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Ecstasy Unbound (The Guardians of the Realms Series)

Page 14

by Jay, Setta

  You weren’t forced into it? The question from Vane caught her off guard. The sound of his voice told her how much it cost him to ask. He and Erik were there at her attack, and after. It had been hell for them all.

  Uri growled and looked at her. She would explain later… She really didn’t want to.

  No, I was not forced. It was mutual. She saw some of the tension drain from her brother’s shoulders, but he still shot daggers at Uri from across the table. She wanted to reassure him but they had other things to deal with, It will take some time to get used to and work out. But, right now we need to focus on helping Erik. How is he? She felt lower than crap under a shoe for not thinking of her brother. For only thinking of herself after all her siblings had done for her all those centuries. She loved them more than anything in the world. It had always hurt thinking she was the weakest link.

  Not good. Nothing has changed. She heard him sigh. We need their help, much as it pains me to ask, especially being tethered to a chair. Vane’s groan had her chuckling.

  “Like to share with the rest of the class?” Drake’s voice oozed sarcasm.

  Not having many bargaining chips royally sucked. After she cleared her throat she decided taking the offensive was the best course, so she dug in with the first thing she was able to come up with, “As you know we’ve been essential in the fight against demon possessed on Earth. We don’t need the thanks. We were happy to help, but we’d like to call in a favor now, for all of our dedicated years of service.”

  Vane groaned. Guess he wasn’t loving her tactic. Well, it’s not like he’d offered up anything brilliant.

  Uri’s arm was twitching, and when she looked over, she saw from the glittering in his eyes he was barely suppressing laughter. She narrowed her eyes in warning.

  Sirena, Jax and Conn had no such compunctions in yucking it up. Drake crossed his arms over the massive bulk of his chest and the black t-shirt that clung to his frame, one eyebrow rose, challenging her to continue with her course. No smoke was a good sign she reminded herself. She hated having to deliver her speech as he towered over her, but he was the only one not seated. Better to intimidate you with, my dear.

  More shoulder shaking came from Uri.

  It’s not my fault he plays the big bad dragon so well.

  “What did you have in mind, cousin?” Alex really hoped that Drake’s claiming of their family tie was a positive, rather than negative. It could go either way. Drake’s mother, Aphrodite, was funny but self-absorbed, not the best being in the Realms, for certain.

  “I would like exemption from Exile, for myself and my brothers, in payment for our centuries of service to the Guardians and humanity. And, as compensation for our continued service, I would ask for Sirena’s medical assistance, and any other assistance you can find, for a family situation.”

  The laughter, that had gotten louder at Alex’s exemption from Exile request, abruptly halted after her request for medical assistance.

  Erik? Uri’s sexy voice in her mind made her melt a little more.


  “Request noted. Now, do not tell me that you have contaminated my compound. Explain. Quickly.” Oh, good, there was the smoke… Nothing like pissing off a Demi-God with Guardian powers. She might end up grilled by the end of the conversation after all.

  “No, it’s not for Vane or I, it’s Erik we need help for. And, I wasn’t the one that teleported my ass here.” Her gaze pinned Drake at the pointed comment. More smoke. Awesome, she really needed to watch what she said. She looked over to see Vane shaking his head.

  “Compound is on lock down.” Conn likely sent word to the other Guardians not to come in as a precaution.


  Alex detailed the events after her hop into Sam’s head. Reiterating that Vane had sent Conn the visuals of the hop she had made to Sam. She focused on the details of the trip to Sam’s apartment toward Sirena. The Healer, Siren was their best bet for helping Erik. Sirena leaned forward in her chair, absorbing the details, and asked that Vane and Alex both show her their perspectives.

  Vane, being strong in telepathy, sent the detailed images directly to Sirena, even with the metal that could have affected his abilities. Show off. Their Goddess mother passed on strong mental abilities. Photographic memory was one had shown up in all three siblings.

