Jake Lawrence, Third Base (Bottom of the Ninth #3)

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Jake Lawrence, Third Base (Bottom of the Ninth #3) Page 6

by Jean Joachim

  “Was for me. God, it’s been so hard not to touch you.”

  She pushed up to stare into his eyes. “I know! Me, too.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Didn’t want to rush it.”

  He laughed. “We’ve known each other for ten days.”

  “That’s my point. It’s only been ten days.”

  “Funny how different our perspectives are.”

  She rested her head on his chest and listened to the steady beat of his heart. He kissed her head and stroked her back. The sex part was great, but the cuddling part after was to die for. Not all guys liked to cuddle. She’d had some encounters where the man got dressed and left right after. Always made her feel cheap and alone. Jake had nowhere to go. Would he stay with her if he did? She didn’t know the answer, but she didn’t care. They were together.

  She focused on the warmth of his fingers caressing her back, and the happiness flowing through her.

  * * * *

  Jake couldn’t stop smiling. Best sex he’d ever had. Maybe when his heart was involved, it took a different road? Or was it that he’d waited so long to have her? Whatever it was, satisfaction flowed through his veins as he held her close. Kate was not a girl you’d want to cut and run from. No, sir, the after-sex stuff was almost as awesome as the sex. Well, not really. Still, he couldn’t take his hands off her.

  Her skin was soft, warm, and smooth under his fingers. Her hair smelled like pears and lilacs. He combed his fingers through it like he’d wanted to do from the get-go. She eased her leg over his, hugging his thigh between hers.

  Her fingers stroked his chest, brushing through the hair there. He kissed the top of her head.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m great,” she muttered.

  “You feel safe and stuff? I didn’t force you.”

  “Shut up,” she said, giving his pecs a playful slap. “You’re ruining the mood. Stop worrying. I’ve been wanting this for a while, too.”

  He pulled the covers up over them and closed his other arm over her. Holding her seemed right, she fit perfectly against him. He yawned, then rested his head on hers.

  “I hope you can sleep okay now.”

  “Are you kidding? Nothing could keep me awake.”

  He grinned. He loved a satisfied woman and so did his dick. A twinge from his hand reminded him that the cut hadn’t healed completely yet. He placed it out of harm’s way as his breathing settled down and he drifted off.

  Rolling over in the dark, he bumped into Kate. The encounter woke him up. Nope, he hadn’t been dreaming, Kate lay next to him, stark naked and almost purring. He touched her breast and she stirred, opening her eyes.

  “Hey, handsome,” she said, stretching, pushing herself into his hand as she arched.

  “Hi, gorgeous.”

  “You up for more?” Her voice was lazy, sleepy.

  Could you have morning wood in the middle of the night? He smiled. He grazed her cheek with his thumb, then followed with his lips. She purred, facing him, her eyes closing again.

  He cupped her shoulder, pushing it back against the mattress. After pulling the covers down, he opened her knees and knelt between them. Jake Lawrence knew how to get a woman where he wanted her, fast. He lowered his head and tongued her flesh.

  Kate flinched. Her hips rose and she moaned. Pleased with himself, he kept it up. Turning her on spiked more blood flow between his legs. Need grew until he didn’t know how much longer he could wait. Then it happened, her hips bucked, and she cried out. He rode it out until she collapsed, panting.

  At the point of bursting himself, he leaped off the bed and sprinted across the room, cursing himself for not putting a second condom in his wallet. He returned to the soft giggles of his satisfied woman. Covering himself with the speed of light, he was inside her before she could blink.

  “Oh, God. Kate,” he moaned.

  She reached up to cup his cheek and draw his lips to hers. After one peck, he lost control, pumping into her hard and staring into her shadowed eyes. He bit back words of love that begged to be spoken. Turning his head, he kissed her palm, then thrust one final time before his balls tightened and he shot against the rubber.

  His body stiffened, jerked, then relaxed. He blew air out and settled down on his elbows. The release was so powerful it robbed him of words. Even with steady girlfriends, he’d never had an experience like this. The emotional had blended with the physical for the perfect sexual experience—a first for him. He grinned to himself at the irony.

