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HOT ICE: Complete Sporting Romance Series

Page 7

by Lily Harlem

  “You want to after the sea anemone this morning?” He turned to me with a worried crease between his eyes.

  “Sure, I can’t let that put me off.” I shrugged. “I adore swimming in the sea, especially in the evening, it’s so cleansing. I’ll just stay away from the rock pools.” I paused. “Want to join me?”

  He licked his lips and his gaze dropped down my body. “On one condition.”

  “What’s that?” I had a fairly good idea what he was about to say. The workings of Logan Taylor’s mind were becoming clear to me.

  “We go skinny-dipping.” He circled my waist and smoothed his hand to the hollow of my back. “We take off our clothes and swim as bare as the day we were born.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Don’t you think someone might see?”

  “Not a chance, this is a private stretch of beach and I haven’t seen a boat since we got here.” He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and embraced me with both arms. “Go on,” he whispered.

  I slid my fingers from his smooth dimples to the elastic of his boxers, poked underneath and stroked the top of his butt—it was hard with muscle, just like the rest of his body. “Okay,” I said, tugging at my bottom lip as a flutter of excitement tickled my stomach. I’d never been skinny-dipping before, I was always too busy worrying about covering up. It would be a new experience. “We’ll skinny-dip. But I’m not walking all the way down to the shore without a bra. It’s just not comfortable.”

  Logan let go of me and opened the door. Warm sea air blew in. “Deal,” he said as he entwined his fingers with mine and tugged. “That probably gives you about thirty seconds of leeway then.”

  We stepped over the decking and onto the beach. The sky held the last rays of the light from the west and in the east, dense navy had taken hold. The first stars had come out to play along with a creamy crescent moon.

  “What star sign are you?” I asked as our feet halted just before the sea line. “Aries.”

  “Of course.” I nodded.

  “What do you mean, of course?”

  “I should have guessed, that’s all.”

  “What, because I’m like a ram, put my head down and charge?” He let go of my hand, reached round my back and released my bra, letting it drop to the sand.

  “It’s the most masculine sign, fiery, quick-tempered. Warriors are nearly always Aries,” I said. The breeze tickled over my nipples and cool air swept over my flesh. The night air on my skin was wonderfully liberating.

  “Mmm, that sounds like me.” He let his index fingers sweep under the heavy curves of my breasts. “I bet you’re the sexy lady, which one is that?” His fingers traveled to the waistband of my panties. “Virgo or something.” He stooped and pulled the slip of white material down my thighs and over my knees to my ankles.

  I placed a hand on his hard shoulder as I stepped out of each leg. “Good guess.”

  He stood with a grin and kicked out of his boxers. His erection sprang forward from his dark pubic hair and the pale moonlight cast sharp angled shadows over his perfect chest and abs.

  One glance at his heavy, hungry eyes roaming my body made me wonder if we would make it into the sea. “Come on,” I said quickly, “let’s swim.” I waded into the tepid water. Delicate waves captured my lower legs, inviting me deeper. The gentle twilight was hypnotic and I rejoiced at my nakedness with each tiny splash that hit me.

  Logan suddenly sprang into action. With a burst of noise and energy he took six enormous strides past me, kicked up spray and dived into the crest of a wave. His arms flew out to the side in great arcs and his head and back curled forward. The wave claimed the lower half of his body as it rolled over itself in a froth of ghostly white and he disappeared into the darkness.

  I laughed and then tensed as the wave rolled past me and teetered my balance. He surfaced, flicking water from his hair, and took several fast strokes deeper out to sea. “Come on,” he called, stopping and turning to the shore. “It’s lovely.”

  As the sea hit my thighs I fell forward and let it claim me too. The water lifted the weight of my breasts and as I kicked, coolness seeped between my legs. I caught my breath, the feeling of being so at one with the planet was breathtaking. I was part of the ocean, part of the sky, part of the universe, there was nothing between us.

  “Hey, sexy Virgo,” Logan said, suddenly popping up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. “Can you stand here?”