  Sirena leaned back after a moment, her expression morphing from wide-eyed to beaming. Then as abruptly as it came the female’s smile was gone, making Alex’s stomach plummet. Somber, Sirena cleared her throat before relating what she found, “Okay, the good news is that your brother doesn’t appear to be compromised.”

  Sirena looked to Conn, “Go ahead and lift the lockdown.”

  She went on, “Erik shows signs of the Mating Frenzy. I have been studying it for centuries, and we know that the females Cyril and Elizabeth are collecting are of Elemental Mageia descent. Though, they were off the grid, not affiliated with any Coven. We’ve been monitoring, without much luck, the Covens here on Earth, hoping to find a link. Since we still don’t have a clue how Cyril is getting females, we assume it’s with help from the human Realm.”

  Sirena took a deep breath, “Well, it appears that the last victim, Sam, is Erik’s mate.”

  Alex saw her own horror and confusion reflected on Vane’s face. If it was true, her brother’s mate was suffering right now. Her limbs instantly tensed. She had been getting weaker as the meeting went on, but she refused to show it. Her energies had been depleting almost exponentially since she used her shield on the Guardians. She forced herself to work through the fatigue, needing to know more about her brother’s situation. The tension in the room was almost unbearable. All those seated knew how horrible the situation was. Erik’s mate had been taken by sadistic monster. She needed answers.

  “How is that possible? He never came into contact with her. Uri and I didn’t know we were mated until we made physical contact. And she’s mortal?” She confirmed that with one look to Uri, who looked grim. His hand tightened on hers under the table and she was grateful for the silent show of support.

  “With those able to transform into beasts, it could be triggered by scent alone, so sensitive are their olfactory senses. Sam’s unique fragrance would have permeated the closed space of the apartment. That could have started things for him. Mortal mates can become Immortal with a ceremony.” Alex saw the sympathy in Sirena’s eyes. Well, at least she didn’t have to worry about how horrible it would be for her brother to mate someone, only to lose her in a few short decades. They just needed to rescue Sam.

  “He smelled her pillow…” Vane said. It all made sense.

  Sirena nodded absently, “I’ll need to examine him. Taking him from the apartment should have dulled some of the effects. Most mated couples end up linking minds, along with bodies, in the Frenzy shortly after scenting their mate. I’ve never come across a case like this. His drive to find her would have been intense, especially if he already knew she was in danger. We need to bring him here so I can check him out. It concerns me the amount of energies he’s burning. I’m not sure what that means. The good news is that Erik may be the key to finding Sam, as well as the others. Cyril’s involvement concerned me before, but I really have a bad feeling about it now.” Sirena was firing off information in rapid procession, not even paying attention to the rest of them. The Siren was completely immersed in her own world, while Alex’s was fading fast. She was no longer processing what the female was saying.

  Sirena’s Guardian characteristics were clear. She was commanding, gone was the ecstatic blonde from before. It should have offered Alex some solace, knowing that Sirena was obviously invested in helping her brother, even if it was for the sake of her research. But, crap, the thought of what Sam had already been through, and what her poor brother would suffer even once they’d gotten Sam back… it was too much and seemed to drain the last reserves of her energy. Alex wasn’t sure how Erik was going to deal with the situation, her heart ached for him. Why would her br
other be forced to suffer through something so horrible? It wasn’t fair. She wanted to rail, but she had to keep it together. There was too much to do.

  Her sight started getting spotty. She needed to get out of there. First the head hop… then trying to help Erik… the mating… battling in the war room… her shield activating twice, yeah, she was toast.

  Uri moved from his chair, sending it sailing. With lightning speed she was caught up in the strength of his arms. She was so far gone, she wanted to cuddle up and let darkness have her, but she needed to help her brother… “I’m taking her to recharge.” She heard Uri announce to the room.

  Vane growled at Uri’s caveman move, but closed his eyes for a moment, as if gathering himself for torture. “Sis, he’s right, you need to refuel. I can see that you’re fried. And, honestly, I can’t be around your mate without wanting to shred him. Let me take care of Erik and you go take care of yourself. Finding out clues about your mating might help Erik when we recover Sam. I’ll let you know after the Doc checks him. We need you powered up so we can rescue Sam.” He sent to her mind. At his serious look all the protests she wanted to make died on her lips. Guilt ate at her, but Vane was right, she didn’t have the strength to be of use to anyone until she refueled.

