Book Read Free

Reforming Jane

Page 7

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Just so we’re clear,” he continued. “I won’t hesitate to spank you again if I think you need it.”

  “You won’t?” she squeaked, feeling a fresh flush cross her face.

  “I won’t, and you know it,” he replied with a wicked grin, “now let me see if you’re wet enough. If you are, I’ll undress, but if not, you’ll just have to wait a little longer.”

  “Ooh, Henry,” she groaned, “you are…”

  “I’m what?” he mumbled, slipping his hand between her legs and ticking his fingertip along her inner thigh.

  “You are making me crazy.”

  He knew that’s not what she’d been thinking. She’d been about to give him a compliment, tell him that he was amazing, or something similar, but had changed her mind. He let it slide, and moving his fingers upwards, he pushed inside her silky slit.

  “Hmmm, you are gloriously wet.”

  “So you’ll take off your clothes now?”

  “Only if you close your eyes, and promise to keep them closed.”

  “I will!” she swore, shutting them down.

  “Good girl,” he crooned. “I was right, you are a fast learner.”

  He loitered for a moment, exploring her soaked seam as he kissed her breasts, then climbed off the bed and stripped, laying his clothes neatly over a nearby chair. His cock was standing at attention, and opening his nightstand drawer he retrieved a condom, slipped it on, took off his glasses, then moved to the foot of the bed and grabbed her ankles. As he pulled her toward him she let out a cry of surprise, and when he deftly flipped her onto her stomach and climbed up to kneel behind her, he heard a muffled groan. She’d buried her head in the comforter, and gripping her hips, he placed his rampant manhood at her entrance, paused for just a teasing moment, then thrust home.

  Jane was no stranger to a tumble between the sheets, but she’d never been with a man like Henry. He was assertive, but in a cool and unruffled way, as though he had nothing to prove, and it wasn’t a pretense, it was just who he was. His touch was lovingly affectionate, and when he’d gripped her ankles and artfully turned her over, though she’d gasped in shock, she had fervently prayed for him to take her. He had, and now she was being swept away in an avalanche of sensation. His cock was pumping her with quick, strong strokes as his fingers toyed with her clit. She could feel her orgasm building, but he was teasing her mercilessly, slowing when the buildup began, then letting his tantalizing touch drop away.

  Staring down at her bottom, Henry thought it even more beautiful that he remembered. He would slap her soon, just as she was nearing her climax, but he wanted to do more, much more. He could picture her standing, bent slightly forward, her legs spread by his bar, and the black tongues of his flogger lashing her cheeks. Just the thought of it was sending him to his release, and returning his fingers back to her pussy, he twirled them around her clit and accelerated his strokes.

  “Henry, please don’t stop, please!”

  “Begging like that just might get you what you want,” he growled, “if you also promise to behave.”

  “Ooh, I’ll be good, I’ll be good, please don’t stop.”

  She was nearing the edge, and moving his hand from her pussy, he landed a sharp smack. She let out a yelp, but when he smacked her again, the yelp became a gasp, and he saw her fingers curl around the bedspread. She threw back her head as the convulsions began, and he continued to spank her as the spasms ripped through her body, grunting as his cock spewed forth his essence. When his orgasm slowly ebbed, he let out a long, heavy breath and fell from her depths, watching her flop on her stomach below him. As he collapsed next to her, he reached across to his nightstand, grabbed a tissue and removed the condom, leaving it next to the tissue box. Rolling onto her side, she nestled against him, and though his heart was furiously pounding, he put his arm around her and pulled her even closer.

  “Is that why you brought me such a lovely gift?” he panted.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, still trying to catch her breath.

  “The telescope, was it a bribe, so you could have your way with me?”

  She lifted her head and looked at him, and he could see she was searching for a witty retort.

  “Yes,” she grinned, crawling onto his chest, “that’s exactly why I bought it, and I’m glad it worked.”

