Jake Lawrence, Third Base (Bottom of the Ninth #3)

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Jake Lawrence, Third Base (Bottom of the Ninth #3) Page 5

by Jean Joachim

  Such a perfect specimen, she wondered where his cracks were. No one was perfect, and that included slugger, Jake Lawrence. She wondered why such a hot guy was single. Not met the right girl yet or was he a womanizer? Recalling his conversation with his teammates the other night, she guessed the latter.

  Well, there it was. A master seducer and leaver of women. Jake fit the part perfectly. Take ‘em in with his charm and good looks, sleep with ‘em, then on to the next. The idea sent a cold chill up her spine.

  Would he do that to her? An easy friendship had grown up between them. Gentle teasing in the car, singing together and critiquing each other’s performances. Sharing food, a bathroom, and a motel room without sex sure didn’t sound like a womanizer’s scenario. What if he didn’t see her that way? It’s not like he didn’t want to sleep with her. She’d seen the sparks in his eyes when she paraded around in that floppy, baggy jersey of his.

  She shrugged. Who knew what went on in his mind? The more he resisted her, the more she wanted him. It didn’t make sense to her at all. But there it was. Regardless of what she said, she’d flop into his bed in a heartbeat. Doctoring his hand, touching the calloused palms, the sensitive skin on the back of his hand, lit her fire.

  He was warm, strong, and protective. Safety existed in his arms, only a bed away, didn’t it? Safety, something she’d longed for all her life and never found. The only safe person in her life had been herself. Self-reliance, the backbone of the United States, and the existence of Kate MacKenzie. She’d contemplated giving it up a few times before when enormously attractive men made plays for her. But it had never turned out well. She’d either been hurt or wounded him and had to move on. What made her think she could expect this to be different?

  But she wanted him and denying herself was getting her nowhere. The feelings hadn’t gone away, in fact, they had only intensified. Not staring at him when he undressed, or dressed, or walked to the bathroom in his boxers, wasn’t an option. She knew he noticed, too, and it had embarrassed her, but she couldn’t look away. Who knew when she’d get another view of such fine male flesh again?

  When she did her warm up exercises in the morning, his gaze behind her enveloped her like warm hands. She teased him with her leg lifts, and he loved it, smiling at her with heat in his eyes. When would the two forces stop dancing around each other and come together in a meteor shower of passion that would burn the motel down? She didn’t know, but it had to happen as they inched closer and closer to each other. Kate’s mouth felt dry.

  She tried reading but lost interest in her book almost immediately. She drifted off, imagining if things were different if they were stranded on an island together. Would they be so reluctant to couple up then?

  “Hey, lady. Time to get up.” Soft words buzzed her ear. Was she dreaming? “Come on, honey. Time for dinner.”

  She opened her eyes. Jake sat on the corner of her bed, dressed and ready. The pain lines in his face were gone. He looked good.

  “How’s the hand?”

  “Doesn’t hurt. Looks like the swelling’s gone down. You did good, lady.”

  She sat up, quickly turning her attention to his bandage. “We should change this before we go out.”

  ‘I’m hungry. Can’t it wait?”

  “I want to take a look. If we have to soak it, we can do that after dinner.”

  “Okay, okay. Ever been in the military? You’re a drill sergeant.”

  She glared at him before gently removing the bandage. The cut had begun to knit together. It was still an angry red line, but the edges were clean, and the swelling was gone. It appeared to be mending well. “Looks good.” She popped up and poked around in the first aid bag for the cream and bandages. After fixing him up with a fresh covering, she slipped on her shoes, combed her hair, grabbed her purse, and marched to the door. “Ready.”

  “Where do you want to eat?”

  “Hmm. I don’t eat it often, but how about pasta?”

  “Fine. Did you see a place?”

  “Let’s ask at the front desk,” she suggested, moving ahead as he held the door for her.

  * * * *

  Jake’s hand was well enough the next day for him to take the wheel. He drove all day, stopping for a quick lunch in Little Rock, then making tracks to Memphis. Halfway from Memphis to Nashville, Jake spied a billboard for a mom-and-pop steak joint in Garfield Glen.

