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Defiant Revival

Page 24

by Defiant Revival [Dreamspinner MM] (retail) (epub)

  Billiam set his bowler cap atop Micah’s head. It was much too big, and his hair looked like golden water spilling from a cauldron. He grinned up at his lover, a silly but very happy sight. It wasn’t much of a disguise, but it did make him look slightly less regal. With that, Billiam pushed open the slat door for his prince and himself.

  Billiam held his arm tightly against Micah’s waist as they walked over to the barkeep. Micah was shocked by it; he knew they were in Alafor, but they were still in the backcountry. Would they really not hate seeing two men entwined as such?

  Billiam smiled wide and began to speak charmingly to the grizzled man behind the bar. “’Ello, good sir, and good tidings! My bride and I just married; we are on our way to City of Wings to celebrate. I hear there is no more beautiful a sight, besides my little lady, of course.”

  Micah gasped and felt his face get hot. Billiam will pay for this, he thought, amidst wondering if he still truly passed for female. He was almost nineteen now (subtracting his year of death). Had he really remained so pretty and delicate? He felt he couldn’t evaluate that himself but trusted Billiam regardless.

  “Congrats, ya happy bastard! Some guys got all the luck, dun they? We got some rooms, sure. Just one, then? Ain’t ya freezin, trekkin’ yer lady about in short pants in the dead of winter for yer honeymoon? A bit odd….” He scratched his bearded chin and was a little suspicious of them but still quite friendly.

  “Oh worry not, we shed a few layers just now. We had worked up quite a sweat, finding a spot of privacy during our travels.”

  Micah tried his best to keep smiling sweetly, to be a polite, bashful maiden. It was difficult though; Billiam was laying it on quite thick. He had a devilish grin, which the barkeep returned as he eyed the prince up and down. Yes, he is definitely getting punished, Micah schemed.

  “We actually need two rooms. My sister-in-law and her houseman have come along with us. We needn’t anything fancy. The true delight shall be in Wings!” Billiam slapped his hand hard against Micah’s rump, making him bulge his eyes and produce a startled squeal. Thankfully, it was an extremely convincing and feminine reaction.

  “Aye, thass good. We ain’t got nothin’ fancy!” the man said with a hearty laugh, his gaze only going to Billiam every few seconds, as it was mostly transfixed on his bride. “Is her sister as lovely as yer gal?”

  “No, not at all, sorry.”

  Micah giggled at Billiam’s abrupt response. He wished Shemmy had heard it. Had she been a half minute sooner she could have, as Zan was now looming in the doorway, framing Shemmy in front of him. She was bounding over and luckily saw Micah secretly lift a finger to his lips. “’Ello, loves!” she sang, a safe salutation.

  “Oi, dat her?” asked the barkeep. He was done undressing Micah with his eyes and turned the mental striptease to Shemmy. “She’s dirty, but I think she’s every bit as lovely as her sister. Got some curves too!” The man chuckled and started yelling to a woman in the kitchen. He was instructing her to get them their rooms and was thankfully distracted as he made his way in there himself.

  “Hey, sis, who said I was’nae pretty?” Shemmy growled, smacking Billiam in the gut. She looked over Micah, who was blushing so cutely she just wanted to bite his cheeks off. “What do I call the little lady?”

  “Mariah,” answered Billiam with a grin.

  “That was quick. Have you thought of me as that before?” Micah whispered and threw daggers at Billiam with his eyes.

  “Only when we were children. We can discuss that later.” Billiam had his arm wrapped around Micah again. The barkeep’s wife emerged, so he was unable to contest the touching one bit. It felt nice, but Billiam was still very much in trouble.

  She led them up the stairs, silently and unimpressed. There were two rooms open: one was large with two beds and the other smaller with only one. “Newlyweds can have the single room,” she grumbled, disappearing down the stairs as soon as her words stopped.

  “Nope!” Micah cheered, acknowledging Zan at last, grabbing his arm softly. “You will be our guard, faelock. You can sleep in front of our door. Billiam and I will take the large room. Why not use as many beds as we can? That’s only if he earns my forgiveness, of course. Shemmy, you can have the single. Don’t let this man in your room. He might take advantage of you too. You are also precious to me.”

