Book Read Free


Page 5

by J. L. Perry

  His brow furrows at my answer before a sympathetic look crosses his face. ‘So while the cat’s away, the mice will play,’ he jokes.

  ‘I guess.’

  ‘I like you,’ he says, reaching for my hand and giving it a squeeze.

  ‘I like you too.’ It’s the truth, I do. His words touch my heart. I’ve only ever had a handful of people in my life show me kindness.

  ‘So, what brings you to New York?’ I ask, trying to steer the conversation away from me. Talking about my life puts me in dangerous territory. I’d hate to say anything that may incriminate me.

  ‘Business. You?’


  After that, we fall into easy conversation, while we wait for our drinks. I’m still stunned that we are actually here together. Happy, but stunned.

  ‘Have you eaten?’ I ask Brock when the waitress returns.

  ‘No, I haven’t. Why, are you hungry?’

  ‘I came down here to grab a pizza. They’re to die for. I get one every time I’m in New York.’

  ‘You drink beer and eat pizza?’ I can hear the amazement in his voice. Doesn’t everyone? Well, normal people, anyway. I think I’d pass out from shock if I ever saw M doing it.

  Instead of replying, I nod my head.

  ‘Wow. I definitely had you pegged wrong.’

  His statement puzzles me. How did he have me pegged? I don’t ask him to elaborate.


  As the old saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun. Looking down at my phone, I see it’s just after eleven. My gaze moves to Rupert. The poor thing has been sitting at the bar waiting for me for six hours. This job must get boring for him.

  After giving him a smile that hopefully conveys my apologies, I turn my attention back to Brock. ‘It’s getting late,’ I say, disappointment in my voice. ‘I probably should get going.’ I’ve had the best time. Probably the best time I’ve ever had in my life. I know I’m going to look back on tonight with fondness for years to come. We talked and laughed about anything and everything. Though nothing too deep. He did ask a few personal questions over the course of the night, but when he could see I wasn’t forthcoming with information, he didn’t pry any further.

  I hate that it has to come to an end, but it does. My life doesn’t permit this type of evening.

  ‘I suppose you’re right,’ Brock says. He sounds just as disappointed as I am. ‘Can I see you tomorrow?’

  My heart sinks and I look down at the table. I’d like nothing more than to spend time with him, but it’s not an option. Rupert has risked everything, letting this go as far as it has.

  ‘I’m sorry, but I can’t.’ My heart hurts when his face drops. I hate myself for even uttering those words. My gaze darts back to Rupert, just as Brock stands abruptly. My first thought is that he’s going to walk away, and panic rises in me. Instead, to my horror, he heads in Rupert’s direction. I cover my eyes with my hands, because I don’t want to witness what’s about to happen.

  Minutes pass and Brock doesn’t return. Curiosity gets the better of me, so I sneak a peek through my fingertips. I’m surprised when I see Brock and Rupert talking calmly. I kind of expected them to be rolling around on the ground, fighting.

  Brock pulls a business card from his pocket and hands it to Rupert. Then, to my amazement, they smile and shake hands. Wow. That wasn’t how I expected this to go down. I remove my hands from my face when Brock turns and walks back to our table.

  I grab the hand he offers when he’s standing beside me, and let him help me out of my seat. He places a soft kiss on my knuckles. As innocent as the gesture is, it sends desire surging through me. No man has ever made me feel like this. I want to feel his lips all over me.

  ‘I’ll pick you up at four,’ he says as a beautiful, triumphant smile spreads across his face. Looking around him, my eyes meet Rupert and he gives me another nod. Excitement shoots through me. I’m going to get to see him again.

  ‘Okay,’ I breathe, trying to contain my eagerness.

  ‘Wear something comfortable.’


  ‘Goodnight, Jade.’

  ‘Goodnight, Brock.’ When his face inches forwards, for a split second I think he’s going to kiss me. Surprisingly, I truly want that, but he doesn’t.

  ‘Dream of me,’ he whispers instead. His warm breath dances over my skin, making it pebble with goose bumps. He drops my hand and turns towards the exit. I stay fixed to the spot.