  Finally capitulating, she nodded, “Tell me as soon as you get Erik. Let me know he’s okay. I’ll get back the minute I’m refueled. Be careful…”

  “I’ve got this. Just get your strength back. Don’t worry, sis. It’ll all be good.” He gave her a reassuring grin, though it appeared strained. She hoped he’d get over his violent tendencies toward Uri, quickly. They’d all need to focus on getting Sam back.

  “I can walk.” Alex informed Uri and the room, okay, mostly the room. The protest came out a little slurred, even to her ears. She was in bad shape. She couldn’t remember ever being so depleted. She bit the inside of her cheek, thinking a little pain might help. She tried to wiggle out of his hold, refusing to appear weak.

  Uri answered with a growl, “Not happening.” It took almost all of her remaining strength to raise an eyebrow at him. In the end she was thankful for his primitive, “I Uri, you small female” move. She relaxed in his hold with a shoulder shrug. She wouldn’t have made it two steps before face planting, and that would have been a much worse exit.

  “I’ll inform you when Sirena gets us a time frame for the next meeting.” Drake barely looked at them as he began barking orders to the rest of the room. As they were going down the hall she heard Drake, “Sirena, Jax, Gregoire, take Vane and get Erik, bring him back here. Conn get the others, we need to be ready at the first chance of a rescue mission. This is the best opportunity we’ve had. I don’t want to fuck this shit up. Conn, I still want the area where that possessed was picked up checked for evidence and that syringe. Find out who we can spare for a quick look.”

  Syringe? What was that all about?

  Sirena, I need you to watch my hellhound.

  I actually wanted to see him hunt. Once Alex’s brother is taken care of I will see that he’s fed. Just worry about your mate, Havoc will be fine with me. Sirena’s words were melodic, easing his concern.


  Chapter 16

  Cyril’s muscles were twitching with the strength he used to control his anger. He’d been so sure the tests on Subject Four were going to hold. Taking a deep breath, he used all of his immense strength of will to calm himself before he killed one of his people.

  Another failure. He clenched his fists, his impatience ate at him. He was close. He would need to rework the last formula. Later. The security patrol he passed on the way back to his rooms gave him a wide berth. Smart. He was moments away from doing serious damage to anyone in his path.

  Taking a deep breath, he took his mind from Subject Four’s failure. He needed to be prepared for the meeting he had scheduled. It wouldn’t do for him to exude anything but calm. He inhaled slowly. Forcing his limbs to relax. His mind to calm.

  While looking through the other files before leaving his office, he’d decided that his latest, Subject Nine, seemed to hold more potential than Subject Four had. There was something there that bore more research, her numbers were good, and she was stronger mentally than the others he currently had. That and he’d gotten an odd, tingling awareness from the female. The thought calmed his annoyance. Something about Subject Nine definitely necessitated more testing, and deeper research, before taking her to the level he’d taken Subject Four to. She technically wasn’t next in line, but no matter. He didn’t, however, want to waste her potential so he’d come up with a workable plan. He had informed Kane that he would need Elizabeth’s abilities.

  He didn’t have the patience for another Subject to lose their sanity. It still irked. Lack of sanity completely inhibited any chance of power melding, rendering the Subject useless in his studies. Blowing out a breath, at least all was not lost. Subject Four would still be a worthy trade for services from the Tria, should he need them. It never hurt to have payment set aside for the future.

  He shook his head, finally calm. It wasn’t as if the Tria required the female’s mental state in working condition. It proved more charitable that the female’s mind was unable to process what the beasts did anyway.

  He began thinking back on the reason he had called the next meeting. Subject Nine’s blood line... He would have Cynthia on Earth collect what family she found. Even members over age thirty, which had always been the cut off. He hated to waste an opportunity to get a female in optimal condition, but getting Subject Nine’s family to do preliminary tests on seemed a better plan. Shipments required extensive time and preparation on the side of the Mageias. Their lack of power grated, but was expected.