  “Not ta worry, Mariah. If he gets fresh, I’ll scratch him up wif his own fingers!” Shemmy was snickering but fled into her room without another word. She seemed a bit more distant, a bit less carefree. It must’ve been because of Gam, or at least that’s all they could think of.

  “Zan, if I leave you out here, you will not desert me, correct?”

  My brother nodded solemnly. He had given up.

  He was being honest, and Micah knew it. He wanted to test him anyhow. “If I tied you to something, would you run?”

  “Yes,” Zan replied, looking at the ground.

  “Right, I trust you. The truth on both accounts. You will be unbound, then.” With that, they turned to retire. Micah ran into their large room and grabbed a pillow and quilt from the extra bed. He shoved them into my brother’s hands before slamming the door on him.

  Zan sat the pillow on the ground and then himself atop it. He wrapped the quilt around his shoulders, letting his head and back fall against their door. He wept until exhaustion forced him asleep. It was actually only minutes, but it felt endless. He had been holding himself together surprisingly well, and now he no longer had to.

  Billiam grabbed the cap off Micah and threw it like a discus onto the first bed. He wanted to grab that beautiful face and force it against his own. He needn’t keep starving himself, as they had privacy at last. He could have his fill of Micah. He was already removing his blouse by the time he noticed the incredibly sour face the prince was making. Billiam ceased his fumbling, allowing him to stay dressed for the time being. He smiled meekly and asked, “So you are mad about that, then?”

  Micah pouted and crossed his arms over his partially exposed chest. “Do I really still look like a girl?” he shouted, genuinely offended.

  Billiam was allowed to hug him, so he reached a hand under the blouse, holding Micah’s shoulder. He would get that stupid scrap of fabric off; he was determined. “Not when you are naked, my prince.”

  “What kind of answer is that?” Micah pulled off Billiam’s hand before closing up his shirt and turning his back to him.

  “What? I prefer you naked!”

  “I prefer you quiet.” Micah sat on the bed and held his face in his hands. How could Billiam not realize this was hurtful? It was not that he minded being girly or pretty, but he was a man. He was himself, whom Billiam was supposed to love just as he was. It was so easy for him to make me into Mariah…. He knew he was being sensitive, but he was hurt. Billiam was just so silly, so sexual. Did he not care about anything else?

  “Do you mean that, Micah?” Billiam asked and felt stung. He realized he had gotten carried away, downstairs and up here as well.

  “Sometimes… when you are being such a fool.”

  Billiam finally looked up. He had softened, he was sweet, he understood. That was all Micah wanted, to have Billiam know he was wrong. With that he could forgive him and feel free to tease back.

  “I am sorry for getting caught up. I am just having so much fun being with you that I didn’t realize I was being ridiculous at your expense. I will try to talk a bit less, Prince. I’ll at least choose my words better.” Billiam was unaware he was already forgiven. He was paining himself to act as serious and prudent as possible, which Micah found quite amusing.

  “I have something you can gag on, and that should keep you quiet,” he whispered, grinning and uncrossing his legs.

  Billiam looked so ecstatic, he practically floated over to Micah. He couldn’t believe the prince talked dirty to him, all on his own and so well. “Where?” asked Billiam coyly. He was already kneeling between Micah’s legs. He pulled on his trousers. “Can I have it?”

  “Are you going to behave?” Micah was grabbing at Billiam’s hair this time, pulling it tight. Billiam was so strong, so capable, but such putty in his hands. “You are in trouble, so you don’t get your control of me back until you earn my forgiveness.”

  Billiam nodded, biting his lip. It took all the self-control he had to not throw the prince down and mount him at once. He was excited to see Micah try to dominate him and couldn’t wait to show him how it was truly done afterward.


  My brother was awoken suddenly by Micah’s shouting. The door that was his headboard flung against him, sending him and his pillow part way down the stairs. He lay on the steps, which were surprisingly comfortable, for a bit before forcing himself up. As he looked up he saw Billiam walking to Shemmy’s room, completely naked. What is going on? Billiam slammed his fist on Shemmy’s door. She opened it just as he saw a flash of the nude prince running after him and in to her room, as well. Odd, was all my brother thought as he picked himself up, leaning against the wall next to the door this time. Back to sleep. He smiled slightly as he passed out.