  “How about dinner at Mrs. Mansfield’s Steak House?”

  “I could use a good steak.”

  “Settled then. Getting off in Garfield Glen. Find it,” he said as the Lexus roared down Route 40. Kate located it and directed him off the proper exit. They pulled into the parking lot, which was half full.

  Jake stretched his legs and yawned before taking her hand and heading to the restaurant. He was surprised to find that Mr. Mansfield, who was seating people, recognized him. He shot a silly grin at the couple as he showed them to a romantic table with two candles on it.

  “She’s quite a looker, Jake.”

  “She is, isn’t she?” The ball player smiled while Kate blushed.

  “You jocks get all the prettiest gals, I swear,” he said, handing them menus.

  Both ordered steaks and baked potatoes. Kate ordered salad while Jake selected the green beans, instead.

  When the waiter brought their food, Jake asked him about a motel.

  “We’re tired and need to break for the night. Know anyplace nice to stay around here?”

  “Hmm. Let me see. There’s the Dew Drop Inn. But that’s more for transients. Not for famous folk like you, Mr. Lawrence.”


  “Jake. Let’s see. Oh, yes. There’s the Colonel’s Inn. It’s like a bed and breakfast, but it’s a big mansion. Got a great suite on the top floor, too.”

  “Sounds perfect,” he said, taking a knife to his meat. “Thank you.”

  “You’re most welcome. Enjoy your meal.” The waiter returned to the kitchen.

  “I’ll call and make a reservation,” Kate said, her hand out for his phone.

  “I don’t know why I don’t just give this to you.”

  “You might get another call from your teammates, checking up on your sex life.”

  He chuckled. “Then it’d be perfect for you to answer, wouldn’t it?”

  She dialed the B and B but couldn’t hear well.

  “I don’t know what I reserved, but we have a room there.”

  “Great! How about dessert?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding,” she said patting her stomach. His gaze followed her hand.

  “Come on. Share one with me. Look, strawberry cheesecake or molten lava chocolate cake? Says they’re both made here.”

  She paused, gazing at him. “Okay, okay. I’ll have a little.”

  He ordered the chocolate confection and two spoons. When it arrived, he scooped up some and fed it to her. When she opened her mouth, he watched her eat. A jolt in his groin almost knocked him off his chair when she licked chocolate off her bottom lip.

  The heat between them escalated with every bite of the sexy dessert. When they finished, Kate sat back and stared at him.

  “What? Did I get something on my shirt?” He looked down.

  “A little chocolate, here,” she said, leaning in and licking a smidgeon from the corner of his mouth. His intake of breath made her smile. He folded his fingers around her waist to steady her, then turned his head so his lips met hers.

  This time, she gasped. He lingered for a second or two before easing her away from him. Yep, she tasted every bit as delicious as he had imagined. The waiter bumped Jake’s hand with the bill, breaking the mood.

  Kate blushed, her eyes wide, and smoldering. He knew then, that she wanted him, too. They only had a few days left. Could he make it happen before he dropped her at Keith’s place?

  He paid the server and they headed for the car.

  “I’ll put the address in the GPS. The guy said it wasn’t far.”

  They pulled up i
n front of a large log home. At the front desk, Jake checked in.

  “We have a reservation for a room with two double beds,” he said, removing his wallet from his back pocket.

  “Nope. Says here, the Apache room.”

  “The Apache room?”

  “Yep. One king bed,” the desk clerk said.

  “Kate! Wait a minute.”

  He strode over to her. “Didn’t you reserve a room with two doubles?”

  “I couldn’t hear the guy real well. That’s what I said and he said something and I said ‘okay’. I assume he had a room with two doubles. Is there a problem?”

  “You might say that.” Jake returned to the desk. “Do you have anything else?”

  “The Cherokee room. But it has only one queen. Rest are booked for tonight.”

  Jake looked at his watch—already nine-thirty. “We’ll take the one with one king.”

  Kate wandered over. He explained the situation and shrugged.

