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SEAL's Spitfire (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Black Eagle Book 1)

Page 8

by Lynne St. James

  “And if you don’t? Then we just go in blind?”

  “If that’s what it takes, then yes,” Knox replied.

  There was nothing else to say after that. This was what they did, follow orders. Go where no one else could go and do the impossible, it’s what made them SEALs.

  Bill didn’t look any happier than the rest of them. “We’ll know before we touch down.”

  Rafe sure as hell hoped so.

  “Take care of what you need to. We’re departing in two hours.” And with that, the briefing was over. Brief was definitely the word for it, like basically nothing Rafe hadn’t already known from Tex. This was going to be a clusterfuck of epic proportions if they didn’t get more intel.”

  Chapter 10

  The phone call with Rafe worried Meghan more than she’d let on. He’d be in danger wherever he was going, and she had a fairly good idea it was Afghanistan. She also knew that the senator’s daughter would be their priority. The news broadcasts enough stories about rescues to know how the government worked. They’d go in for Miranda Stanhope and try to get the others, but she’d be their priority.

  Charlie was her priority. Leaving them behind for whatever reason would not be acceptable and the only way to guarantee it wouldn’t happen would be to go there herself. Using her job as cover she could probably get close, but she still had to make it to Afghanistan. That was the big problem. It’s not like just anyone could hop on a plane to the middle of a war zone. The clock was ticking. The longer they were captives the better chance they’d be hurt or worse. Let’s hope Rafe’s secret weapon would be able to help her.

  As Rafe promised, he’d sent Tex’s information in a text, and also warned her not to do anything stupid. It was probably a good thing he was out of touch because he’d kill her himself if he found out her plans. Let’s hope Tex was a little more accommodating. Going in as a journalist, she hoped she’d be able to find out who took her brother and where they were. Didn’t everyone want to tell their stories to the world? It was the only plan she could come up with. It had better work.

  Before she asked for Tex’s help, she needed to have her plan intact. Maybe someone had written her back from the ministry. They were her best bet to find out where Charlie had gone, and maybe they’d gotten more information.

  Meghan could have jumped for joy when she opened her email and saw a message from Deliver Hope Ministries. Clicking on it, she skimmed the contents, then went back and re-read it. They’d gotten an update from the state department, but they hadn’t learned much more than she already knew. Their last location was in the Bamyan Province, wherever the fuck that was.

  Allan Collins was the name on the email, and he’d included his phone number. Checking the time, she realized it was too late to call but she would first thing in the morning.

  Opening Word, she started a file with everything she knew, questions she still needed answers to, and plans that needed to be made. Meghan wasn’t sure how long she’d been at it when there was a knock on the door.

  “Meg?” Lizzie slowly opened the door, probably expecting her to be asleep still. Meghan should be annoyed, she hadn’t wanted to sleep the day away, but she felt so much better.

  “I’m awake. Rafe called a bit ago.”

  “When I checked on you earlier, you looked so peaceful. I didn’t have the heart to wake you up.”

  “It’s okay. I needed it even if I didn’t want to sleep the day away.”

  “It wasn’t all day. Are you hungry? There are plenty of leftovers from dinner.” It’s like the mere mention of food made Meghan’s stomach growl. It had the worst timing.

  Lizzie laughed. “I’ll take that as a yes. Do you want to come downstairs and have it at the table?”

  “Yeah. Let me just wash up and brush my teeth and I’ll be right down. Are the kids still awake?”

  “Hopefully not. They went to bed an hour ago, but you could look in on them if you want.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll see them in the morning.”

  Lizzie nodded and went back out the bedroom door. Meghan got up and washed. Then grabbed her laptop and phone and headed downstairs. Lizzie wasn’t going to like her plan, not even a little bit.

  By the time she’d gotten down to the kitchen, Lizzie had a whole meal laid out for her. Beef stew, salad, fresh rolls. Her sister really was just like her mom. Or maybe she was trying so hard because they were losing her slowly to the disease.

