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Jake Lawrence, Third Base (Bottom of the Ninth #3)

Page 2

by Jean Joachim

  The woman buried her face in her hands. “You didn’t, Ma. Say you didn’t.”

  “I was only trying to help. I thought if I could double that at the track, well five grand would go a lot farther in the Big Apple.”

  “Ma, I needed that money.”

  “Hey, I was doin’ great. Got it up to thirty-five hundred. Then my luck broke.”

  “Lost it all?”

  “Sorry, babe. Hey, I gotta go. Harry’s waitin’ for me. We’re takin’ the free bus to the new casino. Wish me luck. I’ll call you if I win your money back.”

  “You do that, Ma.”

  The woman clicked off the phone and handed it back to Jake, who stood staring wide-eyed.

  “I’m sorry, Mister. I’m not gonna have your fifty bucks for you.” She opened a side pocket in her backpack and rummaged around for something.

  Jake had never heard a conversation like that before. “Your mother gambled away your money?”

  The woman plucked a compact out and opened it. She nodded before gasping as she viewed her face. Fresh tears started.

  “I have an audition in two weeks. Look at my face!”

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Topping off one smokin’ hot body was the darkest hair he’d ever seen. Long and silky, framing peaches-and-cream skin with eyes a mixture of green and blue. Those eyes were troubled now, glancing up at him.

  “Uh, yeah. She did. It’s not the first time. Damn it!” She swiped at the tears on her cheeks and stood up. “I have to get to New York in two weeks. I have an audition.”

  “You’re a Broadway actress?” Jake couldn’t keep the awe out of his voice.

  “No. Not yet. Regional theater. Summer stock. Crap, look at my face. How can I audition looking like this?” She shoved the things she’d removed to get to her mirror back in the satchel. “I had bus fare only as far as Santa Juana. Now I’m stuck.”

  “You’ll never make your audition,” Jake said.

  “Gotta be a place along this road that needs an experienced waitress. That’s me. I’ll get a job. Work a couple of days…” She brushed off her beige jeans and dark turquoise T-shirt before sticking out her hand.

  “Kate MacKenzie. Thank you so much for paying off that asshole. If you give me your name and address, I’ll mail you a check for the money. I’m good for it. Really. I’ve got this job in the bag. I just know it.”

  “Jake Lawrence. Don’t worry about the money. I can swing it. You’re really gonna do that? Look for a job, then hop a bus?”

  “Of course. What other option do I have? Oh, wait. I could hitchhike. But that might be risky.”

  “Might? Might?” His voice rose. “You’ll get jumped by the first guy who stops for you.”

  “Me? Why?”

  “Just look at you.”

  “Yeah. So? I’m a little dusty, but…”

  “Dusty? You’re beautiful.”

  She stopped and blushed. “Think so?”

  “I don’t think. I know. Come on. I can’t leave you out here. I’m gonna get lunch in Smokey’s. Join me, and I’ll take you to New York.”


  “Yeah. I’m headed that way.”

  She backed up. “No, thanks, Mister. I’m not that hard up. I’d rather walk.”

  “No, no. I’m safe. Honestly. I’m a professional baseball player.”

  “Yeah? And I’m the Tooth Fairy.”

  “Really. Look,” he said, pulling his wallet from his back pocket and flashing his identification.

  “Well, son of a bitch, you are! Jake Lawrence and you play for the…” she leaned over to read it, giving him a nice view of her cleavage. “New York Nighthawks. Well then, I guess you are heading to New York.”

  “Opening day in a little over two weeks. Come, let’s eat. I’m starved.”

  Kate followed him into the restaurant. It was dark, and they were shown to a booth with a round table. Always the gentleman, Jake let Kate slide in first. He made sure not to get too close. The woman had been assaulted and was skittish. He got that.

  The hostess left menus after seating them.

  He snuck a sidelong look at his lunch companion. She looked thin, even for an actress. He wondered if she had eaten that day.

  “I’m not hungry,” she said, closing the menu after looking at every single page.