  I’ll most certainly be dreaming of you, Mr Weston. That you can be sure of.



  I headed into the office early, having hardly slept a wink because I couldn’t get Jade out of my mind. I was eager for 4 pm to roll around so I could spend more time with her. Last night I didn’t want our time in the bar to end. I found her nothing like I’d expected. Utterly charming would be the first phrase to spring to mind. Then: absolutely mesmerising. Not only funny and incredibly smart, Jade has the face of a goddess, and a sinful body that I’m just itching to get my hands on. No woman has ever been able to capture my attention like this. There’s something about her that makes my heart accelerate whenever she’s near. It’s a strange yet pleasant sensation. I find myself craving that feeling, which is a total mind fuck.

  Never in my life have I looked forward to seeing someone as much as I am her. This will be the closest to an actual date I’ve ever come. Sure, I’ve been out with other women—I rarely go to functions unaccompanied—but my main reason for doing that is so I don’t get stuck with damn Clarissa as my date. No, this is the first time I’ve ever asked a woman out for the sheer reason of wanting to be near her. Jade evokes something deep inside me. I can’t quite put it into words, but I’m drawn to her.

  Despite my distraction, I was able to keep my head in the game long enough to secure the new contract. The moment they signed on the dotted line and left my office, you can be sure as shit my first act was to ring my father and rub it in his goddamn face.

  Tonight will be a double celebration. I managed to pull off something my father doubted I could ever do, but more importantly, I’ll be spending time with the woman who appears to have captivated my heart.


  The nerves kick in as I fasten my Rolex around my wrist. I’ve dressed casually for our date, black jeans and a grey shirt. At a glance, Jade appears to be the type of girl who likes to dine in fancy restaurants, but last night proved me wrong. She’s obviously from immaculate breeding, but on the other hand, she’s extremely down to earth. Sophistication rolls off her yet she has a playful innocence I find endearing. She was extremely closed off whenever we touched on anything personal, but in fairness to her, I am a stranger. I’m hoping today she opens up to me. I want to know everything about her.

  I’ve made no reservations or real plans for this evening. I’m going to play it by ear. Her bodyguard seems to be her constant shadow, and that tells me Jade doesn’t get to experience much of a life on her own, so tonight is about her. I’m willing to do anything that will make her happy.

  When Jade said she couldn’t see me again, I was crushed. I had to at least try to change her mind. I couldn’t let that be the end of us. So I was pleasantly surprised when I approached Rupert—I wasn’t expecting things to go over so well. It’s quite obvious he cares for her. He was hesitant at first, but after I explained who I was and where I worked, he seemed to let his guard down slightly. I was relieved that he’d heard of our company. Even though my father is a prick, Weston Global has a very good reputation. We pride ourselves on our integrity.

  He softened when I explained that all I wanted was to spend some time with her, and that my intentions were honourable. I promised to have her home at a reasonable hour, and assured him I’d treat her with nothing but respect. I’ve never had to beg to spend time with a woman before, but Jade is worth it. I’d stoop to any level to see her.

  I roll my shoulders when I reach her room, trying my best to calm myself before knoc
king. My breath catches the second she opens the door. The smile that lights up her face is like a sucker punch right to my chest. ‘Hi,’ I say, trying my best to remain composed as I shove my hands into the pockets of my jeans. I have the urge to pull her into my arms and kiss her, but I don’t want to scare her off before we’ve even left the hotel.

  ‘Hi. Come in.’ She moves aside so I can enter. She has that same little lip-biting thing going on that drove me crazy last night. I want to bite those luscious lips of hers too. Doesn’t she realise having me in her room is dangerous? The sinful things I’d like to do to her …

  ‘I just have to grab my phone and we’re good to go.’ Her sweet fragrance envelops me as she breezes past.

  My eyes are glued to her delicious arse as she walks across the room and shoves the phone into her back pocket. Lucky phone. She’s wearing a pair of faded denim jeans that hug her luscious body perfectly, showcasing her sexy long legs. She’s teamed them with a tight white singlet that accentuates her beautiful tits. There’s a pair of white Converse sneakers on her feet and her long dark hair is loose. I’m itching to run my fingers through it.

