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Jake Lawrence, Third Base (Bottom of the Ninth #3)

Page 21

by Jean Joachim

  “Of course! You don’t mind?”

  “We’ll have all night.”

  Her sentence sent heat through him. He was beyond horny. “Maybe just one glass?”

  “Of course. We have to celebrate!”

  He took her hand and joined the others on the bus.

  “No fair! Lawrence gets to have his girl here,” Bobby Hernandez called out.

  “You hit a grand slam, Bobby, and I’ll get you a Playboy Bunny,” Cal Crawley said.

  The team cracked up. Everyone chattered away about the game. Jake held Kate’s hand, listening to the guys while keeping his eyes on his girl. Something about her was different. Her hair style was new, shorter, kickier. He guessed it had something to do with her role in the show. Her face glowed, happiness radiated from the smile that never left to the shining of her eyes.

  In an instant, he knew what it was. Success—she oozed success and confidence. Pride in her filled his heart and gratitude that such a talented, hot babe wanted to be with him. His gaze fastened on her breasts. His fingers twitched. God, he wanted to touch her, but he’d have to wait.

  “Lawrence is too horny to rub his slammer in your face,” Skip said.

  Bobby glanced at the third baseman. “Damn right. I would be, too.”

  “Jealous?” Jake cocked an eyebrow, then leaned over to kiss Kate.

  “Damn right!” Nat piped up.

  It wasn’t long before the bus pulled up in front of the hotel. They’d be flying out in the morning, so tonight, all hell would break loose. The men headed for the private room where champagne bottle after champagne bottle rested in tubs of ice. Platters of cheese and crackers dotted tables around the ballroom. A huge bowl of cold, fresh shrimp and a giant silver server of delectable pastries graced a round table in the middle of the room.

  As fast as the servers poured glasses of the bubbly, the men polished them off. Jake kept his arm around Kate as if he let go, he was afraid she’d vanish. Her scent teased his nose. Remnants of the lilac perfume she wore tantalized him, sending signals to his groin. If he didn’t get her upstairs soon, he’d develop a huge boner right in front of his teammates.

  He joined in on the toasts, shook Cal’s hand, hugged his buddies then steered his girl toward the door.

  “We need to leave,” he whispered in her ear.

  “But the food is so good.”

  “If we don’t leave now, I’m going to take you on the floor in front of everyone.”

  He chuckled as she blushed. “Oh, I see. Good reason to go.” She plucked four mini eclairs from the tray and wrapped them in a napkin.

  When they got to the lobby, he pushed the button for the elevator. His fingers pressed into her waist, rubbing against the silky material of her dress, while his other hand held her small overnight bag.

  Impatience mixed with a growing desire, making time stand still. Or so Jake thought. Finally, it reached the fifth floor. They exited, and he moved them down the hall at a rapid clip. He jammed the keycard in the lock. When the little light turned green and buzzed, he rammed down the handle and flung the door open.

  The room was comfortable but not sumptuous. Fortunately, the bed was a queen. He dumped her bag on a chair and faced her. Kate barely took off her jacket and put down her purse before she was in his arms.

  His body burned. Ravenous for her, he closed his lips over hers. His kiss was demanding, hungry, and her response met his. They fairly ripped off their clothing, trying their damnedest to keep their lips locked.

  Jake ripped down the covers.

  “Condom,” she panted, her chest heaving as she reached around to undo her bra.

  “Thought you were on the pill?” He unzipped his pants.

  “Stopped it. No reason to take it when I’m away from you for so long,” she said, tossing her bra on the chair.

  Jake’s gaze clamped on her chest. He stopped, his mouth watered. He reached for her. “I’ve been missing those.”

  “And they’ve been missing you,” she said, shooting him a smoldering stare.

  While she was down to panties only, Jake still had his pants on, unzipped, but on. He shoved them down with his boxers and climbed on the bed. Kate joined him.

  “Take those off,” he demanded.

  She peeled them down, slowly, watching his eyes.