  “I am. I’m gonna have a Philly cheesesteak, even though we’re in New Mexico, fries, and a milkshake.”

  “If I ate like that, I’d gain thirty pounds.”

  “I work it off on the field and in the gym. Come on. You gotta be hungry after that idiot smacked you around.”

  She licked her lips, enticing him with the sensuous swipe. Unconsciously, she gently rubbed her sore cheek and met his gaze with wary eyes.

  “Come on. You gotta eat something. It’s on me. Don’t worry, I’m not going to jump you or anything.”

  “A freebie? There’s no such thing.”

  “Yes, there is. Such an optimist one minute, and now you think I’m Jack the Ripper.”

  “Well, are you?”

  He laughed. “That guy died a long time ago.”

  The waitress came by to take their orders.

  “Nothing for me. Wait. Water. A big glass, please.”

  “Water? You’re joking?” He placed his food order, “And a root beer float.”

  He watched her eyes grow large. “A root beer float. Wow.”

  “And she’ll have one, too. Bring her a burger, too. With fries.”

  “How do you like it cooked, miss?”

  Kate glanced at him. “Medium, please.”

  Jake grinned. “I knew you were hungry.”

  “Be right back with your drinks,” the server said.

  Jake looked her over. She flipped her long hair over her shoulder and avoided his gaze. Could she be afraid of me?

  “Are you scared of me?” he asked, never being a shy guy.

  “Well, I don’t know you and you offered to buy me lunch. Lotta guys would expect something in return, if you get my meaning?”

  “I get it. I’m not one of them. I’m not that kinda guy. Look, Kate, to be blunt, I don’t have a hard time getting laid. And even if I did, I’d never buy sex or take advantage of a woman down on her luck. That’s not how I roll.”

  “A gentleman? Been a long time since I’ve seen one of those.”

  Jake grinned. “Take a good look, ‘cause you’re seeing one now.”

  The beverages arrived. After her first sip, Kate’s eyes widened. She clapped her hand over her mouth. He grinned.

  “Damn this is good,” she said, scooping up some ice cream.

  He watched her devour the sweet. Must have been a long time since she’d had anything like that. Or maybe since anyone bought her a meal. When the food arrived, she tucked into it with the same enthusiasm. Watching her eat, his heart melted. It made him feel good to make her happy. Times like these, being financially secure paid off.

  His cheesesteak tasted great, juicy and tender. But nothing was as good as the performance she gave, savoring every fry, every pickle—hell, she even ate the lettuce.

  “Guess you were hungrier than you thought,” he said.

  “Guess so.” She wiped her mouth and faced him. “That’s the best meal I’ve had in a month. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Mine was pretty good, too.”

  “You gonna eat that pickle?” She pointed.

  “Be my guest.”

  “I hate to waste food.”

  He laughed, watching her devour it along with his tomato and lettuce, too.

  He paid the bill and opened the door for her.

  “Where’s your car?”

  He pointed around back. Using the remote, he unlocked his gorgeous vehicle.

  “Oh my God. Look at this! It’s beautiful!”

  He opened the door for her. “Hop in. We need to get on the road.”

  She bumped her shoulder on the doorframe and hissed in pain.

  “Let me take a lo
ok at that.” Jake pushed up her sleeve to expose the darkening bruise on her shoulder. Instinctively, he leaned down and kissed it. He saw a tear splash on her skin.

  “No one’s done that for me in a long time,” she whispered, her voice hoarse.

  “Sorry. Just knee-jerk. I used to do that for my little sister when we were kids. Always worked back then.”

  “You’ve still got the magic touch. It feels better already.”

  Obviously, she was lying, but he smiled at her and took her backpack.

  “Okay if I put this in the trunk?”

  She nodded, fastening her seatbelt.

  Jake slid behind the wheel and put the magnificent machine in gear. He turned right onto U.S. 70 and hit the gas. The smooth ride lulled Kate to sleep. Her head lolled over to rest on his shoulder. Although he’d been looking forward to taking the trip alone, he relished sharing his luxurious vehicle with such an interesting companion. He had to laugh to himself. Her misfortune was his good luck.