  I put my feet down into soft sand and found the ebbing water at my waist. “Yes.” I curled my hands over his corded forearms and leaned back against his warm, strong body.

  “Good,” he said as he pressed a kiss to my temple. “’Cause I want to hold you, right here.”

  I glanced back at the weak light pouring from our villa onto the beach. “Hey, what was that?” Something up the hill, to the right, had flashed from the undergrowth.


  “I thought I saw something, a flashlight perhaps.”

  Logan raised his head and his shoulders shifted as he followed my line of sight. “I can’t see anything.”

  “No, I can’t now either.” I frowned. “Perhaps it was a shooting star or something.”

  “Mmm, or something.” He nuzzled into my neck again as he palmed the underside of my breasts. “You have the best…” He stroked his thumbs over my rigid nipples, already tight from the coolness of the water. “The best breasts I’ve ever been acquainted with.” He slid his big hands upward and cupped them entirely. “And the way they fit in my hands, perfect.”

  I let out a sigh as the heat from his palms absorbed through my skin and settled between my legs. I leaned farther into him and his erection lodged tighter into the hollow of my back. “I’m glad you approve,” I said, tipping my head to the winking stars and letting the breeze lift my hair from my shoulders. Perhaps we were two halves and this crazy way of our paths crossing had been planned millions of years ago in the heavens.

  “Sweetie, I more than approve. You’ve got me as high as those stars.”

  “That’s your star,” I said, pointing. “The one with a hint of red.”

  “It is?” He lifted his head.

  “Yes, that’s Mars, the ruler of Aries.”

  “Mars, as in the planet.”

  “Yes, as in the planet, but Mars is also the Roman god of war, he’s confident and aggressive, full of ambition and energy.”

  “You’re describing me,” Logan murmured, pressing a kiss to the pulse in my neck. “Especially when I’m hammering an opponent into submission.” His caresses left my breasts and dipped below the water line tickling at my waist.

  “He’s also very,” I whispered, “sexual…in an assertive, impulsive way.”

  “I’m feeling very sexual now,” he mumbled onto my shoulder. “In an assertive, impulsive way.” He sneaked his right hand lower as his other arm held my body tighter to his. “Open your legs,” he whispered into my ear as he ruffled his fingertips through my pubic hair. “Let me touch you.”

  I went to turn around, I wanted more. I wanted to touch him. I wanted him inside me, but he halted my movements effortlessly and with barely a splash.

  I huffed in frustration and a chuckle came up from his chest. “Easy, sweetie, I haven’t got a condom hidden in the waves, you know.” He pushed my feet apart with one of his and slipped his fingertips through the top folds of my pussy. “Let me give you pleasure, out here, in the ocean.”

  He didn’t wait for me to answer and my knees turned weak as his clever fingers slid through hot flesh, easing apart folds to let the sea swirl over my clitoris. I reached back and hooked my hands over his shoulders, just managing to link them at the nape of his neck before I turned into a boneless heap.

  “Tell me what you want, Brooke,” he said, his body holding me like an anchor in a storm. “Tell me what you want from me.” As he spoke the stubble on his chin rubbed my face and I knew he was looking down at my breasts lifted up to the night sky.

  “I want you to…�

  He reached farther down and slid his finger into my entrance. Cold and hot, all at the same time, it took away my breath and my words.

  “You want me to what?” His voice was as smooth as treacle—thick, black, sugary treacle.

  “I want you to…” He added another finger and pushed up higher, stretching me exquisitely and sharply. But the heat from the stretch was immediately washed away by the cool water around me, in me, the fire dampened so only the intense filling sensation remained. I moaned and contracted my internal muscles around him. How did he expect me to answer his questions when he did stuff like that?

  “Maybe you want me to do this?” He pressed the heel of his hand over my clit and caught the tight bud in a long, slow glide as he pushed into me again.

  “Oh, God, yes.” I groaned, suddenly glad of his arm supporting me. “Yes, yes, I want that, that’s it.”

  “Anything else?” He began a steady pump in and out of me, never releasing my clit as he finger-fucked me.

