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HOT ICE: Complete Sporting Romance Series

Page 24

by Lily Harlem

  I slid my hands up his hard, flat stomach, over silken feathered hair and ridged abs. I traced the underside of his wide, defined pectoral muscles coated in soft, downy dark blond hair and circled his small brown nipples until they tightened.

  He settled his hands on my waist, and dropped his head toward me.

  “Keep still and don’t touch me,” I ordered, shifting my hips.

  His arms fell away and he made a low growling noise.

  Standing on tiptoes, I pushed his gaping shirt until it draped over his shoulders.

  His breaths were slow but hard as his gaze bored into mine. There was a flush of color on his cheekbones.

  I walked behind him. He turned to follow my movements but I lifted my hand to his jaw and urged him to look straight ahead. “Don’t move,” I reminded him.

  I tugged at his collar and the shirt slid down to reveal his impossibly wide shoulders. I dragged it off and dropped it on the dressing table, indulging in a moment of just looking at him, drinking him up with my eyes. He was divine. His skin, a deep gold, stretched taut over thick balls of muscle and sinewy strips of tendon. The long, deep gutter of his spine was highlighted by powerful ropes of muscle running parallel and the width of his shoulders and the narrowness of his waist made him the perfect triangle. At the very base of his back sat the two most delicious dimples I’d ever seen. Partially hidden by his tailored trousers, but enough on show to know I could lick them all night.

  I reached out and touched his neck. Gently, just below his hairline, with my fingertip. His head tipped back a fraction and his shoulders lifted the smallest amount. He pulled in a breath.

  “Shh,” I soothed.

  Very slowly I ran my finger down his spine, deliberately feeling each vertebra. He was even more sublime than I imagined he would be. Faultless. Heart bursting with adoration and hardly able to believe I was finally getting my hands on him, I traced the arch of his back. Stroked over those two little dimples and delighted in the way his fists clenched at his side at my impossibly light touch.

  “Carly,” he said in a tight voice.

  I stepped in front of him. “It’s time to take these off.” I reached for the button on his pants and popped it open.

  His lips mashed together and his chest puffed as though he was holding in a breath.

  Finding the zipper, I dropped it over the solid bulge straining beneath. Looked up into his eyes and felt a tremble in my belly as my fingers brushed his hardness through the material. His eyelids were hooded, his lips slightly parted. I couldn’t trust how much self-control he had. Hell, mine was slipping away, fast.

  I had to act quickly for both our sakes.

  “Get on the bed,” I said, stepping away. “And lose the pants, shoes and socks.”

  “You better be quick with whatever this is you’re doing, honey, ’cause I’ve been wanting to be naked on a bed with you for some time now and my control is pretty much on zero.” He toed off his shoes and yanked at his socks. He shoved his smart black pants into a heap on the floor then sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Lie flat.” I pointed to the pillows.

  He stretched out, filling the bed from the headboard right down to the bottom. I could hardly keep my eyes off the cock tenting his black Calvin boxers. All I could think of was the ring in the end. I imagined I could see the shape of it through the material. But I couldn’t be sure. Was it really there?

  “I’m all yours, honey,” he said, shoving one hand beneath his head. His chest rose and fell quickly and his biceps were bunched.

  I crawled onto the bed next to him, being careful to keep the spikes of my stilettos upward. “I know you’re all mine,” I said, reaching for my purse. “That’s why I can do this.”

  I pulled a pink silk scarf from my bag. Holding each end, I snapped it in front of my face as if showing off its strength.

  He raised his eyebrows.

  I moved up the bed. Captured his free wrist in my hand and slid the silk beneath it. Tied a double knot.

  He looked at my handiwork with a mixture of curiosity and surprise.

  “I’m helping you out with that ‘jumping my bones’ problem,” I said as I threaded the scarf behind one of the thick oak slats on the headboard. I pulled and created a tight knot that lifted his hand right up to the board. It was well secured.

  “You think that will stop me?” A cocky glint shone in his eyes.

  “Mm, maybe not one, but two will.” I pulled the second scarf from my bag and reached for the wrist angled beneath his head.