  Jake had slept with plenty of women, some he had cared for, some not, some one-night stands, some longer term, but he’d never had overwhelming feelings for his partner before. As the rising sun shot beams of red and orange into the sky, her face came into focus.

  The look of vulnerability melted his resistance. Fear mixed with what he could only term shyness to give her a vulnerable aura. Love grew in his heart. He wanted to protect her forever, to wipe away the loneliness, the sadness, the hardness, and the want from her life. Could he wrap her in his arms forever and keep her safe?

  He spread his legs to either side of hers and sat back on his haunches. His gaze traveled down to her breasts. He couldn’t wait to see them. He’d been envisioning them while he drove, stealing a glance here and there and imagining how round they were, how they sloped or didn’t.

  He cupped one and stared to his heart’s content.

  “If your eyes were lasers, my boobs would be burnt to a crisp.”

  “They’re beautiful. Do you mind if I look?”

  She smiled. “Not really.”

  “You embarrassed?”

  “A little.”

  He nuzzled her neck.

  “Don’t be shy.

  “Would you hold me?”

  He rolled off her and onto his back. The sunlight grew stronger. He scooped her into his arms, tucked her head to his shoulder, and hugged her.

  “We don’t have much time,” she said, nestling into his embrace.

  He glanced at the clock. It read six-thirty.

  “Check out is eleven. We have plenty of time.”

  “Oh. Good,” she said, snaking her arm around his waist. Peace flowed through Jake. Baseball had taught him to be in the moment. He inhaled her scent, sweetened with a bit of lilac and her musky sexiness. He had no idea what tomorrow had in store, and he didn’t care. At that moment, he had the girl of his dreams in his bed, in his arms. Nothing else mattered.

  Chapter Five

  The sun shone bright as Kate slipped her hand into Jake’s. She took a deep breath and grinned at him. After a night of love and a hearty breakfast, the day looked bright and cheery. When they got in the car, he leaned over to kiss her, then revved the motor.

  “Can you get us back to Route 40?”

  “Yep. Hang on.” She consulted a map, then gave him instructions to get back to the Garfield Glen entrance to the highway. They were about a hundred miles from Nashville.

  “We’ll be in Nashville soon. Wanna stop?”

  “It’s only about a hundred ’n fifty more to Knoxville. Let’s keep going.”

  “A hundred and thirty-nine, to be precise,” she replied.

  “Perfect place to stop for lunch,” he said.

  “Oh yeah? You know a place?”

  “I do. Dempsey’s, the sweetest little barbecue joint in the world.”


  “Yeah. It’s run by Connor and Jilly Dempsey. Con used to play shortstop for the Cincinnati Coyotes. He lost an eye to a pitched ball, so he went home and started a restaurant.”

  “Wow. You know him?”

  “Used to play ball with him in college.”

  “Really? Cool.”

  “That okay with you?” He glanced over at her.

  She smiled and rested her hand on his thigh. “Sounds great! I’m pulling it up on the GPS now.”

  Once she got the address situated, she sank back into the luxurious seat and gazed out the window at the
Appalachian Mountains in the distance. Spring had come earlier to Nashville than it did to New York City. She enjoyed the greening of the fields, farms, and foothills on the way to Knoxville.

  Jake hadn’t appeared this relaxed at the wheel before. Could it have been the sex? She giggled to herself—probably. The cuddling didn’t hurt either. She hadn’t slept that well in years. The warmth of his body surrounded her like a cocoon, protecting her from the world.

  “You’re looking relaxed.”

  “Might say that. Haven’t passed a night like that in a long time.” He gave her a lusty look.

  “Me, neither.”

  A look in his eyes she’d never seen before mixed with desire. Could it be love? Not in ten days, what a ridiculous thought! She corralled her heart and put it safely away. Whatever she had with Jake was vibrant and wonderful. That’s it. She should let it alone, not try to make it a forever thing, simply enjoy it while it lasted. She made up her mind not to mess up what they had by making unrealistic demands.