  He walked into his suite. A quick glance showed everything was set. “Elizabeth, contact Cynthia.” Elizabeth had been silent at his entrance. Good. She sat on the bed, still naked but no longer chained. It appeared that Kane was not allowing her clothing. Cyril couldn’t care less what the male did, as long as he kept her under control.

  Cyril saw the small glass containers holding fluid sitting on a side table, “I see James brought up the partial payment.” Cynthia was dying to get her hands on the payment. Her obsession with youth was to Cyril’s advantage. The shipments of her “youth serum” kept her in line.

  He was close to something big. There was niggling at the back of his mind. Something he was missing? Subject Nine was important, he felt it.

  Chapter 17

  His body was strung impossibly tight. Uri desperately needed relief again, soon. He was sure that if his balls got any tighter, there would be permanent damage.

  Alexandra, or Alex, as her brother called her, had been his dirty fantasy for so long. One he hadn’t dared touch in reality. But, she was his… His mate. He wasn’t even sure how that was possible. The thought that she was his to take and pleasure for eternity made his cock weep in anticipation.

  He’d taken her to his cave, his private domain. Most Immortals kept a cavern for themselves and their eventual mate, as feeding on the world’s energies was more replenishing when within. The fact that she was there with him, gave him primitive satisfaction. There was an odd sense of rightness in providing the space for his mate to fuel her hot tight little body.

  He had settled her into his waterfall room. Needing her to find a way to block her thoughts, and wanting a minute to himself. Unfortunately, the only other room in the cavern was the bedroom, and a place he regretted going to. He’d wanted to settle his mind, and instead, every damn surface in the space brought to mind her tight little body under his. Her bent over the side of his bed, taking him deep inside her tight channel. He stifled a groan. On her back, on the rug, so he was able to see and taste those full high breasts again. He would never get enough of her.

  Her mind had finally stilled. Her head had been a riot of conflicting thoughts from the moment they connected. He didn’t know how she stood it. It had nearly driven him mad. She moved from insatiable desire to mate with him
, lightning quick into determination to find a way to shield her thoughts, then to worry for her brothers and what Erik was going through. Her mind was like a fucking rollercoaster. Not to mention, he was at a complete loss as to how he would fix all the insecurities she felt. The fact that such a magnificent creature did not know her worth was so far beyond him. He didn’t even know where to begin. He was sure it had something to do with an attack, centuries ago, the one her thoughts had gone to in the meeting. His stomach tightened imagining what might have happened. He had a guess, and if it was true, he would slaughter his way through entire blood lines to exact vengeance.

  Her mind wound over and over, reciting her inadequacies as she saw them. That Uri wouldn’t want her as a mate, or that she wouldn’t be a good mate since her powers were so uncontrollable... Like hell. Fuck, though, if he hadn’t liked her in his mind so much, he’d have been forced to knock her beautiful ass out so he wouldn’t go insane from the speed and outrageousness of her contemplation.

  Thank the Gods, her mind had either cleared to meditate while taking energies, or she’d finally found a way to block her thoughts. He hoped to hell it was the later as he paced the confines of the bedroom for the fiftieth time. He ran his hands through his hair, his muscles flexed tight with the need to go to her. He needed to get his own shit together before that happened.

  Uri had learned a good deal about his little goddess by being inside her head, he was still a little shell shocked at how innocent she’d been. That he was the first to bring her pleasure made him anxious to do it all over again, longer and slower.

  She was so much more than he’d ever dreamt. And he’d spent almost all of his nights fixated on her. He’d never thought he’d be given a mate. That it could happen never even occurred to him in all the years that they had played their game. A Mating was sacred among the races. He was torn between feeling humbled, and shocked as shit, that he should be the first Guardian to have his other half. He knew he was the last to deserve to find a mate, but he was just bastard enough to do anything to keep her.


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