  I tugged at his wrist. Licked my red lips and felt his muscles give as he let me lift his hand from beneath his head. I twisted the scarf around his wrist and, like the other one, secured it to the headboard.

  I sat back on my heels and studied him. The perfect specimen of the male species, harnessed to a bed, practically naked and desperate for it.

  I sucked in much-needed oxygen as my gaze floated down the underside of his arm. Paler skin led to wisped underarm hair and then on to the faint outline of his stretched ribs.

  God, I wanted him. But not yet. The last thing I needed to do was rush. This was all about timing.

  “So now what?” he asked, narrowing his eyes and shifting his hips.

  I stuck my hand in my bag and pulled out my new raspberry lipstick. Slowly I took off the lid, rolled it to full height and added an extra layer to my mouth. “Does this color suit me?” I asked, rolling my lips in on each other.

  “Yeah,” he said. “It’s real sexy.”

  I bent and placed a kiss on his stomach. Just above his navel. It left a bright, glossy mark on his skin.


  “How’s that?” I asked.

  “Sure. A bit lower would be real good, though.”

  I moved up to his chest, placed a red lipstick mark over first his left and then his right nipple.

  “Mm,” he said, “very artistic, but not quite what I had in mind.”

  I placed a gentle kiss on his collarbone. The lipstick was fading so I rolled it up again and reapplied. I settled over his face and, with my hair hanging down like curtains, kissed his left cheek and then his right, marking him with my lush red pout. I traced the seam of his mouth with my tongue, very lightly, very slowly. Tasting him, committing the contours of his lovely mouth to oral memory.

  Suddenly his tongue darted for mine. I rose up and his neck lifted to follow. He groaned in frustration as I held myself just out of his reach. I smiled then dropped so we could kiss lightly. He tried to force his tongue deeper into my mouth again and once more I lifted up. The headboard creaked ominously as he tried to follow me.

  “Be patient,” I said, quietly studying his lipstick-smeared mouth. Scarlet gloss blurred the line of his lips and dashes of red had caught in the bristles of his stubble.

  “So stop the damn teasing,” he said in a low growl that vibrated through his chest and straight into mine.

  “I’m not teasing, I’m just doing it my way.” I sat up, reached for the clasps on my shoes and dropped them to the floor. I spun up the lipstick and reapplied, slowly, deliberately.

  His eyes narrowed, following my every move, his breaths coming fast. I shimmied down the bed, sat back on my heels and curled my fingers over the waistband of his boxers.

  His abs tensed, creating a neat row of bricks that angled across his tight abdomen. “The moment of truth,” I said, licking my lips and feeling a wave of heated lust race to my pussy. “Were you lying about the ring?”

  “Why the hell would I make it up?” His eyes were blazing hot. “Go ahead, take a damn look.”

  A thrill of delicious, primitive power went through me. I gave him a slow, sexy, merciless smile and studied the red lipstick marks that had branded him as mine. His mouth, his face, his collarbone, his chest, his stomach. Now I would claim his cock. Mark that as mine, too.

  He stared back at me, direct, silent.

  I lifted up the elastic and absorbed the heat burning from him as I pulled back his boxer
s. His cock sprang upward, long and thick and roped with bulging veins. At the top, coming from the slit, sat a silver hoop with a ball at its center. My eyes widened and my mouth salivated. He’d been telling the truth, he really was deliciously bad.

  “Believe me now?” he asked in a low, throaty voice.

  “It’s bigger than I thought it would be.”

  He gave a strained huff. “What, you thought I’d have a small dick?”

  “No.” I shook my head and my hair fell farther forward. “I knew you’d have a big dick, you’ve got size thirteen feet.”

  His brow creased. “How do you—”

  “Your shoes.” I nodded to his discarded shoes. I’d known well before five minutes ago that he had size thirteen feet. That was the sort of info on player stat pages in People. “I mean the ring. It’s bigger than I thought it would be.”

  “No point having it if you can’t feel it, honey.” He tried to pull his arms down again and the headboard rattled. “Shit.” He glanced at his trapped wrists. “You sure you don’t want me to just take it from here? Come on, get rid of these knots and I’ll give you what you need, ’cause you look kind of like you’re in shock.”

