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HOT ICE: Complete Sporting Romance Series

Page 95

by Lily Harlem

  He reached for the binds on my wrists, carefully unraveled them and freed my arms.

  “Come here,” he said, rolling onto his side and pulling me close. “You need to catch your breath.”

  I happily snuggled into his wide chest and let him envelop me in his thickly roped biceps. He smelled hot and musky and his cock prodded against me.

  “But you haven’t…”

  “Shh,” he whispered, stroking my hair. “We have all day.”

  I sighed, pressed my thighs together and was rewarded with a lingering and pleasurable pulse of orgasm. He was right, we had all day and all night until the real world started calling us back to earth.

  Until then…


  I must have drifted off because when I woke I was alone. I stretched out my arms and faced the open bedroom door.

  A tap was running in the kitchen. It flicked off and there was the slap of big bare feet on the wooden floor.

  Dustin appeared holding two slim glasses of water.

  “I thought you’d be thirsty,” he said, walking naked into the room, stopping by the bed and gulping from one of the glasses.

  His cock was still rigid, the head almost touched his bellybutton and it was mauve with arousal.

  “I am thirsty,” I said, propping onto my elbows and licking my lips, “and it seems you’re in need of something else, too.”

  He smiled and passed me a glass. “I’m a patient man.”

  “Mmm, I’m not so sure about that.”

  “Well, to a certain degree anyway. Every guy has a snapping point.”

  I took a sip of water and then placed the tumbler on the bedside cabinet. As I did so the scarves fell to the floor in a slippery, silky slide. I looked at them, tangled and pale on the dark floor and then eyed the three-drawer cabinet.

  “I wonder what else is in here?” I said, grabbing the second handle down. “More things we can play with.” I giggled.

  He shrugged. “Dunno, take a look.”

  The second drawer held a map of the island and a ferry timetable. I quickly shut it. Boring.

  The next drawer wouldn’t budge. I tugged harder, almost toppling off the bed in my eagerness.

  “Here,” Dustin said, bending double. “Let me.”

  He pulled, hard, there was a snapping sound and it flew open, almost off its runners, leaving the shocking contents no place to hide.

  We were both silent for several seconds, then Dustin spoke. “Well, that wasn’t what I was expecting.”

  “No,” I agreed. “And who the hell does it belong to? Why is it here?”

  “Fuck knows, seems a lot of people borrow this place. But look, it’s brand new, it still has a price tag on.” Dustin lifted the black harness out of the drawer. The long, black cock attached to it came, too, hanging heavily from a smooth leather pad that resembled the front of a pair of panties.

  He held it up and the tip of the cock dangled near my face. It was remarkably detailed with a flared head and a groove where the opening on the tip would be.

  “I didn’t know Dad had any lesbian friends,” I said. “That’ll be who the scarves belong to as well.”

  Dustin laughed, a great big guffaw. “Lesbians?”

  I scowled. “Yes, that’s the sort of people who’ll own this.” I pointed at the strap-on and scooted backward onto the bed, against the cushions. “Because they haven’t got a dick to play with.”

  “It’s not just lesbians who use these,” Dustin said, gripping the silicone cock in his fist.

  I watched his fingers curling around the shaft and then glanced at his real cock, still engorged and ready for action. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean…” He formed a circle with his thumb and index finger and ran it to the root of the dildo then back to the tip as if jerking it off. “Couples use these… Male and female couples.”

  “Oh.” My mind whirred. I’d never really thought about it.

  “Yeah,” he said. “It can make things a whole lot hotter.”

  There was something about the carnal tilt to his lips and the narrowing of his eyes that told me Dustin thought strap-on play was off-the-scale boiling. I studied the dildo harness again, wondering if it would fit him if he wanted to penetrate me in two holes at once. I wasn’t averse to some rear entry fun, but it looked like a small width on the hips and too delicate for his big body.

  “I don’t think it will fit,” I said, “even if you did want to put it on.” I swallowed tightly, wondering at what was being left unsaid between us. Did I want him to double penetrate me? If he did that would be a first for me. Could I do it? Take that and him?