  Without much effort, he leaned down and kissed her head. His nose picked up a faint scent of lilacs. He wondered what the guys would say as he rode into New York in his silver carriage with a princess tucked inside. His teammates would shake their heads and swear he had all the luck. Perhaps this time, they were right.

  Chapter Two

  Kate shifted in her seat, nuzzling a firm shoulder under her cheek. Jerking awake, she shrank back against the passenger door.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t usually do that with people I don’t know.” She took a long side look at him. The man was gorgeous. Blond hair, blue eyes, and a body that wouldn’t quit.

  “No problem,” Jake shot a grin at her then turned his eyes back to the road. “We’re just about to cross over into the great state of Texas, I think.”

  “Do you have a route planned?” Fighting a yawn, she fished in her purse for a mint.

  “My dad and I roughed out something. Wouldn’t hurt to have a navigator. You interested?”

  “Sure.” She offered one to him, but he shook his head.

  “In the glove compartment.”

  She looked around for a minute or two before figuring out how to open it. “This is some car. Do you know how to use everything?”

  “Nope. Figured I’d learn on the way home.”

  She nodded, retrieving a folded paper. “A list?”

  He nodded. “It’s a list of roads my dad and I got from the road atlas. If we follow each of these to the next one, it should take us to New York.”

  After unfolding it, she studied the words as she sucked on the candy. “Got a map?”

  “Road atlas under the seat.”

  She pulled it out. “We can stay on this road and pass through Texas quickly. It goes across the Panhandle.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “It’s the fastest route.” Glancing at him, she did a brief study of his profile. Straight nose, strong jaw, definitely a handsome guy. Biceps bulged a bit as he gripped the wheel. Strong forearms, too. Hell, he’s a slugger. Can’t do that and be a weakling, can you? Turning her gaze out the window, she wondered what it would feel like to be in his arms. Would he be safe? Would he protect her? He did already, so, yeah, he probably would. If he liked her.

  What guy takes on a woman whose mom was a gambling addict? He had to wonder if the apple hadn’t fallen far from the tree. Besides, she didn’t have time for a relationship. She was going to be a Broadway star or die trying. That would take all the energy she had. Still, with a nice hunk like Jake, it might be fun to take a detour for a month or two.

  “That works,” he replied.

  She eyed the fancy sound system. “Do you like music?”

  “Love it.”

  “I need to rehearse for my audition. Would you mind if I sing?”

  “You’re doing a musical?”

  “Yes, it’s kind of a revival, sort of. New show old music. From the 1930’s.”


  “Some great music was written back then.”

  “Cole Porter. Can’t do better than him, except maybe Johnny Cash.”

  “You like Cole Porter and Johnny Cash?”

  “Weird, I know. I like Mozart, too. My mom’s a music teacher.”

  “Do you play an instrument?”

  “Nah. Too busy with baseball practice.”

  “Can you sing?”

  “A little.”

  She clapped her hands. “Fantastic! The number I’m doing, Friendship, is a duet. I’m meeting my partner in the City. We won’t have time to practice together, so would you sing with me?”

  “Partner?” He frowned. Kate stifled a smile. Maybe he is interested.

  “Performing partner. He’s gay.”

  “Got it.” One side of Jake’s sexy mouth curved up.

  “So will you?”

  “Sorry, I don’t know the song.”

  “I’ll feed you the lyrics. Let me go through it a couple of times.”

  As they drove through the flat plains of the Texas Panhandle, Kate sang the song over and over again. Since there wasn’t much traffic, she didn’t worry about distracting Jake while teaching him the song. He caught on fast and had a remarkably good voice.

  Kate relaxed as she did what she loved most. Jake cast an admiring look her way. No one had appreciated her in a very long time. Show business was a struggle to get parts, then a shitload of hard work to stand out. She wasn’t afraid of the challenge of making it on Broadway.

  Nothing in her life had come easy, why should this be any different? That wasn’t exactly true. Her naturally stunning voice and looks had opened a few doors for her. But once she hit New York, that wouldn’t matter anymore. She’d be one of hundreds with talent and looks, competing for a handful of spots.

