Book Read Free

Around the Way Girls

Page 1

by Chunichi

  Around the Way Girls 7


  Karen Williams


  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  My Best Frenemy

  “When a Woman’s Fed Up” - Present Day-September 1, 2008

  “Girl Power” - Weeks Earlier-August 2008

  “Rocky Marriage”

  “Money Problems”

  “Life of the Party”


  “Money Madness”

  “Something on the Side”

  “On the Verge of Breakup”

  “A Night Out”

  “Licky or Sticky?”

  “Caught Red-Handed”

  “Charge It to the Game”

  “Deadly Consequences”

  Diamond in the Sky

  Chapter 1 - “Like a Diamond in the Sky”

  Chapter 2 - Eight Years Later

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  Paper Chase










  Copyright Page

  My Best Frenemy

  by Chunichi

  “When a Woman’s Fed Up”

  Present Day-September 1, 2008

  Nina slid the extended clip into the Glock .45 with the intention of emptying all seventeen shots.



  In one motion she cocked the gun, putting one in the head. Pausing only long enough to wipe the burning tears from her eyes, she then headed up the three flights of stairs to the master bedroom. Not making the slightest sound, she walked into the room to find a sleeping Mercedes and Mouse tightly cuddled in bed together. With gun in hand, Nina took a deep breath and pointed it directly at them, wondering what it was about Mercedes that had Mouse so into to her. All she had to offer was a long stripper history with a criminal background just as long, while Nina was a beautiful, intelligent, classy woman, a definite catch for any man.

  Nina had to wonder why she even cared; after all, she was doing her thing on the side. But even with that relationship Mercedes seemed to be a small interference. Like with dandruff, no matter how many times Nina scratched, she just couldn’t get rid of Mercedes.

  She directed the gun at Mouse’s head and prepared to fire.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Before Nina even realized what she was doing, the loud, deafening sounds of gun blasts rang out like cannons, sending her instantly into shock, causing everything to go blank.

  When she finally came to, she found herself sitting in the corner of her bedroom, looking at Mouse’s and Mercedes’ lifeless bodies filled with bullet holes.

  Nina almost had the urge to spit on Mercedes ass; she didn’t give a fuck about that bitch. In fact the sight of her dead body almost put a smile on Nina’s face.

  Nina looked at her husband and found it very difficult to crack even the slightest smile. Her heart pounding, she couldn’t believe she’d pulled the trigger. She was filled with fear as she thought about what would happen if she got caught. Shaking her head, still halfway in a trance, it was almost as if she had just realized what just happened.

  Nina quickly snapped out of her spell as she heard the sound of two car doors slamming shut followed by the sound of tires screeching and peeling off on the wet concrete outside. With her gun still in her hand, Nina slowly cracked open the window’s blinds and saw a black, tinted-out Range Rover and a BMW X5 speed off. It was obvious that the people behind those wheels were getting the fuck out of Dodge.

  “Girl Power”

  Weeks Earlier-August 2008

  What a morning! Nina thought to herself as she sat down on the couch to relax a minute from straightening up her house.

  She grabbed the cordless phone to see what calls she’d missed. Mariah, Rochelle, and my loving husband, Mouse. Then she flipped through her cell phone. Awww!Mynewboo, Jamal. Nina smiled and decided to start with him. After all he was the one that consumed her thoughts on a daily basis.

  Jamal was an NBA star that stole Nina’s heart one night while she was working on a nursing assignment in Philadelphia. As a traveling registered nurse she often traveled to different states for assignments. That particular night she was graced with Jamal’s presence in the emergency room. Like a magnet they were instantly attracted to each other. Her vagina went off like a radar at the sight of his perfect smile and flawless chocolate frame.

  That night in the ER ended up in a night of exotic sex in a secluded section of the hospital’s parking deck in the back of Nina’s Porsche Cayenne S truck. Nina knew her pussy was like crack, and just as she’d expected, after only one night, Jamal was hooked. She had to admit though; he had it going on, and not only on the court.

  Since that day Jamal was constantly on Nina’s mind, and she was on his. They’d spoken on the phone every day since then but hadn’t seen each other. He was busy playing basketball but had promised to come to Virginia the first opportunity he got. Like a kid waiting for Christmas, Nina counted down the days until she would see her boo.

  Jamal answered Nina’s call right away, “Hey, sexy.”

  “Hi, baby. You miss me like I miss you?” Nina said, not interested in holding her feelings back, having already been through that stage of their relationship.

  “Of course, I do,” Jamal answered sincerely.

  “So when am I going to see you?” Nina asked, eager to see her man.

  “Well, actually me and a few of the boys are planning to come through this weekend.”

  Nina noticed the lack of enthusiasm in Jamal’s voice. “For real? So why didn’t you tell me? And why aren’t you excited?”

  “Ma, it’s something I gotta tell you.”

  “Oh my God. What is it, Jamal? You’re bringing a bitch with you or something?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “So what is it, baby?”