  “Wot the ’ell? I thought you dinnae like lasses. Is we doin’ a three way?” Shemmy asked with a smirk.

  “Look at my shoulder!” Billiam shouted, motioning at it manically with his other hand. He was missing a whole chunk of flesh, with blood trickling down his arm before pooling into his elbow.

  “Billiam! I am sorry! I got caught up in the moment! Come back to bed with me, and we will switch back positions.” Micah was crying and pulling on Billiam’s arm from behind him.

  “What is wrong with Micah?”

  “Looks like ’e was givin’, when ’e is made for receivin’. Dat’s what’s wrong. Question answered.” Shemmy was giggling, but grabbed a candle off her desk to come look at the wound. She stuck her finger in it, checking the teeth marks, causing Billiam to groan in agony.

  “Goddammit, Shemmy, can’t you be more careful?” He winced but did his best to not push her away. The prince was still crying, so Billiam grabbed him under his other arm. He held him tight, wanting him to feel better but couldn’t quite look at him yet. “He was on top because I was in trouble. Will you answer my question now?”

  “Trouble? Oh, coz o’ the newlywed thing?” She wasn’t answering, she was laughing. She turned to Micah and began looking at his mouth, but he wouldn’t open it. He just kept crying. “Tell me what happened.”

  Shemmy was wiping alcohol on the wound. Who knows where she had gotten it from? Billiam grit his teeth hard, making himself ignore the stinging pain. “Well, you know what we were doing, I needn’t explain that. It was actually pretty amazing. I have never had success being in that position, so I was quite pleased. That is, until he ate a bite of my shoulder. I looked over, and his eyes had turned black. I had to rip him off of me.” He continued holding his prince close, for he couldn’t let him think he was mad. He wasn’t. He just wanted to know what was going on, to know that Micah would be all right.

  “I wasn’t eating you!” Micah wailed, falling into Billiam’s side. He had blood staining down his chin, but he looked so pathetic and innocent.

  “Where’s da hunk o’ shoulder den?” Shemmy was looking at the prince, smiling sweetly.

  Micah’s lower lip trembled like thunder, a new flood of tears spilling onto his face, onto Billiam, onto the floor. “I did eat it! I’m sorry! Why did I do that?” He was speaking in between loud, hiccupped cries.

  Billiam realized how loud they were being, how easily their cover could be blown. He bent down and gave Micah a long kiss, scooping up tears with his fingers. This was the only proven method Billiam had found for calming him.

  “Aren’t you scared I’m going to eat your face?” It didn’t work. With more uncontrollable crying, Micah fell to the ground.

  “Eyes was black, you said? All black, o’ juss the irises?”

  Billiam was down on the ground with Micah, wrapping around him as best he could. “Prince, I am not afraid of you. I wish only to know you are okay.” He looked up to Shemmy and answered her plainly, “Completely black. As soon as I got his mouth off and he swallowed, they were back to normal, and the crying started. Did something go wrong in the ritual?”

  “Billiam, pull out yer needle and thread. Imma sew that gorge up.” Shemmy mouthed out the words “trust me” to him, before kneeling down to them. “Micah, you are fine. That’s quite a normal reaction to fockin’ somebody. It means yer blood boiled; you were virile! I ’ave bit pieces off many o’ my lovers. Billiam juss does’nae know that cos he spends all his time on top an’ he ain’t a chomper.”

  The prince looked up finally, still full of tears with his nose running terribly. In a soft, shaking voice, he was able to ask, “You’ve eaten your lovers too? I don’t want to be a chomper!”

  “When I was new to it, yes. Learned a bit o’ self-control, I did.” Shemmy was grinning, being sweet to her boy. She helped him off the ground and offered a hand to Billiam as well. “Just stick to takin’ for now, ’til yer an old pro. Scoot on off to yer room; I gotta sew this one up. Dun wanna ’ave you see yer strong, strappin’ man wincin’ like a babe!” She playfully pushed Micah toward the door. He was dazed, but his crying had slowed almost to a stop.

  Billiam scowled. He was not satisfied with this. “No, we aren’t switching back yet. I will get fucked even if it kills me!” He was serious and grabbed Micah’s shoulders hard, holding him close so he couldn’t leave him yet.