  Grabbing her, he pushed her onto her back, grabbed her wrists, and pinned them over her head.

  “You’re a very cheeky girl,” he declared, “and do you know what happens to cheeky girls?”

  “More of the same, I hope,” she giggled.

  “Oh, I can assure you, you will most definitely be begging again,” he growled, “for all sorts of things.”

  “I’m so happy I’m here,” she murmured. “I didn’t expect anything like this, but when you answered the door, all I wanted was to be wrapped up in your arms.”

  “I feel the same,” he purred. “I honestly thought you’d arrive, we’d have a lovely dinner, then I’d kiss you goodnight when the car came to pick you up, but the minute I saw you, I just wanted to grab you and kiss you and never let you go. I’m just as surprised as you are.”

  “You mean that wasn’t an artful seduction,” she twinkled.

  “I have a new name for you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Cheeky Jane.”

  “Do you mind that I’m cheeky?”

  “Are you kidding? You’ll give me so many reasons to spank your beautiful behind.”

  “I’ll remember to run,” she giggled.

  “You can try,” he winked, “but on another subject, are you hungry?”

  “Ravenous, but, uh…”

  “But? What is it?” he asked, releasing her wrists and rolling back onto his side. “You’re not dizzy again, are you?”

  “Oh, yes, I’m definitely dizzy,” she sighed, “but in a wonderful way.”

  “Then what’s the but?”

  “I’ve got a problem, and solving problems is what you do. I don’t usually ask for advice like this, but, um, can I pick your brain?”

  “Does this have to do with your criminal activity?” he frowned. “I’m not sure I want to give you any advice about that.”

  “I’m supposed to meet some people tomorrow night,” she replied, avoiding his question, “but I don’t think I should. If I do, I’ll need a solid reason to cancel, a reason that will keep the flow of energy moving forward.”

  “You can’t just tell them that you’re sick? I assume that’s why you don’t want to go, because you’re not feeling a hundred percent.”

  “Exactly, I’m still feeling a bit out of it. I feel better, but I know I’m not firing all cylinders. I need a couple of nights of deep sleep before I see them again.”

  “Is this the merry group I saw you with the other night?”

  “If you’re going to offer any ideas, you probably don’t want to know the answer to that question.”

  “Ah, I see, so it is your nefarious activity you want my help with.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Right, you didn’t,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Let me think for a minute.”

  “You don’t mind me asking, do you?”

  “The jury’s out on that one. I can’t say I condone what you do, I don’t, not at all, but I do find it fascinating.”

  “How so?”

  “I’m not talking about picking pockets. It takes talent, sure, but the long cons, that’s what I find so interesting. Why did you want my wallet, by the way? You obviously didn’t need the money.”

  “Sometimes I have to get IDs and so forth, so I have to stay in form.”

  “Is that what I was? Practice?”

  “Um, yes, sorry, but yes, and I would have returned the wallet by mail, or maybe handed it into the bar at Candles and tell them I found it outside in the street.”

  “Minus the cash of course.”

  “Guilty,” she admitted.

  “I want to spank you all over again,”
he said solemnly. “Maybe I should.”

  “We’re digressing,” she said quickly. “You said the long con is fascinating. Why?”

  “It’s as if you’re playing a giant chess game. You have to move people around, manipulate them, make them think about things they might not otherwise consider. As much as I’m a law-abiding citizen and don’t like to see anyone taken for a ride, it is amazing to me that you can do it, and from what I saw of your house, you do it exceedingly well.”

  “I’ll explain about those things another time, but I was once told that you can’t con someone who is honest, and I’ve found that to be true. There are exceptions of course, but not many. I’m very picky about my marks.”

  “What do you mean, picky?”

  “If I hear about a person who has done something nasty, or is unkind, I’ll often go after them.”