  “You’re quiet today. No singing?”

  “Gosh, yeah. I almost forgot about the audition. Let’s sing something else. Do you like folk songs?”

  “Don’t know any.”

  “Really? How about Michael, Row The Boat Ashore?”

  “Think I’ve heard that one. How does it go?”

  They sang folk songs all the way to Knoxville. At the appropriate exit, Jake turned the car toward Dempsey’s.

  They dined on barbecue, homemade cornbread, kale, and finished it off with mint chip ice cream. Hand in hand, they headed for the parking lot and the next leg of their adventure.

  “I’m going to be twenty pounds heavier when we hit New York,” Kate said, licking the last taste of ice cream off her lower lip.

  “You look great. Don’t worry.”

  “If I don’t get the part because my butt’s too big, it’ll be your fault.”

  He reached behind her and squeezed her rear end. “Feels fine to me. Feels great, actually.”

  She laughed as he opened the car door for her. After another fifty miles, in the direction of Charlotte, Jake pulled off the highway.

  “King’s Suites. Nice place to stay. Ready to bunk in for the night?”

  The twinkling headlights of other cars lit up the twilight.


  They got out of the car, and Jake retrieved their bags from the trunk. Kate put a hand on his forearm.

  “Wait. Let’s get a room with one bed tonight. Okay?”

  He grinned. “You kidding me? Fantastic!” He slung his free arm around her shoulders as they made their way to the front desk.

  “Not THE Jake Lawrence? Of the New York Nighthawks?” The desk clerk asked.

  “That’s me. Got a room with a king?”

  “For you and the missus? Sure do.”

  Kate opened her mouth to correct the man, but Jake winked and signaled her to stay still. Why bother? What did either of them care what a desk clerk in Randville thought, anyway?

  “Sign here, please. And could I have your autograph?”

  “Sure thing,” Jake said, after filling out the hotel form. The man presented a piece of paper and Jake signed it. Then he got the key.

  “Second door on the left after you get off the elevator.”

  Jake led the way. The room was big and so was the bed. Kate threw herself on it and bounced a few times.

  “Looks great,” she said, turning a hot stare on her companion.

  “Looks even better with you on it.”

  “And even better with you in it. Take those off,” she commanded, gesturing at his clothes.

  “Don’t have to ask me twice,” he said, ripping his T-shirt over his head.

  * * * *

  Jake awoke first. Kate had curled up next to him with her head resting on his arm. Her face, relaxed and natural, looked more beautiful than ever. He watched her sleep. He’d have a few more mornings like this, but then they’d reach New York and part company. Without her, waking up would never be the same.

  His mind wandered back to the lovemaking of the night before and he grinned. Going to bed would never be the same, either. They had a hunger for each other that translated into the perfect rhythm. It didn’t take long for Jake to discover what pleased her. Each night trust between them grew and little-by-little Kate loosened up, threw off her caution, and loved him with abandon.

  The more they made love, the more he wanted her. Geez, sometimes he’d get hard while driving, simply remembering their hot coupling of the night before. How was he going to let her go? Why should he? Why shouldn’t they keep seeing each other? Once she got the part, then she’d be in New York. Sure their schedules might be a little tricky, but at least they’d be in the same city—when he wasn’t on the road. Hmm. Maybe he’d better tell her about that.

  “Thinking about something?” she muttered, stretching and pulling away from him. A rush of cool air replaced the warmth of her body.

  “Yeah. I want to see you when we get to New York.”

  “I’m going to be staying with Keith.”

  “Are you going to be sleeping with him?” Jake’s heartbeat quickened.

  “Keith is gay. He’s got an extra bed in his room. I’ll be sleeping there.”

  “Oh. Okay. Or you could stay with me.”

  “He’s my partner in this audition. We have the same agent and she’s arranged it. If we both get hired, and that’s a big ‘if’, then it’ll be more convenient for me to bunk in there.”

  Jake stroked her shoulder with his thumb. “Convenient, maybe. But not as much fun.”

  She grinned. “Probably not. Where do you live?”