  “A’ight. Let me just come with it.” Jamal exhaled. “Well, you know a nigga had a life before you, right? I mean, you ain’t the first chick I ever hollered at.”

  “Okay, I know that. We’ve already had this conversation, Jamal. I’m fuckin’ married,” Nina said, now practically yelling. “And I’m not the only female in your life. So what? As long as we respect each other, it’s all good.”

  “I know, ma. But it’s a little deeper than that. This chick lives in VA.”

  “What? So you were planning to come to see that bitch?”

  “I was trying to see both of y’all, on the real though.”

  “Well, you’re definitely seeing me. You’ll just have to make time for that bitch after me.”

  Jamal was relieved Nina took things so well. “You got it, baby. That’s why I fuck with you so hard. You know what you want, and as long as a nigga deliver, everybody’s happy.”

  “Yeah, whatever. And while you at it, you better be delivering my matching Louis Vuitton heels and bag.”
/>   “You know I got you, baby girl. How could a nigga ever tell you no?”

  “So tell me, Jamal, who is this chick?” Nina said, wondering if it was someone she knew. As a Virginia native, and her husband being the owner of a popular local strip club, she practically knew everyone who was anyone in the mix.

  “This chick from Portsmouth name Mercedes.”

  “Mercedes?” Nina was hoping she’d heard incorrectly. There was no way he could be talking about the backstabbing bitch she knew in this area by that name.

  “Yeah. You know her or something?” Jamal said nonchalantly.

  “Of all fuckin’ people!” Nina sighed and shook her head.

  Mercedes was like her fucking archenemy. She was a stripper chick that Nina had problems with in the past, with Nina’s husband. Nina was hoping her last encounter with Mercedes years ago was the end of her, but now she was back and the tables had turned. She was now getting at Mercedes’ man.

  “Yeah, I know her. And I know she’s a nothing-ass stripper too.”

  “You can’t knock her hustle, ma.”

  “You know what? This is just too much. I’ll talk to you later.” Nina hung up without even giving Jamal a chance to respond.

  Her initial reaction was to pick the phone right back up and call her girl Rochelle, but she knew that would be the wrong choice. Mercedes was Rochelle’s lover and wasn’t only love-blind, but Nina had learned from previous experience that any conversation about Mercedes to her would be falling on deaf ears.

  It was times like this that bothered Nina the most. The times when she needed to talk and didn’t have anyone to talk to. She’d tried to be mature about the situation and not force Rochelle to choose, but that shit was getting harder and harder.

  Nina and Rochelle had been friends since high school, and Mercedes was just some horny stripper that preyed on Rochelle at her most vulnerable time and stole her heart.

  Nina couldn’t understand how it was the least bit feasible for Rochelle to be one hundred percent loyal to their friendship when she knew Nina and Mercedes were virtually enemies. She and Mercedes had been through so much, from Mercedes constantly making threatening phone calls and sending hate e-mails, to her even going as far as vandalizing Nina’s vehicle. Nina wasn’t the fighting type, but when Mercedes spray-painted obscenities all over her brand-new Escalade EXT a few years back, it took all she had to keep from driving over to the projects out Portsmouth and beating her nothing, stripper ass.

  Her girl Mariah helped to bring her to her senses, her words still fresh in Nina’s head.

  “Why would you go over there and jeopardize what you have? Hello? You’re a registered nurse with no criminal record, making six figures. You have everything to lose. She’s a project chick, stripper bitch with a book for a criminal record, fucked-up credit, no education, and no future. What does she have to lose? Besides, you’re pretty, and the older you get, the harder it is clearing up scars. And you know scars are a definite result of fighting.”

  Mariah always had a way of connecting beauty and vanity into any conversation. With that conversation on her mind, Nina decided to give Mariah a call.

  After several unsuccessful attempts to reach Mariah, Nina became even more frustrated. She looked at the time. It was already eleven o’clock in the morning, and her husband still had not made it home from the club the night before. She wasted no time calling him.

  “What’s up, baaaby?” Mouse sang into the phone like he had no worries in the world.

  “Can you explain to me why it’s almost noon and you’re still out?” Nina snapped.

  “Baby, I’m at the club. We’re gambling. I’ll be home soon.”

  “You spend more time at the club than you do at home. I think you better find out what’s more important, before you lose one. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re up there with one of those nasty stripper bitches!” Nina hung up the phone in Mouse’s ear.

  Her intuition was right once before. Why couldn’t it be right this time too? Nina thought about what had transpired between Mouse and Mercedes years before. She had befriended Mercedes during her time of need, got her a job at Mouse’s club, and even opened her doors and allowed that trick to stay in her home, only to come in the club late one night and find Mercedes’ mouth full with Mouse’s dick. Well, the tip that is, because Mouse was packing, and a bitch needed a big-ass mouth to take that entire dick.