  “Temptress,” he said, grinning.

  “I like to torture you.”

  “I’ll show you torture,” he said, grabbing the delicate lingerie and ripping it from her body. Kate gave a squeak.

  “I’ll buy you new ones.”

  “I’ll come commando, next time,” she laughed.

  “Oh, shit,” he said, shaking his head. His slightly erect penis jumped to attention and hardened before his eyes as the image of her on the plane, commando, danced through his head.

  She leaped onto the bed, bouncing toward him. He grabbed her waist and tucked her beside him. His fingers closed over her breasts and he groaned as he massaged her.

  “That’s sooo good,” she cooed, closing her eyes.

  He nudged her thighs apart with his knee and inched his way up until his leg pressed against her center, making her gasp.

  He lowered his mouth to her breast, taking the peak into his mouth. His other hand, opened flat, glided up and down her side and stomach. The soft, silky feel of her skin aroused him almost as much as her nipple in his mouth. God, he’d dreamt about this and now it was happening. His dick was like a concrete pole.

  When he raised his head, she captured his mouth.

  “Do it. Do it. Oh, Jake, you’re torturing me.”

  He pushed his leg against her harder. Kate raised one leg and hissed in his ear.

  Jake broke from her and leaned over to the floor. Fiddling with his pants, he finally located his wallet and the condom he always carried inside.

  “That your only one?” she asked.

  “I wasn’t planning on needing one. I always have one in my wallet. Old habit.”

  “Thank God!”

  He applied it and faced her, wearing a shit-eating grin. “Now, where were we?”

  She closed her fingers around his hardness as he plunged two into her.

  “Crap. Jake. Let’s do it.”

  He lay back on the bed and grasped her hips. Raising her up, he lowered her on his dick. She bent her legs, settling one on each side of him. As he entered her, desire flamed in his body.

  Her eyes drifted shut as she moaned his name. Her palms flattened on his chest to steady her. He slid his up to her smooth shoulders, down her arms all the way to her wrists, then back up her thighs to her hips. God, her skin felt good! The texture and her scent ratcheted up his heat level until he feared he’d come before she did.

  Kate balanced against his chest and pumped her hips up and down on him. He ground his teeth as his balls tightened, desperate to hold off.

  “Oh, God, Jake! I’m gonna come,” she said, a tremble jerking her torso.

  “Do it. Do it, babe.”

  He felt her inner muscles clench around him briefly, then flutter against him. He watched her nipples harden and stand proud as her hips ground out their own rhythm.

  Love and lust blended in his heart as his body took over. A powerful release gripped him, arching his back a bit as he held her firmly in place. He groaned, uttering her name and shutting his eyes. The power of the orgasm stole his breath. It had been a long time.

  Panting, she dismounted and fell, limp beside him. He lay, breathless, by her side, staring at the ceiling, his hand feeling for hers. They laced fingers.

  “Holy hell,” he whispered when he could.


  “That was the most amazing…” they began together, then stopped to laugh.

  She cozied up to him. He took the hint and scooped her into his embrace. The warmth of their skin-to-skin contact soothed his heart. He’d thought he’d known how much he had missed her, but he’d been wrong. He closed his eyes, committing every feeling, every touch to memory. Who knew
how long those images would have to live with him until he had her in his arms, and his bed, again?

  “I’m sorry, Jake,” she muttered softly.

  He drew her to his side and faced her. “Sorry? About what? You don’t have a thing to be sorry about.”

  “I did this. I broke us apart. I miss you so much.” Tears clouded her eyes.

  “Baby, baby, baby,” he said, hugging her to his chest. “Please. Don’t apologize for your success. I think it’s great. I’m so proud of you. We’ll get through this. We have so far.”

  She kissed his pecs. “I know. But it’s hard.”

  “Damn hard. But worth it.”

  “Is it?”

  “It is for me. I don’t want anyone but you. Don’t you feel the same?”

  She smiled, wiping at her eyes. “I do. Just didn’t know how you felt.”