  “Me put it on?” He tipped his head to the side and tugged on his bottom lip. I got the feeling he wanted to say more but was stopping himself.

  Which was just as well, a spill of thoughts were avalanching in my brain. Eventually I asked, “You want me to wear it?”

  He set it on the bed, sat down next to it and took my hand. “You look shocked that I could suggest such a thing.”

  “Well, a little…”

  He tugged me forward and touched my fingers to his hot cock. “Feel how much I want you,” he said, his voice low and a little gruff. “I want every bit of you, everything you can give me, while we’re here and the rest of the damn world has faded away. This is our moment, you belong to me and I belong to you.”

  My heart rate picked up another level as I wrapped my fist around his erection. His shaft was solid and hot, the dead-straight veins engorged and pulsing against my palm. He was right, the rest of the world had faded away.

  “I can feel,” I whispered, “how much you need to come.”

  He groaned and his eyes rolled slightly. “God, you touching me might have that happening within seconds. You’re so damn sexy.”

  “But you want more than just my hand.”

  His eyes came back into focus and he set his attention on me.

  “What is it?” I asked. “Tell me what you want. How do you want to come?” It was only fair. He’d just given me a top-rate orgasm.

  “Will you wear it?” he asked quietly. “The strap-on.”

  “And then what?” I knew what, I just wondered if he’d say it in plain English. If he didn’t, that was okay, too, because there was something seriously sexy about the undercurrents swirling within our words.

  “What do you think I want to happen then?” He licked his bottom lip and blinked rapidly a couple of times.

  “I think you want me to fuck you.”

  “Got it in one.”

  A ripple of excitement traveled up my spine as images of what he was suggesting filled my mind. “Have you done it before, though? With something like that?” I nodded at the fake cock. “Up your…?”

  “At the risk of shocking you, yeah, a few times.”

  “Who with?” Not rink bunnies. Please, not just any old lay.

  He shrugged as though it didn’t really matter, though of course it did, then said, “My ex. We liked to experiment with what got us going.” He glanced away. “Things might have gone wrong between us relationship-wise, but there were never any issues with our sex life.”

  “Oh, I see.” I paused for a moment and studied him. He seemed so vulnerable confessing his history and exposing his desires to me, when he was naked and hungry for sex. It made me soften for him all the more and I was already pretty much a puddle of something scarily like falling for him.

  But I did understand exactly what he wanted. Though I was a little surprised that the great Dustin “Speed” Reed was willing to be bent over. Allow someone else to take control and shaft him up the ass.

  His turned back to me, grinned and cupped my cheek. “Hey, don’t look so worried, it’s just a bit of fun.” He stroked his thumb beneath my eye. “I’m comfortable enough with my masculinity and my love of women to know that enjoying a little ass play doesn’t make me gay.”

  “I can vouch for that,” I said, studying the dark lines that ringed his irises. We were so clo
se and I was still gently caressing his cock. “You definitely like women and you certainly know your way around the female body.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  “Mmm, I do.” I kissed him softly and slipped my index finger over his slit.

  “Ah, yeah,” he whispered against my lips. “Touch me, all over, inside and out. That would make this even fucking hotter, sweet cheeks.”

  “Might just be time for me to get acquainted with your sweet cheeks,” I murmured. “Help me on with this thing.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  God, we were really going to do this. I was really going to do this. It had never been a fantasy to use a strap-on, not even a thought. Now, well, now I was keen for the action to start.

  Dustin smiled. It was a lopsided grin that held nothing back, he was eager for this.

  I stood, rid my mind of curious thoughts and set about stepping into the strappy panties. Once pulled up, the cock stuck proud and upright from my mound. The feel of it, the sight of it, was strangely liberating and power inducing. I stroked it the same way I had Dustin’s and tried to imagine the sensations had it been real flesh.

  “Couldn’t hide that under one of those itsy-bitsy skirts you wear,” he said, rubbing his cheek and creating a sandpapery sound with his stubble and palm.