  “Yes, really, like an avenging angel, and I don’t keep everything either. I give away fifty percent of my net, and I don’t mean to formal charities. If I see an old lady struggling to walk down the street trying to carry her groceries, I’ll put her in a taxi and slip money in her pocket, or if I’m in a restaurant and I overhear someone talking about some awful bind they’re in, like their dog needing surgery, or some other crisis, I find a way to sneak them some cash. Never less than a hundred pounds, usually more. I’m not a bad person, Henry. What I do might be considered bad, but I’m not a bad person.”

  “You wouldn’t be here if I thought that,” he said, looking at her intently, “but I’m glad to hear you’re a sort of Robin Hood.”

  “I suppose I am.”

  “I think I have a solution to your problem.”

  “You do?”

  “No one can be in two places at once. Can you tell them you have to go out of town?”

  “Wait!” she said urgently, abruptly bolting upright. “Ooh, Henry, you really are a genius. Thank you!”


  “Very seriously!”

  “Have I just aided a criminal enterprise?”

  “Of course not,” she winked, then suddenly grabbing her head and frowning, she added, “but I think I just sat up too quickly.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I will be in just a minute, it goes away fairly quickly now, and if I move my eyes around… there, it’s gone, but it’s so annoying.”

  “Are you queasy?”

  “No, not at all, but it makes me feel tired.”

  “You need a decent meal,” he said firmly, “and that, my dear cheeky Jane, is what you’re going to get, at least I hope it’s decent. It’s been in the oven staying warm all this time.”

  “I guess we’ll find out.”

  “If it hasn’t held up, I’ll take you out somewhere.”

  “Do you mind if I make a private call for a minute?”

  “Don’t tell me. You’re about to announce that you’re going on a trip?”

  “Something like that,” she grinned.

  “Good heavens!” he exclaimed. “I really have become an accomplice.”

  “No, you haven’t. All you did was remind me that a person can’t be in two places at once.”

  “Your bag is still in the living room,” he said, picking up his glasses.

  “Then I guess I’ll walk in there with you and fetch it, but I’m going to put some clothes on first. I’m getting cold.”

  “You do that, and I’ll start the fire,” he said, slipping off the bed and moving across to the granite slab fireplace.

  A short time later, while Henry was pottering around in his kitchen, Jane placed a call to Sylvia Parker, praying that the girl would pick up. Jane didn’t want to leave a message. Messages could be dangerous. One could always deny having said something, but a recording could be played back. The only problem was, Sylvia was a talker, and would carry on endlessly about nothing. In the early days, while she was befriending the girl, Jane would often mute her phone and watch television during their conversations.

  “Hey, Jane, I was just thinking about you,” Sylvia declared as she answered the call. “Are we still on for tomorrow night?”

  “That might be a bit difficult,” she said, feigning laughter. “I’m about to leave for the airport. Guess where I’m going first thing in the morning?”


  “Yes, and I’m so excited! I’m going to see the mine up close and personal. I can’t wait. Unfortunately, it’s going to be a quick trip.”

  “How did this happen?”

  “Dad can’t get away, so he’s flying me down there, no doubt because he feels guilty.”

  “Isn’t guilt wonderful? There’s this actor on the show, the one who plays Jack Barnaby, and he’s madly in love with me. The other day he—”

  “Oh, shoot, I’m so sorry to interrupt, Sylvia, but there’s someone at the door. It must be the courier. Dad said the ticket would be messengered to me. I’ve been waiting for a couple of hours, thank goodness it’s finally arrived. I really need to go. I still have to pack.”

  “I’m so jealous.”

  “Tell Amanda and Susan I said goodbye, and I’ll bring you back all the news.”

  “And nuggets, don’t forget, gold nuggets.”

  “If I can, now I must fly, Sylvia. Cheerio.”

  “Bye, safe travels.”

  Ending the call, Jane let out a heavy breath.

  “Good lord, that girl is such hard work,” she muttered, but the mission had been accomplished, and smiling a satisfied smile, she headed into the dining room to join Henry for dinner.