  “No, no that’s good.” I stared up at Venus. Phosphorus-white, it glowed down from the sky, which was rapidly becoming dense as velvet. I stared until my eyes blurred then squeezed them shut. Lost to everything except what Logan was doing to me. Where Logan was taking me.

  “Is there a guy in your life?” He tensed as a stronger wave pressed against us, relaxing when it passed.

  “No, no.” I shuddered with the sweet pleasure his touch was creating. It was building again, every cell in my body was tuned in to his promise of satisfaction and I was getting edgy with the need to come. “Not anymore.”

  “Why, what you do with him?”

  “I dumped him, he was a liar and a cheat,” I said in a strained voice.

  “Mmm, need a warrior to go sort him out?”

  “He’s sorted…ancient history.”

  “But he hurt you?” His hot, open mouth just below my ear sent a shivery warmth sliding down my neck as his breathing picked up.

  “Yes, but it was my fault. I never should have kept taking him back.”

  “You like to see the best in people, Brooke.”

  “I guess.” I loved the way he said my name, all soft and deep with the double “oo” extended in a drawl, it made my mouth go dry and my body ache for him to say it again.

  “But he made it hard to trust again?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Why were we having this conversation as I teetered on the brink of orgasm? Was it because he knew I was too distracted to tell him anything but the truth?

  “I could give you that.”

  “What?” My mind wasn’t keeping up. Who could blame me?

  “I could give you back your ability to trust a man.”

  “Mmm, maybe…”

  He upped the pace and with the heel of his hand added small rotations, sending my clit into a state of frenzy.

  “Ahh…” I said, curling my toes in the sand. “I’m, going to, ahh, Logan…”

  “Trust me to look after you, trust me to give you pleasure you didn’t even know existed.”

  “Yes, yes, Oh, God, Logan.” White-hot liquid was pumping from my pelvis, flooding the rest of my body, preparing for takeoff. Had this moment been written in the stars for me? It sure felt like destiny.

  He sped up his movements and held me tighter. The cool waves splashed around us but I was burning hot. I was getting ready to come. I could taste the salt in the air and the scent of his skin had settled in my mouth and nose, filling my lungs—filling my soul.

  “Your pussy is greedy for me, it’s hot and wet and clamping my fingers, sucking me in.” He pressed his cheek to mine. “Look up, open your eyes and look at the sky.”

  I opened my eyes and searched out Mars. The stars around it were like fireworks, dancing and partying all over the place, celebrating with me. I groaned and sank down farther onto Logan’s impaling fingers. I could hardly catch my breath, it had become lodged in my throat as every nerve in my body braced for the eruption.

  “Come, come for me, sweetie.”

  His hot, gravelly words sent the climax rolling through my body like a tsunami of pure bliss. The moment seemed to go on forever as Logan’s determined fingers kept me riding through the waves of sensation.

  “Logan, Logan,” I half shouted, half groaned as my spine arched and my pelvis tipped for his thrusts. His hard cock jabbed into my back and his breaths were loud in my ear.

  I let out a long, low moan as another tremor of pleasure tore through me. Mars still twinkled down. I focused on its ruby aura and let myself fly high on life, high on lust.

  “That was amazing,” I panted, releasing my hands from behind his neck and hanging like a rag doll in his arms.

  “Yeah.” He pulled from between my legs and spun me to his chest. “You like how I touch?”

  “You touch awesome.” I pressed a kiss to his small, dark nipple and curled my fingers into the wet coils of his chest hair.

  “I’m glad you think so.” He tilted my face to his with the crook of his finger.

  I looked up into his eyes, small creases shot from the sides as they sparkled down at me through the darkness.

  “I’ve never come so hard or for so long,” I said. “Only a man who completely understands a woman’s needs can do that, Logan.”


  “Tina was obviously never really into men, because you could wreck a woman for all other guys, raise the bar so high it can never be matched.” I caught his face in my hands, and as my pussy gave a final spasm I kissed him hard and appreciatively. I, for one, had definitely never encountered a man like Logan Taylor, and I was already beginning to wonder if I ever would again.