  “You’re the one,” he said, making eye contact.

  He threw on sweats and made a quick trip to the lobby to buy more condoms. When he returned, they cuddled under the covers until sleep claimed them.

  The couple awoke during the night and made love again. They slept until seven, then shared a sweet shower before room service arrived with breakfast. At nine, there was a knock on the door.

  “Hey, buddy. Bus leaves in an hour.”

  “Thanks, Skip. I’ll be there.”

  They dressed in silence. Ready early, Jake sat on a wing chair and beckoned Kate to his lap. She curled up under his chin, her fingers clasping his bicep. Sadness squeezed his heart.

  “I know you can’t be there for the series. Can I come see you, maybe travel with you on my own dime after it’s over?”

  “Of course! I’d love that. As for the series, I don’t know. Let’s wait and see.”


  One more knock and the lovers picked up their luggage and headed for the lobby. Kate rode on the bus with the team. Jake held her hand tight as if his grip could keep her from leaving. The men were quiet, subdued. Many were hung over after their celebration. The World Series wasn’t scheduled to start for several days, so they had time to recuperate.

  When they unloaded the men and luggage, Kate and Jake separated from the crowd for a more private farewell.

  “I don’t know when I’ll see you again,” she said, her gaze searching his.

  “I love you, honey. It’ll probably be sooner than you think.”

  “If the series goes for seven games…”

  “And if we lose in four straight, then it’ll be before you know it,” he said.

  “Don’t say that!” She put her finger over his lips. “You’ll win. You’ve got to.”

  “I hope so. Thank you so much for coming. Will you make it back in time?”

  She checked her watch. “My flight leaves in half an hour. I should be fine.”

  They kissed as if it was the last time, then parted. One thing for certain, no other woman could take her place. He watched her walk away. She stopped at the door, turned and waved to him, then was gone. The hand of Cupid crushed his heart.

  “Come on, Jake. Time to board,” Cal said, shepherding one of his flock.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’m coming.” He turned to follow his manager. Back to business as usual. Baseball needed to occupy his mind and heart. He sighed as he sank into his seat. No magazine or book could divert his thoughts from Kate McKenzie.

  “Come on, Jake. I haven’t taken your money lately,” Skip said, holding a pack of cards.

  Jake waved him away.

  “Don’t be like that. Feeling sorry for yourself won’t help.”

  “What do you know about it?” Jake cocked an eyebrow at his friend.

  “Think you’re the only one ever got his heart busted? Grow the fuck up. Come on. You owe me a couple a games.”

  Jake pushed up from his seat. “Don’t think this means you’re gonna win.”

  Skip chuckled. “Yeah. That’s exactly what it means.”

  “Yeah? How much cash do you have on you?”

  “Enough to take you on.”

  “Get your checkbook ready,” Jake said, settling into a seat between Nat and Bobby.

  Skip laughed. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Deal, asshole. And shut the fuck up,” Jake replied, ordering coffee from the stewardess.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cal Crawley gave his men two days to get over their celebration before they had to report for practice for the World Series. Everyone was pumped. They were slated to play the San Francisco Pirates for the championship, serious business.

  Matt Jackson ran base-stealing practice. The men took turns attempting to steal and then throwing out their teammates. Vic Steele, their trainer, ran the men through some rigorous exercises. Every morning they ran to warm up. Then they had sprints, to increase their speed. He even had them doing agility courses, so they wouldn’t trip over their own feet while running bases or chasing after the ball.

  At the end of each day, Jake fell into bed, exhausted, and asleep by nine. He didn’t have much time to miss Kate. He’d talk to her during his morning break. Sneaking off to the parking lot, he indulged in a few sexually charged conversations with his honey.

  “I know you’re blushing,” he teased.

  “You can’t be sure. You can’t see me.”

  She laughed before signing off.

  He focused his energy on his skills. When it was over, he had plans for Kate McKenzie, but he kept mum about it. No way could he confide in his teammates. There wasn’t a good secret-keeper in the bunch. They shared everything and didn’t see any reason not to. Fine, then. He’d keep his plans to himself.