  “I’m not in shock.” I looked up at him. “I’m just planning what to do with you. You and your ring.”

  His head dropped back and his cock twitched. I couldn’t wait another second, I reached for it. Wrapped my hand around the shaft, at the base like I’d said I would on the phone and how I’d wanted to during the interview. I gave it a squeeze. A low, tortured groan erupted from his throat and I absorbed the beautiful texture of his skin. Velvet softness on hard steel. The veins pulsated as I clasped him harder and began to slide upward.

  “Ah, I knew you’d feel sweet touching me, Carly, but jeez, that little hand of yours is…” He sucked in a breath. “Fucking awesome.”

  I slid up to the head—heart-shaped, swollen and the color of a ripe plum. A drip of moisture glistened in the slit, right next to the ring. I touched the fluid with the index finger of my other hand and swirled it around his hot, smooth flesh, being careful not to touch the piercing.

  He arched his hips off the bed and the headboard banged against the wall much louder than before.

  “Carly, you’re fucking torturing me,” he snarled through gritted teeth.

  “I haven’t even started yet,” I whispered as I released him.

  I clambered between his thighs, pushing at them as I went so I could sit between his spread legs. “Open up for me.”

  He parted his legs and I tipped forward. Just looking at his cock jutting toward me, angry and demanding, was nearly enough to make me come. My clit was pounding against the seam of my jeans and my pussy ached with need. But this wasn’t about me, not tonight. This was all about Brick and his desire for me growing bigger, faster, more intense than anything he’d ever known before.

  “You said you’d come if I tickled your piercing with my tongue,” I said quietly, feeling utterly sensual and powerful.

  “Hell, yeah, that’s a distinct possibility, but why don’t you strip off those wickedly tight jeans of yours and go for a ride instead, eh?”

  “Who’s tied to the bed?” I asked, running my finger up the inside of his thigh and licking my lips. “And who’s calling the shots?” I cupped my palm and let his balls sit in the center. He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut as I rolled them—tight balls in a loose-skinned sac. They felt so ardently male and virile I had to stop myself ducking down and sucking them into my mouth the way he’d sucked my breasts into his. “You’re tied up and I’m calling the shots,” I murmured, leaning forward so my mouth hovered over the tip of his cock. “And I want to tickle your jewelry with my tongue until you come. Until you come down my throat.” I couldn’t help the carnal smile that spread across my face.

  “Ah fuck. That’s not right, Carly.” He looked at me, his gaze settling on my glossed mouth an inch from his cock. “I should be inside you the first time tonight. I want—”

  “You don’t know what you want…yet.” I swiped my tongue over the bead of pre-cum welling in his slit. Let the small pearl of fluid sit on the tip before I pulled it into my mouth. He watched me with glazed eyes and a tense jaw.

  I stuck out my tongue again and tickled the tip over the ring. His whole body jerked. “Ah fuck.”

  I wrapped my hand around his shaft, holding his cock exactly where I wanted, and began to milk it up and down. His thighs trembled, his breath sucked in. I swiped my tongue back over the ring, more forcefully this time, and tasted his hot, male, salty flavor on the cool metal.

  “Oh fuck, you’re gonna get it in a minute,” he groaned as I started up a gentle tickling rotation and pumped him harder, faster. “Let’s just get to the main event, hop the hell on, will you?”

  I ignored him as sparks of desire raced around my body. My breaths were nearly as rapid as his. I opened my mouth wide and took him in so my lips sat just past his glans.

  The ring slid onto my tongue, foreign but so perfect in its smooth hardness. Already I couldn’t imagine it not being there. It was so part of him.

  The headboard jerked against the wall as I sank down, replacing my hand with my mouth. The whole bed shivered and his body tensed to granite. Determined to take the full length of him, I drew air through my nose until he filled my throat. I sucked gently, way down low on my tongue. A gentle rhythmic suction that shifted the ring with each tiny gulping action I made.

  “Oh yeah,” he moaned. “You’re too damn good at that. You better be real fucking careful.”