  I half smiled, but it was strange this glut of power my new cock gave me. I stepped toward the bathroom, felt it bob, the weight of it tugging the harness. God, was this how men felt all the time? No wonder they were always on the prowl.

  I tugged open a bathroom cabinet, tutted when I didn’t find what I was looking for and pulled at a drawer instead. Perfect. A full tube of lube.

  I filled the sink, took out a washcloth and washed the dildo in hot, soapy water. It smelled new, of silicone, like it was fresh from whatever factory made fake dicks.

  When I went back into the bedroom Dustin was rubbing his cock with languid movements, but his posture wasn’t lazy, he was tense, primed for takeoff, something about the spread of his legs and hunch of shoulders reminded me of how he stood in goal. Seeing him like that naked was glorious, his wide chest was rising and falling, his solid abdomen displaying all of his prominent muscles.

  I stopped right in front of him. “Close your eyes,” I said quietly, recalling what he’d said to me. “I want to adore you, touch you all over inside and out and make you forget who you are and why you’re here. Just give yourself over to me so I can bring you pleasure and then hold you together when your release threatens to drag your balls right out of your body and you feel like you’ll never stop coming.”

  His mouth fell a little slack. He stared at me for a moment and then shut his eyes.

  Where had all that come from? Shit. I hoped to hell I could keep my promises.

  I swallowed and took a deep breath. One thing was for sure, I wouldn’t find out unless I gave it a go.

  I reached for one of the scarves and then tied it around his head. It was pale yellow and edged with pink. The colors didn’t suit him, but what did suit Dustin was having him quiet, turned-on and doing as I told him—for once.

  “Stop playing with yourself,” I said, unfurling his fingers from his cock. “That’s for me to do.”

  He immediately set his hands on the bed, slightly behind himself.

  I took over the slow up-down movement on his cock, leaned forward and kissed his cheek, his neck and onto his collarbone. He tasted salty, a mixture of the sea and sweat from our exertions earlier, and his skin was warm and hard. “Relax,” I said. “You were able to do exactly what you wanted to me—”

  “Are you complaining?”

  “Hell, no. But now it’s my turn. Lie down. On your side.” I released his erection.

  The mattress shook as he shunted up the bed and flopped away from me. The ends of the scarf trailed onto the pillow behind him and he clenched his fists, one on the sheet in front of him and the other on his hip.

  For a moment I stared at his big, hard, body. He was quite possibly the hottest, roughest guy I’d ever had naked fun with. Then I curled in behind him, my fake cock sliding against his tense buttocks.

  I swept my upper hand down the length of his body, felt him quiver beneath my touch. Again I kissed him, licked him, too. I wanted to explore every inch of him. His broad back was gorgeous, acres of flesh all sun-kissed and smooth.

  He moaned a little, deep in his chest, and I drifted my hand down his hip, over his hand to his knee. “Pull your leg up,” I said, my lips moving against his flesh. “So I can touch you where you want me most.”

  Again the bed shifted, so did I as he pulled his top leg upward, bending it at the knee and then clasping his shin. It seemed as good as position as any to prep him and I wanted to play with his cock, too. Grip it in my hands as he came so I could feel the cum spurting up and out.

  Quickly I discarded the lid of the lube and flooded my fingers. I wasn’t particularly experienced in this but I knew enough to understand that he’d need to be plenty moist to take my big dick.

  “You okay?” I asked, nipping his shoulder and then kissing the sore spot.

  “Fuck yeah…” His voice was breathy. Anticipation? Excitement? A combination of both?

  “Good, now just relax.”

  He gasped a little as I spread cool lube around his anus and then slid my fingers forward to caress his balls. They were soft and hairless, partially retracted because of how turned-on he was. I took that as a good sign.

  Then I went back to his pucker and smeared the slippery wetness over the small wrinkles of skin.

  He trembled, a full body shake. I kissed and licked the base of his neck, making soothing noises. It was strange, this switch in control. But I liked it, more than liked it. I had the baddest, toughest goaltender in the NHL shivering for my touch, aching for my penetration, I was flying high on power and also in humbled awe of his trust.