  By the time they got back on the highway, it was three. The sun shifted in the sky. Night was coming on fast.

  “Let’s stop outside of Amarillo. I don’t want to get mixed up in city traffic. I need to stretch my legs and it’s almost dinner time,” Jake said, stifling a yawn.

  Kate checked her watch. It read six o’clock, Texas time.

  “Okay. Where do you want to stop?”

  “I’m up for some Texas steak. Look for a steakhouse. And not a chain. See if you can find a local place.”

  He slowed the car, making it easier for her to check the signs. As they neared Amarillo, the barren plains had become dotted with stores, restaurants, and motels. Shit! Motel. Panic welled up in her for a moment. I’ll sleep in the car.

  “I see Cowboy John’s. Looks like a restaurant. Has a big picture of a steak.”

  “Sounds good. Let’s try it,” he said, pulling off the highway.

  * * * *

  Jake picked up on the worried expression in her eyes. Must be scary to be a woman, traveling alone, no money, with a strange guy.

  “Come. I’m buyin’. Don’t worry about money. I do real well. I can afford to take you along with me so relax.”

  She had appeared to be in her element in the car. When she sang, her whole face lit up, tripling her energy and beauty. Jake almost drove off the road, staring at her and listening to her. Her voice was the sweetest, clearest he’d ever heard. Even so, he knew that setting her sights on Broadway was about the toughest choice she could make.

  Hell, pro baseball hadn’t exactly been easy. He’d practiced his balls off to get there. And still worked like crazy to stay sharp. But, at least in baseball, there are a lotta teams and they scout you. Broadway shows weren’t exactly employing a thousand leading ladies, were they?

  Recalling her phone call, he concluded she had at least one other strike against her. His heart melted at her determination, despite the odds. He had to help her. Helping people is what he was raised to do, along with play baseball. It was his mom’s influence, and he had prided himself on being a gentleman and helpful to all. Besides, if she got grateful enough, a guy might get lucky.

  He’d stolen enough looks at her chest to make his mouth water. H
er body was fine, about the finest he’d ever see. What he wouldn’t give to see it all. Fat chance, but he could dream. Nope, he couldn’t make a move on her. Wouldn’t be right. He sighed as he put the car in park.

  “Something wrong?”

  “Just a little tired, I guess.”

  “How long you been driving today?”

  “About five hours.”

  “You’re ahead of schedule,” she said, unfastening her seatbelt.

  “Yeah. Thought I might want to stop for a day or two along the way. See some stuff. That okay with you?”

  “Honey, this is a free ride for me. I’ll go along with anything you want to do.” She picked up her purse.

  “Anything?” He cocked an eyebrow.

  She gave his shoulder a playful slap.

  “Just kiddin’, Kate. Just kiddin’.”

  “You’d better be.

  They entered the restaurant. Jake ordered a thick steak, baked potato, and salad. Kate had a steak salad. She had wine, and Jake slugged down a beer. When he reached the car, exhaustion took over.

  “Can’t do it.”

  “Can’t do what?”

  “Can’t drive much anymore tonight. Hell, it’s eight already. I’m usually in bed by ten. I need to find a motel.”

  “I can sleep in the car,” she piped up.

  “Don’t be silly. We’ll get a room with two beds.”

  Jake took the next exit off route 40 and pulled into the parking lot of a motel chain he was familiar with, Carruthers Inn.

  “I have points at this place. It’s pretty nice.”

  Kate hung back. “What if they don’t have two beds?”

  “We’ll cross that bridge if we come to it. Come on. I’m beat.”

  Taking her time, Kate got out of the car. Jake retrieved her backpack along with his small suitcase and headed for the front desk. When the desk clerk said they had a room with two doubles, she let out a breath. He chuckled to himself to see how relieved she was to be able to put some physical distance between them for the night.

  This would be a first for him. He laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I don’t usually spend the night with a beautiful woman just sleeping.”

  “There’s a first time for everything.”

  “I guess so.”


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