  His voice was strained and new drips of pre-cum emerged—he was a whisper from coming. I was about ready to combust, too. I’d dreamed of this, fantasized about giving him pleasure this way. And the reality was so much hotter, so much more erotic and it went so much deeper than physical pleasure. We were connecting—mind, body and spirit.

  I drew back, letting his shaft slide along the wide roll of my tongue as my fingers circled his girth, pumping faster, harder. When just the tip of his cock sat in my mouth, I snagged the ring and tugged gently with my teeth. The reaction was dramatic. He trembled and his cock twitched as if trying to get away from me but at the same time jerking back for more.

  Cupping his balls, I sank way down low again. Felt his testicles retract and his cock harden even further in my mouth as my lips stretched taut around his base.

  “Sweet Jesus, that’s so fucking…” he groaned.

  He was there.

  A strangled moan filled the room as pulsing hot jets spurted down my throat. I carried on sucking and stroking, milking and swirling. He tasted divine pouring over my tongue and I swallowed over and over, letting the ring stroke my palate. I’d just made Brick come. He’d had other ideas on how he wanted this to go, but I’d taken control. A tiny orgasm hit me. No stimulation other than jeans and my sweet power over him had created a small but delicious climactic tremor that enveloped me like a sugary cloud of dizziness. I shuddered, let a small moan rumble around his cock and shut my eyes.

  “Ah jeez, give me fucking strength.” Brick panted as his cock gave one final pulsation and stilled.

  I let him slide from my mouth and pushed up to my knees. His face was red with heat and my lipstick. His eyes closed, the silk scarves thin and tight and his fingers clenched.

  “You okay?” I asked, looking at the frown lines plowed across his forehead.


  I moved alongside him. He kept perfectly still as I pressed my mouth to his. “Did you enjoy doing it my way?”

  “What do you think?” he murmured. It was as if he were in a daze.

  “I think it did you good to let someone else call the shots.” I traced my finger over the center of his chest, curled it through the fuzz of chest hairs on his sternum and circled his nipple.

  “Good, yeah,” he spoke slowly. “It was really fucking good, honey. Jeez, you nearly blew my mind with all the sucking at the base of your throat as I was spurting. Where the hell did you lea
rn that?” He opened his eyes and looked directly at me.

  “I didn’t learn it anywhere,” I said as I dropped a kiss onto the wisps of hair in his exposed armpit. I breathed in the scent of fresh sweat and looked back up into his eyes. “It just felt the right thing to do with that ring sitting on my tongue.”

  “Well, I can promise you, I’ve never had such a fucking awesome blowjob.”

  A satisfied smile tugged my lips. “Glad you approve.”

  “I more than approve, that was enough to make a guy fall in love.” His mouth tilted in a contented smile and his eyes shut.

  Oh my God, he’d used the “L” word. A bubble of emotion swelled in my throat but I fought it down. It didn’t mean anything. I had just given him a “fucking awesome blowjob.” His emotions were confused. I had to remember that and not get carried away with thinking it was more for him.

  “You gonna untie me now?” he asked sleepily.

  “Yeah, in a minute. I’m just going to use the bathroom.”

  He dragged in a deep breath as a final shudder claimed his body. “Don’t be long, I’ll be ready to go again in ten minutes and then it’s your turn with the scarves. I’m gonna show you what I can do with my tongue.”

  “I may have a quick shower.” Lord give me strength. The thought of what he’d be able to do with that tongue was almost enough to make me strip naked and sit on his face.

  “So untie me before.”

  “I will, in a minute.” I had to get off the bed before my urges took over.

  He sighed and shut his eyes as though too beat to argue.

  I padded to the bathroom. Shut the door, ran the shower and splashed water on my face. I sat on the edge of the bath and counted to sixty slowly, in my head, ten times.

  Quietly I tiptoed into the room, urges in check. I stopped and stared at him lying on the bed. Still naked with his arms tied. His chest rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm. His cock was half hard and lay against his nest of pubic hair, the ring winking naughtily at me through the semidarkness. I moved silently over to him, my heart full of wonder at how one man could be so beautiful, and congratulated myself on branding him so prettily with my lipstick.


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