  She pulls a thin white cardigan from the wardrobe. When she slides her arms into it, I can see a hint of lace underneath her singlet. It makes my cock twitch. Fuck, she’s sexy. It’s going to be hard to keep my hands to myself.

  ‘Ready.’ She’s smiling as she joins me. I shove my hands in my pockets again, so I’m not tempted to pull her into my arms, because, by Christ, I am.

  ‘You look beautiful,’ I say.

  ‘Thank you,’ she replies as the loveliest shade of pink rises to her cheeks.

  Fuck, I’m a goner.



  We fall into easy conversation as we head down Seventh Avenue. Words can’t express how happy I am to be here with him. So far, I’ve only ever seen Brock in a suit. Casually dressed Brock leaves me with no words. He’s even more delicious than I imagined. So tall, so manly—so perfect. His body is lean yet muscular. He’s every woman’s dream.

  He’s my dream.

  I have no idea where we’re heading, but I don’t care. I’d sit at a damn bus stop with him for the rest of the night, as long as we’re together. I’ll forever be grateful to Rupert for allowing this. All he said to me earlier was, ‘Be careful, call me if you need me, and for Christ’s sake, have fun. If anyone deserves it, it’s you.’ I think he was taken aback when I threw my arms around him.

  As we cross the street, Brock takes my hand, lacing our fingers together. It sends my heart into a flutter. I look at our locked hands, then back at his face.

  ‘You don’t want me to hold your hand?’ he asks.

  ‘Of course. I like it. Nobody’s ever held my hand before.’

  My reply stops him in his tracks. ‘What do you mean, nobody’s ever held your hand?’

  Now I feel stupid. I cast my face downwards.

  ‘Hey,’ he says, placing his finger under my chin, tilting my face up to his. ‘Haven’t you ever been with a man before?’

  I shrug. ‘Sure.’ My gaze moves back down to the pavement. ‘It’s just none of them have ever held my hand.’

  ‘Well, they’re fucking idiots,’ he says, giving my hand a squeeze before starting to walk again. I’m relieved he doesn’t pry any further.

  Eventually we reach our destination: Central Park. I love this place. I come down here often when I’m in New York. ‘It’s too early to eat, so I thought we could hire a buggy and do a tour of the park,’ he says. My smile widens when he points to the line of buggies along the sidewalk. I’ve always wanted to ride in one of them. ‘Is that okay?’

  ‘Perfect,’ I reply. He tugs on my hand as we make our way towards the group of men near the three-wheeled bicycles with a long bench seat positioned behind the driver.

  ‘We’d like to hire one,’ Brock says to the first man we come across.

  ‘Sure. It’s eighty dollars for a ride around half the park, or one hundred and fifty dollars for the full guided tour.’

  Brock doesn’t hesitate. He pulls out two one-hundred-dollar bills and hands them over. After the man stashes them into the black leather pouch that’s fastened around his waist, he starts to count out the change. Brock holds up his hand.

  ‘You can keep the change as long as you take your time on the tour.’

  ‘Thank you,’ the man says.

  Grabbing my hand again, Brock helps me onto the bench seat before joining me. The second he’s settled, he laces our fingers together. It sends tingles running through my body. Who knew something as simple as holding hands could make my body feel so alive?

  Brock and I stare at each other, grinning, as the driver sets the buggy in motion. I vaguely hear him talking as we travel. He points out where scenes in certain movies were made, but neither of us is really listening, we’re too focused on each other. Usually, I’m uncomfortable being stared at, but I’m surprisingly at ease under Brock’s watchful gaze.

  A few of the things the driver says register, but my eyes don’t move from Brock’s even once. ‘This is the fountain where the opening of the Friends sitcom was filmed.’ I also hear him mention Marilyn Monroe, but I missed the rest of what he said. ‘The Kennedys lived over there.’ My eyes still can’t seem to move from Brock. ‘In those apartments across the street was where John Lennon and Yoko Ono once lived. Just on the sidewalk below is where he was shot. The memorial was moved over here to the park because of the large number of visitors to the site, making it a traffic hazard.’