  “You were busy while I was slacking. This looks and smells great.”

  “Thanks. But I had the stew in the crock pot. The bread machine helped with the rolls and salad is nothing. Just leave room for dessert.”

  “What is it?”

  “Nope. That’s a surprise if you eat your dinner.”

  “What am I ten?”

  “No, you only act like it sometimes.” Meghan was about to let her have it when she saw the expression on Lizzie’s face and burst out laughing. She’d fallen for it yet again.

  “Oh my God, this is delicious. You need to give me the recipe.”

  “You cook?”


  Grabbing one of the rolls from the basket, Lizzie buttered it and took a bite. “Are you lonely?”

  That question took Meghan by surprise. Was she lonely? Maybe. But she didn’t give herself a chance to think about it. She kept busy all the time and when she had down time she’d call or go visit Chrissy. And now she had Rafe in her life. Although if she managed to get to Afghanistan, she wasn’t sure how he’d react.

  “I don’t think so. I’m usually busy. And I have you and Chrissy.”

  “And Rafe?”

  “We’ll see. It feels real but with all that’s going on, who knows.”

  “You could come back here. Stay with us until you get a job. Or with Mom.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I want my dream.”

  “We worry about you.”

  “You mean you worry about me. I am not sure what Mom does or doesn’t remember.”

  Lizzie’s eyes welled with tears and Meghan could have kicked herself. Maybe it was Lizzie who was lonely and scared. She’d been the one dealing with Mom, the twins, and a husband who traveled more than he was home. It was a lot for anyone to deal with on their own.

  “I’m sorry, Lizzie.” Meghan got up from the table and pulled her into a hug. It was only going to be worse when she found out that Meghan was heading for the middle east as soon as she could make the arrangements. She contemplated keeping it a secret until she got back with Charlie, but there’s no way her sister would let her out of her sight without checking on her constantly.

  “Go eat, it’ll get cold.”

  “You are a great mom, Lizzie. And you’re doing a hell of a job taking care of everything. I don’t tell you that enough.” From the surprised look on her face, she definitely didn’t tell her enough.

  “Keep that up and I’m going to be a total mess. What’s going on? You’re up to something.”

  “No. Nothing, at least not yet. I’m just trying to find out where Charlie is. And what we can do to get him back.”

  Lizzie gave her the side-eye. “Meggy, I can see right through you…”

  “Seriously, that’s all that’s going on, for now.”

  “Ah, that’s it. The infamous ‘for now.’ C’mon fess up or I’ll sic Mom on you.” It had been the ultimate threat when they were kids, and it had the same effect over twenty years later. No one wanted Mom involved in this.

  “Fine, but nothing is settled. I’m going to go to Afghanistan. I need to do something.”

  “Are you out of your freaking mind?” Lizzie’s voice came out high-pitched and furious. Slamming her hands on the table, she stood up and turned toward the window then turned back. “You are not going.”

  “Shh, you’ll wake the twins.”

  “Meghan, promise me. You can’t go. I won’t lose both of my siblings to those maniacs.”

  “I can’t make that promise. I need to do this. For Char
lie, for all of us. But so far, I haven’t figured out how to get the clearance. I’m hoping that Rafe’s friend Tex will be able to help.”

  “And what about Rafe? He’s okay with your little excursion into a war zone? Face it, if missionaries aren’t safe, what makes you think you’ll come back alive?”

  “I have a plan, and I have to try. I can’t just sit here and do nothing. Journalists go in and out of there all the time. I’m going to use that as cover and see if I can get them to give me an interview.”

  Lizzie opened the cabinet, grabbed a bottle of scotch and came back to the table with two glasses. “I don’t know about you, but I need a drink. I think you’ve lost your ever-loving mind.”

  “I’ll be fine, Lizzie. I promise I will.”

  “You can’t make that promise.” She was right, she really couldn’t. It was dangerous, and maybe reckless, but she had to try. It was their baby brother and a bunch of other people who were only there to help others.