  Chapter Five

  We gathered our underwear and walked back to the villa hand in hand. A shiver of cold attacked my damp, sated body and as we stepped inside, Logan quickly reached for a huge, fluffy towel.

  “You okay?” he asked, wrapping it around my shoulders and giving my back a gentle rub.

  “Better than okay.” I hugged the towel around my chest and glanced at his nakedness. His cock looked fit to burst. He was hard and engorged while I was reveling in satisfaction, utterly fulfilled.

  “I’m gonna take a shower,” he said, shoving his hand through his hair and turning away.

  “Want company?”

  He looked over his shoulder and raised one brow. “I thought you’d be too tired.”

  “I can’t imagine ever being too tired for a shower with the infamous Phoenix.”

  His eyebrows lowered. “Don’t call me that.”

  “Why not? I thought everyone did.”

  “You’re not everyone and I like that you call me Logan. Nobody else does, not anymore. But it is my name.”

  “Okay, but if you don’t like Phoenix then why do you have that?” I pointed to the tattoo I’d spotted on his left butt cheek. It was a flapping orange and red bird with its beak stretched open—a phoenix rising from scarlet and yellow flames.

  He smoothed his hand over it. “Phoenix will always be part of me. I guess I like that you had a chance to get to know me without him getting in the way.”

  I stepped up and touched the bird’s outstretched wings, traced my finger along the lavish feathers and the pointed beak. His skin was cool and damp, small goose bumps invaded his flesh. “Come on,” I said. “Let’s get the hot water on.”

  We went into Logan’s bedroom. His en-suite was much more lavish than mine. He had a huge double walk-in shower decorated in plush gold and soft cream, a triple sink unit and a Jacuzzi bath.

  I hit the faucet and the shower filled with streams of pounding water from several different heads on the ceiling. He stepped in and I was close behind him.

  “Turn around,” I said firmly, feeling a sudden need for control.

  “What?” He frowned through the billowing steam.

  “Turn around.” I pressed his shoulder. “My turn to touch you.”

  His eyebrows twitched and so did his cock. He did as he was told and faced the wall
, offering me his long, wide back, tight butt and muscular legs coated in soft dark hairs that thinned to nothing at the top of his thighs.

  “Spread your hands out,” I said, cupping his triceps and urging his arms forward so his palms pressed against the tiles. “Like you’ve been arrested.”

  He grunted. “You getting all dominant police lady on me?” he asked, dropping his head and spreading out his fingers. The water filled his thick hair and sluiced down the gutter of his spine.

  “Why, can’t you handle it?” I traced my fingers through the river of water in the hollow of his back. “A woman taking control of you?”

  “Oh, I can handle it fine, but just remember, be careful what you start, I might just finish it.”

  “I’m pretty sure I can finish it.” I reached for a big yellow sponge and filled it with dark red shower gel. Squeezed and massaged until my fingers were white with thick, creamy foam and the scent of ginger and cinnamon filled the shower.

  As the water beat onto my back, I placed the sponge on the top curve of his shoulders and wiped from left to right. The pouring water slid the bubbles over his gleaming, golden skin. I squeezed some more and watched the soapy stream run through every trough and dip of his back, down the neat crack of his butt and on to his solid thighs, finally settling around his ankles before swirling down the drain.

  I touched the phoenix again and trailed upward to several crescent nail marks at the base of his shoulder blades—stab marks from my frenzied orgasm on the sofa. “Sorry about this,” I said.

  “My favorite kind of wound,” he said in a tight voice.

  “Yes, but I’m still sorry if I hurt you.”

  He huffed. “You didn’t hurt me.” His voice was as dry as he was wet. “But if you feel bad and want to make it up to me, feel free to, at any time.”

  I knew exactly how I was going to make it up to him. “Okay, turn around again.”

  He shifted and loomed over me with the look of the devil in the depths of his eyes. But I pressed firmly against his water-slick chest until he was backed against the tiles. “I’ve finished with your shoulders and butt now,” I said. “Though I reckon your front needs attention.”


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