  “Uptown. Near the stadium. I live in the same building as Dan Alexander and his fiancée.”

  She nodded.

  “It’s a luxury apartment. Lots of big windows. Roomy. Plenty of space for two.”

  “Thanks. I’ll think about it.” She kissed his cheek, then faced the clock. “It’s eight. Don’t you want to get on the road?”

  “We have to be in New York in three days, so, yeah. I guess we’d better get going.”

  They grabbed breakfast at a local diner, then piled into his car. He noticed her jotting something down in a little notebook.

  “What’s that?” he asked, starting the car.

  “Nothing. Just a little record I’m keeping.”

  He nodded, threw the car in gear and hit the highway. “Where am I going?”

  “Straight on Route 40. Just past Raleigh we hit 95. We’ll hang a left there to head north. Then it’s 95 all the way to Manhattan.”

  “Sounds easy enough. How far to Raleigh.”

  “About one seventy-five. Should be there in time for lunch.”

  “What are you singing today?”

  “I thought we’d get to your country stuff today.”

  “Country? Now you’re talkin’!” He smiled as she sorted through his pile of country CD’s.

  She put in Willie Nelson and sat back, taking a sip of water.

  “We don’t have to stop seeing each other when we hit New York,” he said, his pulse climbing.

  “I suppose not. If I get the part, I’m going to be very busy with rehearsals.”

  “I know. I hope you do. Uh, I travel. We go on the road to play games out of town.”

  “Oh? How often?”

  “Every couple of weeks. The team goes on the road for maybe two weeks, sometimes.”

  “Hmm,” she said, nodding, training her gaze out the window.

  “I know that can be lonely if you’re the one staying behind.”

  “Yep. Wouldn’t bother me, though. Running my own life takes time. Auditions, haircuts, manicures and stuff. Always have to look my best.”

  “I hear regular sex is good for the complexion,” he said.

  She burst out laughing. “If that’s true, then my skin should be glowing.”

  He glanced over at her. “It is.”

  “That’s why you want me to move in?

  Her tone turned icy, her stare hard.

  “No, no. Well, of course, that’s part of it, but not all.”

  “Oh?” She cocked an eyebrow at him.

  He swallowed some saliva and checked the gas gauge. “I think we’d better stop for gas. Then we can go straight through to Raleigh.”

  She was out of the car in a flash and headed inside without looking at him. Did he do the wrong thing, trying to dodge her question? He wondered if he should tell her he was falling in love with her. He swiped his credit card and pulled off the gas cap. His heartbeat pumped in his ears. He’d not said those words for a long time. Did she feel the same?

  * * * *

  Kate splashed water on her face to cool it down. She was pissed. Was Jake asking her to move in for convenient sex? Not that sex wasn’t to the moon with him, but she was more than that. Am I being defensive? He’s been so nice, so respectful. Why am I so angry?

  She stopped to buy some mints and spied Jake washing the windshield and talking to an attendant. Next, he’d be signing an autograph. As she gazed at him, warmth crept through her. Then it hit her, like a tornado. She was falling for the guy and fear had reared its ugly head.

  Being afraid of getting hurt had kept her alone most of her life. Not that it wasn’t well-founded, it was. But, Hell, it didn’t get her anywhere, did it? Protecting herself had eliminated some pain, but also love. Jake hadn’t done anything to hurt her, but his offhanded remark about traveling set off alarm bells.

  She’d read and heard about pro athletes on the road, screwing every willing female they met. A shudder zinged through her. The idea of him doing that punched her in the gut. Why did she care who Jake Lawrence slept with? Once they got to New York, he’d go his way and she’d go hers, right? Nope. Not right. Not anymore. How could she leave the kindest man she’d ever known, next to her dad?

  “Can you make that out to Timmy?” the attendant asked.

  “Sure thing,” Jake said, writing his name. He looked up. “Ready?”

  She nodded. He opened the door for her, then got behind the wheel. They drove for an hour with nothing but Willie Nelson’s voice to break the silence. While Jake kept his eyes on the road, she watched the scenery whiz by. When the song finished, he spoke.


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