  “To answer your question about Rafe, he doesn’t know. He’s been sent on a mission and no I don’t know where. That’s why he gave me his friend’s contact information.”

  “Answer this. If he wasn’t on a mission, would you still be trying to do this?”

  Meghan thought about it for a bit. He wouldn’t like it any more than Lizzie did, but the reasons for going wouldn’t change. If he loved her the way he said, then he’d have to understand.

  “Yes. I absolutely would. It would probably be harder because I wouldn’t have his friend’s information.”

  “And his friend is going to help you?”

  “I don’t know yet. I haven’t talked to him.”

  “Maybe he’ll say no.”

  “I suppose he might. Then I’ll just have to find another way.”

  “You’re gonna be the death of me. You and Charlie both. You’re crazy, you know that?”

  “Maybe. But traveling the world covering stories is what I’ve dreamed of doing my whole life. I’d be doing it anyway if I didn’t work with a bunch of egotistical jerks. I can do this. I know it.”

  Lizzie shook her head and looked up at the ceiling. Then she poured another round of scotch. “I pray the good Lord watches over you, and you come back to us in one piece.”

  “I will.” It had been hard for her to say those words. They both knew it, and Meghan would do her best to keep her promise.

  “You ready for dessert?”

  Meghan wasn’t sure she could eat anything else. She’d been so hungry but now it was sitting like a lead weight in her stomach. Lizzie had taken the time to make it, so she’d eat it, somehow.

  “Of course. You teased me with it, I can’t wait.” White lies aren’t really bad, she told herself. The last thing she wanted was to piss off the big guy upstairs before she took this trip.

  Lizzie but a plate in front of her with a huge slice of pie.

  “You made lemon meringue pie for me?”

  “Yup. I figured why not. What're a few calories between sisters?” It was Meghan’s favorite pie of all time but as she put the first forkful in her mouth it tasted like sawdust. But she’d hurt her sister enough already and bite by bite she ate every bit until her plate was empty.

  “It was delicious.” Ugh, another white lie. But it probably wouldn’t have been if she hadn’t begun second-guessing herself because of Lizzie’s argument. Nope, she was going. With or without Tex’s help.

  “Since I can’t talk you out of going, what’s your plan. I need to know everything. So don’t even try to hold anything back.”

  “I don’t know everything. How about we call Tex together and see if he’ll help?”

  “It’s the first idea you’ve had that I actually like. Imagine that?” Meghan smiled and squeezed Lizzie’s hand. They’d all get through this and be stronger when it was over.

  Dialing Tex’s number, she pushed the button to put it on speaker and set it on the table between them.


  “Hi. My name is Meghan Henley. I’m a friend of Rafe Buchanan’s and he gave me your number. I hope it’s okay to call?”

  “Hi, Meghan. Rafe told me all about you. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. Well as much as it can be, I suppose. Oh, you’re on speaker. My sister is here with me.”

  “Hi, Lizzie. How are you holding up?” The look on her face was priceless. She pointed to the phone and mouthed the words ‘how does he know my name.’

  “She’s a little surprised right now. Rafe told me you were good.”

  “He has no idea. Sorry, I didn’t mean to freak you out. When Rafe asked me to look into your brother’s disappearance, I did research on all of you. I needed to make sure that their kidnapping wasn’t because of anything he might be involved in at home.”

  “Our brother wouldn’t do anything like that.” Lizzie’s voice vibrated in outrage.

  “Hold on there, I wasn’t implying that. I need to know everything.”

  “Lizzie. Please. He’s helping us, right?”

  “I guess. Sorry.”

  “No need to apologize, ma’am. I didn’t mean to set you off. Just trying to explain. I swear, I’m on your side.”

  Meghan sure hoped so, because she didn’t think he would be happy with her request.

  “I have a favor to ask and I hope you can help me.”

  “What do you need. If I can help with it, I will.”

  “You may be sorry you said that here in a few minutes.” Damn, she could hear her accent coming out. Stress was not her friend.