  To his surprise, she said, “We’ll manage.”

  “Sign here, please. And your credit card.”

  His hand was a little sore from driving all day, so Kate schlepped her own backpack up the stairs to their room. The western theme in the B and B continued into the guest quarters. A Native American blanket hung on the wall. There was a fireplace across from the bed, but it didn’t look used much.

  The king size bed dominated the room. A fluffy white comforter covered it. A homemade quilt, folded, rested at the foot of the bed. The low lighting gave the room a romantic air. Jake’s heartbeat sped up. A nightstand, a small dresser, a wing chair by the fireplace, and a small desk with chair were the only other furnishings in the room. No place for either of them to sleep except in the bed. He swallowed saliva and avoided her gaze.

  “It’s big enough for each of us to have our own corner.”

  “A corner for me? I’m a little big for that. But I’ll stay on my side. Unless you say otherwise.”

  She didn’t respond, simply took her backpack and headed for the bathroom. Jake toed off his shoes and removed his clothes. He made sure he had a fresh condom in his wallet and placed it on the stand next to the bed.

  The room was charming, decorated in red, green and white. The old West and Native American flavors blended well. He stretched out on the mattress and laced his fingers behind his head. His gaze scanned the room, taking in the little details that gave it an authentic feel.

  The opening of the bathroom door drew his eye. Brushing her hair and clad only in his jersey, Kate stood in the doorway. The light behind her outlined her silhouette. His mouth dried.

  “Your turn.” She walked over to the bed.

  Jake washed up quickly. When he returned to the room, the only light was the one next to his side of the bed. Kate was in bed, covers pulled up tight with her back to him. He sighed, disappointment turning his smile to a frown. This might be his only chance to get close to her and it had evaporated before his eyes.

  He climbed into bed, switched off the light, and turned his back to her.

  “Good night,” he said, his voice low.

  “’Night,” she replied.

  Even after a long day of driving, Jake wasn’t sleepy. He lay on his side, thinking. He had an incredible woman a few feet away from him and in a few days, he’d probably lose her forever. But he was paralyzed. If he made a move, he’d scare her. He’d given his word that he wasn’t there to jump her bones. He had to stick to it, no matter how difficult. Her even breathing indicated she was asleep. Tomorrow would be another long day of driving, he’d better get some shut-eye. He let out a breath and closed his eyes.

  * * * *

  Kate lay still, hoping her even breathing would fool Jake into thinking she was asleep. Every nerve in her body tingled. Heat from him so close traveled under the covers. Time slipped through her fingers as she searched her heart. There he was, only inches away. She wanted him, more with each passing minute. There’d be no ignoring Jake Lawrence tonight. And no sleep.

  He shifted position twice. Does he feel it, too? The pull to him drew her like a magnet draws iron. Afraid to roll over where she could see him, she struggled to keep her body still. His male scent, faint but distinguishable, teased her nose. She rolled over. Her gaze fastened on his muscular back, naked and visible.

  Should she hold out or not? As her brain fought with her libido, she slipped into slumber. Visions of Santa Juana and the long, empty road stretched in front of her. She was hungry but didn’t even have a quarter. As she walked, stores and restaurants vanished like mirages in the desert. The road emptied and the sun beat down on her back.

  Thirst tore at her throat making it dry and raspy. She tried to sing, but couldn’t. Not one car drove by. Totally alone, she panicked, desperation growing in her belly. She’d starve, die of thirst, or bake to death in the sun, alone, with no one to help.

  Tears pricked behind her eyes. She willed herself not to cry, not to waste precious water in her body. Then she saw a car in the distance. She ran toward it, crying out, “Help! Help me!”

  Something shook her shoulder. Kate’s eyes popped open.

  “Kate, Kate! Wake up. Wake up.”

  It was Jake. Her breathing ragged, she stared up at him. Moonlight through the window outlined his large form looming over her.

  “Oh my God,” she said, fear receding, tears of relief dampening her eyes.

  “Did you have a nightmare?” His palm caressed her cheek.