  “Uh, Billiam, yer the last person in the world who should be sayin’ that, wif yer luck,” Shemmy snickered but was honestly concerned.

  “I know. Shut up, Shemmy! We will do this my way, and I should survive just fine. Micah, go to our room now, lie on your back, and play dead.” Micah looked up at him mystified, blinking his now dry eyes a few times before he obeyed, turning again to the door. “If you aren’t hard as a rock when I get in there, you will regret it!” He playfully slapped Micah’s backside as he was finally allowed to exit.

  The prince left them feeling content. Hearing Billiam turn naughty again helped him feel worlds better. He knew that meant he was happy. “Yes, master!” he called and skipped out of the room.

  Shemmy was smirking as she heated up Billiam’s needle with her candle. She held it in front of her face, waving it around to let it cool enough to house thread. “That’s my topman, Billiam. Even when you’s takin’ it, ya gotta be in charge.”

  Billiam couldn’t help indulging her with a small laugh. It was kind of nice having her be a pervert in instances where such difficulties might arise. He could not think of another friend who would understand his situation. “They say if you want a job done right, you do it yourself, hmm?” His smile turned quickly into a grimace as the needle began to fuse his flesh. “Now tell me what the hell is going on.”

  “Can ya believe ’e bought my chomper story? I am glad it’s so believable I’d cannibalize a lover…. Actually I dunno if glad be the right word.” She shook her head as she dabbed the wound with a piece of clean cotton. She needed to get rid of some more of the blood before she could pass through again. “Remember how Zan bonked me, in the pool?”

  “Is this also his fault?” Billiam was ready to get up and annihilate my brother as soon as he got his answer. He cared not how sewn up his shoulder was.

  “No!” she shouted, flicking his forehead. This forced her patient to calm down, allowing her to continue. “I was doin’ the soulstitch when he was thrown into me, which was an accident, you best remember. This be the most vital step in creatin’ a true, complete human a’gin. It has to be done twenty-seven times, one for each spiritual energy of nature. I was on my twenty-fourth stitch, and I could’nae quite complete the end ’cos the needles swerved outta place. I also could’nae redo the stitch, or it would overground him. That could shave years, decades off ’is life. I ain’t sure which energy the twenty-fourth is, but I plan to find out in Alafor.”

  “So, you knew all this time tha
t something is wrong with him?”

  “No, it’s not like that!” She looked quite sincere while dabbing the wound again. “I was’nae sure how messed up it was. This is all completely experimental, ya know? I dinnae think there was anything wrong until last night, when ’e was snappin’ off Zan’s fingers. Where did ’e get such strength from? ’Is aura was all diff’rent too—an energy that ain’t human, well not completely.”

  “What the hell do you mean not human?”

  “Shh, dun freak out. What good is dat gonna do? He seems fine most of the time, yes? He loves you, he is happy? We just must see to it he stays in as good a mood as possible. I dun fink the defective stitch is life-threatenin’ anyway, an’ I dun fink it affects ’im all the time. It is prolly somethin’ ’bout violence that brings it out. The rammin’, the bitin’, that can all be pretty vicious, no?”

  “I suppose…,” he mused.

  Shemmy was done stitching him up at last. He looked at his wound in a mirror hanging on the wall. He was surprised with how well she had done; how able she was to close the flesh. There really had been quite a chunk missing.

  “So he is okay? He is human? He is not going to turn into a flesh-eating zombie? I have no intention of loving him less or turning my back on him, no matter what is wrong with him. I just need to know how to handle him. You think he will be all right as long as I keep him from acting violently, whenever possible?”

  Shemmy nodded, gathering her bloody cloths and heating Billiam’s needle once again, sanitizing it for him. “You would really still love ’im if he was a zombie? I’m not sure ’ow healthy that is, mate. Never mind that, though. I fink he’s doing quite well. Can you imagine what it must be like? Cannae be easy, dying and coming back, and you have to juss be yerself a’gin, juss like that. He ain’t, though. He’s still Micah, but a new Micah. You and e’eryone else are juss gonna ’ave to accept ’im as he is now. That, and keep ’im either in front o’ ya or underneath ya when yer gettin’ frisky!” She was smiling, but she seemed not all that excited by what she said, what they did, not like before. She looked concerned, but it was not about Micah. She was very sincere about feeling he was doing well.


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