  Because San Francisco had a better record and clinched the playoffs in fewer games, the first two games of the series would be played there. Home team advantage was not to be sneered at. Jake wished they were starting off in New York. He loved the New York fans. A rowdy, profane, loyal bunch who stood behind the Nighthawks, win or lose.

  After playing cards on the plane, some of his teammates went to sleep. Jake found a quiet corner and dialed Kate.

  “How did Kansas City go?”

  “Great! We got a terrific review in the Kansas City Star. They have booked the theater for an extra week and the show is sold out already.”

  “Wow, that’s something. Did they mention you?”

  “Yes,” she paused. “Not to brag or anything, but they said my performance was the best they’d seen all year.”

  “Oh, honey, that’s great. You’re a star. A superstar!”

  “I’ll send you the link so you can read the whole review. The show is doing really well.”

  “What can I say? I’m not surprised.”

  “Thank you. There’s some buzz about a movie, but it’s probably just talk.”

  “A movie? Really?” His heart sank. A movie would take her farther away.

  “Yeah, but I’m sure it’s just gossip.”

  “Oh, okay. Bad enough you’re traveling around the country. But a movie, well, hell. That would take you to the West Coast and keep you there.” He wiped sweat from his forehead.

  “Don’t worry. It’s just a rumor. When are you coming out?”

  They discussed the schedule for the Series, and he promised to fly out after it was over. First two games in San Francisco, then back to New York for three games. If more were needed, they’d go back to San Francisco for the final one or two. The league had scheduled two days for travel since there were major time changes involved. Seven games stretched over ten days.

  “Are you off in a corner? Can you talk?” she asked, her voice seductive.

  “I guess. What did you have in mind?” A lusty grin spread across his face. He leaned back, resting his right hand behind his head, his phone in his left.

  “A little striptease?”

  “What are you wearing?”

  “T-shirt and shorts.”



  “Where are you?”

  “In my dressing

  “How fast can you take it off and put it back on?” he asked.

  “Wanna find out?”

  “Yep. Can you send me a picture?”

  “Better. I can do it live on video.”

  “Holy shit!”

  Chet Candelaria snored softly in the seat facing him. Cupping his hands around the device, Jake held the phone so that no one else could see it. His cock twitched as he watched Kate hum a tune and slowly peel off her clothing. She wasn’t wearing much and it didn’t take long for her to be completely naked.

  “Ta-da!” she said, throwing her arms wide, then closing her fingers on her hips and striking a sexy pose.

  “Wow,” Jake said, his mouth watering, blood pumping between his legs.

  “Just don’t want you to forget what’s waiting for you when the series is over.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  A tap on the door drew her attention. Jake laughed as she called out for the person on the other side of the door to wait and scooted into her clothes a hundred times faster than she took them off.

  He watched as she let a man in.

  “Parker Havens wants to see you,” said a young man.

  He left and Kate turned to the phone.

  “Who was that?” Jake asked.

  “Go-fer. The producer wants to see me. Hope it’s not bad news.” She chewed her lip.

  “How could it be? You’re a star!”

  “Thanks, babe. Gotta go, sweetie. Love you.”

  “Thanks for the show. Love you, too,” Jake replied. The screen went blank.

  He did deep breathing to calm down his dick and return his body temperature to ninety-eight point six. Then he looked out the window. Although most of his teammates snoozed away, sleep eluded Jake. He missed Kate. The brief mention of the possibility of a movie made him squirm. He shifted in his seat.

  Kate in a movie? Definitely possible. She sure had the looks and the talent to do it. He pressed his lips together. If she became a movie star, what would she want with him? Sure, he was a big man now. Slugger, home run hitter, vital to the Nighthawks, but what about five years from now. Okay, maybe ten? He’d be a washed-up ball player with no career, no status, nothing. Maybe he’d have some cash put away, but that’s it. And Kate? Hell, she’d be breaking box office records year after year.


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