  “Try me.”

  “Okay. I want to go to Afghanistan. Specifically, Bamyan Province to try to get my brother back.”

  Silence, if she hadn’t heard his breathing, she’d swear he either keeled over from shock, or he’d hung up on her.

  “Now I know why Rafe calls you spitfire.”

  “He calls you what? Lizzie asked.

  “Spitfire.” It was probably shock, but Lizzie started giggling and couldn’t stop and it was contagious. Soon they were all laughing.

  “He may have just met you, but dang he has you pinned,” she replied as her giggles died off. “I am afraid to find out what made him call you that.”

  “I don’t know. I guess you’ll have to ask him when you meet him.”

  “I guess I will.”

  “Excuse me,” Tex cut in. “Do you know how unsafe it is for anyone, let alone a single female to travel in Afghanistan?”

  “Yes. I do. But I’m a journalist. It’s my job to cover stories.”

  “You cover the society page and obits. That’s not exactly a foreign correspondent job.”

  “That’s true. But it’s not for lack of trying. If I can pull this off, I’ll get Charlie back and maybe even prove myself to my boss.”

  “You’re willing to risk your life?”

  “It’s my brother. Wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “Don’t you go telling me you’re a man and it’s safer.”

  “I was going to say I was a SEAL and trained for this.”

  Meghan sighed. Maybe she really had earned that nickname. “I’m sorry. I’m just so tired of being told I’m a woman so I can’t or shouldn’t do that.”

  “You need to help her, John.”

  “Meghan, Lizzie, that voice you hear is my wife, Melody.”

  “Mel. And I’m sorry for eavesdropping but I heard John laughing, so I came to investigate.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mel. I’m sorry I’m bothering your husband on a Saturday night.”

  “We’re used to it. You have no idea how often this happens. No worries. I’m really sorry about your brother.”

  “Thank you. We appreciate that.”

  “I’ll leave you all to work it out. Be careful Meghan. It’s going to be a lot harder than you think.”

  “I will.”

  The phone was muffled for a few moments as Tex or John and Mel discussed something. Then he was back.

  “John is my given name
in case you were wondering. Tex is my name from the teams. I answer to either.”

  “I wondered. So, will you help me get to Afghanistan?”

  “Rafe is going to kill me, but yes I will. You need to promise to follow the rules.”

  “What rules?”

  “I’ll spell them out for you before you leave. Monday look for a package from me. It will be a new phone with a tracking device. This way I can keep an eye on you while you’re away.”

  “You can do that?”

  “Oh yeah. That’s nothing. Do you have a passport?”

  “Yes. And yes, it’s current.

  “Good. Do you have credentials for your paper? Press passes?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  “That’ll make things easier. Okay, hang tight while I see what I can come up with. I’d suggest you pack for winter. It’ll be cool and cold at night. Muted colors, nothing bright. You don’t want to stand out, trust me.”

  “I will go shopping tomorrow.”

  “As soon as I have more information, I’ll be in touch. If something changes in the interim text or call.”

  “I will. Thank you. I really appreciate all you’ve done for us.”

  “It’s not that much. Yet. I just hope Rafe doesn’t tan my hide when he gets back.”

  “Do you know where he is?”

  “Yes, but I can’t tell you.”

  “I figured. I only asked because I was wondering just how far your reach went. I guess there’s not much that can be hidden from you.”

  “You got that right. Anything else?”

  “No. That’s it. Thank you again.”

  “I’ll be in touch. Bye.”

  “Holy crap, Meghan. I was praying he wouldn’t help.”

  “It’ll be okay, Lizzie.”

  “It better be.”

  Meghan smiled at her sister. When she was younger, she’d hated being the oldest child. But when she grew up and eventually moved out on her own, it changed, and she actually missed being around them all the time.

  “How do the kids like the mall?”

  “Lia loves it, CJ not so much. But it’ll be fine. I don’t think bringing Mom is a good idea though. I’ll get one of the aides to come over.”


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