hers. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I should have. But talking about it has always been so painful.” She gestured toward the barn. “I was distrustful of Alex because of what happened to Micah, and I was wrong. Alex is a child of God, and he does deserve our help. We’re called to be helpers, and it’s our duty to do what we can for people like him. I’m sorry I didn’t realize sooner that I was being so sinful and hateful, so closed to the truth, so unwilling to let go.”

  She took another deep breath. “But I know one thing for certain. Losing your friendship is my greatest fear. The idea of not having you in my life scares me to death. I miss you. And I would do anything to convince you to give me another chance.”

  She closed the distance between them and reached up, cupping her hand to his cheek. “I love you with my whole heart, Wayne. I want to stay here in Bird-in-Hand. I want us to date, and I hope someday we’ll marry and build a life together. I want to see what God has in store for us. So, please, Wayne, please forgive me.”

  A strangled noise escaped his throat, and his blue eyes glistened. “I thought I’d never hear you say that.”

  His placed his lips on hers, sending an electric heat roaring from her toes to her cheeks. She closed her eyes and then felt herself relax. He wrapped his arms around her, and she lost herself in the feel of his touch. She felt safe, protected, and cherished. This was what true love felt like.

  “Ich liebe dich,” he whispered against her ear. “I would be honored to be your boyfriend.”

  Tena smiled as she looked up at him. “You’ll have to ask mei dat, but I’m pretty sure he’ll say yes. Aenti Emma will tell him what a wunderbaar man you are.”

  Wayne laughed and trailed the tip of his finger down her cheek.

  Tena and Wayne sat on the glider on Aenti Emma’s back porch with a quilt wrapped around their shoulders, sipping hot chocolate.

  Tena smiled as she looked up at the stars twinkling in the sky above them. It had been a wonderful afternoon. After their talk outside, they’d joined their friends for Aenti Emma’s amazing chili, and everyone seemed thrilled to see they’d repaired their friendship. Alex was there, too, and he had a smile on his face when he caught her eye.

  Now she and Wayne were enjoying quiet time alone.

  “This is the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had,” Wayne said as he cradled his mug in his hands and looked into her eyes. “You’ve truly spoiled me with your expertise. I don’t think I’ll ever enjoy anyone’s cooking as much as I enjoy yours.”

  Tena giggled as she bumped her shoulder against his. “You’re just saying that so I’ll keep cooking and baking for you—especially anything with peanut butter.”

  “Ya, that sounds gut.” He smiled down at her and then sighed. “I love sitting out here, but pretty soon it will be way too cold.”

  “We’ll just have to visit in the schtupp, then. We’ll be nice and warm in there.”

  “When are you going to call your parents?”

  “Tomorrow night. I don’t want to wait, do you?”

  Wayne shook his head, and her stomach fluttered at the thought of telling Mamm and Dat she wanted to stay in Bird-in-Hand. “Why don’t you come over for supper? Then we can call them together, and you can ask mei dat’s permission to date me after I explain everything to them. After all, you’re the main reason I want to stay here with Aenti Emma.”

  He took her mug and set it and his on a nearby table. Then he turned and brushed his lips against hers, sending her emotions into a wild swirl. “I love you, Tena.”

  “I love you too.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder and smiled. She’d allowed fear to shut out the truth for too long, bu
t she was so grateful God had taught her to trust again.

  And now? Now she looked forward to seeing her love for Wayne and his love for her grow like the crops in Henry’s garden, nourishing them both with a lifetime of happy memories.


  1.Tena doesn’t want to use some of the proceeds from the garden to help Alex because she believes it’s not her or her friends’ responsibility to help an Englisher. Do you agree with her point of view?

  2.Tena left her community to try to escape the heartache of her breakup with her fiancé. Have you ever tried to escape a bad situation by moving away? If so, how did this turn out for you? Share this with the group.

  3.Wayne is convinced God has called him to help Alex. Do you agree with his point of view and determination to help Alex?

  4.Which character can you identify with the most? Which character seemed to carry the most emotional stake in the story? Was it Tena, Wayne, Alex, or someone else?

  5.Alex is down on his luck when he happens upon the roadside stand. He has no idea he’s found people who truly want to help him. He’s overwhelmed by their willingness to give him a chance to prove he can contribute to their community. Have you participated in any volunteer programs to help the homeless at your church or elsewhere? If so, how did you help them? Did you find your efforts rewarding?

  6.At the end of the story, Tena realizes she had been so embroiled in her bitterness after her breakup and brother’s attack that she allowed it to change her point of view about God’s call to help others. What do you think caused her to change her point of view throughout the story?


  As always, I’m grateful for my loving family, including my mother, Lola Goebelbecker; my husband, Joe; and my sons, Zac and Matt.

  Special thanks to my mother and my dear friend Becky Biddy, who graciously proofread the draft and corrected my hilarious typos.

  I’m also grateful for my special Amish friend who patiently answers my endless stream of questions. You’re a blessing in my life.

  Thank you to my wonderful church family at Morning Star Lutheran in Matthews, North Carolina, for your encouragement, prayers, love, and friendship. You all mean so much to my family and me.

  Thank you to Zac Weikal and the fabulous members of my Bakery Bunch! I’m so grateful for your friendship and your excitement about my books. You all are awesome!

  To my agent, Natasha Kern—I can’t thank you enough for your guidance, advice, and friendship. You are a tremendous blessing in my life.

  Thank you to my amazing editor, Jocelyn Bailey, for your friendship and guidance. I’m grateful to each and every person at HarperCollins Christian Publishing who helped make this book a reality.

  I’m grateful to editor Jean Bloom, who helped me polish and refine the story. Jean, you are a master at connecting the dots and filling in the gaps. I’m so happy we can continue to work together!

  Thank you most of all to God—for giving me the inspiration and the words to glorify you. I’m grateful and humbled you’ve chosen this path for me.

  Read more from the Seasons of an Amish Garden collection!

  Available as an e-book


  Dan Davis Photography

  Amy Clipston is the award-winning and bestselling author of the Amish Heirloom series and the Kauffman Amish Bakery series. She has sold more than one million books. Her novels have hit multiple bestseller lists, including CBD, CBA, and ECPA. Amy holds a degree in communications from Virginia Wesleyan University and works full-time for the City of Charlotte, North Carolina. Amy lives in North Carolina with her husband, two sons, mom, and three spoiled-rotten cats.

  Visit her online at

  Facebook: AmyClipstonBooks

  Twitter: @AmyClipston

  Instagram: @amy_clipston




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