  I slipped one finger into his dark heat, just the tip.

  “Ah Jesus, you touching me like that.” He twisted his head on the pillow. “Fucking awesome, but I can take it all, just do it…”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, fuck, I’m going to explode if you don’t do it soon.”

  “Are you giving me instructions when I’m the one in charge?” I couldn’t help but smile even though my tone was stern.

  “Nope, just a fucking suggestion.” He groaned when I gave it to him right up to my knuckle. The deep softness of his insides was such a contrast to his hard exterior. I stroked a little, searching for the hard nub I knew would be there somewhere.

  A denseness on the inside wall caught my attention and I rubbed over it.

  He just about shot off the bed. “Fuck,” he grunted. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  “Mmm, I think it’s time for that,” I said, sliding my finger from his ass.

  He was panting as I lubed up the dildo, his leg still braced upward, giving me access.

  I adjusted my position a little so I could make sure I had accurate aim, and then, with the tip of the cock positioned at his hole, I pushed in a fraction of an inch.

  He resisted, or at least his ass did. Not surprising—it was a big cock.

  Carefully I moved in real close again, pressing my breasts into his back and reaching between his arm and his leg for his cock. “Take me,” I murmured. “Let me in.”

  “Just do it,” he said, wrapping his free hand around mine as I fisted his shaft. “Just fucking do it.” He set up a firm pressure and a determined pace, masturbating by using my hand beneath his.

  I pushed harder, curling my hips, and felt a sudden give. My cock slid in an inch or so and then I stilled to let him adjust to the size.

  “Oh, fuck…” he groaned.

  My heart was thudding, my belly tense and my clit was throbbing against the front of the panties. I reckoned it wouldn’t take much to tip me over the edge, too. I was dizzy with desire, hyped up with lust, but I had to keep it controlled. Dustin was relying on me to.

ling good?” I asked.

  “Hell yeah!”

  I gave him more, loving how my increased entry extracted a moan and a tremble and then as I went higher a gasp and a jerk.

  “More?” I asked.

  “Yes, more. All the way.” He was moving my hand faster on his cock, almost as though using that sensation as a distraction from the burning stretch of my invasion.

  “I’m going to give you the whole thing now,” I said. “The way you did me, out there. Just fucking fucked me.”

  “Yeah, fuck me, sweet cheeks, fuck me, fuck me…”

  I released his cock and brought my hand down on his ass, a stinging slap that hurt my palm and sang around the room.

  He cried out, surprise more than pain I guessed.

  “I’ll fuck you when I’m ready. I’m in charge, I’m the boss.” I took a hold of his shaft again and once more he covered my knuckles with his palm and squeezed as I jerked him off.

  “Don’t I fucking know it.” He tipped his head backward, squashing his crown into my face. “Jesus Christ…ah…”

  He couldn’t wait any longer.

  Neither could I.

  “Hold on to something,” I said. “You’ll need to.”

  As I’d spoken I’d ridden to full penetration, seating the dildo as high as it would go.

  “Ah, damn it.” His voice sounded strangled but he pushed down, as though wanting more.

  There was no more to give, so I withdrew, drove back in, hoping that my angle was rubbing over his prostate.

  It seemed it had. The guttural whimper that vibrated through his body was like nothing I’d ever heard before.

  “Yeah, like that,” he gasped when I stilled at full depth. “Oh, yeah, give it to me like that.”

  I remembered what it had been like for me in my dark world, just sensation and his touch, his kisses, his determination to make me come spectacularly. So I began to work a rhythm, pulling almost out and easing in. His hole took me easily now, so it seemed, and his insides accepted me. Each time the root of the cock buried deep, the panties rubbed on my clit and the pressure in my pelvis was mounting. It spurred me on— perhaps I too would come.

  His cock was solid. I wasn’t sure how much harder it could get before he climaxed. That wouldn’t be long. I was making sure the cant of my hips was just right on each thrust. Each time the flare of the cock head butted over his internal hot spot he groaned and stilled for a split second.


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