  Chapter Nine

  Henry was completely smitten, but he was also filled with anxiety, and as he plated their dinner, he found himself consumed with images of visiting his newfound love in jail.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  Turning around, he saw her walking toward him, and was suddenly filled with an overwhelming need to protect her.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he smiled, opening his arms to hug her.

  As she leaned against him, he inhaled the soft fragrance of her hair, and closing his eyes he breathed it in, holding her tightly, wishing he could keep her in his arms and never let her go.

  “How would you feel about staying the night?” he whispered. “I’d love to wake up with you.”

  “Staying the night,” she repeated, murmuring the words.

  “If you’d rather not…”

  “I’m not sure,” she said softly, pulling back and staring up at him.

  “It’s an invitation, not a demand,” he said, trying to hide his disappointment. “If you’d like to, you’re more than welcome, if not, that’s fine too.”

  “It’s just, I’ve, uh, never done that, I mean, I’ve always gone home,” then realizing what she’d just said, she quickly added, “Sorry, that came out wrong.”

  “It’s all right. I’m sure you haven’t lived the life of a nun; in fact, I know you haven’t,” he chuckled. “Let’s eat, the food’s getting cold.”

  They sat down, and as she stared at the fish on her plate, she realized she was ravenous. Taking a bite, she smiled with approval, then sipped her wine.

  “So you like it?” Henry asked.

  “Yes, and yes!” she declared, grinning across at him.

  “You like it twice, or you like the fish, and you like the wine.”

  “Oh, my mistake, make that, yes, yes, and yes.”

  “Three yeses?”

  “The physicist can count!”

  “Cheeky Jane,” he scolded with a twinkle in his eye, then the penny dropped. “The third yes was because you’re going to stay?”



  “The first yes was because I’m going to stay. The second yes was for the fish, and the third yes was for the wine.”

  “I think I know someone who’s going to have quite the red bottom if she’s not careful.”

  “Do you promise?”

  “Be careful what you wish for, young lady. Are you
forgetting the sore backside I sent you home with the last time you were here?”

  “I didn’t mean that,” she exclaimed. “I meant what you did, uh, before… in the bedroom.”

  “Suddenly so shy?”

  “I guess I am,” she said, raising her eyebrows. “I don’t know why. I’m not usually.”

  “It looks good on you,” he said, devouring his meal, “and you’re right, this is excellent.”

  Taking another sip of her wine, she stared across the table at the man who was making her heart sing. She was happy, and she felt light, as though she weighed barely an ounce, and the idea that she was going to sleep through the night curled up next to him was a dream coming true. Were they falling in love? Bernie had loved her, but that had been the love of a surrogate father, a mentor.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Henry said, seeing she was deep in thought.

  “It’s going to cost you a whole more than that,” she quipped.

  “How about a spanking?”

  “Again with the spanking?”

  “Just want to make sure you don’t forget the kind of man who’s sitting across the table from you.”


  “Excellent,” he smiled. “So then, a penny?”

  “You know, you’re a very interesting person,” she remarked, tilting her head to the side, immediately straightening it up again. “Oops, shouldn’t have done that. Don’t worry, it was a gentle reminder that I’m not completely well yet. I can tilt to the right, see?”

  “Your attempts at avoiding the question are a bit clumsy for a seasoned hustler, and it’s okay, you don’t have to tell me. Thoughts can remain private.”

  “I do want to tell you,” she protested. “That was genuine. You are an interesting person, a very interesting person, and I was thinking about how happy I am.”

  “I’m glad, Jane,” he said softly, “and I’m happy too, especially about having you to myself all night.”

  As they continued their meal, a comfortable ease settled upon them, and Jane realized she was truly relaxed. She wasn’t feeling any of the adrenalin that was usually present in the middle of a job. It came and went in varying degrees, but it was always there. They finished their main course, and Henry took their plates into the kitchen, returning with a large slice of warmed chocolate cake, a dish of vanilla ice cream, and two spoons.


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