  Even though the driver did as instructed and took things slowly, the tour came to an end far too quickly. I sigh with disappointment and Brock asks, ‘Do you want to go around again?’

  ‘I’d like that.’

  Letting go of my hand, he pulls out his wallet. He hands the driver another two hundred dollars. ‘Can you do another lap? No need for the commentary this time.’

  ‘Thank you,’ I say when his eyes meet mine again.

  ‘You’re welcome.’ He gently strokes my cheek with the back of his fingers and his touch sends a shiver running down my spine. He’s so tender with me. My breath hitches when his face moves closer and he does something I’ve been hoping he’d do since our time together last night. He kisses me. A long, lingering kiss that sends currents of electricity shooting through every last nerve in my body.

  My first ever kiss.

  I’m surprised by how disappointed I am when he pulls away.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ he whispers, ‘but I’ve been dying to do that from the moment you crashed into me at the airport.’

  His words make me smile. He drapes his arm around me, pulling my body in closer. When I rest my head on his shoulder, he places a soft kiss on my hair and my heart melts. I pray this day will never end.



  I’m so overcome with sadness when we reach the door of my suite that I actually think I might cry. My time with Brock today was magical. He gave me a taste of what my life might be like once I’m free from M.

  After our second ride around the park came to an end, we walked the streets of New York hand in hand, talking and laughing. Later, Brock took me to one of his favourite restaurants. He ordered a bottle of wine for us to have with dinner. I opted for a chicken salad, while he ordered a steak that was the size of my head. I couldn’t hold in my laugh when the waitress placed it in front of him. It looked delicious, though. M doesn’t let me eat red meat.

  He talked about his business, and his brother. There was no mention of his parents. I didn’t divulge much about my life; there’s really nothing I can say without giving it all away. I thought I’d pretty much come to terms with being a hooker, but being with Brock makes me see that’s not the case. Just thinking about him finding out who I really am, and what I really do, fills me with shame.

  I did confess one thing: I told him about my love of cooking, and how I was hoping to one day open my own restaurant. That was a huge step for me. I’ve neve
r spoken of my hopes or dreams before.

  ‘I was hoping tonight would never end,’ Brock says, reaching for my hands. ‘I promised Rupert that I’d have you back in the hotel by midnight, and I’m a man of my word.’

  ‘I don’t want it to end either,’ I reply as tears sting my eyes. Letting go of my hands, Brock runs his fingertips tenderly over my hair before tucking some strands behind my ear. His eyes are locked with mine, and there’s something about the way he looks at me that makes my pulse quicken.

  ‘I’m captivated by you, Miss Davis.’

  Before I have a chance to reply, his lips are on mine. Sliding his hands around my waist, he pulls my body flush with his. This kiss is so much more than the peck he gave me at the park, and when I open my mouth slightly, he deepens it. My arms slide around his neck, holding on tightly as my legs threaten to give out. I’ve never been kissed like this before, but I just follow his lead in the hope I can pull it off. Besides, I’ve watched enough pornos in my time to know how it’s done.

  This kiss is sweet and hot—is it possible to orgasm just from a kiss? Because, by God, this man has me so turned on. I’m certainly no stranger to orgasms, though I’ve never had one with any of my sexual encounters in the past. It’s my job to please them, not the other way around. What I have learnt over time, however, is how to turn myself on. Some of the men who require sex seem to like it when I touch myself in front of them. I, on the other hand, only do it to get wet. I don’t ever want to experience the pain of my first time with that pig of a man again.

  My body’s natural instincts take over. When I slide my tongue into Brock’s mouth, he groans, pulling me even closer. I feel his erection pressed up against my stomach, which only turns me on even more. I start to wonder what he’d feel like inside me. For me, sex has never been enjoyable, but with Brock, I get a feeling it would be different. Very different.

  We’re both breathless by the time the kiss ends. I’m not sure how long we make out in the corridor, because time seems to have stood still. I’m no longer aware of my surroundings. Brock rests his forehead against mine and mutters one word, ‘Wow.’ That’s an understatement. Kissing is a hard limit for me, but not with him. I could kiss him forever.


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