  She nodded. “It was awful. I was alone. Had nothing. No water.” Then the tears burst forth. Jake scooped her into his arms, hugging her to him as she cried on his chest. The warmth of his skin, the firmness of his muscles, and the protection of his arms soothed her.

  “It’s okay, honey. You’re safe now. You’re with me. Nothing bad’ll happen.”

  She melted to his form, listening to his words, spoken in a low, even tone. He stroked her hair, his lips rested on her forehead. Kate raised her leg and slid it around his waist. This was it. There was no parting from him now. Wide awake, desire thrumming in her core, she’d made up her mind to have him.

  She pressed her hips against his and he responded.

  “Do you want this?”

  “Oh, yes. Yes.”

  “Are you sure?


  “Really? No regrets?”

  “None. Stop talking. Do it. Make love to me.”

  His low chuckle fanned her flames. “My pleasure, honey,” he said, tackling the buttons on the jersey. She helped and within a minute, it was open. He wasted no time sliding his hand down her chest to cup her breast.

  “These are great,” he said, lowering his head in the dark to kiss them.

  She flattened her palms against his pecs and caressed her way up to cup his shoulders. His touch spread heat across her body. He pinched her peak gently, telegraphing lust right between her legs. She massaged his shoulders, pressing the pads of her fingers into his muscles. Sensing his strength added fuel to a growing fire.

  He eased her down on her back, then sucked one nipple, while his free hand glided down her smooth side then back to her rear. He squeezed it.

  “I’ve wanted to do that for the longest time,” he whispered.

  He continued to explore, his palm resting on the back of her thigh. He eased his hand up slowly, driving her wild with desire. Why was he taking so long? His fingers dove between her legs, and she let out a sharp cry.

  “Did that hurt?”

  “No, no. Just surprised me. It’s great. God, it’s great,” she said, her eyes drifting shut.

  His fingers skimmed along her slippery flesh before easing inside her. She groaned and reached down for his shaft. He was hard as steel. She moved her hand down to cup him and smiled as he grunted.

  Jake removed his fingers to explore her fully. Searching for her sweet spot, when he hit pay dirt, she gasped. He chuckled once and zeroed in, stroking her. As her breathing became ragged, he slipped his fingers inside her again and pumped in
and out, raising her heat to a raging fire.

  “Stop. I’m gonna come.”

  “Ladies first,” he chuckled.

  She squeezed him and drew her knees to her chest. “Please. Do it. Do it.”

  “You got it,” he replied, rising to his knees. He retrieved the condom from his wallet and applied it with lightning speed. Kate lay waiting, her breathing uneven, aching to have him quench her fire. He fumbled in the semi-dark until he was positioned perfectly.

  “Sure now?”

  “Oh, God! Stop torturing me! Yes!”

  He chuckled, then thrust in, hard. She moaned as he filled her. He pushed up, his hand on her hip to steady her. He started slow, leaning down to kiss her, gently, then more savagely, his mouth possessing hers. She wanted to belong to him, to be taken, marked as his.

  He picked up speed, moving faster. Heat mixed with passion in her blood, coiling tighter and tighter. Then it took off, commanding her totally as a huge orgasm ripped through her, clenching each muscle, then releasing pure pleasure to every nerve in her body.

  She cried out his name as she arched her back and clutched his shoulders. Balancing his weight on his hands, he buried his face against her neck, his hips moving in a steady rhythm.

  It had been so long since she’d slept with anyone, she’d forgotten how wonderful sex was. Then again, maybe she’d never had truly great sex before. As he worked toward his climax, her body continue to respond, tingling at the touch of his lips on her skin. Through her hands on his chest, she felt him stiffen. He grunted once, muttered something that sounded like her name and stopped for a moment, before collapsing on top of her.

  “Ooph,” she said as his weight squeezed the air from her lungs.

  “Oh, sorry, sorry,” he panted, shifting to his arms. He sat up and padded to the bathroom. When he returned, he slid over to her.

  “You okay?”

  “Are you kidding? That was amazing,” she said, cuddling up to him.

  Jake wound his long arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him.


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