  Ever since that encounter with Mercedes, Nina had never fully trusted Mouse. Yes, she did forgive him, but one thing for sure was, she never did forget. She vowed that she wouldn’t be one of those women who worried themselves to death every time their man left their sight, so she gave Mouse his freedom and a rope. Rope with just enough room for him to hang himself. Nina wasn’t stupid. She knew a man was going to do what a man wanted to do, regardless, and there was nothing a woman could do to stop him.

  After hanging up the phone and getting lost in her thoughts, she grabbed her jacket and rushed to meet her girls at Logan’s Roadhouse to have their weekly girls’ dinner.

  The second Nina walked through the door, she spotted Rochelle, Mariah, and some mystery woman.

  “Hey, girls.” She greeted as she approached the table.

  Rochelle introduced the mysterious woman as soon as Nina was up on them. She knew Nina didn’t like sharing her space with people she didn’t know. “Nina, this is Peaches.”


  Nina rolled her eyes as she positioned herself to take a seat at the table. She and Mariah looked at each other from the corner of their eyes then shot Rochelle a disapproving look.

  Rochelle quickly got the picture and wrapped things up with her little friend. “All right, girl, well, I’ll see you at the club later.”

  The second the girl left the table, Nina looked at Rochelle. “Oh my God. Can we please go out one time without having to be introduced to one of your stripper buddies?”

  “Yeah! And no new friends, damn it! How many times do I have to say this?” Mariah chimed in. “Don’t you know that our circle consist of us three only?”

  “Guys, I do work as a bartender at a strip club, so I’m gonna know lots of strippers. Besides, she doesn’t count. She’s not a friend—That’s potential pussy. We flirt every night at the club. It’s only a matter of time before she’s yamming on my meow mix.” Rochelle laughed.

  “Rochelle, please.” Mariah waved her hand, disgusted by the thought.

  Just like Rochelle, Mariah had been friends with Nina since high school. She had a few self-esteem issues that caused her to do some strange things at times, especially when it came to men. Always portraying who she would like to be instead of who she truly was, she was always attempting to be politically correct. Although she pretended to be perfect, deep inside, she didn’t truly love herself. She needed the validation of a man to feel good about herself, and it often showed.

  “Whatever, Mariah. You kill me.” Rochelle knew Mariah was on that fronting shit once again. “You’re the biggest freak out of all of us, with your horny ass.”

  “Well, at least I have standards.”

  “Whatever,” Rochelle said, trying to dismiss the conversation, “I have standards too.”

  “Yeah, right,” Nina said, thinking of Mercedes. “That’s not the way I see it, because to me, it looks like all you want is those nothing-ass chicks.”

  “Dang! I feel a little aggression here. Do you really have to go there? I mean, I know you hate Mercedes and all, but do you have to constantly throw it up in my face? I don’t let her sit around and talk about your ass.”

  “That’s because you and her know the deal. Plus, this ain’t really about her,” Nina lied. “I just wish you would raise your standard, that’s all.”

  “Have you talked to her lately?”

  “Nope, not since the argument I told you about. She’s out the door. I’m moving on to bigger and better things now.”

  “Excuse me?” Nina realized she’d had been left out of the loop.

/>   “I’m no longer dealing with Mercedes, but I didn’t tell you because I know you’d rather not discuss her.” Rochelle nonchalantly rose out of her seat.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re not going anywhere.” Nina placed her hand on Rochelle’s arm to keep her from leaving the table. She didn’t believe a word coming out of Rochelle’s mouth and wanted more information.

  Nina had a right to doubt Rochelle because she’d said she was done with Mercedes a number of times, and after each declaration, she’d just end up right back with her. In Nina’s opinion, Rochelle just was too pussy-whipped and too weak to walk away. Whenever Nina voiced this to Rochelle, she couldn’t say a word, because deep down, she knew Nina was telling the truth. She would swing the door wide open as soon as Mercedes’ sorry ass came knocking.

  On the real, Rochelle probably would go searching for her before she even had the chance to come knocking. Her love life had always been a rocky road, and she yearned for the companionship of a lover so bad, she virtually opened the doors to any stranger willing to give her that fulfillment.

  “May I take your drink orders?” the waitress said, interrupting the ladies’ conversation right in the nick of time, because an argument was definitely brewing.

  The girls paused their conversation long enough to place their drink and dinner orders.

  Mariah then excused herself to the restroom.

  “Aaaaaaahhhhhh shit!” Mariah yelled beneath her breath as the urine ran through her insides and out her vagina, burning a path on its way. She felt like was pissing hot coffee. Please, don’t let this be happening, she thought as her heart raced and her breathing pattern increased.

  She could feel an itchy, tingling sensation beneath her armpits, indicating a sure sign of sweat. Was she having an anxiety attack? My pussy is on fire! Oh my goodness, not again!

  Mariah took caution wiping herself clean. She noticed a small amount of blood on the tissue. She was sure she had a urinary tract infection, which, in her case, was a definite sign of pregnancy.


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